Nile-Delta II

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UFP Dept. of Colonial Affairs | UFP Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.

Official Name in Standard:
        Nile-Delta II
National name:
        Nyl ["y" pronounced as in "eye"]
Title of Head of State:
        High Priest/ess of the Temple of Umonra at Febs
        [Umonra = oo'-mon-rah; "Febs" as in "february"]
Title of Head of Government:
        same as above
Political system:
        Theocracy (of selected priests/priestesses)
Technology level:
        Late bronze/early iron age (cf Terran history)

Nile-Delta system, alpha quadrant
Non-eclipsing binary suns (hot blue, white dwarf)
Five (5) planets in system
Four small moons (3 equidistant about equator, 1 not in ecliptic)
Capital city: Febs

Nile-Delta II is a mostly arid environment punctuated by multiple
oases of varying size and several important river systems. Of
exceptional note is the presence of an equatorial river belt.

This river belt circumscribes the entire planet (though at many
places the system may move underground and be of varying sizes)
and remains at a mainly constant volume due to water evaporation
and transportation at high (stratospheric) altitude to the small
polar ice caps, from where it returns again to the equator after
only a few centuries.

The majority of the population is present at these river valleys
where they live a mostly agrarian lifestyle with 90% of the
population involved in crop production.

The mineral resources of Nile-delta II are very few and what
little there are tend to be located far from populated area in
the mountainous chains running longitudinally between the river

The intense light received from the larger and brighter of the
two stars coupled with the proximity of Nile-delta II to the
centre of the solar system has made for a nearly climateless
environ. However, soil fertility limits the population to the
30th parallel except in very limited locales.

Nile-delta II exhibits an extensive pre-industrialized economy.
The lack of mineral resources, however, has retarded growth of
the economy and also the invention of technology required for
interstellar trading.

Due to a privacy treaty (see next section) we have been unable
to determine if any resources useful to it are present on Nd2 and
have not been permitted to establish our own interstellar trading

Nile-delta II was contacted--prior to the advent of the first
General Order when culture contamination was still an arguable
quantity and ship's captains were given much reign in negotiating
treaties and compacts -- by the USS Outreach (Captain: Arnold
Jack).  Following exposure of the ship's XO to the paralytic
resin of the kalach tree while part of a first contact landing
party (archaic term for _away team_) the none too ignorant High
Priest Alach-Del negotiated a privacy treaty and Associate Member
status for his planet in return for saving the officer.  All
information in this report has been discerned from this original
brief encounter and the subsequent emergence of a small number of
Nilen citizens from the planet 10 years ago.

The history of the Nilen people starts ten thousand years ago
when it is claimed that the Nilen people were transplanted from
earth by a group of extraterrestrials from -- reportedly -- the
legendary continent of Atlantis, prior to the great Deluge.
Since that time the technology level of the planet has remained
approximately constant.

Other than this there has been little of interest in the history
other than the secrecy of the people which, of course, inflames
interest.  Speculation is rife amongst historians--foremost among
this number at the present time is Galen Maxfield, PhD, DSc -- at
how USS Outreach XO Carmen Walters came into contact with the
kalach resin and how was Captain Jack persuaded so readily into
signing a treaty totally preventing surveillance/reconnisance of
the planet and its populace in perpetuity.

Dr Maxfield theorizes that the planet's technology has not
progressed but actually regressed, citing Ignatius Donnelly,
Edgar Cayce and Karosh of Altair as evidence that Atlantis
actually possessed highly advanced technological accomplishments
and the lack of disease witnessed amongst the population on Nd2
bespeaks of advanced medical technique.

Karosh of Altair is more reasonable in his treatment stating that
the lack of illness is only to be expected amongst a population
transposed to an entirely alien biosphere, where the blue sun
with its high frequency radiations (particularly ultraviolet)
would have had a sterilizing effect upon any bio-organisms
introduced with the transplanted human specie.

The populace of Nd2 is primarily agrarian and illiterate. The
1-in-10 of the population who is not involved in the production
of grain crops are mainly craftsmen, traders, soldiers and
priests. Whilst the head of government is uniplanetarily
recognised as the High Priest to Umonra there are a number of
petty kingdoms who engage in small scale warfare all accross the
planet. At any time there is at least one small skirmish taking
place or soon to be doing so.

Primary to Nilen culture is the worship of Umonra, taken to be
the Supreme Form in the universe. Doctrinal notes on this
religion are extremly scarce and fragmentary and have not been
forthcoming, even with the comparatively recent expedition of a
number of Nilen citizens into wider Federation space. The one
consistent theme is that it is necessary that one either believe
that Umonra is the Supreme Form or, of secondary benefit, one
have an _advocate before Umonra_. This advocate takes the form
of one who has been a friend in life and who is a worshipper of
Umonra. The advocacy happens after the advocates death,
irrespective of the time of death of the _defendant_.

It is uncertain why, if everyone of Nd2 is a worshipper of
Umonra, this concept of an advocate is necessary. The two schools
of thought on the matter hold that either the same religious
texts that speak of the Elder Brothers also speak of _younger
brothers_ on other planets who need rescuing from themselves, or,
not everyone on Nd2 worships Umonra.

Clarification on this point has not been forthcoming from any of
the wandering Nilens.

Other information is sparse at best but will be made available
when recorded.

Creator(s)/Adaptor(s)                 Email Address
Creator: Scott Maxfield     

Created for/First Use (if known):
Biography of character _Enchartis-Deon_, May 1998
(played by the creator, Scott Maxfield)

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__ Canonical - All rights reserved by Paramount.

__ Semi-Canonical - All rights reserved by Paramount.

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X_ Original - All rights reserved by creator named above.
