Samira Amman

Revision as of 21:03, 30 October 2020 by AF-lawyerfish (talk | contribs)

I. Personal Data


  • Surname: Amman
  • Given Name(s): Samira
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant JG (O-2)
  • Current Billet: Science Officer
  • Species: Human (Altered)
  • Gender/Sex: Female
  • Age: 30 Standard Terran Years
  • Date of Birth: December 21, 2402
  • Place of Birth: Mosul, Iraq, Earth
  • Parents:
  • Father - Mohammad Amman, Math Professor
  • Mother - Dinah Kuvalos, Chemist
  • Sister: Nasser Amman, Professional Boxer
  • Sister Fatima Amman, Propulsion Engineer
  • Spouse: None

Children: None

  • Religion: Atheist (Strident)
  • Languages: Standard, Arabic, English, Mandarin Chinese, Greek, Russian, Sanskrit, Greek (ancient), Latin, Sumerian Cuneiform, Preserver Runic, Iconian (20% and growing)

Physical Description:

HT: 6'2" WT: 226lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Black

A. Chronology (tabular form):

0-13: Lived with parents

13-17: Bagdhad University Bachelor of Arts Dual Major Archaeology/Geology

18-20: Harvard University Master of Science Archaeology and Master of Arts Linguistics

22-24: Oxford University, Ph.D Archaeology

24-25: Oxford University, Ph.D Applied Mathematics

24-28: The British Museum, Assistant Mesopotamia Curator

28-30: Starfleet Academy (commissioned as Lieutenant JG)

30-  : USS Ranger, Science Officer

LTJG Amman has the build of a (very strong) Klingon warrior woman. Tall, muscular and freakishly strong.

II. Educational Background

Civilian Education: Bagdad University, Bachelor of Arts Dual Major Archaeology/Geology

Harvard University, Master of Science Archaeology and Master of Arts Linguistics

Oxford University, Doctorate in Archaeology and Applied Mathematics

Activities: Boxing, MMA Ultimate Fighting, Spelunking, Bodybuilding, Swimming

Star Fleet Training:

Starfleet Academy 2428-2430 Shortened Curriculum, Graduated as Lieutenant JG

Helok II Dig Site 2430-2432 Lead Archaeologist

USS Ranger 2432- Chief Science Officer

Qualifications (MOS/MOC):

25th Century: Science Officer

A. Background Summary:

Samira is the great granddaughter of Retired Commodore Hsina Amman, a famous archaeologist and Starfleet officer of the 23rd and 24th centuries known for cracking the code of Preserver writing. Samira is the spitting image of her, and despite a genealogical lineage easily proven through detailed Starfleet records, somehow has 99.99997% identical DNA to her great grandmother. Extensive testing was done for genetic engineering, but the results are that no tampering can be found. Hsina Amman's Daughters and granddaughters all had the exact same DNA as well. The belief among the scientific and medical communities is that Hsina interacted with a Preserver artifact that somehow recombined her DNA, which allowed the 23rd century officer to interact with Preserver technology that nobody else was able to interact with, and that somehow her offspring are in effect genetic clones. Neither Hsina nor any of her children or grandchildren ever had male offspring, and despite different fathers, all offspring had the same 99.99997% perfect DNA replication.

IV. Skills Profile

Samira is, simply put, brilliant. Possessed of an eidetic memory, she is especially gifted in math and language.

In terms of her skills and qualifications as a scientist, Samira, like her famous great grandmother, is first and foremost an archaeologist, but also has strong understanding of the related sciences of geology, chemistry, metallurgy and biology.

Also like her great grandmother, Samira is simply "built better" than the average human. While nobody can prove anything as her DNA appears completely human and the only tampering was to her great grandmother by the Preserver artifact. The result is that Samira will have a longer than average life span by about 25%, has never so much as caught a cold, and otherwise is just a "perfect specimen".

V. Recent Fitness Report

While I, and everyone else at medical is baffled by how Cadet Amman's DNA is an exact match for her great grandmother's, the fact is that she is the picture of perfect health. I have never seen a human female display the levels of strength, endurance and dexterity of Lieutenant Amman.

Medical Officer’s Final Report:

Lieutenant Amman has completed all aspects of her training without any medical issues.

Dr. Harold T. Molina, Starfleet Medical Command

VII. Psychological Profile

Lieutenant Amman is a very unusual person. She is quiet and reserved most of the time, yet also extroverted in that she has no shyness and appears to not have any fear. While I've interviewed her multiple times and even done so with the assistance of a Betazoid counselor, I'm unable to to get any read at all on what makes her tick.

My inability to get any read on her aside, Lieutenant Amman displays no instability, no mental conditions that would in any way disqualify her from serving in any Starfleet assignment.

Doctor Junko Watanabe, Starfleet Medical, Counselor

VIII. Current Recreational Interests

Lieutenant Amman actively competes in amateur boxing and MMA ultimate fighting events, usually in "open" leagues that have no gender or even species restrictions.

IX. Miscellaneous Information

Samira has, in fact, identical DNA to her great grandmother. This has the strange effect of bringing up both her own and her great grandmother's medical files every time she is scanned on a Starfleet biobed or other medical system.

She also can interact with certain Preserver artifacts that are DNA access coded. Samira is not aware of any of this at this point.

End BioFile