Lyrica Shae

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
Revision as of 20:17, 23 July 2020 by Drainu8 (talk | contribs)

I. Personal Data
Full Name: 		Lyrica Shae
Surname: 		Shae
Given Name: 		Lyrica
Current Rank: 		Commander (O-5)
Current Billet: 	Ambassador, Starbase SERENITY
Species: 		Homo Sapiens (Betazed)
Gender: 		Female
Age:			53 Terran Standard Years
DOB: 			05-01-2379
POB: 			Romazhed, Betazed
Parents: 		Barek Shae, (Ph.d, Betazed Institute of Cultural 
                	1/2 Betaziod, 1/2 Terran (Native American 
			Eliria Shae - StarFleet Dipliomatic Corps.
                		StarFleet Attaché to Betazed.
Siblings:		Danae Shae (53)	Medical Doctor Tallus IV
			Kia Shae (51) Archeologist (whereabouts unknown)
			Ranan Shae (48) Chemical Engineer, Lyran Home World
			Tavon Shae (44) Doctor, Veterinary Medicine, Terra
			Mira Shae (42) Entertainment Specialist 
				(Actress/waitress), Risa
			Eliane Shae (39) Child Development Specialist, Betazed

Physical Description:
Ht: 		5'5" 
Wt: 		150  
Eyes: 		Brown 
Hair: 		Brown 
Skin: 		Light Brown Identifying
Marks: 		Tattoo of a hawk on Left Shoulder
Blood Type: 	Az-
Religion: 	Eclectic
Citizenship:	UFP
Languages: 	Gaelic, Lakota, Spanish SF English, Bajoran, 
			Chinese, Hebrew.

II. Educational Background
A. Academic Institutions Attended:
      -- Private Tutors on Betazed
      -- University Of Betazed
        (Bachelors of Arts - Socioanthropology)
          	Minor -  Comparative Theology
		Thesis - "Belief Systems of the Scientific mind."
        (Masters Degree - Socioanthropology )
	(Doctorate of Socioanthropolgy
		Dissertation - "Symbiosis of Faith and Science "

***Published Author; "Impact of Faith on Telepathic/Telepathy on Faith"
Copyright SOL Publishing Co. 2408 .All rights Reserved.

B. Service Schools Attended:
	-- Star Fleet Officer's Cadidate School

C. Qualifications
	-- Qual:  Ship Counselor

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:

	Did not attend Star Fleet Academy

III. Biographical Notes:

A. Chronology:
0-17 		Betazed, grew up with parents and sisters
18-23  		BA/MA University of Betazed
23-25 		Travel, working on Ph.d
26-28 		Completed Ph.d
29-32 		Officer Training Course.
32-Present	Active duty in Star Fleet.

B. Background info
The youngest of seven daughters, Lyrica has pursued her career studying
various species and their interactions with religions, traveling
extensively to this end. She joined Starfleet to travel more readily.

C: Personality Summary:

She is Philosophical, somewhat non- committal, as she always tries to see
all sides of an issue. She may appear too understanding at times due to her
diplomatic tendencies. Very aware of gender differences, despite species...
it always seems to come to the same issues.
Very feminine energy, in abundance.

" To whom it may concern,
I write this letter to recommend and affirm the abilities of Dr. Lyrica
In the years she has spent in StarFleet Academy, I would have to say she is
the epitome of what the Officer Training Course was founded for. She is a
consummate scientist, and a well read counselor. I found her views on
certain issues refreshing, if not exasperating. But to her credit, she never
came to an argument unprepared.
But all in all, one of the finest minds I've encountered.
I can say unreservedly, that she will make a fine addition to any crew she
assigned to. Her strength lies in her diplomacy and nurturing quality which
both seem to stem from her telepathic ability. In fact, the only quirk on
her record, is her particular habit of wearing religious iconal
jewelry...normally not an issue with StarFleet Regulations governing the
religious expression of officers and crew... however, Dr. Shae seemed to
wear as  DIFFERENT religious icon every week or so.
Beyond that, she is a fine officer and an excellent counselor. I wish her
luck and Gods Speed.

Captain Richard Anthony M.D. Ph.d
StarFleet Medical Corps - Psychiatric Division

D. Promotion History

110520 - Graduated ALB Rank of Ensign; Assigned to DS13 COU
110918 - Promoted to rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2)
111215 - Second Battle of the Belt
111230 - Promoted to Lieutenant
130224 - Kalen Donalson born
140312 - Married LT Eric Donalson
140609 - DS13 Explosion
140701 - Assigned to Gorn Ambassador as Liason
141115 - Assigned USS SERAPIS as Protocol Officer
171201 - Transferred to DEEP SPACE 13 as Protocol Officer
201212 - Promoted to Lt Commander Assigned to Diplomatic Corps SFHQ
292121 - Promoted to Commander Assigned Ambassador to Gorn Confederacy
320701 - Assigned Ambassador Deep Space 451

Not a conventional officer, but then again, few officers that come through
the OTC are, her desire to help and heal are at times overwhelming... nearly
as intense as her desire for discovery.

has spent years in between her MA & ph.D traveling to different religious
locales, including Tibet, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ireland, Peru on Terra,
and on Bajor.

VI. Recreational Activities

Reading fantasy literature, horseback riding, and vintage movies of 
numerous cultures.