James Cross

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CAPT James D. Cross [Timothy Sowards]

I. Personal Data Surname: Cross

Given Name: James

Nickname: Jimmy

Service Number: SF-859939-51726841-SI

Current Rank: Captain (O-6)

Current Billet: Commanding Officer, USS EXCALIBUR NCC-1884-B

Species: Homo sapiens sapiens

Gender/Sex: Male/XY

Age: 40 Terran Years

Date of Birth: April 5th,2382

Place of Birth: Ares City, Sol IV

Height: 6' 3"

Weight:195 lb

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Blood Type: O-

Citizenship: Sol IV ; United Federation of Planets

Languages: Terran Standard (native speaker)


Father: Commander Daniel Eugene Cross (Ret)

Mother: Professor Virginia Ann Cross


Eugene Wesley Cross (Senior Chief Petty Officer, SB SARES)

Jennifer Lynn Cross (Petty Officer, USS HIPPOCRATES NCC-47900 )

Jaime Ann Cross (Sister, CHIEF Security Officer, USS KAGA NCC-54057)

Matthew Robert Cross (MED, USS PHOENIX NCC-5800-A )


Chicken Fried Steak, Bajoran Music, American Football


Klingon Food, Ferengi Music, Ktarian Eggs (Allergic)


Admiral Rick Weiss, Captain Sorrel

Years in Star Fleet: Eighteen



2404-2406:USS GALAXY

2406-2408: USS TYPHOON

2408-2410: ARGOS IV

2410-2413: USS SOYUZ

2413-2415: USS TESLA

2415-2420-USS STORM

2420-2424: USS MONITOR










2410-LT (ARGOS IV)





Isaac Asimov Elementary School

Stephen Hawking Middle School

Ares City High School

Starfleet Academy




Graduation Paper: Jonathan Archer: Pioneer

Academic Major: Astronomy

Professional Major: Tactical Systems

Qualifications: Tactical, security, navigation, helm, operations, command

Commendations: 2

Reprimands: 0

Commendation for leading DELTA Squadron to FIRST AMERICAN COLLEGE FOOTBALL TITLE (BCS)

Commendation for Original Thinking Astronavigational Final Exam

Activities: Delta Squadron, Varsity Letters in American Football.


James Daniel Cross was born on April 5th 2382 in Ares City on Sol IV. James hailed from a long-line of Starfleet Officers dating back to Earth Starfleet Services & duty during the Romulan War. His father is Commander Daniel Eugene Cross, a retired Starfleet Engineer, and his mother, Virgnia Ann Cross is a civilian archeological professor working with the Daystrom Institute.

Growing up on Mars, James held a fascination with exploration and it was a foregone conclusion that James would follow his father & brother into Starfleet thus contiuing the family tradition. He was gone often for hours at a time learning about his homeworld and often idolized his brother for his adventures in space.

However, James began to find his own place in the world. As a Young Man, a High School Freshman he was visiting his brother, Eugene whom was home on leave. Eugene & James as well as some friends were having lunch at a local eatery. During the visit James noticed that a young Orion male, a Star Fleet Recruit was being verbally abused by a trio of very drunk Starfleet Officers.

Eugene and James's friends tried to warn the both of them not to interefere. James and his brother managed to get the Orion to safety. The Three Drunk Starfleet Officers left the eatery & left without incident. Eugene praised James's steadfast restraint in the face of overwhelming odds. The Following day Eugene took James to the local Starfleet Recruiting Station to meet with Captain Rick Weiss, the local Starfleet Recruiter.

When he was newly graduated High School Senior, James took the Star Fleet Academy Entrance exams. He passed with flying colors particularly on the Astronavigation Tests. That fall he entered Star Fleet Academy.

James was accepted into the Delta Squadron Fraternity, the same fraternity his brother Eugene belonged to. James was a stand-out Quarterback for the Academy American Football Team. In his final year he recieved a commendation for leadership as team Captain during the BCS College Championship.

Following graduation James was assigned to the USS GALAXY under the command of Captain Richard Franklin as Gamma Shift Helm Officer. After two years aboard, he underwent a standard service review. Upon Completion of the review James's name was put forward for promotion. Captain Franklin recommended James for transfer to USS TYPHOON under the command of Captain Scott Chase, Chase agreed with the review and promoted him to Lieutenant Junior Grade. Chase assigned him as Alpha Shift Helm Officer. TYPHOON conducted patriol duties within GREEN FLEET along the Cardassian Border.

Following a two year tour of duty James was transferred at the request of Ambassador Soril, a Vulcan Male to become Starfleet Liason and attache to the Embassy on ARGOS IV. While on ARGOS IV Cross met Okuda Amar, an aide to the Bajoran Ambassador to ARGOS IV. James & Okuda Married three months later.

An Incident on ARGOS IV derailed their Marriage. A Former STAR FLEET ACADEMY cadet, living on ARGOS IV led a revolt against the corrupted goverment. James learned the leader's name was Belkin, a former classmate of his. James was assigned as negotiator due to James' familarity with Belkin, a Bolian.

After three tension filled days James was able to talk Belkin into surrender, conditions of the deal were that Belkin would serve time in an Argosian penal facility in return the Argosian Goverment would hold special elections under the observation of the Federation Council.

In response the Bajoran Goverment recalled all Bajoran Personnel on ARGOS. Okuda filed a Divorce citing religous diffrences, due to Bajoran Custom, the divorce was quickly granted. Unkown to Cross, Okuda also departed with the secret that she was carrying his child, a daughter whom she named Cheyenne.

Shortly following this incident James was awarded the MERITOUS SERVICE MEDAL for his conduct in resolving the hostage crisis on ARGOS IV. In addition he was promoted to full lieutenant. Due to the painful memories with Okuda on ARGOS, he quickly accepted a transfer to the USS SOYUZ a TSYKLON-CLASS survey vessel as operations officer.

SOYUZ conducted interdiction duties along the Romulan Neutral Zone in addition to regular scientific surveys which included colonial support operations along the zone. In 2413 James underwent another performance review and was subsequently promoted to LIEUTENANT COMMANDER.

Following his promotion James was assigned to the U.S.S TESLA, a FEYNMAN-CLASS science vessel to serve in the position of second officer, placing him on the command track. TELSA conducted scientific research missions at the behest of the VULCAN SCIENCE ACADEMY.

After the Two Year assignment was up, James was reassigned to USS STORM under the command of Sorrel, a Vulcan Female. Sorrel beleived that James had potential handpicked him based upon his excellent service reputation and began tutoring him in the finer aspects of Starship Command.

His tour of duty aboard the STORM was the longest of his career having spent five years aboard the vessel. His tour of duty ended as his mentor, Captain Sorrel passed away untimely because of Varnak's disease. Not wishing to remain aboard without his respected Captain, James asked for and was granted a transfer. He soon was posted to the HOOD-CLASS vessel USS MONITOR to serve in the capacity of executive officer.

His service aboard MONITOR was examplary and what caught the eye of STAR FLEET COMMAND. During a routine patrol of the Romulan Neutral Zone, the MONITOR picked up unusual Federation Signatures emitting from a nearby and previously uncharted comet. MONITOR altered course to investigate.

Sensor Scans revealed debris of a downed Earth Starship, HORIZON on the dead comet. Much to the surprise of the MONITOR crew, human life-signs were discovered. James, freshly promoted to COMMANDER led an away team down to the relic.

Commander Cross and his away team were surprised to discover a thriving yet limited humanoid population living within the remains of the former starship, descedants of the ship's crew. Cross successfully negotiated with the colonial leadership to recieve fresh supplies and medical equipment.

For his actions, Commander Cross was awarded the DISTINGUISHED SERVICE MEDAL and the STARFLEET COMMENDATION MEDAL.

Four years later, MONITOR returned to STARBASE GAMMA to undergo a manditory refit. Commander Cross recieved priority orders to report to ADM John R. Brooks, CINCBLUE for reassignment.


James Cross is considered decisive and strong-willed. He is also a dynamic, idealistic, and charismatic leader who can inspire fierce loyalty in his subordinates. However, Cross is shown at times to be willing to take calculated risks and stubborn. He usually demonstrates a cheerful and upbeat personality. Occsaionally has shown to have a fierce temper that can lead to occasional explosive outbursts of anger.