Surya Arani

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LT Surya Arani [Erica Stark,]
I. Personal Data
Surname:        Arani
Given Name(s):  Surya
Current Rank:   Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2)
Current Billet: ALB Holodeck Trainee
Species:        Betazoid
Gender/Sex:     Female
Age:            30 Standard Terran Years
Date of Birth:  August 13, 2391
HT:  1.54 m; WT:  52.2 kg; Eyes:  green; Hr.:  red; Comp:  fair
Place of Birth: Betazed, near Dalana
Spouse:         none
Tarina Ral (mother), Garrus Arani, (father)
12, all older.  In birth order: Darven, Cylia, Markol, Tamin, Belsha, Artali, Zuwana, Neilon, Helkir, Jayna, Powyl, Ossun, Surya.

II.  Educational Background

A.  Academic Institutional Background:
    -- homeschooled
    -- Star Fleet Academy
    -- University of Betazed

B.  Service Schools Attended:
    -- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officer School

C.  Qualifications (MOC's)
    -- Counselor
    -- Medical Officer

D.  Star Fleet Academy Record:

Academy Record:
Class Rank:          Top 15%; Honors *cum laude*
Academic Major:      Psychology
Professional Major:  Pre-Medical/Pre-Counseling
Qualifications:      Counselor, Medical Officer
Commendations:       9
Dean's list SA: 3 years out of 4, UoB: 4 years out of 4
Salutatorian for UoB graduation class of 2418.
Starfleet Academy: 2410, Recommendation of Honor, along with 5 others, for turning in fellow classmates who were using illegal technology to cheat in classes and on exams.

Reprimands:          1
Engaged in fist-fight over study materials with fellow student at SWOS. (Later removed when it was discovered that she had simply been defending herself.)

Starfleet Academy: Gymnastics team, Vulcan meditation, Earth yoga & martial arts
University of Betazed: Gymnastics team, participant in cross-culture dance and martial arts teams

III.  Biographical Notes

A.  Chronology (tabular form):

0-18: Lived with parents - received homeschooling

18-22:  Attended Star Fleet Academy.

22:     Attended Space Warfare Officer School. (naval officers)
23-27:  Attended University of Betazed.

27-29: Residency at Goddess of Empathy Hospice, in Dalana.

B.  Background Summary:

Surya is the youngest of thirteen kids.  Her eldest brother, Darven, was born during the Dominion occupation of Betazed, and her parents both fought in the battle that finally freed their home of the invaders.  From that point, though most of their compatriots went on to resume their lives as they had been prior to the occupation, Tarina and Garrus decided that they would take a different path.  All of their children were home-schooled, and, in addition to learning in the areas of academics and fine arts, they were also schooled in the hidden teachings of Betazed, wherein their natural telepathy was trained and refined to the point that each could, to some degree, perform feats of telekinesis.  As an honor to Lt. Bowen Gwilt, a Starfleet officer who had befriended the Aranis and died saving Tarina and Darven from a Dominion attack, Garrus required all of his children to learn the Earth language of Welsh.  Tarina and Garrus expected only the best efforts from all of their chil
 dren.  Growing up in a family of that size was boisterous, to say the least, and all the kids learned the need to stand up for oneself, as well as overcoming the fear of doing so.  Growing up on a farm, all were expected to know some degree of gardening and animal husbandry, along with mechanical repair. 

IV.  Official Star Fleet Record

A.  Promotion History:
170601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
210601 Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).

B.  Service History:
130615 Entered Star Fleet Academy.
170601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
210601 Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).

C.  Medals and Commendations:

V.  Skills Profile

Psychology and some medical skills - more along the lines of a medic, rather than a full doctor.  
Diplomacy and negotiation, organization and record-keeping, tact.
(Psionics) Empathy, telepathy, telekinesis.

VI.  Recent Fitness Report

Meets or exceeds all standards for physical health and endurance.  Prefers tai'chi and yoga to more strenuous activities, though her gymnastics skills are very competitive.
Due to height (or lack thereof), sometimes requires special equipment to complete tasks.  (Stepladder or lower bar for pull-ups, etc.)

VII.  Psychological Profile

Kind and compassionate, eager to help, generally takes direction without question.  Has a short temper, though she works very hard on keeping it under control.  Has been given several quick relaxation techniques to achieve this goal.  Her temper has become much less of a stumbling block for her since her arrival.
Tends to be rather more competitive in some aspects than the norm for Betazoids, which can be explained by her being the youngest of thirteen.
Also due to this familial situation, has had far fewer problems adjusting to life in academy dormitories.
Tendency toward stubbornness.

VIII.  Current Recreational Interests

Gymnastics, tai'chi, yoga, reading, playing music and singing, dancing, meditation, crafting, art, gardening.  Recently begun the study of archery. 

IX.  Miscellaneous Information

Surya is generally friendly and outgoing, but she does have a temper, and she tends to become sarcastic when reining in that temper.  She genuinely wants to help people, and enjoys meeting other people, though people who are willfully stupid, or those who are close-minded or bigoted annoy her greatly. (And, she generally has no problem letting them know her opinion.)

End BioFile