Talia Virn

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Bio file: LT Talia Virn


Name : Talia Virn (changed legally from Talia Beldon after being joined with the symbiont Virn)
Gender : Female
Species : Trill (joined)
Citizenship : Federation, Trill Homeworld
Marital status : Separated (see below)
Religion: agnostic

Age : 33
DOB: 28th August 2383 (Talia), 8th April 2148 (Symbiont Virn)
Place of birth : Trill Homeworld

Rank : Lieutenant (O-3)
Service number : SF-722474-664287-FN
Previous billets :
__Assistant Chief Science Officer, USS HAWKING
__Protocol Officer, USS RUTHLEDGE II
Current Billet: Chief Science Officer, USS NOVA

Physical Description

Height : 173 cm
Weight : 68 kg
Build : slim, wiry

Hair : naturally brown, staight, falls to half of her back, often braiden or tied into a ponytail, frequently colored (currently greenish)
Eyes : grey-green
Skin : Caucasian, pale
Identifying marks : faint scars on her lower abdomen from implantation of symbiont

Medical Profile (Summary)

DNA profile : 100% Trill
Injuries :
__Minor :
____Several broken ribs, Age: 32, Full recovery
____frequent scratches, bruises and minor abrasions mostly from her recreational activities (see below), all satisfactory healed
__Major :

General Physical health: Excellent


Early Education;
Trill Elementary School and High School
Trill Initiate Training

Starfleet training:
Staf Fleet Academy
4 year officer's course

__Starfleet Commission
__Passed, Level 3 Pilot Training
__Passed, Junior Bridge Officers Test

Service Record (Condensed)

SD  101001 Graduated Starfleet Academy
SD  101005 Assigned to USS HAWKING as Assitant Chief Science Officer
SD  120201 Promoted to Lieutenant Junior-grade
SD  130508 Reassigned to USS RUTHLEDGE II, Billeted: Protocol Officer,   
Diplomatic Liaison 
SD  140401 Promoted to Lieutenant 
SD  140401 Reassigned USS PEARY, Billeted: Chief Science Officer
SD  160808 Assigned to USS NOVA, Billeted: Chief Science Officer


Father :
__Name - Parin Beldon
__Age - 65 Terran years
__Residence - Trill Homeworld
__Occupation - Propulsion Systems Engineer

Mother :
__Name - Awara Beldon
__Age - 63
__Residence - Trill Homeworld
__Occupation - Mathematician

Siblings :

__Fiancee: Toral Gamar - Currently residing on Trill Homeworld

Personal History (Talia)

Born and raised on the Trill Homeworld, Talia was one of those Trills who managed to get into the Initiate program for being joined with a symbiont.

Excelling in Mathematics and Physics with a good working knowledge in various other sciences she was found gifted and mentally stable enough to indeed receive a symbiont.

However, after being joined with the 230 year old Virn Talias´ and Virns´ personalities merged into something new as it happens to all Trill when a symbiont is implanted into a new host - mentally stable or not. Once very serious and somewhat reclusive, Talia developed a more flamboyant personality, becoming increasingly interested in extreme sports, throwing wild parties and developing a somewhat smug been-there-done-that attitude that came from the 200 years of experience her symbiont brought in. The personality changes made her quite popular at the Star Fleet Academy but put a strain on the relationship with her long-time fiancee, the un-joined Trill Toral Gamar. 

That and the increasing demands of Star Fleet duty after Talia graduated from the Academy effectively ended their relationship shortly after her first assignement to the USS HAWKING.

After a reassignment to the USS RUTHLEDGE as a Diplomatic Liaison that took advantage of the past experiences of her symbiont (see Brief History Virn) she served aboard the USS PEARY on a Deep Space Exploration Mission for several years.

With the old Miranda-Class PEARY about to be pulled out of service Talia Virn was reassigned to the USS NOVA to fill the vacant billet of a Science Officer there.

Personal History (Virn symbiont)

Born 255 years ago the Virn symbiont had 5 hosts previous to Talia, the last two ones having been members of Starfleet already

* Velon Virn (M)  - Civilian Astrophysicist
* Soren Virn (M)  - Metallugist and Explorer, part-owner of Virn & Maddoxx 
Mining Endevaours
* Candra Virn (F) - Interstellar Trader
* Toman Virn (M)  - CMDR Starfleet, Diplomatic Liaison to the Cardassian 
* Elix Virn (M)   - MAJOR Starfleet Marines

Skill Profile: Thanks to the experiences of her symbiont Talia has a wide range of academic skills at her disposal including Astrophysics, Physics and Mathematics, Diplomatic skills and a grasp of tactical and strategic situations. The last is courtesy of Major Elix Virn but the physical combat skills are a bit rusty to say the least since the current host has never undergone Marine Training. In his / her current incarnation Virn has no stomach for the strict discipline imposed by Marines. Talia (or rather Virn) can also speak, write and read the cardassian language fluently.

Hobbies : Free-Climbing, Parachuting, Bungee Jumping; On the less physical side she voraciously reads every scientific magazine she can get her hands on.

Very intelligent, outgoing and and helpful, Talia can sometimes rub her fellow officers the wrong way when she allows the "I have several lifetimes of experience" attitude to shine through. The stories of the past lives of her symbiont can be quite entertaining yet she has a tendency to launch them at inappropriate moments.

Psychological report;

Mentally stable as it can be expected from a Trill who sucessfully completed the initiate program, Talia can be somewhat arrogant and stubborn when she believes that the over 200 years that her symbiont give her the answer to a current problem. Loking at the history of her symbiont and her recreational activities I wonder if Virn is something of an adrenaline addict. There is no evidence however, that either half of the symbiosis has suicidial tendencies, it´s rather the opposite, both try to get the most out of life. Talia Virn is certainly not the type of scientist easily confined to a lab but her somewhat wild streak could make her an assett in frontier service.

LCDR Melvin Green

End Bio File