Gold Fleet- Elieth, Executive Officer USS CIRCE

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LCDR Juliana Lorress, Executive Officer USS CIRCE NCC-27000

Lieutenant Juliana Lorress, DS13
Surname: Lorress
Given Name(s): Juliana
Current Rank: Lieutenant Commander (O-4)- BREVET
Current Billet: Executive Officer, DS13 

Species: Human
Gender/Sex: Female
Age: 26 Standard Terran Years
Date of Birth: November 15, 2393
Place of Birth: Mount Olympus, Mars (Sol IV) 

Ursula Lorress, 52 years Hydrologist residing on Mars
Leon Lorress, 53 years, Administrator, residing on Mars




HT: 1,96 m; 
WT: 74 kg; 
Eyes: hazel; 
Hr.: silver blonde, worn in a short buzz cut; 
Comp: fair 

120615 Entered Star Fleet Academy.
160801 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1). Assigned as TAC/SEC, USS SERAPIS.

None on file. 

A. Academic Institutional Background:
-- Mount Olympus High School
-- Star Fleet Academy

B. Service Schools Attended:
-- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officer School

C. Qualifications (MOC's)
-- Engineering Officer
-- Security Officer

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:

Academy Record:
Class Rank: Top 15%; Honors *cum laude*
Academic Major: Mechanical and Nano-mechanical Engineering
Professional Major: Engineering
Qualifications: Engineering Officer, Security Officer

One, for letting experimental nanites run loose in an Academy computer 

Member of Starfleet Aikido Club
Member of the Cardassian Historical Research Society 

A. Chronology (tabular form): 
0-13: Lived with parents.
13-18: Attended High School
19: 1-year internship Utopia Planitia Shipyards
19-23: Attended Star Fleet Academy, graduated in 2416

B. Background Summary:
Juliana Lorress grew up in Mount Olympus on the planet Mars, Sol 
system. Her mother is an hydrologist working for a smaller scale 
terraforming project on the red planet, while her father is a civilian 
administrator on the orbital Utopia Planitia shipyards.

Juliana always had a keen interest in technology and since her father 
took her up to the shipyards as a kid, she was hooked. She wanted to 
be an engineer but not any kind but a Starfleet engineer.

Her parents supported her wishes and encouraged her to engage in 
physical activity that would help her offset the penalties of being a 
native of a low-gravity world.

After a one-year stint as an intern in the civilian engineering branch 
of Utopia Planitia, Juliana managed to be accepted into Starfleet 
Academy where she threw herself at her studies.

During one particular lesson her interest in Cardassian technology was 
piqued, mostly because high-tech of that origin was held in contempt 
by most of her instructors. Juliana found it quite refreshing to work 
with less-than-perfect toys and soon she was known as the "Cardie" 
among her classmates.

Her interest in martial arts brought her into contact with several 
security officers-to-be and she took advanced courses in that field, 
managing to qualify as a security crewman if only in the bottom half 
of her class in this case.

However, her grades in engineering more than offset the average 
performance in security. Soon Juliana became fascinated by nanites and 
nano-mechanics with her graduation thesis being labeled "The use of 
nano-mechanical devices and robots in Starship diagnosis routines".

She is still ashamed of an accident where she accidentally set nanites 
free in an Academy computer, not so much because of the reprisal but 
because she felt she screwed up. 

Skills Profile 
Juliana is a tinkerer at heart, fascinated by the nitty-gritty details 
of any problem, may it be mechanical, scientific or intellectual in 

She knows how to take things apart and usually knows how to put them 
back together. In case these things are of Cardassian origin they 
sometimes work better afterwards than they did before.

Unlike many engineers who specialize in propulsion systems, Juliana is 
in love with nano-technology and she's planning to take some medical 
classes to see how her knowledge of micro-mechanics can be applied in 
that area as well. Diagnosing a virus in a computer can't be that far 
from diagnosing it in a living body after all.

Her only problem if it can be called one, is that Juliana is in awe 
with the possibilities and chances Starfleet has to offer. She often 
feels that she has to live up to some unachievable standard to be 
worthy of being called a Starfleet officer.

Recent Fitness Report
Thanks to regular physical training Ensign Lorress is in excellent 
physical health and fit for duty without restrictions. While her very 
tall, slender frame is the result of genetic adaptation to the Martian 
environment she is in no way hampered by 1.0 g conditions.

-- LT. Harn Axelrod M.D., Medical Officer Starfleet Academy

Cadet Lorress is a dedicated worker with a feeling for technical 
problems. I do not claim to understand her fascination with cardassian 
technology but I have to admit that it taught her how to improvise 
under less than ideal conditions. My only concern is, that she should 
put more emphasize on the study of propulsion systems. Cadet Lorress 
has potential to eventually achieve a department head position but 
many captains still judge their Chief Engineer solely by their 
understanding of warp technology. 

-- CMDR Justine Mallor, Academy Instructor - Engineering Branch

Cadet Lorress´ performance in security training is average to slightly 
below average. However, given the fact that she is first and foremost 
an engineer, this is neither unexpected nor a mark against her. My 
impression is that she got into security cross-training mainly because 
she enjoys a good workout and has several friends among the security 
specialists. Given her skill in unarmed combat techniques and her 
steady aim with a phaser so she can be of use as a security guard in 
emergency situations. If Cadet Lorress wishes to achieve a higher rank 
and position in our speciality, a major career change is clearly 
indicated however.

-- LTCMR Zorn, Academy Instructor - Security Branch

Psychological Profile 
An ambitious, hard worker. Ensign Lorress will solve a problem set 
before her through sheer stubbornness if nothing else works. Off-duty 
she is outgoing and friendly, calm and helpful. On-duty she is very 
serious and professional, trying to be the more-than-perfect officer. 
It took me some effort to convince her that she did no have to adapt 
the rigid behaviour of a Marine to fullfilll the requirements of 
Starfleet. I was partially sucessful, although Cadet Lorress still 
reminds me of an iron rod more than anything else whenever she snaps to 
attention. This discrepancy between the private person and the officer 
tends to confuse others until they get to know Cadet Lorress a bit 

-- Counsellor Morvehl, Starfleet Academy

Current Recreational Interests
Since her early youth Juliana turned to physical training to overcome 
the disadvantages associated with growing up on a low gravity world 
such as Mars. What started as mere necessity became genuine interest. 
She enjoys swimming, long-distance running and Aikido where she works 
towards her first black belt.

When not physically active, she tinkers with all kinds of Cardassian 
technology she can get her hands on.

E. Miscellaneous Information

Thanks to her study of the Japanese martial art Aikido, Juliana has 
some basic knowledge of Japanese language, writing and culture. She 
has also a basic understanding of Cardassian language and writing as it 
relates to technical devices.
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