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BLUE Fleet Insignia

Version 1.5 (Updated SD 210511)



CO- Commanding Officer          XO- Executive Officer           
ENG- Chief Engineering Officer  OPS- Operations Manager         
SCI- Chief Science Officer      2O- Second Officer  
MED- Chief Medical Officer      TAC- Tactical Officer           
COU- Counselor                  SEC- Security Officer           
MCO- Marine Commanding Officer  CIC- Combat Information Center
NAV- Navigation Officer


CO         CAPT  Orleese Forrent      Male     Bajoran
XO         LCDR  Syll                 Male     Vulcan
2O/OPS     LT    John Llewelyn        Male     Human
SCI        LCDR  Syll                 Male     Vulcan
CIC              <vacant>
ENG        LT    Valareos fi'Fferyllt Male     Dezeldi
NAV        LTjg  Billy Masters        Male     Human
TAC/SEC    ENS   Joseph Dakota        Male     Human
MED        LCDR  Claus Terkim         Male     El-Aurian
COU        LTjg  Susan Franklin       Female   Human
MCO        MAJ   Jack Randall         Male     Human

Players Information

Crew Biofiles

CAPT Orleese Forrent, Commanding Officer

CAPT Orleese Forrent
FIRST NAME:            Forrent
SURNAME:               Orleese
CURRENT RANK:          Captain (O-6)
GENDER/SEX:            Male
AGE:                   50 (physical appearance 39)
DOB:                   -
POB:                   -

PARENTS:               Orleese Forsaal (Father) - Bajoran Consulat
                       Orleese Perop'Rti (Mother) - High Priestess of the Prophets
SIBLINGS:              none

SPOUSE:                none
CHILDREN:              none

HEIGHT:                6'3"
WEIGHT:                225 lbs
HAIR:                  Dark, short, wavy
EYES:                  Brown
SKIN TONE:             Tanned
BLOOD TYPE:            -
VISION:                -
RELIGION:              Bajoran (non practicing)
CITIZENSHIP:           Bajor, United Federation of Planets
LANGUAGES:             -


A. Academic Institutions Attended:
   -- Bajoran Provisonal School
   -- Star Fleet Academy

B. Service Schools Attended:
   -- Starfleet Command Training

C. Qualifications: 
   -- Command School

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Professional Major: Advanced Astrogation; Command Tactics and Strategies
Professional Minor: Astrometrics and Philosophy
Class Rank: n/a
Reprimands: "Despite LT Orleese's high academic acheivements and exceptional 
            leadership skills, his flagrant and frequent disreagard for the 
            chain of command and Academy rules must be addressed.  He has twice 
            sabotaged the Instructors Lounge, disregarded safety protocols on 
            the simulators, and hung an oversized banner off the Academy 
            building mocking COMSF with a crudely drawn mustache and goatee!"  
            --ACOMSF CPT Aluishes Blake
Athletics: -
Activities: -


A. Promotion History:

B. Service History:

C.  Medals and Commendations

V. Skills Profile
"LT Orleese shows an incredible aptitude for command.  I am recommending 
him for Command Training.  His leadership skills in our Holodeck Training 
Scenario were outstanding and lead his team to an unexpected victory."
  -- Lt.Cmdr. Kyroc Morrio, Instructor, SFA

VI. Recent Fitness Reports
ALLERGIES:             No Known Allergies
INJURIES:              Orleese Forrent has suffered an inordinate amount 
                       of dermal scarring and broken bones, all of which 
                       have been properly cared for and successfully treated.
DISABILITIES:          Orleese Forrent is in prime physical shape and in 
                       excellent condition for command.
IDENTIFYING MARKS:     Left ear is pierced (though he rarely wears the 
                       traditional Baajoran earring).

"Mentally stable, Forrent seems obsessed with the "Old South" of Early 
American history.  Enjoys antebellum-style dress, speaking like he's from 
Atlanta, and re-enacting American Civil War scenes.  This obsession does 
not seem to interfere with with his duties, and so I am giving him a clean 
psychological bill of health."
  -- Dr. Aia a'Aianaia, Counsellor, SFA

VIII. Current Recreational Interests
Ancient martial arts... and skeet surfing

IX. Miscellaneous Information
Orleese Forrent has been caught in a null space on the event horizon of 
a black hole in the GAMMA QUADRANT for the past 12 years.  His physiology 
is unchanged since he was originally caught in the null space.  He, and 
LT Syll are the sole survivors of the original USS PERSEPHONE NCC-25013 
lost in action against the Dominion in the second Dominion War.  The ship 
was ultimately destroyed after the null space collapsed when Orleese and 
Syll escaped aboard the Captain's Yacht.

LCDR Syll, Executive Officer

LCDR Syll,
FIRST NAME:             Syll
CURRENT RANK:           LCDR, (O-4)
GENDER/SEX:             Male
AGE:                    38
DOB:                    14th of February 2383
POB:                    Albany, New York (Earth)

PARENTS:                Arthur Syll(Admiral, SB 404, Father)
                        Sorpel (Mother, Director of Starfleet Emergency Services, Vulcan)

SIBLINGS:               None

SPOUSE:                 Sorell
CHILDREN:               4 (Stonn, Sturek, Shania, T'Rel)

CITIZENSHIP:            United Federation of Planets


A. Academic Institutions Attended:
   -- Archer Elementary School, Albany, New York
   -- Star Fleet Academy

B. Service Schools Attended:
   -- Sarek School of Diplomacy & Thought (Vulcan)

C. Qualifications: 
   -- CSO
   -- CMD

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Professional Major: 
Professional Minor: 
Class Rank:
Reprimands: 1
Commendations: 4


A. Chronology (tabular form):
18-21- Starfleet Academy
21-24: Sarek School of Diplomacy & Thought.
26-31: STARBASE 404

B. Background Summary:
Syll is half human half Vulcan. However, his parentage is unique. His father 
is a human Starfleet Admiral currently stationed at Starbase 404 near the 
Tzenkethi Border. His mother is a Starfleet Medical Officer serving as 
Director of Medical Emergency Services on Vulcan at present. He also is 
an only child after his birth there were complications that his mother had 
after falling ill from Selah?s syndrome a very rare medical condition that 
since Syll's birth was a complicated procedure prevented his mother from 
breeding any more children.

He was born in upstate New York in Albany, the state capital. His father 
was a Teacher at Starfleet's Special Weapons & Tactics College there and 
his mother served as the facility's Chief Medical Officer. At the age of 
six they traveled to Vulcan to prepare for Ponn Farr the following year. 
When it happened He was arranged to Sorrel, a daughter of the Federation 
Ambassador to the Cardassians. 

He did not see or hear from Sorrel until he graduated Starfleet Academy which 
he attended with both his parents blessings. After his graduation he took a 
three year tour of duty to Vulcan attending the Sarek School of Diplomacy & 
Thought. He did this in order to facilitate his marriage to Scientist Sorrel. 
After his three years were done he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant JG 
and posted to the USS Highlander shortly before the birth of his son, Stonn. 

He stayed on the HIGHLANDER for two years eventually earning a promotion to 
Lieutenant for his tireless efforts on behalf of the Challenger Expedition. 
After that, he was assigned as Chief of Sciences on Starbase 404 where his 
diplomatic and scientific prowess would be beneficial. His wife joined him 
to raise their family on the station. After five years on the station, 

Syll was transferred to the USS HASTINGS, a aging yet beautiful Intrepid Class 
vessel as her second officer and chief science officer. It was here that 
Merlin's career towards the command track began taking shape.

The Hastings was sent to a diplomatic mission to the planet of Mariposa to 
formally end a stalemate between the clones of a previous generation and that 
of the full blood children born. To prevent a civil Starfleet assigned Lieutenant 
Syll to negotiate on behalf of the Federation. 

Mister Syll was able to determine the cause and offer a solution to the problem 
which was an emotional one. He suggested a monogamous marriage between one and 
the other. Since he was the product of a mixed marriage it seemed ideal. 

When the Prime Minister of the Planet refused to allow monogamy and wished to 
return to cloning Lieutenant Syll gave the Prime Minister a copy of the Federation's
 early history, the Augment Crisis from centuries ago. The Prime Minister reviewed 
it and noticed that the Officer was correct in this hypothesis that if the colony
 returned to Cloning it would end the civilization. The Prime Minister agreed to
 monogamous relationship and ordered the historic cloning facility dismantled. 
He had witnessed the destruction of the facility.  

He then offered the Prime Minister to allow a scientific educational facility 
on the planet as an extension of the Vulcan Science Academy to assist in 
preventive scientific measures and to ensure the colony survived without having 
to once again think of cloning. 

For that action Lieutenant Syll was given a citation for diplomatic ingenuity. 
He remained on the HASTINGS until he was assigned as Second Officer of the USS 

During the tour the RAINMAKER was hijacked led by the ship's first officer who 
became disgruntled. Commander Ross Finnegan had been turned down for command 
of his own ship four times and was nearing forced retirement. Commander Finnegan 
arranged to have the RAINMAKER intercepted by Orion Pirates and agreed to 
sell the crew in exchange for making the RAINMAKER his personal ship in the 
ORION cartel.

It was here the tactical training his father insisted he take while at the 
academy came in handy. The Orions rounded up every single member except him. 
Syll led a armed insurrection against Finnegan who was ultimately defeated in 
a fight in the ship?s cargo bay as he attempted to escape after Syll successfully
 restored command. His last duty on RAINMAKER was to bury his Captain, Charles 
Grant and attend the court martial of former Starfleet Officer Finnegan. It 
was here he met his future CO, Captain Orleese Forrent who was part of the 
rescue mission when RAINMAKER was able to get a distress call out. 

After the RAINMAKER incident, Syll was assigned as Chief Science Officer on 

C. Personality Summary:


A. Promotion History:

B. Service History:

C.  Medals and Commendations
Nothing at this time.

V. Skills Profile

VI. Recent Fitness Reports

VIII. Current Recreational Interests

IX. Miscellaneous Information
Nothing at this time.

LT John Llewelyn, Operation Manager

Biofile not available yet.

LCDR Syll, Chief Science Officer

<vacant>, Combat Information Center Officer

This position is currently vacant.

LT Valareos fi'Fferyllt, Chief Engineering Officer

I. Personal Data

Surname:         Valareos
Full Name:       Gol'akkogos Dezeldi'figret Valareos yartussfi'Fferyllt
Current Rank:    Lieutenant (O-3)
Current Billet:  Chief Engineering Officer, USS PERSEPHONE
Species:         Dezeld (Dezeldi)
Gender/Sex:      Male
Age:             29 Standard Terran Years
Date of Birth:   April 1, 2392
Height:          2.20 m
Weight:          127.0 kg 
Eyes:            Red
Hr.:             Red Scales 
Comp:            Scaley
Place of Birth:  San Diego, California, Earth
Birth Parents:   Robert Draconrouge (Deceased)
                 Sharie Draconrouge (Deceased)
Foster Parents:  Akko'Ardue Dezeld'fiagauth Othimfel yartussfi'Irfeldezeld
                 Uan'ende Dezeld'fiirfel Irfeldezeld yartussfi'Othimfel
Blood Parent:    Ara'Akko Dezeld'figret Thelareos yartussfi'Mirhdraak
Mate:            Desa'figret Fferyllt yartussfi'Valareos
Children:        Nwyfre Draconrouge  

II.  Educational Background

A.  Academic Institutional Background:
Eastlake High School
Star Fleet Academy
Starfleet Engineering Acadamy

B.  Service Schools Attended:
Star Fleet Space Warfare Officer School

C.  Qualifications (MOC's)
Engineering Officer
Science Officer
Security Officer

D.  Star Fleet Academy Record:
Class Rank:  Top 10%; Honors *magna cum laude*
Academic Major: Warp Systems Engineering
Professional Major: Engineering
Professional Minor: Science
Engineering Officer
Science Officer
Security Officer
Commendations:  0
Reprimands:   0

III.  Biographical Notes

A.  Chronology (tabular form):
SD 23920401-24050715
Raised by Parent
SD 050715-060401
Attended Eastlake High School
SD 060401
Shuttle bound for Alpha Centari vanises
SD 060401-091205
Raised at Drecanis, Delta Quadrant
SD 091205
Reappeared from wormhole
SD 091205-120615
Kept in observation at Mars Research Facility
earned High School Diploma
SD 120615-160601
Attended Starfleet Acadamy
SD 160601
Graduated Starfleet Acadamy
Commissioned as Ensign (O-1)
SD 160601-170214
Medical Leave
SD 170214
Assigned to Armstrong Lunar Base
SD 170214-170601
Holodeck Traning Exersize
SD 170601
Assigned as Chief Science Officer, USS MACRONIN
SD 170601-171201
Performed Duties as CSciO, USS MACRONIN
SD 171201
Assigned as Chief Engineer, USS MACRONIN
SD 171201-180201
Performed Duties as Commander, USS MACRONIN During Ship Refit
Performed Duties as CEO, USS MACRONIN
SD 180701
Promoted to Lieutenant JG (O-2)
SD 180701-190505
Performed Duties as CEO, USS MACRONIN
SD 190505
Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3)
Assigned as Chief Security Officer, SB SAIKAI
SD 190505-200101
Performed Duties as CSO, SB SAIKAI
SD 200101
Assigned as Chief Engineer, USS MACRONIN
SD 200101-210401
Performed Duties as CEO, USS MACRONIN
SD 210401
Assigned as Chief Engineer, USS PERSEPHONE
SD 210401-Present
Performed duties as CEO, USS PERSEPHONE

B.  Background Summary:
Valareos was born into a Starfleet family.  His father, a retired commander from the
 engineering corps, spent his retirement years designing new engines for Starfleet.
  Valareos spent every day since he was five helping his father build a shuttle using 
an experimental engine.  On his 14th birthday, the went on a trip in the shuttle to 
Alpha Centari. The shuttle never made it to its destination, the craft presumed 
destroyed by an unstable wormhole that had appeared.  Three years later, the
 craft ,reappeared near Earth, out of a wormhole, severely damaged, and the only 
occupant being Valareos.  He was beamed off the damaged craft moments before the 
warp core lost containment.  His condition, and story, were of enough consequence 
that the entire matter was classified.  After two and a half years in quarantine 
in Mars Research Facility, it was ruled that the information he held fell under 
the Prime Directive.  He was allowed to leave the facility, only under conditions 
that he joined Starfleet, at which point was also given a direct order to keep 
what he know a secret until such time that technology advanced enough.  He was 
also to ensure that he received medical supervision, to keep an eye on a 
"condition" that he had developed since he had went missing.

IV.  Official Star Fleet Record
A.  Promotion History:
160601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1)
180701 Promoted to Lieutenant JG (O-2)
190505 Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3)

B.  Service History:
120615 Entered Star Fleet Academy.
160601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
170214 Assigned to Armstrong Lunar Base
170601 Assigned as Chief Science Officer, USS MACRONIN
171201 Assigned as Chief Engineering Officer, USS MACRONIN
180701 Promoted to Lieutenant jg (O-2)
190210 Reprimanded by Jaison Sanger, CO, USS MACRONIN
190505 Assigned as Chief Security Officer, SB SAIKAI
190505 Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3)
200101 Assigned as Chief Engineer, USS MACRONIN
210401 Assigned as Chief Engineer, USS PERSEPHONE

C.  Medals and Commendations:

D.  Reprimands:
SD 190210 Was reprimmanded for taking wife on an unauthorized rescue mission 
and putting child in danger of losing parents.  
  --Jaison Sanger, CO USS Macronin

V.  Skills Profile

Valareos has dealt with with warp engines and ship designs from a very
young age.  There are times, though, where his knowledge, and
solutions, are not standard, and seem to come from experiences that he
refuses to relate to anyone.  Any technology in general he can reverse
engineer, sometimes taking apart devices to see exactly how they work.
and how to improve them.  He also shows strong skills in Science, as he
tried to find a way of calming his condition. He also has limited
experiance in navigation, mostly involving small craft.  Due to more recent 
changes in his physique, he has become more skilled in Security as well

VI.  Recent Fitness Report

SD 24190420
Commander Desa'figret Fferyllt fi'Valareos
Subject: Lieutenant JG Dezeldi'figret Valareos fi'Fferyllt
Valareos fi'Fferyllt is in supreme physical health. His mitosis has 
reached it's plateau and no furthur mitosis is expected until he 
reaches maturity in approximately 70 years time. This report is being 
sent also to the Mars Medical Research Institute for the updating of 
Dr Angelo Russo's UFP medical records. His overall body mass has 
increased from 190lb's to 245lb's.  There is still the issue of confined 
spaces, his Claustrophobia has not diminished at all when confined. 
I would not recommend to anyone to try and restrain the dezeldi in 
any form what so ever.
Mars Research Facility
SD 24170212
Dr. Angelo Russo
Subject: Ensign Valareos Draconrouge
Subject has been under observation for last 8 months, to ensure
treatment has succeeded.  The mutations have slowed to almost
nonexistant, however his natural blood production has not restarted.
His body is completly dependant on the Dracon blood to sustain. The
area of his left calf and right forearm show slow growth of reptilian-
like scales.  As the skin is damaged, the scales are replacing it.
His DNA is slowly mutating as the Dracon blood works to "correct"
imperfections. A daily dose of 50cc of Acetaminophen is needed to
maintain body tempurature. Dosage may be increased if body temperature
exceeds 38 degrees. In addition, a transfusion of red blood cells is
needed to sustain optimum levels. Synapse of issues as follows
Blood: Body has no ability to regenerate blood cells, process taken over
       by mitosis of Dracon blood.  The Dracon blood contains DNA of the
       Dracon race.  Side effect of mitosis is the creation of retroviruses
       that change subjects own DNA, leading to mutations seen.  Catalist
       point for mitosis is 40 degrees.
Skin: Mutation of skin along a scar on left calf and right forearm show
      development of reddish scales.  Skin is a reddish pale complextion,
      giving hint to the formation of more scales under the surface.
Eyes: Pupils of eyes taking on a vertical slit appearance, eyewhites
      taking on a yellowish hue
Bones: Bone structure changing slightly, non detrimental, tailbone
       becoming more pronounced, slight curvature of spine.

VII.  Psychological Profile

SD 24190420
Commander Kiejac son of Nojh

Subject: Lieutenant(jg) Dezeldi'figret Valareos fi'Fferyllt
Our esteemed college one Valeros Draconrouge has comported himself with all 
the due restraint of a Starfleet Officer.  He has inspite of his on going 
metamorphosis continued to meet the challenging demands of his position aboard 
the Macronin. Recently he has excelled himself after taking over the unenviable 
position of Chief Engineer where he played a  major role in the refit and 
reconstruction of the Macronin. No job is too small; no detail is left undone, 
when he sets himself to the task ; nothing gets in his way.
Our Val Lives for his job he has an even temperament ... most of the time. And 
while he has been known to lose it on the odd occasion he quickly conforms back 
into the well rounded adjusted individual that he is. Recently married and now 
a young father I can see only good things coming up for this individual in the 
future. I am sure that under the watchful eye of his good wife he will continue 
to flourish  and he will achieve all of the personnal goals he has set up for 
himself... He works well with others and responds well to criticism .. and 
doesn't hold grudges, I heartily recommend him for this new position on SB 

Mars Research Facility
SD 24170212
Dr. Anita Quintiorano
Subject: Ensign Valareos Draconrouge

Subject is an intelligent person, though perhaps a bit too much for
his own good. He has a near insatiable curiosity, and easy going with
most.  He has some deep rooted issues stemming from the loss of his
parents, as well as a strange need for confrontation.  He is liable to
test his limits with any new chain of command, but will do his duties
to the best of his ability, almost to a fault.

VIII.  Current Recreational Interests
Holodeck programming
Physical Training

LTjg Billy Masters, Navigation Officer

Biofile not available yet.

ENS Joseph Dakota, Chief Security Officer / Tactical Officer

LCDR Claus Terkim, Chief Medical Officer

LCDR Claus Terkim
FIRST NAME:           Claus
SURNAME:              Terkim
CURRENT RANK:         LCDR. (O-4)
GENDER/SEX:           Male
AGE:                  322
DOB:                  22nd of May, 2098 (STD)
POB:                  El-Aurian Homeworld

PARENTS:              Elosa (Mother - assimilated by the Borg)
                      Sarin M. Terkim (Father - assimilated by the Borg)
SIBLINGS:             None

SPOUSE:               Melyria Kalem 2246-2271 (El-Aurian - Dead)
                      Alice McMarthy 2369-2408 (Human - Dead)
CHILDREN:             Information not available

HEIGHT:               186cm
WEIGHT:               78kg
HAIR:                 Dark brown
EYES:                 Brown
SKIN TONE:            Black
BLOOD TYPE:           -
VISION:               20/20
RELIGION:             -
LANGUAGES:            El-Aurian, English, Russian, Japanese, Italian,
                      French, Klingon, Vulcan, Romulan, Andorian,·


A. Academic Institutions Attended:
   -- El-Aurian Science Academy
   -- Vulcan Surak Medical School
   -- Star Fleet Academy

B. Service Schools Attended:
   -- Starfleet Medical School
   -- Starfleet Advanced Surgical School

C. Qualifications:
   -- CMO
   -- COU

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Professional Major: Neurology
Professional Minor: Traumatology
Class Rank: Top 5%
Reprimands: 3
Commendations: 2
Athletics: Football (Wide Receiver), Country running team
Activities: Editor of the Medical Faculty newspaper


A. Chronology (tabular form):
0-139:   UNKNOWN
139-145: Lived on Vulcan and studied at Vulcan Medical Academy.
146:     Left Vulcan on a merchant ship.
148-173: Married with Melyria Kalem, moved to Arkanna VII.
173-252: -Undisclosed-
253-260: Attended Starfleet Academy.
260-264: Attended Starfleet Medical School.
264-266: Attended Starfleet Advanced Surgical School.
267-271: Assigned to USS NILE as Neurosurgery Specialist
271:     Married LT. Alice McCarthy.
272-280: Assigned to USS ROOSEVELT as adj. Medical Officer.
281-288: Served as CMO of USS ROOSEVELT.
289-309: Assigned as Second Chief of Starfleet Medical Research Dept.,
         in San Francisco, Earth.
310-312: Took two full years off duty, following the death of his second
         wife. Considered resigning from active duty.
313-320: Assigned as Chief Neurosurgeon on DEEP SPACE 12.
320-321: Assigned as Chief Medical Officer on USS RETRIBUTION.
322:     Assigned as Chief Medical Officer on USS PERSEPHONE.

B. Background Summary:
What is known about his life, made exception for the two obscure periods
of which nothing is officially know about, makes him a perfect example
of a common El-Aurian.

His outstanding achievements in the field of Medicine are corroborated
by an extremely inquisitive mind, and of course, a vast experience
spawning more than three century.

He considers himself a traveller and have explored, and claims to have
visited a substantial part of the Alpha and Beta Quadrant, getting in
touch with a big number of aliens during his voyagers.

Since his enlistment in the rank of Starfleet, he had refused a number
of high level administrative assignment in order to keep travelling the
galaxy, accepting a post on Earth just to follow what he consider the
love of his life and wife for almost 40 years. Her death had been a
devastating blow for Dr. Terkim, and had lead him to leave active duty
for almost two years.

Back on active duty, he specifically asked to be assigned to a remote
outpost, ending up on the border of BLUE FLEET.

C. Personality Summary:


A. Promotion History:
2265: Promoted to ENS.
2269: Promoted to LTJG.
2280: Promoted to LT.
2282: Promoted to LCDR.

B. Service History:
2351: Entered Starfleet Academy.
2358: Graduated from Starfleet Academy as Cadet LTJG.
2362: Graduated from Starfleet Medical School (Neurology).
2364: Graduated from Starfleet Advanced Surgical School (Traumatology).
2365: Assigned to USS NILE.
2370: Assigned to USS ROOSEVELT.
2387: Assigned to Starfleet Medical Research Dept.
2411: Assigned to DEEP SPACE 12.
2418: Assigned to USS RETRIBUTION.
2420: Assigned to USS PERSEPHONE.

C.  Medals and Commendations

V. Skills Profile
Strong empathy.
High profile first contact experience.
Natural surgeon talent.
Very compassionate.
Good team worker.

VI. Recent Fitness Reports
Dr. Terkim is to be considered fit for field duty and away mission

VIII. Current Recreational Interests
Collecting old books.

IX. Miscellaneous Information
Nothing at this time.

LTjg Susan Franklin, Counselor

Biofile not available yet.

<vacant>, Marine Commanding Officer

This position is currently vacant.