Moozh Natanazi

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Commander Moozh Natanazi [Andrew F.]
I. Personal Data
Surname:  Natanazi
Given Name(s):  Moozh
Current Rank:  Commander (O-5)
Current Billet:  SCI, USS Nova
Species:  Human (see below)
Gender/Sex:  Female
Age:  53 Standard Terran Years
Date of Birth:  670345
Place of Birth:  Nineveh, Assyria (Pisces 4)
Parents:  King Sargon II
High Priestess Hsina Natanazi

Siblings:  None

Spouse:  None
Children:  None

Religion:  Former: Ancient Assyrian (Nina), Current: Devout Atheist

HT:  6'2"; WT:  320 (appears as 180) lbs; Eyes:  Red/Gold; Hr.:
**Her build is that of a muscular Klingon female**  

Hair: Black; Complexion:  Bronze

II.  Educational Background

A.  Academic Institutional Background:
NA, Assyrian Priestly Training

B.  Service Schools Attended:
-- Life Sciences, Physics, Mathematics

C.  Qualifications (MOC's)
-- Science Officer, Command Officer, Diplomatic Officer

D.  Star Fleet Academy Record:

Academy Record:
Class Rank: Top 5%; Honors *summa cum laude*; Academic Major:  Applied Mathematics; Professional 
Major:  sciences; Qualifications:  Science Officer, Command Officer, Dipomatic Officer; 
Commendations:  4; Reprimands:  0

Running, Body Building, Ballet (not very well) 

III.  Biographical Notes

A.  Chronology (tabular form):

0-3:   Lived with aunt in the women’s house at Nineveh.

3-9:  Priestly training included religion, law, mathematics, divination and arms.

10-14:  Ordination.  A grueling process wherein 10 girls at the top of the priestly training (those not 
making the cut are sacrificed to Nina) are whittled down until four years later, a single priestess is 

15-29:    High Priestess of Nina at Ninevah.  Until age 23 and the death of her mother served as Vizier to 
King Sargon II (Moozh’s mother and Sargon’s entire retinue were killed upon Sargon’s death), at which 
time Moozh became High Priestess of King Assurbanipal II.

29:     Arrival of USS DaVinci.  Through events beyond her control, the bronze-age warrior-priestess 
Moozh Natanazi found herself stranded on a modern starship, and faced with execution if she 
returned to her home, she set out to assimilate as much of the strangers' language and knowledge as 
possible.  When she was discovered by the DaVinci's crew, Moozh already knew some 50 words in 
Federation Standard, and since she had questioned the computer regarding the people of the DaVinci, 
she learned of the Prime Directive, which was the vehicle under which she demanded asylum. 

29:	  Upon the DaVinci's return, Moozh was closely examined by Starfleet using standardized tests 
and found to be extremely intelligent, to the point where Starfleet, the agency conducting the testing, 
expressed an interest and sponsored her training.  Their motivations were not entirely generous, 
however, as Natanazi was both physically strong and came from a culture where brutality and 
barbarism were the norm, so while returning her to her own world would be a violation of the Prime 
Directive, releasing her into the general population was considered far too great a risk.

33:     After completing her education, Moozh was "requested" to apply to Starfleet Academy.  She 
understood very well the nature of her existence in this world, however, and knew that the request 
was the best option she had a hope of receiving, as freedom in society was not to be permitted; they 
needed to keep an eye on her.

37-45:	  Graduated number two in her class at the academy with a BA in Applied Mathematics, she 
then completed her final holodeck training and was assigned to the USS Hawking as an ensign in 
sciences.  As an officer on a research vessel Starfleet felt it was assigning her to the best possible 
place, and may actually have been correct.  Her keen intellect and curious mind proved an incredible 
asset, and over the years she was promoted through the ranks and eventually to the rank of full 
Lieutenant and five year stint on the USS Exeter, and then at her request was given the Chief science 
billet back on the old USS Hawking at the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

45:     With the decommissioning of the Hawking, Moozh was by far the longest-serving member of her 
crew to be reassigned.  Any and all reservations about the nature of her original homeworld had long-
since been put to rest and LCDR Natanazi's file as given to the staffing authorities illustrated a very 
industrious officer who while physiologically and culturally unusual, had matured into a very 
competent officer.  As a result, she was entered into Command Officer Training.

46:	  Graduated Command Officer Training and promoted to the rank of Commander, with her 
billeted as Executive Officer on the USS Constellation, much to her surprise, a front-line Kirov-class 

47:	  With the transfer of Captain Erickson, Moozh was promoted to Captain and given command 
of USS Constellation.

49:	  Assigned as Ambassador, USS LEDA

50:	  Assigned as Commanding Officer, USS AKAGI

51:       Leave of Absense - Academic Tokyo University (Ph.D Applied Mathematics)

53:       Voluntary Reduction in Rank to O5, Assigned Chief Science Officer, USS NOVA

B.  Background Summary:

The USS DaVinci was on archaeological survey, investigating a strange text found a planet orbiting a 
Red Dwarf star, which while geographically and environmentally very different from Earth, was 
culturally an exact duplicate, with the important distinction that this planet was developed at the level 
of Earth, circa the 7th century BCE.  All of the civilizations of the time were present, the Shang Chinese, 
Old Chosun, Assyria, Minoan Crete and early Greece, and the conquered peoples of Babylon, Sumer 
and Judea, and many dozens of others.  The DaVinci, however, found the artifact it sought being 
carried on a battlefield by an Egyptian army being crushed by an Assyrian horde.  

Complications arose, as the "gods" were actually watching, and seeking to kill two birds with one 
stone, sent a particularly troublesome Assyrian priestess to the DaVinci, without the crew knowing.  
This priestess was troublesome because she was highly resistant to the mind control exerted on the 
populace, as most people of very high intelligence are, and through her own observation, she learned 
something of the truth regarding her people's existence.  High priestess Moozh Natanazi, injured in 
the battle, was surgically implanted with an explosive, and transported onto one of DaVinci's docked 
shuttles, where she remained undiscovered for roughly 13 hours, during which time the shuttle's 
computer sensing a human occupant (the people of Moozh's planet are totally human in their DNA, 
though they have evolved to suit their habitat), was powered up.  Likewise, as she spoke to herself 
questioning things, the computer attempted to translate the language, and eventually the universal 
translator kicked-in with a few words.  Being very gifted in languages, Moozh queried what she 
thought was a goddess, and as the translator recognized her language as Near Eastern Earth origin, 
attempted to communicate in ancient Aramaic, the basis for Hebrew and Arabic, and a language 
Moozh was fluent in.

During her time on the shuttle learning from the great goddess "Computer" Moozh saw enough to 
become a Prime Directive violation if returned to her world, something she desperately wanted to 
avoid as her knowledge was considered demonic, so with the bomb removed and her rapidly learning 
to speak Fed Standard, Moozh remained on the DaVinci for the remainder of its cruise, which was 
roughly 4 months.

IV.  Official Star Fleet Record

A.  Promotion History:
040105  Commissioned as Ensign, assigned USS Hawking

B.  Service History:
040105  Graduated Starfleet Academy at rank of Ensign, Assigned Assistant Science Officer, USS 
050105  Promoted Lieutenant (JG), Continued USS HAWKING
070105  Promoted Lieutenant, Assigned USS EXETER
110105  Promoted Lieutenant Commander, Assigned Chief Science Officer, USS HAWKING
111228  USS Hawking Decommissioned, Assigned Command Officer School
130908  Promoted Commander, Assigned XO, USS CONSTELLATION
150720  Promoted Captain, Assigned CO, USS CONSTELLATION
171109  Assigned Federation Ambassador on USS LEDA
180708  Assigned CO, USS AKAGI
190223	Academic Leave of Absence, Tokyo University
201104  Voluntary Reduction to Commander, Assigned SCI, USS NOVA

C.  Medals and Commendations:
160921  Silver Star
131105  Wounded Lion
100430  Distinguished Service Medal
081120  One of three recipients of the Nobel prize for deriving an equation to track solar decay (civilian 

V.  Skills Profile

Moozh is extremely gifted in mathematics, physics and astronomy, though a byproduct of her 
primitive heritage is a difficulty understanding electronics and engineering. Also as a result of her 
background, she is particularly skilled in melee and hand to hand combat, though simply the brute 
force method as opposed to any martial arts or finesse, which the Assyrians most definitely lacked.

Moozh also has a knack for predicting the actions of others after studying their art, writing or other 
works which involve strong expression of personality or creativity. This is not something that was 
taught to her, but either a natural ability on account of her intelligence or perhaps a genetic trait 
passed down by her Preserver ancestors.

While Moozh has no frame of reference to modern electronics and thus often misses obvious 
technological solutions to problems, her mathematical skills are of such a creative and innate nature 
that she often solves equations in her head that are so complex that more conventionally educated 
and trained scientists don't even know how to express them. An example is D-warp calculations 
accounting for variables such as ship damage, towing or gravitational factors, which Moozh can 
calculate in her head faster than a conventionally trained navigator can input them into a computer 
and receive (an erroneous) result.

VI.  Recent Fitness Report

Commander Natanazi as stated in her medical dossier is completely human as per her DNA, however 
the adaptations to the environment of her planet are significant, and often intrusive.  Her eyes are 
completely lacking cones, thus she is completely colorblind. She also must wear 99.98% gray filtered 
lenses in normal interior light to be able to see without pain, in what she describes not as "black and 
white", but as "white and whiter." While her vision has always been a serious limitation, as always a 
simple chromatic shift on the LCARS panels of most federation equipment enables her to read the 
displays without seriously impacting other crewmen, and as long as her sunglasses or contacts are 
worn, she is able to function with an acceptable level of visual acuity, though is restricted from being 
assigned to security duties.

Another result of her native environment which was 3.2x Earth normal gravity is that Commander 
Natanazi possesses comparatively extreme levels of muscle and bone density. Other than breaking 
weakly-built chairs with her over 320lb weight, this has not been much of a problem.

In terms of physical strength, she is roughly equivalent to a fit Vulcan male. She has maintained her 
physical strength in our reduced gravity environments through a rigorous program of body building, 
balanced by distance running for stamina and living quarters set to 4.0G.

All-in-all, Commander Natanazi is in excellent health, and while physically imposing, presents no 
dangers to herself or others other than her unsuitability for security assignments on account of her 
poor visual acuity.

Commander Natanazi also appears to be aging at a slightly slower rate than Terran humans, probably 
also due to environmental adaptations from her planet. While she is 53-years-old, her physiological 
age is between 34 and 38 for a Terran human.

Dr. Harold T. Molina, Starfleet Command

VII.  Psychological Profile

Commander Natanazi is a very unusual officer, which makes her difficult to evaluate.  She shows no 
instability or imbalance and is of sound judgment and mind, however her demeanor is a bit unsettling, 
perhaps simply my own apprehension at sitting across from someone who used to practice human 
sacrifice or on account of much of her record being classified.

Regardless, my fears are simply that, my own.  Commander Natanazi has completed this program in an 
exemplary fashion, and on each of her past duty stations has overcome initially apprehensive intake 
counseling interviews to leave those duty stations with solid endorsements from the ship's counselor.  
It is also difficult to argue with her educational and professional achievements as well as her 

In my professional opinion, Commander Natanazi is mentally and psychologically competent to assume 
the science officer position on the USS Nova, though I still do not understand her desire for the 
reduction in rank and responsibility.

Doctor Junko Watanabe, Starfleet Personnel Branch, Counselor

VIII.  Current Recreational Interests

Ballet and ballroom dance (has been learning for 8 years), which she does about as well as an 
extremely muscular body builder can do.  Moozh is very fit and even flexible, but her weight and lack 
of precision motor skills interfere, still, she should be a far worse ballet dancer than she actually is, and 
is actually more than acceptable as a ballroom dancer, though still unlikely to win any awards.

In recent years Moozh has also taken on an interest in wines and viniculture, and owns a small winery 
in Northern Iraq on Earth.

IX.  Miscellaneous Information
Moozh Natanazi is very tall and muscular, though in no way fat.  She is properly proportioned for an 
athlete, with the general build of a robust Klingon Warrior.

Only her eyes are reddish gold (they glow with the intensity of say Christmas-tree lights) and her skin 
is bronze-colored. She is a good deal more muscular than most female body builders, and also has her 
fair share of scars, some of which are rather gruesome (ax wounds, arrow wounds, etc). Despite all 
that, she is attractive in much the same way that a female Klingon warrior might be considered so, and 
of course she has dimples and her eyes sparkle when she smiles.

End BioFile