USS DAEDALUS Crew Biofiles


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USS DAEDALUS Crew Biofiles
Version 1.0 (Updated SD 190117)


SHIP ROSTER (in order of Chain of Command)

CO	CAPT 	Tre Harris		McKamie, Reggie
XO	CDR 	Jade Phoenix		Golladay, Staci
OPS	LT      Marion Shelby           Bechtoldt, Antje
CIC	LT 	Gavin Fairfax		Mills, Andrea 
TAC	ENS     T'Lera                  Belin, Daniel
SEC     ENS     T'Nerri Thull           Martens, David
ENG	LTJG    Druce Marr              Tangborn, Don
SCI	ENS     Jerek Andor             Estrada, Nathan
COU	LTJG    Toni Castaway           Gray, Billy Joe		
MCO	LCOL    Thorik Stoneshield      Balzen, JP


CAPT Tre Harris, Commanding Officer

  • Played by Reggie McKamie
Tre "Tuskegee" Harris, VII

Rank: LTjg
Age: 26
Birthplace: Prairie View,Texas, Terra
Raised: New Orleans, Louisiana, Terra

Hght: 6'2"
Wght: 210 lb.
Species: Human
Description: African American descent
Dominant Hand: Right
Hair: bald
eyes: brown
skin: light brown
facial features: goatee


Markings - Crown tattoo on left upper arm, Large tattoo of WWII 
fighter plane covering his back.

* After accidentally crashing a starship into a starbase during a
holo-deck simulation. His best friend, one Ens. John Prince made the
comment " A Tuskegee Airman you are not."  Ever since then his fellow
cadets began calling him Tuskegee'.

Belief: Baptist
Ambition: Undo the past wrongs that he committed in his life. Obtain 
rank of Commodore
Passions: holodeck programing
Hobbies: Piloting, basketball, cooking, reading
Personality: Very commanding persona, calm and level-headed.
History: Tre Harris during his time as a member of the Bourbon Street 
Kings was responsible for several crimes against his community. He
regrets it and hopes that the achievements that he makes in
Starfleet help live down those crimes that he had committed long
ago. His career has quickly sky rocked him to Command position in 
record amount of time causing him to be one of the youngest COs in 

Starfleet Academy: Major - Navigation
Minor - Pre-Law

Qualifications: communication, survival, moderate pilot

Father - Tre Harris VI (Nightclub owner/ restauranter)
Mother - Tasha Mitchell ( Nightclub singer)

Chronological Background:

0-6: Lived in Prairie View, Texas
6-18: Moved to New Orleans where parents opened Lady Ella Nightclub. 
the Bourbon Street Kings at the age of 15
* Bourbon Street Kings - A major street gang in New Orleans

Enters Starfleet with best friend, John Prince
commendations: 2
reprimands: 1

1) Sneaking into the women's dormitory with fellow cadet, John Prince.
Janitorial duty for a week. Reprimand.

Career Summary:

70902 - Enters Starfleet Academy

110916 - Graduated Starfleet Academy

111020 - Works in Lady Ella Niteclub Attends Xavier University Law 

*Tre Harris VII, father had a stroke and so Tre left Starfleet
momentarily to care for his family business since he believed it
would be highly unlikely that he would return to Starfleet he
attended Law school.

Reapplied into the Service/application into JAG was denied.

Assigned to USS Daedalus as FCO
        -Awarded Wounded Lion Award
        -Awarded Silver Star

Promoted to USS Daedalus as OPS

Transferred to JAG duty/ Green Fleet

Promoted to Commander 

Assigned to CO position of USS Fredrick Douglas
         - Awarded Silver Star

Promoted to Captain

Transferred to USS Daedalus


"Unlike his ruffian colleague, that this young cadet is often 
associated with Cadet Tre Harris will make an exemplary officer 
despite the fact that his grades say another thing completely."

- Dr. Globin-

³An extremely well rounded young man, he started out with poor grades 
but as time progressed he quickly became captain material.²

- Commodore Young-

CDR Jade Phoenix, Executive Officer

  • Played by Staci Golladay
Name:         Jade Ryan Phoenix 
Current Rank: CDR
Billet:       X/O, USS DAEDALUS

Age:          34
Race:         Human/Klingon 
POB:          Dublin, Ireland 
Home Planet:  Earth
HT:           5'7 
WT:           135 lbs. 
Hair:         red, long, usually in a braid 
Eyes:         Dk Green 

Father:       Rene Bordero (biological, AKA, K'ren of the House of Bordorn) 
              Duncan Phoenix (adopted) 
Mother:       Katherine Phoenix 
Siblings:     Delphi Mediria (sister), 30 years old 
              Connor Phoenix (brother,deceased) 
Spouse:       None 
Children:     None 


SD 040527: Graduated from the University of Dublin 
Subjects Studied- 

Abnormal Psychology
Classic Terran Mythology 

SD 50212: Attended the University of Betazed 
Subjects Studied- 

Emaphtic Control 
Limited Psionics 

SD 80801: Graduated top 15% from Starfleet Academy: 
Subjects Studied- 

Standard Officers Training 
Tactical and Security  (Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced) 
Conversational Klingon 
Klingon Theology
Advanced XenoPsychology
Advanced Hand to Hand Techniques 

SD 80828 : Transferred to SB NOVA; Somehow got lost in the shuffle when the 
           base had a change in Personnel 
SD 81120 : Transferred to the USS CHALLENGER 
SD 90216 : Promoted to LT.(jg) 
SD 90411 : Assigned to USS DAEDALUS 
SD 90528 : While on an away team Jade goes into a coma and comes out of it 
           with some level of enhanced Mental ability. The extent of which 
           is not yet known. 
SD 100125: Promoted to the Rank of Lt. CDR. 
SD 110525: Discovers that Rene Bordero is really a Half Klingon. 
SD 110617: Promoted to Rank of Commander. 
SD 120821: Takes an LOA from the DAEDALUS, for personal reasons unknown. 
SD 120919: Joins SFA as a Self-Defense (Tac and Security) instructor. 
SD 130315: Transferred back to the DAEDALUS on orders from now Ambassador 
SD 130612: Stays aboard the DAEDALUS per Powe-Gwen's request. 
SD 131115: Meets new CO, Madison Fitzgerald.  Assigned to Joint Task Force.
SD 140409: Promoted to 2/O.  Meets replacment, CNS Deirdre Little.
SD 150315: Promoted to X/O.


Jade is the youngest of three children and the product of an illicit 
affair between Rene and Katherine. Rene left Katherine when he 
learned of Jade's impending arrival. Katherine went back to her estranged 
husband Duncan and he raised Jade as his own daughter. Jade does not have 
a close relationship with any family members now, although she was close 
to brother Connor before his death two years ago in a shuttle craft 
accident. Since his death, her relationship with her parents and 
especially her sister has been antagonistic at best. She has had no 
contact with her biological father. Jade has a hard time believing in 
anything blindly. She is in a constant struggle to keep her temper and 
her sarcasm in check, but she is doing it nonetheless. She likes to 
practice a form of Tai Chi, as well as doing gymnastics, as she feels 
that it helps her focus her temper. She is also 
an avid reader who enjoys everything from reading Terran classics, 
Mythologies, to the occasion trashy romance. 

During an Away mission, Jade recieved telepathics abiltities as a 
result of contact with a race known as the S'Calla. She is had varying 
degrees of comfort attatched to the abilities.

After the most recent mission, she was knocked out by a traitor 
Changling. She also found out that her former XO (Bronson) was in love 
with her. After a lengthy relationship, which was left in Limbo due to 
Bronson's undisclosed transfer to OSFI, Jade is beginning to think of 
herself as single. She also recently met her biological father and 
discovered that she is one quarter Klingon. 

Her feelings about this discovery and her mother's deception concerning her 
heritage are unknown at this time, although it almost assuradly doesn't 
bode well for the already antagonistic relationship between Mother and 

Jade maintains a diverse set of contacts by way of her formor Commanders.  
Her friendship with now Ambassador Morak is referred to, by some, as an anomoly 
for StarFleet, as is her relationship with the now retired Commodore Yovon. 
She still hasn't become a "traditional" Officer, which is something that she 
is more then happy with.  She is constantly pushing limits with her interpersonal 
relationships with crewmember, espcially those on her command staff.


From LT. Jelia Redaiamt 
Re: Jade Phoenix 

To Whom It May Concern: 
Jade Phoenix is a woman of contradictions. While I believe that one 
day she will go high in the field of Command, at present she can best be 
described as a diamond in the rough. She still suffers from nightmares 
concerning her brother's death and she remains silent about the rest 
of her family. She doesn't make friends easily but those she has she is 
very loyal to. She sometimes forgets who she is talking to when she is 
speaking her mind, but it is not intentional. One thing you must 
remember about Jade is she has an almost Vulcan preoccupation with honesty. 

Strangely enough I had thought that she would go into the field of Tac 
and Security because I believe it suits her temperament. But she also 
has a knack for Xeno Psychology. Overall I think she would make a fine 
addition to any crew. Especially if she has a CO that has a high 
degree of patience. 

Submitted by 
LT. Jelia Redaimat 



Having served with Lieutenant Phoenix for quite some time now, I feel 
it is my duty, ney, honor to write this letter of reccomendation. Her 
quick reflexes, compassion, and intelligence are a credit to not only 
herself, but to her occupation, and also to Star Fleet as a whole. She has 
grown as an officer from the first day she stepped aboard my ship, the USS 
CHALLENGER. She has been a good friend, and a confidant for many 
members of the crew, even after having to transfer to the USS 
DAEDALUS after extensive damage to the USS CHALLENGER caused it to 
undergo a major refit.  Jade Ryan Phoenix knows how to detach herself from 
a situation as necessary, and to provide a clear, clinical synopsis and 
diagnosis. I have found her services invaluable. 

Captain Morak, 
Commanding Officer 


Lieutenant Jade Ryan Phoenix is an excellent officer and an 
accomplished Counselor. Her manner may be rough and rash at times, but, 
she gets the job done, done correctly, and quickly. At times, it may 
seem as if she believes the entire universe to revolve around her, but, 
many of these times, it is a deserved belief. Her background in Security 
gives her a unique perspective serving on a Battle Cruiser, such as 
the USS DAEDALUS. From the time she walked into my office, apparently 
lost and refusing to ask directions, her upfront attitude intrigued 
me. She will go far, possibly not to Command, but, I don't believe 
that is what she joined Star Fleet for. Any ship would be fortunate 
to have her as an addition,if they can get accustomed to her 
mannerisms, of course. 

Commodore Yovon, BLUE Fleet Operations Officer, SB GAMMA.

LT Marion Shelby, Operations Manager

  • Played by Antje Bechtoldt
NRPG: The parallel universe mentioned in the bio is the universe of 
ST:FRONTIERS the game for which this character was originally created. 
See the history of SAPPHIRE Fleet (the SORANUS and MARRAKSH Station in 
particular) for further details.

NAME: Antje Bechtoldt
AGE: 32
NAME:    Marion Elizabeth Shelby
CURRENT RANK: Lieutenant <jg>
INTERESTED IN: Operations, Protocol, Flight Control


     RACE: Human
     AGE:   23 Human Standard Years
     GENDER: Female
     HEIGHT: 5´8" 
     WEIGHT: 125 pounds
     HAIR:  brown (braided)
     EYES:  green


     PLACE OF BIRTH: London, planet Earth (Sol III)
     MOTHER: Nora Shelby-Hyde, Physician, currently residing on Bolius
     FATHER: Maxwell Shelby II, Starfleet Admiral, currently residing 
on Bolius
     SIBLINGS: none


STARDATE                 ACTION

SD 170101		Graduated from Starfleet Academy (parallel universe)
SD 170104		Assigned as OPS - USS SORANUS (parallel universe)
SD 170720		Fell through the Rabbit Hole when her dimension collapsed
SD 170805		Retrained by SF in mainstream universe
SD 170813		Assigned as OPS - MARRAKESH Station
SD 171030		Promoted to LT <jg>
SD 180810		Assigned as OPS - USS DAEDALUS


Marion Shelby was born in a parallel universe into a similar but 
slightly different version of the Federation. 

Some children grow up in the shadow of a successful or celebrated 
parent. Marion Elisabeth Shelby grew up in the shadow of a long family line 
of overachievers that stretched back (albeit tenuously) to General Jo 
Shelby the Confederate cavalry leader who refused to surrender after the 
American Civil War was over.

Her father is a Starfleet admiral and diplomatic envoy on Bolius, his 
father commanded a battle cruiser during the Dominion War and her 
grand-aunt helped dispel the Borg invasion. Likewise her mother is a renowned 
physician from a wealthy British family.

With a family tree like this Marion was doomed to greatness from the 
moment she was born since her parents would accept nothing less than 
excellence from their child. To this day rumours persist that Marion's 
mother underwent several treatments that toed the line to genetic 
enhancement during her pregnancy although medical tests at Starfleet have been 

Mom and dad decided even before Marion's birth that her daughter would 
join Starfleet or at the very least the Marine Corps and they pushed 
her toward that goal as soon as she could walk and speak.

They called it "making the best out of her potential", rationalizing 
that their daughter would become a spoiled rich child otherwise. Luckily 
Marion was both bright and eager enough to meet their expectations.  
She became a successful fencer and show jumper while her school grades 
allowed her to enter Starfleet Academy.

During the next four years Marion practically lived and breathed for 
the approval of her family and the challenges Starfleet offered. In time 
she actually found that she liked the command track which gave her 
grades another push upward. Her single minded pursuit of excellence made 
her popular with the instructors but her often cold and abrasive 
personality kept the other cadets as arms length and earned her nicknames among 
which "Vulcan Ice Queen" was one of the nicer ones.

However, even the facts that she graduated at the top 5 % of her class 
and captained the Academy fencing team in her last cadet year barely 
earned her an approving nod from her father.

Her first assignment was the USS SORANUS where she served as OPS until 
the ship together with a few dozen others vessels and space 
installations was thrown into another universe - the universe of ASR. Before long 
the "people from the other side" became informally known as the "rabbit 
holers". After a period of retraining in what was a new Starfleet for 
her Marion resumed the position of OPS but not on the SORANUS but on a 
half-derelict space station named MARRAKESH that had also made the 
dimensional jump.

For some reason Admiral Maxwell Shelby II, counterpart of the man who 
used to be Marion's father in her own continuum, arranged for her to be 
transferred to what both consider a more prestigious assignment - 
Operations Manager of the USS DAEDALUS.

Professional Skill Profile:
Helm and Navigation
Tactical Operations
Political Sciences
Administration & Personnel

Racial and Cultural Background:
Marion Shelby was born and raised on Earth and educated on private 
schools in Great Britain (Earth) before joining the Academy. See Background 
section for more details

Medical and Physiological Background:
During her third year at the Academy Marion underwent extensive genetic 
screening to confirm or deny rumours that she had been genetically 
enhanced as a child. The doctors noted a remarkable stable genetic 
structure and a well-above-average IQ but in the end they could not make any 
conclusive diagnosis. Finally the board of instructors decided to give 
the promising cadet the benefit of doubt and allowed her to continue her 
studies. Marion still feels greatly embarrassed by the procedure and 
only recently did she find out who of her fellow cadets spread the 
rumours in the first place. In in-depth physical aboard the SORANUS finally 
proved conclusively that Marion´s genes were not artificially enhanced.

Marion was showered by her parents more with demands and expectations 
than with parental love. As a result she has grown aloof, remote and 
demanding not because she's a bad person but because she knows nothing 
else. Nothing but top performance in herself and others is good enough for 
her. She cares for others but more out of a sense of duty than out of 
heartfelt empathy. Even her two serious relationships were based more on 
physical attraction than real deep feelings. In a less enlightened 
century than the 24th others might have called her a bitch. Even in the 
24th century many do. Marion comes across as aggressive, ambitious and 
tenacious. Patience with what she perceives as incompetence or lack of 
dedication is not her strong suit. However, no one can argue that she is 
top in her profession and calm under pressure. Having practically grown 
up around the brass she is unafraid to speak her mind around superior 
officers. As much as Starfleet values professionalism and skill her 
quest for personal perfection and parental approval concerns the Academy 
counsellors but they hope that her hard demeanour will soften once she is 
exposed to real life. In fact, her last counsellor suggested to put her 
into the front line far away from contact with her father.


Competitive and Classical Fencing, Horseback Riding, Yoga


"I would describe Ensign Shelby as a driven person, driven to achieve 
success and be the best in her case. While extraordinary achievement is 
a hallmark of Starfleet officers, I'm somewhat concerned about the 
single-mindedness of her pursuits. The Ensign would be well-advised to 
learn how to relax and how to value friendships."

LT Liotta, Assistant Counsellor, Starfleet Academy


"Considering that she had been thrown out of her own space-time 
continuum and lost all her friends and family, in fact her very reality Ensign 
Shelby has adjusted remarkably well to her rather extreme situation. In 
fact, it seems to me she adjusted too well all things considered."

LT CMDR Hix, Counsellor, Starbase ALPHA

===LT Gavin Fairfax, Combat Information Manager===
* Played by Andrea Mills

I. Personal Data
Name: Galvin Fairfax
Rank: Lieutenant
Current Position: CIC, unassigned
Race: Celtic/Humanoid
Sex: Male
Skin: Caucasian coloring
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Green
height: 5 feet, 11 inches
Weight: 195 lbs.
Age: 30
Place of Birth: Colony of Stonehenge
Siblings: Two sisters: Fiona Fairfax and Briana Fairfax, 21 year old
twins, both Starfleet ensigns. Fiona is a doctor stationed on Earth and
Briana is a diplomatic officer, also on Earth.
Father: Angus Fairfax, farms and raises sheep.
Mother: Margaret Fairfax spins wool, makes soap and is generally thought
to be in charge of the family.

II. Traditions and Beliefs.
The Fairfax family has always been prominent in the religion of the
colony, which was founded many years ago by settlers from Earth. They
follow to some degree the ancient Celtic religion of Earth and are known
as druids. This includes the worship of goddesses who ensure fertility
of land, people and livestock, war and others. The planet is known for
its great circles of stone, very much in use today.

Religion: Druid

III. Education

9/2388 - 5/2399: Attended general schooling on Stonehenge. Education on
the planet includes religious education as well as enlightening the mind
and the body.

8/2399 - 6/2403 - Attended Starfleet Academy specializing in tactics and
weapon systems.

8/2403 - 5/2405: Attended Starfleet Command School, CIC position

IV. Service Record

9/2405 - 4/2408: Assigned to USS Geronimo as a tactical officer.
5/2408 - Promoted to lieutenant j.g. and assigned to USS New Mexico
assistings her CIC officer.
5/2408 - 10/2411 - Aboard the USS New Mexico.
10/2411 - 10/2413 - Promoted in 2411 to lieutenant. Assigned to USS
Hawaii as CIC.

V. Personal Details

Languages spoken: Standard, Gaelic, Ferengi, some Romulan.

Skills: Carving, basketmaking, music, dancing as well as skills
associated with his chosen career - tactics (both ancient and modern -
he prefers ancient) and personal combat. He also enjoys archery and bird

Likes: Peaceful moments to contemplate nature. Has a friendly
personality although at times he lacks tolerance. Likes history and
likes being outdoors in any weather. He also likes birds and seems to
attract them wherever he goes. It's almost as if they can communicate
with him.

Dislikes: Those who would despoil nature. He hates being stuck in space
for long periods of time without seeing the great outdoors. This has
made him have a great many plants and flowers in his quarters.


Galvin Fairfax is perhaps the oddest pupil I have ever had. Ravens peck
at the classroom window and many times I have had to ask him to ask them
to wait for class to end. I've felt very silly doing this, I can tell
you. Galvin, however, finds nothing unusual about this. As for his
studies, Galvin is a good pupil, excelling in history especially
military history. He will go far if he doesn't go broke feeding those
birds. - Lt. Cdr. Adelaide Pierce, instructor, Starfleet Academy

There's almost something erie about Mr. Fairfax when he first appears on
your vessel. I base this statement on my Celtic roots. It's as if I've
known him all my life and can trust him. That trust has been well
earned. He is an excellent officer and I'm sorry to see him transferred.
- Captain Brower Kamehameha, USS Hawai

ENS T'Lera, Chief Tactical Officer

  • Played by Daniel Belin

  • This biofile is currently unavailable.

LT Deni Tira, Chief Engineering Officer

  • Played by Jake Smith

This biofile is currently unavailable.

ENS Druce Marr, Chief Science Officer

  • Played by Donald Pangborn

This biofile is currently unavailable.

LCDR StarSong to-Ennien, MD, Chief Medical Officer

  • Played by Christine Mills

This biofile is currently unavailable.


This billet is currently available.

LCOL Thorik Stoneshield, Marine Commanding Officer

  • Played by JP Balzen
Thorik Stoneshield
Age: 95
Birthplace: The Smoking Mountains, Toril

Hght: 4’3
Wght: 185 lb.
Species: Terran (Dwarf)
Hair: Red
eyes: Green
skin: Golden Brown
facial features: Full Beard, down to his waist


Terrans have many settlements and colonies on a variety of worlds throughout the 
Federation and beyond. Due to the differences of atmospheric conditions, they 
have developed slight differences in their genetic and physical structure 
thereby allowing them to survive in a variety of clients.

The terrans that colonized Toril tend to be a good deal shorter in stature due 
to the higher gravity of their chosen planet. Their skeletal structure is a bit 
sturdier and denser. Thus, Terrans from Toril tend to be a bit slower in 
movement, but they tend to be stronger and hardier than their Earthen 

Ambition: To spread the word of his Mentor and Teacher, Clanggedin Silverbeard.
Passions: Drinking, Gambling, Physical contests
Hobbies: Wrestling, and any kind of physical activity.
Personality: Very commanding persona, calm and level-headed.

History: The planet of Toril is mostly regarded as a back-water planet that 
mainly attracts the lower elements of society. While located at the crossroads 
of various space lanes, the majority of businesses on Toril have more of a ‘less 
than legal’ tendency.

Thorik spenty many years working hard to earn space fare to Earth, in order to 
join Star Fleet and eventually bring back law and order to Toril. During this 
time, he has had to take some menial jobs, and some that somewhat skirted the 
legality of Federation Law. However, he always upheld to his morals and 
eventually found himself on Earth, standing at the entrance to Star Fleet 

During his entrance exam, he was recruited by one Colonel Darian McRay, who had 
spent many years serving on a variety of planets in and out of Federation Space. 
He was impressed by the human’s physical presence and prowess as well as his 
moral turpitude. 

Starfleet Academy: Major  Criminal Justice
Minor  Pre-Law

Qualifications: Law Enforcement, Infantry, Combat Instructor

Father  Moravian Stoneshield  Bar owner of The Dwarven Anvil
Mother Olga Stoneshield  Waitress 

Chronological Background:

0-25: Lived with Parents, and worked in their bar.
25-40: Worked various jobs for private transporters.
40: Entered Star Fleet Academy, Marine Corps Option.
44: Graduated Star Fleet Academy. Completed The Basic School For Marines
45-46: Entered training for Military Law Enforcement.
46: Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant. Assigned Platoon Leader, USS Heisenberg
49: Promoted to 1st Lieutenant. Assigned Platoon Leader, USS Gauss
53: Promoted to Lieutenant Major. Assigned Company Commander, USS Regulator.
60: Promoted to Major. Assigned Company Commander, USS Typhoon.
68: Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. Assigned Combat Instructor, Basic School
75: Assigned Battalion Commander, USS Iron Duke.
80: Assigned Battalion Commander, USS Minotaur.
86: Assigned Commander, Marine Expeditionary Unit Camp Pendleton
95: Assigned Battalion Commander, USS DAEDALUS. 

Commendations: 5
2 Commendations for Bravery in Combat Actions.
2 Commendations for Heroism above and beyond the call of duty.
1 Commendation for Ingenuity in Administrative Matters.

Reprimands: 3
2 Reprimands for Conduct Unbecoming an Officer, public drunkenness
1 Reprimand for Insubordination.