
Revision as of 00:08, 22 October 2008 by COMSFE (talk | contribs)

Note: This page details a proposed story arc and is not official ASR canonical matieral.

Drecanis RPG


DRECANIS is an epic storyline RPG, taking place in the recently annexed system of Draakin, formally owned by the Ferengi. The story deals with the recovery of a reptilian quadaped species coming back from near extinction. They have found a new home, and work to not only rebuild their society, but to show they are strong enough to apply to become a member of the Federation. Thier goal to accomplish this... building a starship for Starfleet that uses their Wyrmdrive technology. To do this, even the simple things, such as getting a shipyard built, will prove to be difficult. Dealing with a virgin world where surface life is unlivable, Ferengi looking to reclaim what is "theirs", and the Federation seeing them as a possible disease carrier, this goal may be impossible to reach.

Drecanis will take place between Federation and Ferengi space, near the Lion's Mane Nebula

Welcome to where fantasy and sci fi meet.... Here there be Dragons.

Extended Summary

THe concept is actually a spinoff/continuation of the storyline i had been developing over last several years with Valareos.

Specifically,a ship designed around the wyrmdrive technology, built jointly between the Dezeld and the Federation, as a goodwill act in their application for Federation Membership

The story will actually begin revolving around the actual building of the ship in the shipyards of New Drecanis, so to start it will be mostly planetside rpg, designed around training for the unique configuration of the ship.

It is desinged to be to start a casual rp group, a place even to send newer players who need more experiance writing before going to a ship, in an enviroment that is a bit more forgiving.

New Drecanis sits on the Ferengi border, in fact was annexed FROM the ferengi using their own laws combined with federation laws to prove they were there first.

As it is designed to start as mostly rping the building of the ship, there wont be any real set department head positions as what would normally be expected, but i expect things to change as rp goes. I can see though, at start, is a Starfleet presence to oversee the building, which may include different departments also training on the equipment to get ready for flight.


The following is a timeline that has been put together through various sources that have already been written into the RPG, dealing with the Dezeld, and the Dezeldi

Common Timeline

Year 2120

  • Clan Wars Begin

Year 2249

  • Tostynjar, Constable of the Orestes, was Hatched

Year 2291

  • Battle of Fire Occurs between Golds and Reds

Year 2303

  • Clan Wars Ends

Year 2304

  • Rouge Clan attacks the Dezeld Council

Timeline 1

Year 2390

  • First War of the Kovoulds Begins

Year 2403

  • First War of the Kovoulds Ends

Year 2415

  • Second War ofthe Kovoulds Begins

Year 2437

  • Second War of the Kovoulds Ends
  • The Drecanis Sun is poisoned with a small amount of trilithium, fisson begins to fail

Year 2492

  • Valareos Draconrouge was born

Year 2493

  • Third War of the Kovoulds Begins

Year 2494

  • Third War with Kovoulds Ends

Year 2498

  • Prototype Wyrmdrive is Success

Year 2506

  • Shuttle heading to Alpha Centauri vanishes, Draconrouge family proclaimed missing
  • Shuttle Appears over Dezeldi space, breaking up in the atmosphere. Sharie and Robert Draconrouge die in crash
  • Valareos Draconrouge thrown out of shuttle, caught by Thelareos. Valareos sufffers massive blood loss from injuries sustained
  • Valareos recieves blood transfusion from Dezeld, which begins to act like a retrovirus to his dna, rewriting it.
  • Valareos begins change to first Dezeldi

Year 2507

  • Valareos is challenged by one of the Dezeld, Challenge was won, thus granting him full rights as a Dezeld

Year 2508

  • Dezeld Scientists reverse engineer Federation technology, create a portable holodeck to store their last 300 members

Year 2509

  • Using a created teleporter connected to the portable holodeck, all 300 members were "digitized"
  • Portable Holodeck sent back with Valareos Draconrouge and rebuilt shuttle. Mistake in programming leads to temporal and universal displacement

Year 2516

  • Draconrouge Family now missing for 10 years, Proclaimed dead

Year 2532

  • Drecanis Sun goes Nova

Current Timeline

Year 2390

  • First War of the Kovoulds Begins

Year 2395

  • Dezeld race is destroyed

Year 2409

  • A Shuttle appears with no warning between Earth and Mars. Valareos Draconrouge is found aboard, and is taken to Mars Research Facility for medical examination

Year 2416

  • Valareos graduates Starfleet Acadamy

Year 2417

  • Valareos Serves as Chief Science Officer, then Chief Engineer on the USS Macronin.
  • Valareos's change to Dezeldi Completed
  • Thelaros, Elder of the Dezeld, inform Valareos the true nature of the holodeck buffer
  • Valareos Served as Acting Commander, USS Macronin during ship's Refit

Year 2418

  • The USS Macronin's captains Yacht, The Heart of God, is refitted with a small prototype wyrmdrive
  • Valareos is reassigned as Cheif Engineer on USS Macronin
  • Investigation of the Delarus sector by the USS Macronin reveals an active power source below the surface of Draakin III, predating any claims on the sector by 4 years.
  • Valareos, as ambassador of the Dezeld to the Federation, requests assistance in the matter from Captain Keijac, Son of Nojh
  • Delarus Sector is annexed from the Ferengi. Draakin III is renamed New Drecanis
  • Tostynjar is rematerialized from the Holodeck Buffer
  • New Drecanis' Ammonia/Nitrogen Oxide atmosphere begins terraformming into Oxygen/Nitrogen atmphsphere by the introduction of plants from Evo'luut, home of a nitrogen based, oxygen breathing species
  • New Drecanis purchases several decomissioned ships from the Federation for system defense

Year 2419

  • Valareos admits to Captain Sanger of placing "unauthorized" modifications to the Macronin
  • Lugh, son of Dvel attempts to get Federation to send 5 ships to clear out the Dezeld from Draakin III. Federation claims that since it is outside Federation space, there is nothing they can do.
  • Lugh is reported missing, his ship never making it to his destination
  • Valareos Draconrouge and Rae Sterling are married under Dezeld Law. Valareos is renamed Valareos fi'Fferyllt, Rae is renamed Fferyllt fi'Valareos
  • Valareos is assigned as Chief of Security, SB Saikai
  • Captain Duvoux orders the Heart of Gold, to be given to the station for further development
  • Tostynjar is assigned as Commander, Orestes Station, then reassigned as Constable
  • Valareos is assigned as XO, USS Darkheart, performing covert operations near the Iota Cassaopiae System

Year 2420

  • Valareos is assigned as Cheif Engineer, USS Macronin

Future Timeline(Potential RP)

This is a rough idea of how i see the group developing. However, nothing is set in stone! this are just major plot points, and there will always be sub plots go go with it.

Year 2421

New Drecanis becomes self sufficient Small Shipyard Developed

Year 2422

Begin Large Wyrmdrive Development

Year 2423

Shipyard is enlarged to build larger ships

Year 2424

Begin construction on USS Drecanis

Year 2425

Commission of USS Drecanis


A sample of different subplots that may happen

  • Accident in development of wyrmdrive
  • Ferengi Pirate Attacks
  • Criminal act by Human places them under Dezeld Law
  • Dezeld application to join Federation
  • Theft from Medical Facility
  • Non-Dezeld leader challenged by Dezeld for position
  • Research of Delarus sector
  • Wyrmhole drive tests attract Cardassian attention
  • Ferengi attempts to reannex Delarus Sector

Technology Explained


Dezeld Wyrmdrive A ship utilizing a wyrmdrive effectively would need a drive that is a good portion of the ship itself. Also, to keep from losing ones self in space and time and universe, a tracking system would need to be developed. Such has not been made yet. The following picture is one design currently under development for a Drecanis Class Starship


Holodeck Buffer

A holodeck is able to recreate a representation of real objects, and it does so very well. The Dezeld realized this, and took it to another level of use. A transporter was rewired to send its signal through a transmitter. The reciever was hooked up to a holodeck represtantion of the same transpoter This allowed the "fake" transpoter to recieve signals from the "real" one. When an object, or a person, is transported in this matter, it creates a Very High Definition hologram, though the original body is destroyed.

Reversing the process is a simple matter, as long as your able to inject enough raw material into the buffer stream so the "real" transporter can accurately recreate the object.

A VHD hologram takes up a lot of storage, so the portable holodeck used memory cells made from the same crystals that run the wyrmdrives, allowing storage on a 5 dimentional lattice.

Crew Lineup

These are people that have already given a tentative agreeance about joining.

  • Project Overseer (CO)-Bryan Bartlett
  • Starfleet Liason (XO)-Darrell Morrison
  • Shipyard Operations (OPS)-Madonna Eagle
  • Shipyard Security (SEC)-Cindy (NOT ASR YET)
  • Quality Assurance (ENG)-VACANT
  • Pilot (FCO)-Seva (NOT ASR YET)
  • Science Liason (SCI)-Sharie Cole (NOT ASR YET)
  • Disease Control (MED)-Roger Bedford
  • Ambassador (COU)-Merrica Forsathe-Smith
  • 4th Division Commander (MCO)-Amethyr (NOT ASR YET)

NPV Assigned

The following are NPV that are/will be assigned to assist with the storyline.

  • Liberty Belle-Privately owned by Magica Belle, who will be slated for Shipyard Operations
  • Several Decomissioned Federation Vessels -to be fleshed out later

Still needing Development

Several small loose ends to tie up, hopefully with some help from higher--

  • New Drecanis Income: They have already hired workers to work their latinum asteroid, the question becomes, after all payments made, how much does the planet bring in for income? this will determine how fast, or how slow, they can progress. afterall, they just finished terraforming the atmosphere, they still need to trade for everything they use.
  • Dezeld food: Never dipped into this, but what do they eat... other than anyone they want of coarse :P Several ideas to pull from, need to find something that is both acceptable for the species and the planet. large creatures cant live off the land for TOO long... especially if they starting to be placed on ships and stations