USS FEARLESS Crew Biofiles

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Blue Fleet Insignia

U.S.S. FEALRESS Crew Biofiles
Updated SD 181008


SHIP ROSTER (in order of Chain of Command)

CHARACTER          PLAYER                  E-MAIL ADDRESS
Sareka             Bruce Summa             bsumma[at]grm[dot]net
Sobek		   Kevin Thigpen           kevin[dot]thigpen[at]gmail[dot]com
Ayindrias          Alan Rogers             masterofwords[at]sbcglobal[dot]net
Sato               Mark Mosher             col[dot]howden[at]gmail[dot]com
Toddman            Alexander Richardson    bmused1701[at]btinternet[dot]com
D'ghor             Slava                   morag.dghor[at]gmail[dot]com
Elerrina           James Lambly            jrl3001[at]yahoo[dot]com
Mendoza            Lena Rose               lrdrh2004[at]yahoo[dot]com           
Kingston           Paul Lenz               paul[dot]lenz[at]us[dot]army[dot]mil
Drageran           Bart Lamber             lamber_bart[at]yahooaa[dot]com

LT Shayiana Ayindrias, Operations Officer

I. Player Information

Alan M Rogers

II. Character Information

[Begin Record]


STARFLEET SERVICE JACKET: Shayiana (Shay) Nova Ayindrias STARFLEET SERVICE NUMBER: 427-52-2045-v


NAME: Shayiana (Shay) Nova Ayindrias RANK: Lieutenant, Senior Grade (0-3) BILLET: OPS/2O USS FEARLESS NCC 56000 GOLD FLT


GENDER: Female AGE: 58 HT: 1.56 meters (5'2") WT: 44 Kilos (95 lbs approx.) EYES: pale blue-violet (amethyst) HAIR: silver-blonde BLOOD TYPE: Q negative COMPLEXION: pale Caucasian IDENTIFYING MARKS: detailed color phoenix tattoo on her back, navel piercing, and rt. ear pierced twice, long, thin scar on the underside of her right forearm made by a sword.

SPECIES: Female Human Hybrid: Human/El Aurian - Homo Sapiens Eridanus (4th Generation Eridani Secundus human) - Aurias Methuselae (El Aurian)


PLACE OF BIRTH: Shi Kahr, Vulcan DoB: Oct 30 2359

CITIZEN: - Shi Kahr, Vulcan - Aria, Delta IV


NEXT OF KIN (contact in emergency and notification of death)

- Prefect Professor T'Aris, Vulcan Academy of Sciences, Shi Kahr, Vulcan - Ambassador Sohte of Vulcan - Jaasi Ibraam, Ilasa Institute for Psionic Studies, Aria, Delta IV - Lt. Cedric Arrington, Ilasa Institute for Psionic Studies, Aria, Delta IV - Lt. Ivan Yugensevich, CSO USS KRONDSHADT

FATHER: Kieran Alistair MOTHER: Larel Ayindrias SIBLINGS: None known. SPOUSE: None CHILDREN: None


SD 2410 0415: Admitted to Starfleet Academy SD 2415 0531.0730: Graduated Starfleet Academy SD 2415 0531.0800: Commissioned as Ensign, Starfleet Navy SD 2415 0807.0630: Assigned to ALB for Final Billeting Assignment Simulation SD 2415 0917.0820: Graduated ALB SD 2415 1007.0800: Assigned CSciO to USS CONSTELLATION NCC 1017 G TACRON 33 GRNFLT SD 2415 1010.1945: Reported for duty, USS CONSTELLATION SD 2415 1011.0930: Assigned Liaison officer, ChR DHAEL SD 2415 1013.0815: Served with distinction in the Battle of Pisces R4 against the Romulan 4th Fleet. SD 2415 1015.0800: Promoted to LTjg (O-2) by CAPT Moozh Natanazi, CO USS CONSTELLATION NCC 1017 G TACRON 33 GRNFLT SD 2416 0227.0900: Takes leave of absence from Starfleet to complete training at the Ilasa Institute of Psionic Studies SD 2416 1012.1000: Certifies as a MindHealer and Counselor, Ilasa Institute of Psionic Studies SD 2416 1027.1500: Certified as Adept at Seleya, Vulcan. Begins personal retreat. SD 2417 0230.0930: Assigned CNS to USS AKAGI NCC 20002 SAPPHIRE FLT; Promoted LT (0-3) SD 2417 1215.0800: Assigned OPS to USS AKAGI NCC 10555 SAPPHIRE FLT SD 2418 0220.0000: Assigned OPS to USS FEARLESS NCC 56000 GOLD FLT


SD 2415 1015.0800: COMBAT ACTION RIBBON - Served with distinction against the Romulan 4th fleet at the Battle of Pisces R4 SD 2415 1015.0800: GOLD LIFESAVING MEDAL - Rescue of Captain Moozh Natanazi, CO USS CONSTELLATION, TACRON 33, Green Fleet despite extreme risk. SD 2415 1015.0800: ROMULAN SECTOR SERVICE MEDAL - Served with distinction as Starfleet Liaison Officer, ChR DHAEL at Pisces R4 SD 2415 1015.0800: ALPHA QUADRANT SERVICE MEDAL - Successful completion of a tour of duty in the Alpha Quadrant SD 2415 1015.0800: GREEN FLEET SERVICE MEDAL - Successful completion of a tour of duty assigned to GREEN FLEET SD 2417 1101.0800: SAPPHIRE FLEET SERVICE MEDAL - Successful completion of a tour of duty assigned to SAPPHIRE FLEET SD 2418 1215.1600: GOLD FLEET SERVICE MEDAL - Successful completion of a tour of duty assigned to GOLD FLEET SD 2418 1215.1600: SILVER STAR - For actions above and beyond the call of duty on HCG-34 Gamma Tau SD 2418 1215.1600: WOUNDED LION - For wounds suffered in the line of duty on HCG-35 Gamma Tau SD 2418 1215.1600: KLINGON SECTOR SERVICE MEDAL - Successful completion of a tour of duty assigned to the Klingon Sector


Shay is a very skilled, meticulous and patient scientist, both in research and application. She understands the cosmology and physics of the space as well as the history and cultures of the species living within that space -- she doesn't see a separation between the two.

SERVICE SCHOOLS ATTENDED - Star Fleet Naval Operations Officers School

BILLET QUALIFICATIONS - Operations Manager - Counselor - Science Officer - Flight Operations Officer - Protocol Officer - Communications Officer - Ship's Services Officer

DUTY QUALIFICATIONS - Psychiatry - Cultural Exchange - Quantum Theory - Subspace Theory - Linguistics and Linguistic Translation - Level 4 Ciphers and Crypto - Ethics and Philosophy - Xeno-theology - Junior Office of the Watch - Senior Officer of the Watch - Away Team - Medic - Stellar Cartography - Astrometrics - Astrophysics - Level Nine Pilot, small craft - Chaplain

SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS - MindHealer - First Contact - Diplomatic Envoy - Liaison or Exchange Officer


GRADUATION: May 31 2415 (top 25%)

ACADEMIC MAJOR I: Astrophysics - Concentration I: Stellar Cartography - Concentration II: Astrometrics

ACADEMIC MAJOR II: Xeno-theology - Concentration: Mysticism and Interfaith Dialogue


ACTIVITIES - Pilot 5th Slot, Nova Squadron - Pilot 3rd Slot (2O), Nova Squadron - Pilot 2nd Slot (XO) Nova Squadron - Pilot 1st Slot (CO) Nova Squadron

- Student Exploratory Internship Summer 2411 - Student Exploratory Internship Summer 2412(Honors) - Student Exploratory Internship Summer 2413(Honors, Section Leader) - Student Exploratory Internship Summer 2414(Honors, Journeyman Rank Field Investigator)

ACADEMIC COMMENDATIONS - Suma Cum Laude in Linguistic studies - Suma Cum Laude in Stellar Cartography - Suma Cum Laude in Astrometrics - Magna Cum Laude in Cultural Anthropology and Xeno-studies (specialty: occultism, mysticism, theology) - Honors in psychology - Magna Cum Laude in Nav - Honors in Flight Control - Student Laureate for Thesis Presentation and Research - Level five pilot by the end of 1st term Freshman

ACADEMIC REPRIMANDS - Unable to pass basic Combat & Tactics by graduation deadline of her 4th year. Was required to attend SFA two extra semesters to qualify.


SD 2410 0912: Verbal argument with roommate over Cadet Ayindrias' possession. Cadet Ayindrias assigned three demerits for conduct unbecoming a cadet.

SD 2410 1003: FOLLOW UP: Cadet Ayindrias and Cadet Tash continued to be unable to resolve their differences; cadets were assigned new roommates.

- [NOTE] Cadet Ayindrias continued to require roommate re- assignment each term until her final semester.

SD 2410 1010: [See Appended Sealed Disciplinary Record 3412-5-A]

SD 2410 1031: Cadet Ayindrias refused to attend mandatory Academy social function (Halloween Formal). Cadet was given a verbal reprimand and was ordered to report to Psychological Services.

- [NOTE]: The refusal to attend mandatory Academy social functions was repeated throughout her academy career and the cadet received counseling for social difficulties with other cadets. As per instructions from CDR Dr Natasha Raine, SFA Psychological Services Cadet Ayindrias was not punished for her refusals, though she was still required to attend mandatory social functions, despite her protests, unless excused by CDR Dr Raine.

SD 2415 0921: Cadet Ayindrias locked other students out of Picard Dormitory Gymnasium for two hours. Cadet was given a verbal reprimand, but upon investigation of the incident, it was determined Cadet Ayindrias have been prevented from executing doctor-ordered exercise by fellow cadets. Although the other students initiated the aggression, Cadet Ayindrias should have reported the incident to her CO, doctor or counselor but did not for personal reasons.



"Shay is an energetic and observant woman with a keen mind and a strong sense of irony. An exemplary student and an open minded, adaptable and compassionate cadet who will make a fine Starfleet officer. Quiet and willing to follow orders, she has excellent judgment about when it's time to ask questions and when it's time to act. She's a great team player, and is willing to put aside personal differences and to ignore or deal with interpersonal conflict when it interferes with a mission or assignment.

"She never was one to mix with the crowds. She kept to herself and stayed away from socializing, although she was respected as a team member and frequently was amongst the first picked for study groups and group projects. Her extracurricular activities seemed limited to her exercise and recreational reading, and occasional joy flights. At least, until the middle of her sophomore year when she made it onto Nova Squadron. She did the Academy and StarFleet proud." -LTCDR Trent Denshiam, Picard Dormitory CO, SFA

"Shay is one of the few people with a real passion for the exacting science and subtle guesswork that is Stellar Cartography. She has a deep, instinctual understanding of where the stars are -- and how and why they move. She is able to handle the tedium of watching sensors for hours for just the minutest fluctuation and is willing to spend the time it takes to chart the progress of just a few atoms. She is very even tempered, never allowing a mistake to discourage her, even when it wipes out hours and hours of work. But I want to emphasize her passion for both her science and for Starfleet. It's that passion that will make her a valuable asset to the Federation." -LT. Maria Cantu, Professor of Astrophysics, SFA

"Ayindrias is a natural pilot; her awareness of her surroundings and her love of flying make her a joy to teach. But she's also a dedicated student, determined to learn through knowledge and training what she already has in talent. She qualified as a level five pilot before the end of her first semester, and I look for her to be at least a level eight pilot before she graduates." -CDR Mark Valdez, Senior Flight Instructor, Nova Squadron Sponsor, SFA


All Degrees and Certifications meet Federation Accreditation Standards


Home schooled by Prefect Professor T'Aris, Vulcan Academy of Sciences.

CONCENTRATIONS: - Stellar Cartography - Astrophysics - Linguistics - Theology and Mysticism - Ethics - Philosophy - History - Literature - Writing - Art - Archeology - Economics and Government - Logic and Theory - Applied Mathematics - Theoretical Mathematics - Dimensional Science



-> INDUCTION Visual Mathematics, Basic Calculation, Neurological organization. Identity Meld.

-> LEVEL I Preliminary telepathic communication and etiquette. Clan History, Vulcan History, Vulcan Anthropology, Calculus, Quantum Physics. Introduction to the teachings of Surak. Initial meditation training.

-> LEVEL II Suppression of cortical stimulae in dominant hemisphere. Vulcan cultural history. Study of Vuclan Rites of Passage. Begin study of martial forms.

-> Level III Pressure points of mind melding. Memory accuracy. Internal time- counting. Introduction to logic and reason. First meditations on Cthia. Principles of Analysis. Concreteness of thought. Physical deportment. Second circle martial forms.


-> TAL T'LEE First meditations on a'tha assisted by an Adept of Syran Clan Council. Control of subdominant cortis. Third-Fifth Circle martial forms.

-> DWEMISH NI-AN Identity isolation. Brain control with number systems and equations. Fifth and Sixth Martial Forms. Introduction of weapons.

-> ENOK-KAL FI LAR Process of definition. Concepts of givens. Study of 'THE RUNES OF T'VISH'. Logic paradigms, behavioral modification and Isolation of Katra. Second-tier martial forms. Nerve pinch.

-> SELE'AN T'LEE Subdominant brain organization, advanced philosophy and logic, muscle coordination and control of will. Five steps belief disciplines, reality awareness, and sensory acuteness. READINGS: 'LOGIC AND DEFINITION' by Lyras; 'ESSAYS OF DISCIPLINE' by Surak; 'THE INTERIOR' by Tal Luxur of Romulus; 'EQUATIONS' by Scorus; 'ANALYSIS OF PSUEDOXY' by T'verne; 'PURPOSE AS PRIME MOTIVATOR', 'SYSTEMS OF LOGIC', 'PASSION'S MASTERY: THE FORGE OF VULCAN' by Surak. Mastery of martial forms. Test of Tal'Shaya.

-> NORN LA-HAL Superior control. Meditations on arie'mnu and cthia. Advanced neurological organization and subdivision. Advanced mind meld techniques. Advanced reading and meditations on mystagogues Surak, Scorus, Lyras, T'enre, T'vis, Prisv, T'Pau and Seltar, and Spock.


The Vulcan Academy of Sciences

NOTE: The Vulcan Academy of Sciences does not award the traditional degree titles 'of Science' or 'of Arts' but rather 'of Philosophy' or 'of Logic'. Nor do they have the standard tiered-degree system -- a student attempting to gain a doctorate does not gain any subordinate degrees.

Doctorate of Philosophy (Dual) PhD Astrometrics & Stellar Cartography PhD Xeno-Theology Thesis: "Connections between Astrological Studies and

                       Astrophysical Dynamics"

Mt Seleya Temple

NOTE: Studies at Mt Seleya are considered equivalent to those of Seminary

Rank: Initiate - Path of J'hnaiar (IDIC awarded) - Path of Paktoc Kelfee - Path of the Srunihki

Rank: Adept - Path of Mey'lar - Path of Korini Dercou - Tenets of Serin - Path of the Veshr of Trak

The Ilasa Institute of Psionic Studies

Masters of Psionic Studies Doctorate of Psionic Studies: MindHealer


RELGION: Vulcan / Deltan mysticism NOTE: Shayiana Ayindrias is considered a low-ranking Priestess in one of the Vulcan sects.


Calm, even-tempered, patient, stable, but a loner. Difficulty trusting and interacting with others on a personal level, though this does not affect her ability to trust and interact with people on a professional level.


"I have worked with Shayiana since she was referred to SFA counseling at the beginning of her freshman year; I've seen her grow so much in the past five years. But Shayiana is still a loner and still has difficulty interacting with people on a personal level. A great deal of this comes from her absentee parents and the fact that most of her emotional growth took place under the tutelage of a Vulcan scientist. Although she has difficulty opening up to others, she is considered a good listener by her classmates and is always willing to help someone when they need it.

"She works well both individually and in team situations. Her recalcitrance to interact with people does not affect her professionally. This is also most likely because of her Vulcan upbringing and extended lifespan. It is my estimation that she is the emotional equivalent to a human in their early twenties a human that has never had a romantic or sexual relationship and has been raised by Vulcans, that is.

"Shay has expressed that she believes Starfleet is the one place she stands a chance of fitting in or of finding a place where she belongs. She wants to be a Starfleet officer and seen as a Starfleet officer; not as a half-breed or as the student prodigy of a scientist. In this regard, she has studied the writing and career of Ambassador Spock intensively and holds him as the closest thing she has to a role-model or idol.

"Shay is uniquely suited for Starfleet in that she spent the first years of her life assisting her mother in creating ways to integrate the Vulcan Academy of Sciences into a multicultural campus. She has also expressed an interest in assisting with First Contact situations. I would recommend to any CO that she would be an excellent addition to any First Contact mission her patience and ability to listen would be invaluable, as well as her tactful ways of seeming warm and welcoming without invading another person's privacy." -CDR DR Natasha Raine, SFA Psychological Services

"Shayiana Ayindrias has come a long way in the years I have known her. I gladly award her both her certification and her doctorate; she will be a great asset to Starfleet. Once again, she has amazed me. Her potential is unlimited and so is her passion for seeking understanding and knowledge." -Dr Jaasi Ibraam, First Circle, Ilasa Institute of Psionic Studies, Aria, Delta IV.

"Shay is willing to go above and beyond the call of duty and do whatever is necessary to do the right thing, not just the legal thing. She sees to the truth of things and not just the surface, and doesn't limit herself with notions of what she can or cannot do. She is concerned only with what should and must be done, and what she wishes to do. She pays attentions to the why and the how as much as the what - and she looks at the solution and not the problem. But above all else, her concern is for people and for right and wrong, not with things or concepts." -- Captain Moozh Natanazi, USS CONSTELLATION NCC 1017-G

"She came aboard a doomed ship determined to help save us, and she took us a long way there. She was willing to risk herself, time and again, going far above and beyond the call of duty. She was willing to a high personal price to uphold one of the highest ethics: the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. She is an asset to this, and any other ship she serves aboard." -- Captain Sareka, USS FEARLESS NCC-56000


BLOOD TYPE: Q negative

ALLERGIES: Synthehol

DISABILITIES [See appended medical history for details] - Ultra-sensitive to light. Wears specially designed filter lenses (blue-lensed glasses). - Susceptible to migraine headaches triggered by over-exposure to bright lights and neuro-toxicity caused by an overload of psionic neuro-transmitters. - Wears psionic neural inhibitor to manage psionic abilities. - Hi-grav adapted; requires 1-2 hours strenuous exercise a day.


"Aside from her impressively daunting list of medical disabilities, I would say Shay's only real health concern is her lack of concern; she's going to be a challenge for any CMO, because she adamantly refuses to acknowledge her own physical and mental limits. Normally in a Cadet, I would call this a liability, but in Shay's case, where the majority of her problems are things that she cannot ever 'overcome' or have 'fixed', she has to live and function with them -- she refuses to allow her medical problems to prevent her from doing her duty. And that is something very admirable in an officer." - Dr Lt Cdr Keith Laumer, CMO SFA

"It became apparent after just a few months on Delta that the lower gravity was beginning to affect Shay's musculature; her skeleton was losing calcium and her muscles were atrophying. She mentioned symptoms of fatigue, soreness, stiffness and cramps. She also stated that these were similar to symptoms she had experienced on Eridani Secundus, but had attributed them to her headaches. She was diagnosed with hi grav adaptation syndrome and prescribed 12 hours strenuous exercise per day. I approved Ain-shar dance practices as meeting the requirements for strenuous exercise." - Dr Tyia Sajnel, General Medical Officer, Ilasa Institute for Psionic Studies

"Her ordeal aboard CONSTELLATION, both the Pisces and Mishtosa missions, was extraordinarily physically and mentally taxing; but her recuperative powers are even more extraordinary. She is in excellent physical condition and is more than fit to return to active duty." - Dr LTCDR Elizabeth Ritten, SB DELTA

MEDICAL DATA: HUMAN/EL AURIAN HYBRID [Excerpts from the file of Dr. Sohten, Prefect Dean Vulcan Academy of Sciences College of Medicine, Surgeon General of the Vulcan Academy of Sciences Hospital]

Larel Ayindrias was an Eridani Colonies native; she had been genetically engineered since birth. However, she is the one in a hundred million Eridani who suffer genetic damage from the procedures. As in all such recorded cases, the genetic defects to not become apparent until later in life. On my advice, Larel declined any genetic manipulation for her daughter. It is my theorem that such damage will not only be passed along to a half-breed child, but compounded by the mingled genetic structures. This was especially a danger in Shayiana's case because very little is known of her paternal genetic donor.

Keiran Alastair declined any medical testing. As the paternity of the child was not in doubt, there was little recourse but to allow him his recalcitrance, despite my official protests. As well, none of my requests to known El Aurian refugees for medical data have been answered.

Shayiana was removed from postnatal care soon after birth by Larel Ayindrias. To my knowledge, she received very little, if any, professional medical care until Prefect Professor T'Aris brought her to me in 2367 after her sensitivity to bright light was discovered. T'Aris' solution to the problem was quite elegant. She adapted two standard light filtration lenses into a typical eyeglass frame favored by humans. Unlike the traditional human 'sunglasses', Shayiana's filters allowed her to see as a normal person in normal lighting. The filters can also be adjusted to allow more or less light in as needed.

Shayiana Ayindrias was small for a human female newborn, and remained small for the rest of her life. Her growth remained normal for that of a human female until she reached the age of ten standard years. At approximately three months past her tenth birthday, her physical and emotional development began to slow substantially, although her mental and intellectual developments were substantially increased.

Her physical development continued to remain gradual, although her mental development was on par with that of a Vulcan child. Her ability to recall and absorb information is a function of her nearly eidetic audio memory.

I cannot determine a proportionate growth ratio in comparison to either human or El Aurian (there have been no responses to my inquiries concerning the growth and development of El Aurian children).

Her pubescent period lasted approximately ten years, although she never began a menstrual cycle. There are two possibilities: either has not reached her sexual maturity as of yet, or she is not fertile. The medical experts on the Eridani Colonies favor the latter theory, as do I. She does not possess ovaries; however she does possess inactive glands where her ovaries should be. Observations made by Professor T'Aris and Mistress Jaasi Ibraam of the Ilasa Institute substantiate the theory that Shay has reached sexual maturity but is not fertile.

Her brain is subdivided much like that of a Vulcan, capable of processing multiple tasks and inputs at once. I believe that this is a function of her El Aurian heritage. Considered by some Federation scientists to be the 'secret of Vulcan intelligence', neural subdivision is fairly common amongst vulcanoid and reptilian species, but not humanoid. I theorize this subdivision is partially responsible for her psionic abilities.

Shayiana possess an allergy to synthehol caused by a minor difference in how her body processes complex carbohydrates and sugars. This allergy has been observed in .025% of humans, many of whom have parents who have been genetically modified. She is capable of consuming the grain alcohol based beverages favored by many humans.

In 2398 while visiting family on Eridani Secundus, Shayiana began to experience severe migraine headaches. After the Eridani doctors failed to successfully diagnose or treat her condition, Shayiana was transported back to Vulcan. After ten months of hospitalization and consultation with several colleagues, it was determined that Shayiana was experiencing the activation of latent psionic abilities. After an unsuccessful attempt at training on Vulcan and further hospitalization, Shayiana was referred to the Ilasa Institute for Psionic Studies on Delta IV.


[Excerpts from the file of Jaasi Ibraam, Primary Psionic Counselor, Ilasa Institute for Psionic Study]

Shayiana Ayindrias was referred to us on Nov 8 2402 for evaluation and possible instruction when Dr. Sohten of the Vulcan Academy of Sciences Medical School reported that Shayiana was suffering from extreme migraine headaches and flashes of emotion/images from other people upon skin-to-skin physical contact or close physical proximity. Also at this time Shayiana's sense of touch was registering at 27% above her recorded standard neural response and increasing daily.

Shayiana was transported to the Ilasa Institute for Psionic Study on Delta IV in March of 2403 and assigned to me based on my experience with crossbred patients developing latent psionic abilities related to one or both of the parent species. However, this did not appear to be the case with Shayiana. Her human parent had no psionic abilities, and the scanty medical records of El Aurian refugees showed no inclination towards psionics. However, no El Aurians were available for consultation.

I was able to acquire autopsy records of an El Aurian. According to the findings of the autopsy, the El Aurian brain has an extraordinarily developed psychic center, but very little actual activity. I contacted the Eridani Colonies Central Medical Office and spoke with Dr. Misael Garas, a genetic specialist. He informed me that some of the genetic manipulation affecting the Eridanan brain and neural centers derived from Deltan and Betazoid genetic structures occasionally produced psionic talents similar to those abilities possessed by Deltans and Betazoids. It is possible a recessive gene in both Larel Ayindrias and Keiran Alastair became dominant in Shay.

Upon further examination of Shayiana, the following was determined:

1) She possesses the ability to sense emotion and receive strong mental images from any person who she touches for more than just a few seconds or is in close proximity. After some training, Shay is capable of sensing basic emotions and states of mind of people within two meters of her.

2) She possesses an 'awareness' of space/time flows and spatial phenomena that extend into subspace or sub-quantum levels. This 'awareness' is normally subconscious and does not register unless there is a massive (supernova sized) disturbance or unless she enters into a deep meditative state. This ability is usually manifested as a sense of the gravitational pull of nearby stellar bodies, and is probably one of the primary reasons Shay is so interested in Stellar Cartography and Astrophysics. We believe this is a product of the changes wrought on her father by the Nexus passed down to her genetically. It is now theorized by Dr. Sohten that the Nexus affected, on a neurochemical and genetic level, the psychic center of the El Aurian brain.

Shayiana spent a further seven years at the Ilasa Institute for Psionic Studies, learning to control her abilities. Unfortunately, we can find no way for her to control her empathy. She was prescribed a psionic inhibitor usually given to Deltans who will have prolonged contact with other species. The device appears to be a thin silver necklace tight around her neck, and inhibits the psionic neurotransmitters. However, once it is removed, her empathy is intensified for a period of one hour per week of continuous usage due to a buildup of neurochemicals. If worn for too long (more than 72 hours at a stretch) it can cause toxicity of the brain and induce stroke and / or systemic nerve failure. I have very little doubt the full extent of Shay's abilities have been plumbed; there is just so much we don't know and don't understand about how her brain functions and develops.


EMPATHY: Shay possesses out of control empathic powers requiring a full-time psionic inhibitor to manage. She can both sense and project emotions and emotionally-driven impulses, including causing psychosomatic responses up to a range of 10 meters. Any projection creates 'feedback' Shay also senses.

TELEPATHY: As well as the standard abilities of projection and reception, Shayiana possesses the ability to sense and project emotion, thoughts and strong mental images from any person she touches for more than a few seconds. After some training, Shay is capable of sensing basic emotions and states of mind of people within two meters of her. Her abilities also include mind-meld and mental bonding abilities. Able to draw forth repressed memories and assist in the repair of damage caused by mental invasion.

PSYCHOMETRIC PERCEPTION: Shay can sense the emotional state and 'see' possible flashes of memory left as impressions in/on inanimate objects by previous owners. Length of contact and strength of emotion affect clarity. This is by far the weakest and most unpredictable of Shay's abilities.

PSYCHOKINETIC PERCEPTION: She possesses an 'awareness' of space/time flows and spatial phenomena that extend into subspace or sub-quantum levels. This 'awareness' is normally subconscious and does not register unless there is a massive (supernova- sized) disturbance or unless she enters into a deep meditative state. This ability is usually manifested as a sense of the gravitational pull of nearby stellar bodies.


Keiran Alastair, an El Aurian artisan and philosopher was rescued from the transport ship LAKUL by the ENTERPRISE-B on her maiden voyage. Deciding (as any good philosopher would) that the worlds inside the Nexus were a lie; that perfection of joy and perfection of existence cannot exist, and therefore, the Nexus reflected the desires of the soul and heart, hidden from the conscious mind. He holds (and has written) that the Nexus is a manifestation (and/or reflection) of subspace and sub-quantum universes that access the infinite alternate timelines and that your own personal world is created by your subconscious to give you a way to understand and perceive the Nexus.

Alastair became infatuated with human women and moved from affair to affair with them in the years since his rescue, using their passion and drive to give him a vicarious feeling of life again. He met and seduced Larel Ayindrias in the first months of 2370. Shay was born in the fall of 2371. Alastair left short after Shay was born and has not contacted his daughter in any way, other than small monthly sums of money coming from his proceeds as an artisan and writer. This is in accord with an agreement he made with Larel Ayindrias before they parted ways. Keiran Alastair's current whereabouts (and feelings concerning his daughter) are unknown.

Larel Ayindrias was an education specialist in multi-species integration and diversity education. After successfully implementing a diversity training program at the Andorian War College, Larel was hired as Student Orientation Coordinator by the Vulcan Academy of Sciences to design and implement programs to educate both incoming and current students on multicultural integration.

When Shay was eight years old, she was removed from her mother's custody by the Vulcan Civic Council (the equivalent of a lower court) because of her failure to enroll her child in any form of formal education. There were mitigating circumstances that prevented criminal prosecution. However, Larel was dismissed from her post at the Vulcan Academy of Sciences, and returned to her native Eridani Colonies to teach sociology at a local university.

Larel Ayindrias passed away July 12, 2398 from complications caused by genetic defects (unofficially diagnosed as Degenerative Xenosis). Doctors on Eridani Secundus determined that Shay does not possess those same defects, because she has not been genetically modified.


00-08 (2359 - 2367)

Because Shayiana's development was substantially slower than the human norm, Larel Ayindrias kept her from formal education, instead either having the child cared for by an in-home nursery worker or, later, after Shayiana had learned to walk and talk and had demonstrated a calm temper and quiet nature very uncommon in human children, Larel brought her along to many of the cultural orientation activities she was responsible for organizing and running.

During this period of her life, Shay lived as if she were nearly blind. She normally wore a dark cloth over her eyes and operated on sound, scent, and feel.

It was at one of these gatherings that she encountered Prefect Professor T'Aris, whom was impressed with the child's native intelligence and curiosity, and appalled at her lack of education. The child could barely read Standard or Vulcan, let alone write more than her name. To a Vulcan, this was an offense along the lines of child abuse.

T'Aris spoke to Shay's mother, and although she understood Larel's fears concerning Shayiana's social and physical development, suggested that it was more than time to educate her, and offered herself as teacher. Larel refused the offer, but T'Aris continued to seek Shayiana out and teach her bit by bit when her mother was not around -- the illogic of wasting her intelligence staggered T'Aris.

When Larel found out about the clandestine meetings, she strove to prevent T'Aris from speaking to Shay by forbidding the girl to interact with the professor. This had the opposite effect, causing Shay to seek out T'Aris (whom she regarded as her only friend).

T'Aris began instructing Shay as she would a Vulcan child and Shay progressed quickly to the point where T'Aris was taking Shay out into the deserts for three and four day stretches for instruction and training with her father, Sim're (Master) Sohte. This including initial mind-meld training and desert survival training. T'Aris had never taught a child before, and only knew how to instruct Vulcan children. However, Shay seemed to thrive under the discipline and rigorous course of study.

Larel Ayindrias did not appear to notice her daughter missing.

T'Aris finally did the logical thing -- if Larel was not going to provide for her daughter one of the fundamental necessities of life (an education), then T'Aris would have to remedy that. She petitioned the Vulcan Civic Council and, after much debate, Shayiana was removed from Larel's custody. However, the Vulcan Civic Council also did the logical thing and placed Shayiana in a surprised and unprepared T'Aris' custody.

Larel was dismissed from her post at the Vulcan Academy of Sciences and returned to Eridani Secundus to teach at Nietzsche University.

08-27 (2367 - 2386)

T'Aris wished Shay to be educated as a Vulcan child and treated as a Vulcan citizen. However, for this to be official and legal, Shay had to pass the Kahs-wan test -- a ten-day desert trek. Not only did Shay pass, she did so in eight days: only a handful of Vulcans had ever passed that fast.

Shayiana remained under T'Aris tutelage, studying a variety of subjects, many of which she was allowed to choose herself. Shayiana had developed an interest in several areas of study -- XenoCultural and theological studies, esp. astrology, stellar cartography, linguistics, and first contact. T'Aris placed Shay as her aide and assistant, taking her on several expeditions, two of which lasted more than a year. One of which was on a Starfleet vessel, where T'Aris arranged for Shay to begin her training as a shuttle pilot so Shay could fly while T'Aris used the sensor arrays. Shay showed a precocious talent for flight early on, and it became a hobby of hers.

Several times, T'Aris knowledge of Vulcan history and religion was needed on archeological excavations on Vulcan, and Shay accompanied her on most of these visits.

T'Aris also began instructing Shayiana in the meditation and mental discipline that all Vulcan children learned; however, T'Aris excluded most of the schooling in controlling emotion, believing that it would stifle Shay's human side and her emotional and mental maturation -- though she did teach both the disciplines of 'arie'mnu' -- Passion's Mastery and Cthia -- 'the true way of things, or logic-truth'.

Sohte trained Shay further in Vulcan's deserts and in the Vulcan martial arts.

At the age of 20 Shayiana began to undergo the physical changes that marked the onset of puberty. Although the emotional upheaval was less than the human norm, it would last nearly ten years.

27-39 (2386 - 2398)

Shay enrolled in the Vulcan Academy of Sciences for what would become a twelve year course of study in multiple subjects. She believed that the study stellar phenomena was related to the astrological and occult 'sciences' that almost every space faring culture had a version of, and set out to prove it by studying both.

Shay assisted in several notable projects such as the pilot of a solar sail spacecraft based on an amalgamation of ancient Bajoran and ancient Vulcan design during a comparison of the two cultures early development, and archeological digs on Vulcan, Bajor, and Cardassia Prime.

Her Senior Thesis garnered her a number of accolades; although she only made a low-grade B, her extensive research into dozens of cultures, including Human, Vulcan, Deltan, Betazoid, Rihannsu (Romulan), Klingon, Gorn, Tholian, Andorian, Husnock, Ferengi, Bolian, Cardassian, and Bajoran allowed her to draw interesting parallels in occult and astrological theory (and some mystical and theological theory). Although her conclusions had no true practical application, her thesis also sparked a new round of research into the connections between religion, magic and science. Shay assisted on the project until her mother's death called her away to Eridani Secundus.

39-40 (2398 - 2399)

In 2398, Larel Ayindrias passed away from complications caused by genetic defects in her childhood home on Eridani Secundus. She recorded a message for her daughter to watch. Shay attended the funeral on Eridani Secundus, and stayed with her second cousins -- who were approximately the same emotional age as Shay. Kieran Alastair made a token appearance and made some peace with his daughter. Although his current whereabouts are unknown, he somehow manages to maintain knowledge of his daughter's activities and to get correspondence and gifts to her.

Shay remained on Eridani with her cousins for the enjoyed relative freedom. Larel had left Shay with a small amount of money and the wish that Shay get to know some of her extended family and experience her mother's culture. It took Shay several months to adapt to human interaction, however, once she did, she found she fit in well. Although she never became close to any of her family, she did feel at home with them for a time.

Near the end of her stay, Shay began experiencing frequent and severely debilitating migraine headaches that the Eridani doctors could not diagnose the cause of. She was transported back to Vulcan and remanded into her Dr. Sohten's (her uncle) care.

Dr. Sohten was able to quickly identify the initial stages of latent psionic powers becoming active as the cause of the headaches. T'Aris and Shay entered into a retreat at Mt. Seleya to have Shay trained in psionic disciplines by her grandfather Sohte and grandmother T'hija.

41-45 (2400 - 2405)

Although Shay learned a great deal, including higher-level meditation and concentration techniques, Vulcan astrology, religion and mysticism, she was not able to control her psionic abilities. Shay assisted in continuing archeological research into the ancient religious orders that had controlled Mt Seleya at various times in Vulcan history.

In 2403, Sohte entered into Pon Farr and at the Koon-ut-kali-fi ceremony, T'hija challenged. T'Aris would not stand with Sohte, however Shay did. Her grandfather killed the challenger and released his wife, but Shay never forgave her grandmother the betrayal.

Shay was never able to progress in her studies past the rank of Initiate -- her powers remained uncontrolled. After five unsuccessful years, Dr. Sohten and T'Aris contacted the Ilasa Institute for Psionic Studies on Delta IV, and arranged for Shay to be treated there.

45-51 (2404 - 2410)

Shay was a residential patient at the Ilasa Institute for seven years, although no amount of training would allow her to control her abilities. Jaasi Ibraam modified a standard psionic inhibitor for Shay to use. It was during her stay on Delta that she met Miria Esenal, another patient of Jaasi Ibraam's, and when she got her piercing and tattoos, though she has never related the story to anyone. It is possible that Jaasi or Miria know, although unlikely.

Miria was a former Orion slave girl training to control her phenomenal responses; she and Shay were roommates at the Institute and became close friends. Miria taught Shay the Orion Ain-Shar, a mixture of dance and martial art when Shay needed intense physical activity.

While Shay was on Delta IV, she assisted in several archeological digs and historical research projects dealing with theology, mysticism or occultism. Although Shay began, she did not complete, a MindHealer certification.

Near the end of her stay at the Institute, a StarFleet Officer, Lt. Cedric Arrington was referred to the Institute to train his minor psychokinetic abilities. He attempted to court Miria and often spoke of StarFleet to both women. Shay decided she wanted to join StarFleet, feeling it was the only place she might truly fit in. T'Aris and Jaasi both supported her decision, and Miria vowed to follow her when her treatment was complete. However, Miria committed suicide in the fall of 2412.

Shay was accepted into StarFleet Academy the summer of 2410. She began her term that fall.

51-56 (2410 - 2415)

Attending StarFleet Academy was more of a challenge that Shay thought it would be. She found interpersonal relations very difficult, and had an even worse time of it in most of her engineering and combat-related classes. She maintained high grades in pure mathematics, and was considered to be one of the finest writers in her class. She also broke an Academy record, becoming the only Academy freshman to reach rank five pilot certification. Near the middle of her sophomore year, a member of the famed Nova Squadron dropped out of the Academy, leaving a slot open. The staff sponsor and team captain both agreed to offer Shay a chance to try out. She made the team with flying colors. Shay went on to become the Captain of Nova Squadron for her fifth and final year at the Academy -- the year Nova Squadron won every competition they entered.

During her freshman year, Shay was involved in a violent incident and was raped by other cadets while all three were under the influence of a mind-altering drug -- which had been forced on Shay. She has refused counseling for the event and is believed to be protecting a secret for Michelle Underidge, a cadet near graduating from Starfleet Medical School. Cadet Underidge was expelled from Starfleet Medical and made to repeat her last year.

During breaks and vacations, Shay did not return to Vulcan. Instead, she explored Earth and the Sol system as extensively as she could, participating in archeological digs and exploratory missions, particularly those involving the Sol itself. She was recognized and commended as a pilot on several ventures to both Jupiter and Sol, including two that used metaphasic shielding and advanced structural integrity field technology to descend closer to the surface of a star and father into a gas giant than any other mission has ever gone.

Because of Shay's refusal to attend and/or participate in mandatory social functions, she was ordered to undergo counseling for the duration of her term. Because of her low combat, tactics and engineering scores, she was held back for an extra year. Another student under the auspices of StarFleet Academy's Counseling Office was suggested as a tutor for her martial skills. Ivan Yugensevich tutored her for three years and managed to get her up to par. He remains her regular correspondent and one of the closest people Shay has to a friend in StarFleet.

Cedric Arrington maintains regular correspondence with Shay and follows her career closely, although he remains at the Ilasa Institute.

56 - 57 (2415 - 2416)

Right after Shay's ALB training, she ran into Ivan Yugensevich again -- the CONSTELLATION was at SB ALPHA for a change of command and a refit before heading out to deal with a Romulan threat in the Pisces sector. Ivan and Shay parted ways once again, Shay preparing to report to ADM Ash for assignment, and Ivan back to the CONSTELLATION for a mission he didn't know if he would return from.

ADM Ash assigned Shay to GREEN FLEET under the command of ADM Milton Vaun at SB DELTA in orbit around Vulcan. To her surprise, Shay was assigned to the USS CONSTELLATION NCC 1017 G TACRON 33 GREEN FLEET as Chief Science Officer under the command of Captain Moozh Natanazi, a native of the primitive Preserver world Pisces R4.

Before reporting for duty aboard CONSTELLATION, Shay took a few hours to visit her foster-mother, T'Aris -- now secluded in the monastery of Gol to achieve perfect divorce from emotion -- Kolinahr. T'Aris is cold and unfeeling towards her foster-daughter, unknowingly destroying Shay's fragile emotional balance. Devastated and unsure, Shay reports aboard CONSTELLATION, looking forward to re-uniting with Ivan.

Once aboard CONSTELLATION, she discovers Michelle Underidge is the Ship's Services officer -- and she proceeds to continue her vendetta against Shay, tormenting her in every way she can. Underidge not only 'forgets' to assign Shay quarters, she hides her possessions, gives her uniforms over a century out of date, and sets her quarters to temperatures and light-settings designed to hurt Shay.

Less than 72 hours after coming aboard, Shay experiences psionic backlash shock and is hospitalized in a psi-neutral cube by Dr Abigail Rgyon -- a woman telepathically connected with her Betazoid best friend.

After her release from sickbay, Shay became embroiled in the final stages of a years-long quest for a Preserver super weapon when the CONSTELLATION and Captain Natanazi joined forces with Riov tr'Richaelu, a member of the Pisces R4 occupation force and a high- ranking officer in the Romulan 4th Fleet. Both tr'Richaelu and Moozh Natanazi knew the power of the Preserver super weapon, and both wanted to prevent mad Romulan Admiral tr'Ninith from gaining control of it.

tr'Ninith had spend decades ruling the primitive people of Pisces R4 through the illusion that he and his officers were the ancient Assyrian and Sumerian gods (the Preservers created the civilization of the people of Pisces R4 as a mirror of those ancient Earth cultures) -- and as soon as he gained control of the Preserver weapon, he would destroy Earth and anyone else who stood in his way to becoming a God-Emperor of more than just the Romulan Empire.

Luckily, the weapon was only functioning at a fraction of the power needed to be a world-killer; it needed a Preserver-made power cell. The race was on. In a many-prong attack, forces from the CONSTELLATION and tr'Richaelu's flagship, the CHR DHAEL, attacked tr'Ninith's forces and prevented him from recovering the power cell.

Shay had been assigned as the Starfleet liaison aboard the DHAEL -- Captain Natanazi knew Shay's familiarity with both ancient languages and cultures, the Romulan language and culture and her own upbringing would give Shay -- of all her officers -- a fighting chance to make the tentative alliance work.

Shay undergoes a brutal initiation into the Romulan ranks, surviving through sheer force of will to become a member of the elite tal'Aidan. She has been vague as to what her position in the tal'Aidan is, or what she knows of them -- except in a briefing given directly to Starfleet Intelligence.

Captain Natanazi gained control of the weapon and used it to decimate the Romulan 4th Fleet, and it is believed that for a time, lost herself in what she had done. She had killed tr'Ninith, man she believed to be the god she had served as a priestess for over half her life, and then gained command of that god's most awesome weapon. She had killed God and taken his place. Many believe Captain Natanazi believed herself a Goddess

Only Captain Natanazi and Shayiana Ayindrias know what occurred on the surface of that planet -- and they aren't telling, but since they returned from the planet's surface with the Romulan child Cassandra they have been a close as sisters.

After the disastrous Pisces mission, the Moozh Natanazi was removed from command and replaced by Commodore Akiko Tomita, the TACRON 33 CO. The still severely damaged CONSTELLATION was then detailed to the sectors bordering the Sheliak Corporate to negotiate a trade and territory dispute carrying Shay's adopted Vulcan grandfather, Ambassador Sohte.

Sohte cornered his grand-daughter Shay with a choice -- leave Starfleet and return to Vulcan to deal with her psionic abilities and come to terms with her estranged foster-mother, or spend the rest of her life running away from things she refuses to face. Confused, Shay turns to Ivan Yugensevich for help, only to find her friend is almost in a relationship with Michelle Underidge -- who saved his life.

Forced by the last orders of Captain Natanazi to investigate the tension between Shay and Michelle, Ivan is forced to confront them both and discovers Shay was not the only one raped -- and she had been protecting Michelle's secret and shame for years. No sooner had the CONSTELLATION dropped off Commodore Tomita and Moozh Natanazi resumed command, she is ordered to humanitarian aide on the plant Mishtosa. Commander Caroline Trueman, returned to CONSTELLATION as XO to assist her old friend Moozh until a new XO could be chosen -- the Klingon Counselor Tad'ghik had been proven too unstable for the position, was left in command of a crippled starship as Moozh Natanazi went planet side -- where she and Shay were once again almost killed by rebels.

Moozh Natanazi, for the first time in a long time, found diplomacy worked -- and was able to end the conflict on Mishtosa. Upon the CONSTELLATION's return, it was determined her damage was too extensive, too severe. The USS CONSTELLATION NCC 1017 G was decommissioned, leaving her crew at loose ends.

57 (2416 - 2417)

After the CONSTELLATION was decommissioned, Shay took a leave of absence to answer some of the questions about herself. She was unable to reconcile with her foster-mother -- T'Aris refused to meet with her foster daughter. She returned to Earth for less than a month; just long enough to visit the family of her fallen, comatose friend Dr Abigail Rygon, a casualty of the Pisces R4 mission.

Confused and recovering from her serious injuries (some of which were still unhealed from Pisces R4), Shay left Earth for the quiet sanctuary of the Ilasa Institute of Psionic Studies. She visited the grave of Miria and spoke with Jaasi Ibraam for hours. Within a week, she was enrolled in an advanced and accelerated course of study to complete her aborted MindHealer's training. In less than half a year, after months of grueling study and training, Shay was certified as a MindHealer and a Counselor.

Feeling her time at the Ilasa Institute was again complete, Shay left to return to Vulcan -- and Seleya, where she had first failed. Although still not in control of her abilities, she braved the gauntlet of tests and ordeals and earned the rank of Adept.

At the urgings of her grandfather, Shay took the Counselor's exam on Starbase Delta and passed with ease. Within days, she received new orders: her leave of absence was over. She was re-assigned to the USS AKAGI in the new SAPPHIRE fleet -- her first billet as CNS, but it was her second with the AKAGI's CO -- Moozh Natanazi.

58 (2417-2418)

The SENTINEL-class USS AKAGI was decommissioned after only one tour of duty and a new USS AKAGI - a refitted AMBASSADOR-class starship was commission as the USS AKAGI NCC-10555 and was assigned a grab-bag crew of misfits, malcontents, perennial discipline problems, and failures, showing Starfleet's further distrust of ADM Tomita and her obsession with the Preserver legacy.

In February of 2418, Shay was re-assigned as Operations Manager of the USS FEARLESS NCC 56000 GOLD FLT. This marked the first career advancing transfer Shay has ever taken, but assignment to the FEARLESS was on a volunteer-basis only. The crew of the FEARLESS (meaning the crew aboard at the completion of legal proceedings) was under capital indictment by the Klingon Empire.

Her tour on FEARLESS began much like her tour on CONSTELLATION - she wasn't even greeted as she came aboard, but was sent directly to her duty station - and then on away mission aboard a Klingon freighter, where a flash/EMP bomb both blinded her and shut down her inhibitor. After going comatose from psionic shock, she was brought back aboard the FEARLESS, where Captain Sareka mind-melded with her. The necessary intensity of the meld left a lingering bond between the two that neither knew what do with - and a lingering attraction.

After a day of recovery and the discovery that she would be blind for up to eight weeks, she was sent on a covert recon mission to an all-but abandoned Klingon mining/penal colony, which turned out to be a hidden Klingon military base supporting an archeological dig on HCG- 34 Gamma Tau searching for proof that Chancellor Mor'Vath was, indeed, a prophescied savior of the Klingon people. Their shuttle was shot down, and in the course of trying to steal a Klingon shuttle, the Away team chanced upon the dig. Shay, after using a risky drug given to her by Dr Sohten to restore her sight, assisted with further recon efforts.

The Away Team trekked through underground caverns of the Borqtach Canyon for several days until they were attacked by a Klingon security force. Shay was forced to dive from a high cliff into an underground waterway. After making contact with a native creature and being attacked by more Klingons, she was able to retrieve the Twelfth Tome of Klavek from the underground, underwater ruins. She was beamed aboard the FEARLESS, which blasted its way out of the Gamma Tau system.

She was awarded the Wounded Lion and Silver Star by Captain Sareka.

LT Alexander Sato, Combat Information Center Officer

Name: Alexander Sato
Nickname: N/A
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: May 28th, 2388
Age: 31
Home World: Earth
Place of Birth: Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

Physical Appearance
Physique/Build/Frame: Slim
Weight: 154 lbs.
Height: 5 foot 5 inches
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Skin Tone: Average
Distinguishing Marks: N/A

Marital Status: Single
Father: Ichiro Sato (Retired Commander, Engineer)
Mother: Riana Leyton (Former Inn Manager, Sato Family Hot Springs)
Sister: Ruri Sato (Inn Manager, Sito Family Hot Springs)

Special Abilities:

Alexander’s finger dexterity is above average owning to his 
ambidexterity. He is also a very meticulous and has an acute 
sense of detail and is a remarkable analyst.

Alexander has a very quiet countenance. While respectful, he is not 
very sociable and tends to keep to himself rather than involve 
himself with large groups. 

Tends to tap on consoles when he is thinking about a problem in 
various distinctive rhythms

Reading, building intricate models

No known career ambitions.

Education - Before Starfleet Academy: 
Standard Terran Educational System

Service Record - Including Starfleet Academy:

2410-2411: Cadet, First Year, General Studies, Starfleet Academy
2411-2412: Cadet, Second Year, Basic Military Strategy, Starfleet Academy
2412-2413: Cadet, Third Year, Signal Intelligence, Starfleet Academy
2413-2414: Cadet, Fourth Year, Advanced Tactical Analysis, Starfleet Academy
2414-2416: Ensign, Information Systems Technician, USS Cutchall
2416-2418: Lieutenant Junior Grade, Operations Specialist, USS Valdosta
2318-2419: Lieutenant Junior Grade, CIC Executive Officer, USS Valdosta
2419-Present: Lieutenant, CIC Officer, USS Fearless

Reprimand History:

No Formal Reprimands on File.

Personal History and Origin:

When Alexander was born, his father had already served Starfleet for 
almost a decade. His mother, having never had much of a taste for interstellar 
travel, had long since elected to stay behind, awaiting her husband’s 
return after each mission his various starship assignments while tending 
the family’s ancestral hot springs inn with the help of Alexander’s grandparents. 
By the time Alex was three, his mother gave birth to his sister, Ruri, and the 
pair of them grew up helping their mother tend the springs and otherwise grew 
up in the relative calm of the countryside.

When Alex was about ten his father finally returned to Earth for good, first 
taking a position at the San Francisco Dockyards and eventually retiring from 
Starfleet service all together. His father’s retirement didn’t come before 
Alex managed to become enthralled with his father’s career path. Having been 
an engineer his entire career, Ichiro had a knack for telling stories about 
the many adventures and near misadventures he’d had while serving on starships. 
Alex never realized that his father had such an interesting job, and it wasn’t 
until he finally enrolled in Starfleet Academy and began to take courses that 
he realized how many of his father’s stories carried with them heavy 
embellishments simply for entertainment purposes.

Unlike her brother, Ruri didn’t share the Sato male compulsion for all things 
mechanical. Instead, she chose to enter Tokyo University to obtain a business 
degree so she could return home and manage the hot spring on her own, following 
their mother’s footsteps of responsibility and stability.

Starfleet Academy Career Summary:

Alexander Sato entered Starfleet Academy with the intention of becoming an 
Engineering student much like his father. His interest in Engineering was put 
to the wayside when Alex discovered some of the details his father had left out. 
While it didn’t totally dissuade him from the engineering realm, Alex decided 
he would rather take on the role of a strategist. His childhood reading obsession 
gave him the head start he needed, since many of his favourite books had been on 
the subject of Ancient Asian Martial Culture. With an old, worn, dog eared copy 
of the Six Military Classics of Ancient China sitting on his desk, Alex felt that 
he might perhaps make use of what he’d learned sitting under his favourite tree 
to build a career of his own. 

His second year at the Academy gave him the false impression that he would rise 
to the forefront of his class. His foreknowledge of basic tactics gave him much 
confidence though it also doomed him to being somewhat arrogant about his own 
mastery of things. He did however finish his first year at the top of his class, 
and many instructors predicted that he would indeed go on to do the same for 
the next two to come.

Third year and the Signal Intelligence course proved to be a stumbling point. 
While his grasp of the engineering principles were solid, some of the less than 
concrete and often times fluid codes and countersigns and decryption methods 
gave him much pause and held him back at times. While he finished the course 
satisfactorily, he was far from the top student, and lost his arrogance about 
his own skills.

By fourth year, he approached the Advanced Course on Tactical Analysis with great 
caution. He never tried to get ahead of himself even when the concepts were fully 
formed and locked in his mind. He became methodical and calculating to the point 
of obsession, taking great care not to repeat his mistakes from his second year. 
He was reward with outstanding grades for it, but it would not give him enough of 
a boost to realize his ambitious goal of being the head of the class.

While his grades never faltered and his dedication was never questioned, Alex was 
rarely seen throughout campus, and indeed for the majority of his four years his 
roommate was the only companion he had. Despite dozens of attempts on his 
roommate’s part to thrust the reclusive man into the social arena, Alex never found 
his niche and would rather spend his off time back in the reclusive and isolated 
home he grew up in rather than the clubs and bars of the big city. 

Alex graduated in the upper portion of his class, neither proving extraordinary 
nor mediocre, but he did prove himself to be a dependable officer when faced with 
ever-changing circumstances which was important in the decision to send him to 
the USS Cutchall for his first assignment. Life aboard the Cutchall was relatively 
calm, the ship didn’t enjoy the rigorous and fast paced missions that other vessels 
of its class did, and it rarely saw heavy combat action. The few times it did, 
Alexander showed that he could man any station needed and often times had to take 
on more than one task during the heat of battle when damage to the ship rendered 
stations inert and his fellows became injured because of it.

His first promotion came with transfer orders to the USS Valdosta, where he was 
placed in charge of the Sensors Division within the department. His enthusiasm to 
do the best he job could became evident immediately, and his division was cited 
twice for their superior work during missions.

The third year of his assignment aboard the Valdosta saw him advancing to the role 
of the CIC Executive Officer, giving him a chance to show the CIC Officer and the 
department what he was made of. Even though the pressure of the job overwhelmed the 
young officer at times, he did find himself prospering once he managed to get used 
to the workload.

His year spent as CIC Exec earned him his second promotion, and a few months 
thereafter he found himself being sent to a recent addition to the inventory of 
Blue Fleet. While Alex has some misgivings about being placed in a position of 
responsibility that would normally be given to a much more seasoned officer, his 
natural enthusiasm to succeed and be a valued member of his new crew will not 
allow such trepidations to impede on his performance.

Medical Report:

At the time of his initial medical examination, Ensign Alexander Sato is reported 
to be in perfect physical condition, showing neither signs of physical abnormalities 
nor any hint of hereditary disease or infirmity that are or will later surface and 
prevent him from serving Starfleet.

Psychology Report:

At the time of his initial medical examination, Alexander Sato is reported to be in 
perfect mental condition, showing neither signs of emotional instability nor any hint 
of hereditary mental afflictions that are or will later surface and prevent him 
from serving Starfleet.


2.7- Addition of CIC (SD190707)
2.6- Addition of OPS (SD190707)
2.5- Removal of ENG (SD 181008)
2.4- Removal of AMB; addition of new MCO (SD 180506)
2.3- Addition of new XO, ENG and OPS (SD 180304)
2.2- Removal of TAC and MCO (SD 180201)
2.1- Additon of new COU (SD 171111)
2.0- Change of command and resturcturing of billets (SD 171030)
1.21- Addition of CMO biofile (SD 170709)
1.2- Addition of COU biofile (SD 170704)
1.1- Addition of several bios (SD 170613)
1.0- Original compilation (SD 170612)