ORIGINS: USS Hood December 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Little Kitten, Big Cat==
===by David Martens===
SD: 2260.345
Scene: Big Mickeys place
ARr'Rhiana found that she was having a real amusing time. She had no clue what
Stile and Corbett where doing but it didn't matter much to her. She raise her
hand and tucked another bill in the tight boxers of the stripper in front of her
and enjoyed the sensual dance he was performing.
Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder pulling it to turn her around "Leave me
alone, I am not interested." She muttered. A tall guy roughly turned her
around "I need you to come with me." Hemux shrugged the hand of her shoulder
and turned back to the stage "I have plenty more credits to spend, now leave me
Again the guy turned her around and in reflex Hemux grabbed his hand, twisted it
over in a fluent motion, made a fast move with her leg and swept the guy on his
back. She leant over him and showed him a real big mouthfull of teeth "Listen
up, boy, I might be old enough to be your grandmother, I also have more black
belts in martial arts then you have good teeth in your mouth. So leave me
Again she turned back to the stage as another guy stepped in fornt of her "You
hurt my friend! He just wanted to go out with you!" The tall plump guy grabbed
her wrist and started to pull her away from the stage. Now she had it, this was
the first night in maybe two decades that she was in such a place and she was
having real fun. She was not going to let it be spoiled by two drunk idiots
that thought she was an easy prey.
She slightly bend through her knees, dropped on her side and hit the big guy
hard in his kidneys, then made a upcoming move, pulling her arms down and
throwing over her back. With a hard breaking noise he landed on a table next to
"Hey that was not nice, I just wanted to take you outside, nothing more." The
first guy now grabbed her two wrist and yanked her towards him. As he realised
when Hemux did not struggled as he expected, but instead moved with him and
placed her big Denobulan head in the middle of the guys face, breaking his noose
with a satisfying `CRACK'ing sound.
Hemux barked to him "Listen humpty, why don't you take Dumpty with you and leave
me alone, I am not interested in some date and certainly not with a guy who is
not asking what the lady wants." Unexpected a big green Orion female yanked
Hemux at her hair to the back, "you old Denobulan bitch, no one touches Max,
unless it is me. You broke my boyfriends noose!" And on her left, the tall
Klingon on who's table she had tossed Dumpty was in a fight with Dumpty. In a
few minutes the fight raged through the whole bar. People where tossed through
the room, fists landed on eyes and nooses and girls where pulling hairs, using
elbows and teeth.
A few inutes later the door in the back alley opened up and Hemux was tossed out
by Markin and two other big guys. Markin grinned as he hold a Orion girl from
using her teeth and nails on Hemux "I believe she is yours? Isn't she a bit old
for you, Corbett? If you ever get tired of this one, I am sure Mikey want to
pay a good prize for her. With a little education she will be the top of the
Hemux snarled at Marick "I would not want to work in that joint for all the
Latinum of the universe. And keep that kitten away from me before I teach her
what a Denobulan can do with her teeth and nails!" With those words she blew up
her head twice as big as usual to the Orion girl.
The Orion girl, Alia stared at Corbett "You will pay for this Corbett, leaving
me was already bad enough, but showing up with her, and both sneaking out by
Mikeys backdoor! I hate you, I will make you pay for this!"
With those words he rushed back inside the door. Marick just grinned and nodded
once more to Corbett, then pulled the door behind him, leaving the three in a
dark alley...
Ignoring Stile she turned to Corbett and said with a voice that was colder then
an Andorian blizzard "Since all fun is over now, why not go where we should be
going, Corbett sweety..."
<tag anyone>
Hi All,
ok, I am clearly not capable in following up the amount of posts you guys toss
around, but her is my piece for tonight! I guess Corbett will have a lot to
explain to Hemux...
David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Time not flying==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Time not flying==