ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Here's How It Went Down==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD: 2261.018
Scene: New Detroit Spaceport
Sachen was on the verge of believing that he was going to make it.  Ruthlessly he surpressed the legions of firemoths dancing in his stomach when he spotted the trio of Andorians marching straight for him.  His Federation contacts?  He had expected humans, but Andorians would do just fine as long as they were there to take him someplace safe. 
The talest of the Andorians stopped in front of Sachen and smiled.  "Welcome to New Detroit.  Doctor?" 
Sachen immediately picked up the uncertainty in the question.  Romulan instincts kicked in.  "I'm sorry," Sachen said with bewilderment.  "Can I help you?"
Two of the Andorians looked at each other.  The talker pressed on. "Dr. Sachen we have precious little time."
Again, something urged him to evade.  "Sir, you must have me confused with someone else.  I am no doctor.  And my name is Gri'tov.  Now I thought *you* were here to take me to the hotel, but seems my expectations of my good host was either in error or there is somone else here I should be looking for.  Good day to you."  He made to move past when the tall Andorian grabbed his arm and yanked off the cloak's hood, exposing Sachen's pointy ears. 
The Andorian hissed in delight.  Sachen only had a startled moment to absorb that he was truly going to die now despite all his hopes and trepidations.  Presently he heard a knife being unsheathed and before he could open his mouth to cry for help ... the Andorian let go. 
There was someone new standing beside the Andorian.  A human.
"Wide beam.  Don't bother."  Sean said coldly to the Andorians.  To the Romulan he added, "Dr. Sachen, I'm Commander Merrick.  Sorry for the inconvenience, but your ride is now here." 
NPRG: This has truly been one the most, if not the most fun threads I've had the pleasure to read and contribute to in ASR.  Glad I could be a part of it.  The HOOD truly has a fantastic team of writers.  Scott included.  ;-)
Repectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Take them!==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Take them!==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Firefight==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Firefight==