ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Andorian Standoff==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2261.020
Timeframe: immediately after "Catch and Release"; concurrent with "The
Doctor is In")
Setting: Baggage Disbursement, Spaceport, New Detroit
<<snip- from my last post, "Catch and Release">>
The Andorian quickly keyed his wrist communicator as he led the doctor
towards the rear of the baggage sorting area. "Gar here- I have Doctor
Sahen. Where are you guys?"
"Don't move, Gar."
The Star Fleeter stopped short; he found himself staring down the barrel of
an Andorian-model phaser, close enough to his face for him to notice it was
set to kill.
And it was in the hands of the one person he felt certain, at this moment,
wanted him dead at least as much as Doctor Sahen.
"Thank you for bringing Doctor Sahen safely to me, my dear," Avae Zh'sharav
said with a smile that only looked disturbingly evil to Gar at the moment.
As she took his phaser from him, he held his hands up over his head, palms
**Where the hell is the cavalry?** he wondered.
<<end snip>>
Avae reached for Sahen, but Gar stepped between them, hands still raised.
"I can't let you do that, Avae," he said, his tone soft but firm.
Avae allowed the corners of her mouth to curl. "I'm the one with the
phaser, Gar," she said, reaching to pull the Romulan geneticist towards her.
Gar stepped in between again. "No," he said, this time more forcefully.
Now the curl in her lips was gone, and Avae stepped back, her phaser pointed
right at Gar's head. "Don't make me kill you, Gar," she said.
There was something in her voice, a slight tremble, too delicate for those
without antennae to pick up. Gar, however, did not miss it.
"You won't," he said, and lowered his hand, slowly, agonizingly, reaching
for her phaser.
Avae's grip tightened on the weapon as Gar's hand drew nearer. "Gar- don't
make me do something I don't want to do!" she shouted.
"You can't," he said. "You are still in love with me."
Avae's hand dropped just a little, and her eyes flickered for a moment.
Then, suddenly, just as his hand was perhaps a few centimeters from the
phaser, her eyes flashed cold fire, and the weapon came up again, her finger
staring to depress the trigger...
Gar had no more time; instinctively, he slapped at her arm, knocking the
phaser away milliseconds before she would have had enough pressure on the
firing stud to fire the weapon.
However, his victory was short-lived, as she lashed out, and nailed him with
a boot to his chest, sending him sprawling backwards on his back.
His head slammed into the hard cement floor of the hangar, and instantly he
felt dazed, unsure of his whereabouts...he swore Avae had somehow managed to
clone herself a few times, for he now saw four or five of her... well as 5 phasers, all pointing at him. Yet, try as he might, he
could not get up; his head was ringing, as if there were a fire alarm
blaring inside of his head.
"We could have had a wonderful life on Andoria," she whispered.
Suddenly there was another explosion; Gar winced, and finally the gray fog
creeping into his mind thickened and turned slowly to black...
Come on guys- where the hell are you?? Gar is in trouble here... :)
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
Avae Zh'sharav
Am-Tal Operative

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Routine Journey==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Routine Journey==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Final Boarding Call==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Final Boarding Call==