ORIGINS: USS Hood May 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Running the Gauntlet==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.138
Scene: Sickbay
“Afternoon Mother.  Is the good doctor in?”
“I don’t know anything about ‘good’ doctor but if you are looking for lazy doctor yes he’s in.”  Jack grinned not knowing exactly what to say in reply to that.  His dilemma was solved as Mother, shaking her head in disapproval of a captain who couldn’t make snap decisions took charge and added.  “He’s in his office pretending to write his report for Starfleet Medical.”
“Thanks.”  Jack replied hastily and retreated to the safety of Dr. Corbett’s office. 
“Afternoon cap’n.”  Stile said without taking the cigar from his mouth as his fingers flew across the keyboard.  “I see you survive the gauntlet.”
Jack pretended to shudder.  “She scares me.  How do you manage with her?”
“Not a problem sar.  I just understand where she is coming from.”
“Where is she coming from?”  Jack asked trying not to chuckle at the gleam in the doctor’s eye.
“Well you have to understand she is an excellent nurse but even with all that skill she is a bit daunted by working with an exceptional healer such as myself.  Its really just a defence mechanism.”
“Careful cowboy I can hear you out here.”  Mother called from the other room.
“That’s as it should be my dear, my deepest wish is for you to understand the nature of our relationship and learn from it.”
“Keep it up cowboy and they’ll never find the body.”
Stile grinned at Jack.  “See its working already!”
“You’re a braver man then I.”
Stile shrugged as he poured the captain a drink.  “You get used to it.  So what brings you down to my humble abode.”
“Just making my tour.  So, what’s new?”
CAPT Jack Steele