ORIGINS: USS Hood May 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Carry the News II==
===by Dave Kiel===
SD 2261.140
Cedria met the harried new Security chief on her way down to the transport pad.
"We've found the escapees, sir. They took you up on your surrender offer."
"Excellent." She said, looking at him as he fell into stride next to her. "I
think we've found our crew members and I had this vision of one of them getting
into a wrestling match with their twin and all of a sudden we wouldn't know
which one of them to shoot. I hate it when that happens."
They walked into the transporter room to see Steele and the Doctor she was sure
had been poisoned to death by a killer bunny. "Are you fit to return to
command, Captain?"
He looked at her. "Any damage to my ship, lieutenant?"
"Not so much as a scratch, sir." She turned hearing a very oddly familiar
"I'm the one who kicked Zade's ass?" Cedria Quall walked up to where Cedria
Zade stood, both women dressed in skirted gold uniforms. Cedria Zade noted the
midriff baring design of her counterparts outfit and the lack of the telltale
`X' shaped scar that marked a Trill as joined. She looked into matching blue
eyes and marveled at the exactness of the other universes duplication; the same
eyes, same smooth skin, same light auburn hair, same tiny little scar from that
tree when she was nine, and the same coppery shade of lip gloss she had chosen
that morning. It made all the bewildering differences almost hard to believe.
Then Cedria remembered that this was technically a first contact mission and
there were decorum's and protocols that were to be followed.
Zade however was a corrupting influence, and the corners of her coppery lips
turned in a wry bit of mischief. "You're kinda hot."
* * *** * *
It was only seventy-five minutes later when the crewman from the alternate
universe settled into a borrowed shuttlecraft for the journey home. Jeri,
Cedria and Cedria had worked out settings to get them back using the Tholian
device that would also short out the connection between universes. Knocking the
two Branes reeling away from each other.
The settings they had to input had the side effect of overloading any nearby
warp core to the point of a sudden and spectacular breach. Gar stood by ready
to shut down the shuttles core at the right moment to spare them a frightening
and sparkly death.
Captain Steele of the other universe had been remanded into the custody of
alternate Commander Merrick with the caveat that he was not to be executed in
Federation space. Steele was still shackled in arm and leg irons after his
daring three feet of escape earlier that day.
It was agreed that Hemux was the likeliest candidate to be the occupant of the
missing shuttle, but Halifax had not found a trace of her after losing the trail
a mere parsec away. As each minute in this universe was degrading their
molecular cohesion even further the decision was made to launch then. After all
if anyone could find a way to prevent their cells from turning into goo, it was
the molecular exobiologist.
Jeri said a final goodbye to this universes version of her husband and climbed
aboard. The shuttle doors closed and the bay doors opened. Cedria lifted off
and glided smoothly out and away from USS Hood. She settled into the vector of
their return course and waited until they were safely away from Hood.
"We should make sure we don't emerge near any other ships, away from star lanes
lest the surge destroys any passing ships. A light year should be sufficient."
Gar offered.
Cedria looked over her course and smiled as she engaged the warp engines. "I'm
sorry sir, but that is not the plan."
Dr. Corbett chuckled and drawled. "Welcome to the resistance, folks."
The shuttle hit warp and the Tholian device thrummed to life for the final time,
it surged and Gar hit the emergency shutdown of the shuttles power core. A
blazing blue light enfolded them and their stomachs twisted as the shuttle
bridged the dimensions and shot back into its crews original universe,… right
between the nacelles of the TSS Constitution.
"Emergency power to engines."
"Im already reading a warp core breach."
"Aft shields, lets get the hell out of here."
Captain Steele looked out the rear viewport at the shuddering ship of his
archrival. "Ha ha ha ha! Suck that, Veld!" A hammer to the right of his jaw
sent him into a blissful slumber.
Commander Merrick returned to his seat next to Jeri, rubbing his fist. "That's
still fun the second time around."
NRPG: A proper sendoff to the survivors of TSS Hood and a tying up of a few
loose ends.
Respectfully submitted;
David Kiel
Lt Cedria Zade,
Cedria Quall
Trill Assassin, The Resistance

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOO: Off to see the NAV==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOO: Off to see the NAV==