ORIGINS: USS Hood May 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: You Got Me There...==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.139
Scene: Security Central
"Hiya Rick!"
"Captain!  Come on in."  Lieutenant Commander Rick Payne said with a grin.  "Good to see you again sir."  Ensign Rick Payne had served under Security Squad Leader Lieutenant Jack Steele back on USS DAUNTLESS.  "I knew they'd eventually put us back together.  Someone has to keep an eye on you."  Payne had saved his commander's life on two separate landing parties.
"I'm glad you're here Rick I'm only sorry I couldn't snag you earlier.  I tried to nab you when I was XO but Captain Sinclair had his own ideas.  Tried again when they gave me HOOD but Admiral Palmer denied it.  Said you were needed where you were."
Rick nodded.  "I was, at the time.  We were in the middle of some things and there was no way Captain Reynolds would have let me, or any of her other officers for that matter go.  And to be honest there was no way I would have left.  I couldn't have."
"I understand how it works Rick.  But you're here now."
"And not soon enough!"
"Meaning?"  Jack asked with a slight frown.
"Well let me first ask you for your autograph."  He smiled innocently.
"My autograph?"
"Well I see you made yourself a vid star after that a debacle on Arcturus."
Jack just shook his head and sighed.  "That could have gone better."
"Lets see you've had a brig breakout and my personal favourite escaped killer bunnies.  Jack you came up in security I can't see this happening.  What the frak is going on here!"
Jack rubbed his forehead.  "Look the responsibilities all stop with me and no excuses but there more then a few extenuating circumstances."  He paused as Rick made a 'go on' gesture.  "Arcturus was a disaster before we ever even left, yes the withdrawal was not exactly text book but we salvaged what we had.  The brig break, well given the individuals involved and the special knowledge they had, it was probably inevitable."
"And the killer bunnies?"
There was a long pause.  "Ya, you got me there."
CAPT Jack Steele

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Subspace Streams==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Subspace Streams==