ORIGINS: USS Hood May 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Subspace Streams==
===by Dave Kiel===
SD 2261.143
<Snip from "Off to see the NAV" with the addition of one word `mostly'>
Jack nodded. The new Starship Program has certainly done a great deal in
pushing back the Federation frontier into uncharted space. Star charts were
updated on an almost daily basis. Which didn't stop them both from hoping that
the latest download would contain some specific information on a particular area
of the quadrant. Special downloads were generally the first step in new mission
orders. He still couldn't believe that command would leave HOOD floating around
a quiet sector in explored space. "Lieutenant I get the sense that you're not
someone who generally likes to stand on a lot of ceremony. Am I right?"
"Well captain I adhere to military protocol as proscribed in the
code, mostly, but no I can't say I'm for all the pomp and ceremony."
"Good." He tossed her a small black box.
Her eyes widened slightly as she opened it up and examined the
contents. "Thats the Bronze Star Medal."
"So it is. Congratulations lieutenant."
"I'm not sure I understand sir."
"All I had to do is append your action after report, and those
of the bridge officers under your command, along with my own recommendation and
Command signed off on the medal. You did an outstanding job juggling several
important balls while I and the other senior officers were off the ship. That
medal is well deserved."
<end snip>
"Awww, that's so sweet."
The Captain looked taken aback slightly by the not so protocolish response, but
recovered seamlessly. "Well, I appreciate knowing the ship is in good hands
when I'm not around."
He looked around the office she'd only just had time to start decorating,
stepping over to a display where she had a pair of subspace stream maps of core
Federation space side by side. He turned back and smirked. "Really? Sweet?"
"Sorry, sir. I meant to say something like `It is an honor to have ones
accomplishments, no matter how trivial they may have been recognized and I'm
glad to have had the opportunity to serve this ship and through it the good
citizens of the Federation, sir." She snapped her hands behind her back and
clicked her boot heels together at attention, for a moment.
"Much better." He turned and examined the first map. "Subspace streams?"
"Yes," Cedria stepped over to the wall display. "Flows of subspace that can
amplify warp signatures by anywhere from a factor of two to a couple orders of
magnitude. That's sector zero zero one there."
"I recognize it." He stepped to the second display. "I haven't seen this one
to my recollection."
"It's from the data you collected. The same sector in the other universe, sir."
Cedria pointed out the major systems. "The subspace streams are like old time
dirt paths. If not used they flow and change. In Captain Archers day there was
a naturally occurring stream from Earth to Qo'noS, allowing travel to the
Klingon homeworld in four days at warp 4.5. With the relations between the
Federation and Klingons what they are that stream dissipated completely twenty
years ago. The stream from Earth to Vulcan was even stronger. That trip could
be made in four minutes, but the new singularity and lack of travel is already
causing it to degrade."
She moved to the second display. "In our counterparts universe, no real
exchange of culture between Earth and Vulcan happened. Theres no travel stream
at all. It would take them five days pushing their engines to get to Vulcan.
In some ways the similarities between universes were staggering. In other ways
it's the differences that are staggering."
The Captain looked back and forth between the two. "So tactically speaking this
information is,…?"
"Absolutely worthless, sir."
"Excellent work then, Lieutenant." He smirked again and she joined him.
"Thank you, sir."
Respectfully submitted;
David Kiel
Lt Cedria Zade,

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Every Ship Needs a Trill Girl - JP==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Every Ship Needs a Trill Girl - JP==