RT9810- CSFO Confirmation Results

To the Chair and Assembled Delegates:

There being fifty-one (51) members of this body who were eligible
to vote, and having received more than the requisite number of
votes such that the result is mathematically certain prior to the
end of the voting period, the Secretary hereby publishes
the results of the Confirmation Vote for Takako Nagumo as CSFO.

The results of voting are as follows:

   Delegates voted Yea                          : 27
   Delegate voted Nay                           :  0
   Delegates Abstained                          :  0
   Delegates sent no ballot as of  18 Oct 1998  : 24
   Delegates are marked Absent                  :  0
   Delegates excused                            :  4
   Non-Voting Delegate (CINCINDIGO/Chair)       :  1

ASR Round Table October 1998 Session
Voting Record
CSFO Confirmation

Unit/Position       Player                 Vote
The Flag Council
P CINCINDIGO/Chair  Jeff Jenkins           N/A
P COMLOG            Jeff Finocchiaro       Yea
P CINCGREEN         Andy Catterick         Yea
E CINCRED           Seth Green             Excused
P CINCSILVER        Mike Dawe              Yea
P COMANC            Timothy Meushaw        Yea
P COMALB            Chris Fontaine         Yea
P DS4               CO Austin Forsyth      NO BALLOT
P A. NEVSKY         CO Renee Bennett       Yea
P BURKE             CO Matthew Cunliffe    NO BALLOT
P CHARLEMAGNE       SP Brian Barrett       NO BALLOT
P CHESAPEAKE        SP Kevin Thigpen       Yea
P NELSON            XO Brian Suskind       NO BALLOT
P QUASAR            CO D'Maris Coffman     Yea
P RESOLUTION        CO Andrea Schalk       Yea
P TRAFALGAR         CO Mark Elwell         NO BALLOT
P VICTORY           CO Kristen Gant        Yea
P AURORA            CO Matt Nicholls       Yea
E LEVIATHAN         CO Sean Speake         Excused
P OMEGA             SP Janis Hill          Yea
P ALIGHIERI         CO David Muir          Yea
P NOVA              SP Marc Johnson        NO BALLOT
P PROMETHEUS        SP Dana Loeblich       NO BALLOT
P CONSTELLATION     CO James Bowman        Yea
P YORKTOWN          CO Yoni Levanoni       NO BALLOT
P YAMATO            CO Alton Reich         Yea
P EXCALIBUR         CO Rodger Burns        Yea
P NECESSITY         CO Paul Menz           NO BALLOT
P 716 NAsW          CO Joshua Young        Yea
RED Fleet
P KAPPA             XO Peter Jaconelli     NO BALLOT
P TEMPEST           CO Eric Snyder II      NO BALLOT
P ASCLEPIUS         CO Ken Cox             Yea
P ALLIANCE          CO Jenny Dahl          Yea
P PERSEPHONE        CO Wendon Pettey       Yea
P SORANUS           CO Andrew Bell         NO BALLOT
P STONEWALL         CO Mark Harrington     NO BALLOT
P SUFFOLK           CO Kerry Drake         Yea
P DAEDALUS          CO John Paul Balzen    Yea
P CORONA            CO James Braun         NO BALLOT
P ANDROMEDA         XO Tim Cooke           NO BALLOT
P BISMARCK          CO Holly Huckeba       NO BALLOT
P NEBULA            XO Masako Goto         NO BALLOT
P REGENT            XO Greg Monforton      NO BALLOT
P CALLISTO          CO Chris O'Conor       Yea
P ENDEAVOUR         CO Rafael Cabrero      NO BALLOT
P FEYNMAN           XO Max Felsher         Yea
P VALIANT           CO Jason Bostjancic    NO BALLOT
P HERAKLES          CO Mike Groner         Yea
Free Threads
P DIPTF             CO Mike Dailey         Yea
P HOUSTON           SP Paul Gilbertson     NO BALLOT
P SFFR-7            CO Jonathan Green      Yea
P 21-MTFW           CO Mike Randles        NO BALLOT
P CENTERPOINT       SP Lee Harris          NO BALLOT
E FNS               CO Mike Tripp          Excused
Delegates at Large
E CINCSF            Jari Makela            Excused
P CSFO              Takako Nagumo          NO BALLOT