RT0804- P08.01.01

Proposal P08.01.01
Creation of a Standing Advertising Committee
Author: Bruce Summa


A proposal to create a standing committee to further the advancement of ASR
through the creation and execution of advertising strategies.


The Advertising Committee (Committee) shall be composed of any member of ASR
that wishes to volunteer to serve. The Committee shall be chaired by the
Commander, Starfleet Public Affairs (COMPA). In the event that this Branch
is not currently filled or the COMPA is unable or unwilling to serve as the
Committee Chair, a Committee Chair shall be elected by the members of the
Committee by a simple majority vote. As the Commander In Chief, Starfleet
(CINCSF) is directly responsible for relations to those outside of ASR, the
Committee members, including the Committee Chair shall serve at the
discretion of the CINCSF. The CINCSF shall approve all advertising
strategies prior to their implementation.


As it is most likely that the Committee Chair will be the COMPA, the
Committee Chair will follow the same chain of command set forth for other
Branch Heads. The Chair shall be responsible for communicating the
Committee's strategies to the Commander, Star Fleet Logistics and to the
CINCSF. In addition, the Chair shall also provide a report of the
Committee's activities to the Round Table at the October session. The Chair
will oversee the Committee and shall conduct meetings of the Committee as
frequently, and in a manner, as the Chair sees fit in order to achieve the
goal of an increased advertising presence for ASR.


Bruce Summa
Chair, April 2008 Round Table