RT0704- CSFO Report

Assembled Delegate,

There is little I can add that CINCSF has not already included in his
address to you. Effectively, he has stolen my thunder! But seriously I
can only echo Scott’s words that ASR is at a watershed. I am confident
the game’s administrators will continue to take steps to attract new
players and keep the game ‘fresh’ for those of us already here but the
heavy lifting has to come from the majority of this body. It’s the unit
COs and the senior, veteran players that can make the most impact to the
game. Keep posting, keep your team posting and keep things interesting.
Its through your leadership and your efforts that really will make or
break ASR.

The only thing left to touch on is the change of command in SILVER
Fleet. Sadly after more then 10 years in ASR, holding a variety of
positions, Yoni Levanoni decided that due to an increasing lack of time
it was best that he step down as Commander-in-Chief, SILVER Fleet. If
you’ll indulge me I’d like to thank Yoni for his efforts over the past
10 years. ASR and SILVER Fleet will certainly be different without him.
But as is often the case there is a silver lining in that Mary McNeely
has agreed to take on the role of CINSILVER. I look forward to the
positive changes she will be bringing to SILVER Fleet.

Finally I’d like to thank those who offered their advice and support to
me during my brief stint as CSFO. I appreciate all of your help but I
have to reserve my greatest thanks to Scott Lusby who let me continually
barrage him with questions and of course my Chief of Staff, Marco
Mueller who was definitely the brains of the outfit. Without them it
would have been an even longer 6 months. I hope my successor will have
such patient and knowledgeable counsel.


Andy Catterick
=^= ADM Robert Steele
Chief of Starfleet Operations