Lisah Mara


Name: Lisah Mara Rank: Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) (O-4) Billet: CMO, USS YAMATO


Race: Shaytonian/Human Gender: Male Age: Approximately 3,000 Standard Terran Years Birthday: 12 November 406 BC (Old Earth Calendar) Birthplace: Planet Shayton Citizenship: UFP (Naturalized) Religion: Follows his own strict code and the cultural practices of his people


Father: Known only as "King" for cultural reasons or "Rex". Had been listed as deceased, but records were altered on SD 101130 to reflect status as living. He appeared aboard the USS YAMATO on SD 110424. Mother: Known only as "Queen" or "Mother" for cultural reasons. Had been listed as deceased, but records were altered on SD 101130 to reflect status as suspended on life support.

Brothers: Marcus Mara - half-brother and occasional visitor. Also has residence on Earth. He runs a safari/game park in Africa.

Sisters: Lisa Mara

Spouse: None

Nephews/Nieces: Talkar Mara - son born earth before the third world war. Records lost.

Twins whom Talkar fathered:

--Isaac Mara - son born on Home (Talkar's world). Age 2 months.

--Calina Mara - daughter born on Home. Age 2 months.

Note: All three individuals live with their mother aboard the USS Amberjack. Lisah was sharing the body of Lisa Mara until recently and still considers these offspring as his, although he is more an uncle figure to them now.

Grandchildren: Numerous. Talker Twins (discussed above) and

Favorites: Kalib (Talkar's first son). Also ADM (O-10) Rose Holland, formerly of SILVER FLEET.


Height: 1.52 m

Weight: 72 kg

Eyes: Black

Hair: Black

Complexion: Pale

Appearance: He has the classical ballet dancer shape: tall and slender, but heavily muscled from across his shoulders down to his back and legs. He has a pale mauve complexion, long tawny gold hair and black eyes. He does not look exactly human but he associates strongly with humans. He gives the impression that he knows exactly where he fits in the universe and he has seen the humour in it.



Although well known to the Diplomatic Corps, his first official Starfleet posting was with the USS MELBOURNE. There he served as CMO and earned a commendation for bravery when Sickbay was attacked. He now serves aboard the USS YAMATO.

While serving on those ships, he was sharing the body of his sister, Lisa Mara. She moved on to the Amberjack when they were split. He stayed aboard the YAMATO. Lisa and Lisah discovered this split circa SD 171201.


Commendation for Bravery (Unspecified)





Starfleet Academy

--Graduated at 35th percentile

--Medical were top marks but science & engineering dragged his average down

--PhD Xenobiology

--Medical Degree with specialization in Field Surgery

--Minor in Counseling

--Minor in Combat/Survival Techniques

Medical degree from University de Sorbonne, Paris Number of Arts & Dance degrees and awards Significant non-academic schooling on a variety of worlds


-- CMO

-- CNS


He has an indepth knowledge of xenobiology. His specialization is surgery in a field environment, with minimal tools. He can also diagnose without instruments. In fact, he prefers it that way, although he can and does use anything that can help his patients.



Lisah Mara is in good physical condition, conducive to field work and survival. He can be trusted to work in a stressful area for several days.



Note: Lisah shared the female body of his sister throughout the vast majority of his life. Note also that some age dates are estimations.

Age 0: Due to problems during birth, Lisah joined with his twin sister, Lisa, to live as an alternate personality in her body.

Age 0-68: Lived normal life, married young and had two children. Caught up in the Second Invasion of his homeworld. Much of family was killed and he was exiled for failing to keep his children alive.

Age 78-83: Recalled to homeworld to be appointed the Hellmaker (Judge, jury & executioner, responsible for enforcing all laws). Exiled again when he left one person alive in a village that was guilty of failing to keep their children safe. The individual was spared due to legitimate doubt concerning the girl's exact date of birth. The girl may not have been of age and therefore not subject to execution.

Age 123: Received his medical qualifications from University de Sorbonne.

Age 2037: Recalled to participate in the birth of the "God-Child." Once he had given birth and the child was weaned, he returned to exile.

Age 2038: Talkar Mara born due to the manipulations of his father Dr Jon Erikson, head of Genetics at the Mount Sinai Medical Research Center where Lisah also worked. Mara was forcibly impregnated, then forced to stay with Erikson and work as an assassin for the government agents that caught Lisah. Lisah and Talkar escaped after Talker's teen years when they could be sure that they would not need the geneticist's skills to fix any errors in Talkar's code.

Age 2112: Talkar Mara presumed killed fighting against a family enemy.

Age 3011: Did some classified work for the Ambassadorial Corps. There he met Salek, a long-term friend and companion.

Age 3026: First met Alf Croback, another long-term friend. Alf Croback first interested Lisah in the idea of returning to medicine.

Age 3054: Attended Star Fleet Medical. Obtained a PhD in Xenobiology and specialized in Field Surgery.

Age 3057: Assigned as CMO, USS MELBOURNE.

Age 3059: Assigned CMO, USS YAMATO.

Age 3064: Spilt from sister to become a separate being.


Lisah is an exceptional doctor, with an almost supernatural ability to heal wounds, especially those caused during battle. He is popular and is often at the centre of external pleasure activities. As a cadet, he picked things up quickly, and had a great deal of past knowledge to draw on. He passed all subjects with a minimum of effort, with the notable exception being anything to do with engineering or mechanics. In those subjects, he did the minimum for a passing grade and avoided anything else. Lisah is bright, intelligent and excellent in a crisis situation. He gives the impression that he has seen it all before. At the beginning of his training, there was an accident involving several injuries. Lisah had organized triage, security & started medical care in place before authorities arrived and were responsible for minimising what could have been a fatal incident. There was a suggestion that he was actually not a cadet at the time but decided to stay because of that incident, but like a great deal of his file, his actual entry papers were classified. These were released by Lisah himself as part of a cultural ceremony. When questioned about his classified status, Lisah just shrugs or avoids the question. When he is pressed, he smiles and says, "External activities with high level commanding officers are very useful if you want to keep yourself to yourself."



Subject has a medium level superiority complex, based on his belief that he has "seen it all before". This mental state does not extend to matters of a technical and/or engineering nature. Subject exhibits an almost pathological dislike for these fields and will only learn the minimum required to pass. Subject also exhibits a high requirement for social contact. To this end the subject behaves in an extroverted, almost sexual manner, most likely covering an innate feeling of being alone. Subject, paradoxically, has an extremely private nature, camouflaged by his surface extroverted behaviour. It is my belief that the subject will be capable of interacting with a wide range of species and relating to foreign points of view. This must be tempered by the fact that it will be extremely difficult to change his basic view of the world. He deals very well with crisis situations but tends to deal with issues in ways not ideally suited to Starfleet teamwork methods. Subject has command capabilities but seems to prefer to be a spectator rather than a participant until needed in a medical capacity. The subject's chosen area of medicine is well aligned to his personality and psychological profile. The subject is never disobedient. In fact the idea of disobeying an order seems foreign to him. Nevertheless, he is very gifted at manipulating circumstances in such a way that unwelcome orders are rarely given. He is disciplined in his chosen field. In other areas he has a very unstructured approach that suggests a very short attention span. The subject would work best in a situation where he is allowed to, in his own words, "get on with it."


Dance and sex, although he also is ready to join in just about any other activity.


He has a religious taboo about revealing his medical records to anyone, although Jules Macdonald, Captain on the USS ANDROMEDA, does have them for emergencies. He will try anything once, twice if he likes it, and so he does most things three times. Life is all a game to him and he often gives the impression that the whole thing is very fleeting and therefore not important. This attitude abruptly changes if anything disturbs the efficiency of the medical rooms. The only other love of his life is dance. He dances every day as a form of exercise. Apparently it is also considered an art form amongst his people, to the extent that it is often a life study. Lisa is very close-lipped about anything to do with his past. His standard line is that, "There is a lot of it, and most of it involves lovers like Earth's history is made up of wars".