Kesh Nu'Val

LT Kesh Nu'Val

(Played by Michael A. Groner,

I. Personal Data

Full Name: Kesh Serevan Nu'Val

Surname: Nu'Val

Given Name: Kesh

Current Rank: Lieutenant (O-3)

Current Billet: NAV (FCO), USS ENDEAVOUR, NCC-5000-A

Species: Vulcan

Gender/Sex: Male

DOB: November 20, 2403

POB: Starbase 133

Starfleet SN# #515VBA-29004

Starfleet clearance: TOP SECRET

Bridge Officer Qual: Y DATE: SD2428.03.15

Physical Description:

HT: 1.88 Meters

WT: 175 Pounds

Ey: Brown

HR: Black

SK: Vulcan Olive Tan

Blood Type: Vulcan O

Vision: Unrestricted

Religion: Vulcan Logic - Shakari

Citizenship: Vulcan


Father: Dr. K'oval S'tvan Nu'Val, Vulcan Science Academy DECEASED

Mother: Dr. T'Pesh Evoras Aloran Nu'Val, Vulcan DECEASED

Both murdered on Starbase 133 November 5, 2422. Unsolved.


Brother: Koval S'tarek Nu'Val, born 2391. DECEASED 2424 Drug Overdose

Sister: Pola S'harien Nu'Val, born 2419. KIDNAPPED 2423

Spouse: None

Children: None

II. Educational Background

SD 2423.05.15: Graduate: Vulcan Society University 3.0 FGPA

Majors: Aviation and Space Technologies (BAS), Warp Theory (BAS)

Minors: Mechanical Engineering, Theology

SD 2427.05.24: Graduate, Starfleet Academy 3.2 FGPA

Majors: Advanced War theory & history (MAS), Flight and Space maneuvers and operations

Minors: D-Warp technology and flight operations (MAS)

SD 2432.07.15: Graduate, ALB

Star Fleet Academy Record:

SD: 2423.08.15

Fr. Michaels, Donald, Commandant, Starfleet Academy

To: Starfleet Academy Initial File

Re: Nu'Val, Kesh, Class of SD 2427 Starfleet Physical & Mental evaluations.

Cadet Kesh Nu'Val, 24 years old. Initial physical and mental evaluations and exams complete. Mr. Nu'Val has been cleared by Starfleet Medical accepted into Starfleet Academy.

Initial testings indicate great aptitude for engineering and operations. Cadet Nu'Val has shown interest in flight and fleet operations. Mr. Nu'Val does seem to have issues in his past with having a short temper and a lack of focus which attest to his slightly lower than average grades and initial entry test scores. It probably should be noted that Mr. Nu'Val has stated that he tried and failed to complete the Kolinar, the ritual of purging Vulcan emotions. He is aware of this and like many Vulcans, has shown disappointment in himself that he could not master the Kolinar. These challenges will make things a little more difficult for him I predict until he gets used to the demands and standards we instill here at Starfleet.

There is considerable, understandable concern about Mr. Nu'Val's mental state due to his recent family losses, which include his parents being murdered and his little sister kidnapped and currently missing. This would be considerable grief for anyone to have on their plate when attending the Academy. However, as Mr. Nu'Val said in his own words, "I am a Vulcan." He refused to take a year sabatical and insisted to start class this fall.

I suspect that Mr. Nu'Val will persevere over these short comings and that will make him an even stronger version of himself when he graduates and will be a fine addition to the Starfleet Officer corp. Flight and warp theory will be his main emphasis while training here. Probability of Graduation has been determined at 89.8% probable.

Rear Admiral Donald Michaels

Starfleet Academy


End of Transmission

SD: 2424.05.05

Fr. T'Peth V'shear, Commander, Starfleet Academy

To: Donald Michaels, Commandant, Starfleet Academy

Re: Nu'Val, Kesh, Class of SD 2427 Freshman completion Evaluation Report

Cadet Nu'Val has completed his freshman year in the top 48% of his class, being acting Cadet Commander, Silver Flight. Excellent piloting skills excelling in personal space fighter combat as well as tactical mission planning.

Cadet Nu'Val enrolled himself in the extra-curricular optional online class on D-warp technology sponsored by the LaForge foundation. He is also preparing for D-warp flight training as well as command and control Fleet Ops training regimes. No disciplinary actions to speak of except for a slight scuffle with another Vulcan cadet (Cadet Hegg Mott) over a flight they were both on. He received 10 demerits for his actions and took his consequences without complaint.

Cadet Nu'Val had been seen as one who isolates. He keeps himself busy studying one thing or another and has been encouraged by myself as his counselor and some of his peers to try to include himself socially with his other classmates. He is also seen playing Kal'toh a lot on his breaks but seems to want to keep to himself.

Recommend advancement to Sophomore status effective immediately.

T'Peth V'shear, Commander

Guidance Counselor

Starfleet Academy

End of transmission

SD: 2424.06.01

Fr: Donald Michaels, Commandant, Starfleet Academy

Re: Cadet Nu'Val death of family member

Today Cadet Nu'Val got word that his older brother Koval S'tarek Nu'Val was found deceased on Vulcan of an apparent overdose of Trellium-D. This is devastating news for Cadet Nu'Vall as he also has had to deal with both of his parents being killed on Starbase 133 just two years ago, and his 3-year-old sister kidnapped by Orions exactly a year ago yesterday. Cadet Nu'Val's brother was a known drug addict, and it is assumed at this time anyway, that the drug overdose having happened on the anniversary of their sister being kidnapped was not a coincidence.

Cadet Nu'Valhas been given convalescent leave to return home and bury his brother. I have again offered to allow him to take the rest of the year off and pick up where he left off when classes begin next year, but at this time he is again refusing. Starfleet Medical has been notified and a grief counselor assigned. Continued therapy is available to him. I have tried to re-iterate to Cadet Nu'Val that there is no rush to finish this Academy and there is no shame in taking time off to grieve his family members. Starfleet wants a healthy Officer but in a phrase, we are all humanoid. We have feelings about whether he wants to admit to them or not. I will follow up with him personally as well as with his counselors.

Rear Admiral Donald Michaels

Starfleet Academy


End of transmission

SD: 2425.05.18

Fr. T'Peth V'shear, Commander, Starfleet Academy

To: Donald Michaels, Commandant, Starfleet Academy

Re: Nu'Val, Kesh, Class of SD 2427 Sophomore completion Evaluation Report

Cadet Nu'Val has completed his Sophomore year in the top 51% of his class. His flying skills are above-average. He studies all levels of aircraft and spacecraft dog fighting and it shows in his combat piloting skills. He is a good match for anyone one-on-one. He also is showing incredible aptitude with fleet-level combat maneuvers and excels in simulator combat.

Although he is showing incredible aptitude and above-average piloting and Fleet maneuvers, his other classes are not doing as well, as indicated by his current level in his class. It frustrates me as his counselor and he himself that his grades are not higher in his other categories. He failed an advanced warp theory test which angered him so much he punched a wall and fractured his hand. This cost him 100 demerits and awarded him extra duty, as well as grounded him from flight for 6 weeks while he healed, and another 4 weeks from myself for disciplinary reasons. The lesson that must be learned is an Officer cannot lose control of his emotions or it can affect the battle. Mr. Nu'Val was not happy about the additional grounding but other than initial facial disappointment showed no other issues.

Cadet Nu'Val also seems to be handling the massive grief of family loss this past year well. There is no doubt that he is dealing with grief, and I also know that grief is affecting his performance. Flying seems to be his reprieve from that grief. Medical records show how his counseling therapy has been going, which he has been ordered to continue and he is following orders.

Cadet Nu'Val has tremendous potential. His flying skills are exemplary, and although they could be better, his grades are satisfactory. This next year will be a real test for him as he dives deeper into the warp and D-warp theory and engineering classes. I recommended he move on as an upperclassman in Silver flight, effective immediately.

T'Peth V'shear, Commander

Guidance Counselor

Starfleet Academy

End of transmission

SD: 2426.05.13

Fr. T'Peth V'shear, Commander, Starfleet Academy

To: Lods Lynaten, Commandant, Starfleet Academy

Re: Nu'Val, Kesh, Class of SD 2427 Junior completion Evaluation Report

As predicted, this year was Cadet Nu'Val's most challenging yet here at the Academy. His grades have suffered in the higher-challenging math courses as well as in both conventional and D-warp theories. It is obviously a struggle for him. He is working hard. He studies hard. I've checked his personal study logs and he is putting in extra time. The studies just seem to be a little much for him. Operationally, however, Nu'Val excels. He is unmatched at the controls of any shuttlecraft, and although not a requirement, he is already type-certificated on Starship flight operations for several Fleet types to include SENTINEL-class Frigates and COVENTRY-class Destroyers, well ahead of most flight students. He is now also the Cadet Fleet Commander for all three Cadet flights and has excelled in that position.

Although it was a struggle, Cadet Nu'Val completed the Laforge Foundation online courses and will receive a minor in D-warp designs - but even with that extra- curricular course, he barely passed both classes. He can fly the heck out of a D-warp shuttlecraft. But maybe not be the best person to repair it.

Nu'Val is on his way to becoming a proficient Officer. I recommend he be advanced to upperclassman in final preparations for graduation next summer.

T'Peth V'shear, Commander

Guidance Counselor

Starfleet Academy

End of transmission

SD: 2425.11.18

Fr. Carrigan, Porter, Lieutenant, Starfleet Academy

To: Lods Lynaten, Commandant, Starfleet Academy

Re: Nu'Val, Kesh, Class of SD 2427 LETTER OF REPRIMAND

Dear Admiral Lynaten;

Per our discussion please accept this letter of reprimand for Cadet Nu'Val and place it in his permanent file.

On Stardate 2425.11.15.0730 while on a mission in an A-111B training shuttle, Cadet Nu'Val, while acting as SILVER Flight Lead, endangered the other two cadets in the flight as well as his self and Starfleet's three A-111 shuttles by operating in a careless or reckless manner. Mr. Nu'Val scheduled, planned, and executed a flight at over twice the UFP speed limit toward the Sun and pushed the distance in all measures, exceeding the craft's limitations for gravity, temperature, and speed for the crafts, on a sling-shot maneuver that left little to no margin for error. And on top of that, the two lower-classmen piloting the other shuttles were barely out of solo-phase flight operations and they did not have the knowledge or skills acquired to attempt such a dangerous mission. On top of this, a fake flight plan had been filed that was not followed. This was fraudulent and not conduct becoming a Starfleet officer. As the Tower Boss that day I noticed the flight plan deviations, and when I attempted to contact Cadet Nu'Val on the flight plan discrepancy he claimed "solar static" must have prevented him hearing any communications until they had completed the slingshot maneuver (and the shuttle speed limitations by almost 30%).

Upon the flight's return, I personally met the flight and confronted all three cadets on what had transpired. Although the lower classmen did not speak Cadet Nu'Val denied any wrong-doing and when I referred him to the flight plan vs his flown route he shouted and talked over me in a disrespectful the manner in front of not only his lower classmen but the other men and officers that were currently on the flight deck. I immediately had Cadet Nu'Val taken to the brig for insubordination. All three aircraft flight logs were downloaded and several flight limitations were exceeded which will require inspection at the least and I know there will be maintenance involved to get the spacecraft airworthy again which will take time and resources away from an already stressed workload for our mechanics and a drain on our resources.

I strongly suggest that this Academy think twice before letting this out-of-control Cadet be placed on the Line as a Starfleet Officer and lives and equipment are put in his unworthy hands.


Porter Carrigan, Lieutenant

Flight Operations and Shuttle pilot instructor

Starfleet Academy

SD: 2425.11.25

Fr: Lods Lynaten, Commandant, Starfleet Academy

Re: Nu'Val, Kesh, Class of SD 2427 DISCIPLINARY NOTICE

Cadet Nu'Val;

This is the ending of the FCMJ hearing 213 on this matter and will be recorded permanently into your file.

As has been discussed in council and in your person, and after hearing your explanation and apologies, as well as the testimonies from the other two Cadets involved in this situation, and Lieutenant Porter, I have come to the following conclusion.

The facts of this case are clear and simple. You risked the lives of your men and your ships for a foolish act of self-gratification to prove to yourself and perhaps provide bragging rights to others that you could push the envelope of the A-111B and your own abilities. Insult to injury was taking two lower-classmen with you on your foolish venture, not only risking their lives, but their careers at Starfleet as well. Your selfish actions could have not only killed them, but ruined any career they might have had at Starfleet if I so deemed them to be over. But that would be a significant loss to Starfleet at a time when we need every Officer we can get. There is some concern that these reckless actions were performed because you may have some sort of death wish due to the recent and tragic losses of your immediate family members. Although there is not unanimous agreement, it is this Court's opinion that although it may have influenced your impulsive, reckless behavior, it was not a suicide mission. This was taken into account.

You need to get something straight, here. Starfleet needs you to conform. We need to trust you. And you are not special. Regardless of personal losses, the rules apply to you as they do to anyone else. More so for you now. We do not owe you, and now, you owe us. And you most certainly owe me. I do not need to tell you that many Officers feel you are undeserving to be a Starfleet Officer with your actions. I, however, am one who believes in second chances. There will not however, be a third.


You will not be removed from Starfleet Academy. Although it certainly would not be out of line for me to remove you or your crewmates, we have invested too much in you at this point. Other than this isolated incident, your dedication and commitment to this institution, Starfleet, and its values and standards are noted.

No one is perfect. Not even you. You have spent the last 7 days in the brig. You will spend 7 more. You will continue to perform your studies in your cell and have lots of time to reflect on your actions. You are demoted from Cadet Fleet Commander, and will be assigned as the junior member of SILVER Flight. You will write letters of apologies to Lieutenant Carrigan and the two crewmen that you took into danger with you. I also want, on my desk within 48 hours, letters written to their parents that you would have written to them had they died attempting your dangerous maneuver. You also will be grounded from flying for 4 weeks with 100 hours of extra duty working on the flight deck. The Deck Boss will assign you duties each weekday for 2 hours after you receive dinner, and 4 hours each day on the weekends until your 100 hours is complete. You also are on probation for the remainder of your time at the Academy. You so much as leave a footlocker unlocked or scuff a belt buckle during inspection and you will be discharged from Starfleet.

As long as you do not have any more disciplinary issues, and as well as you qualify academically, you can graduate with your class in the fall. But do note, that to date... you are the only one in your class to have had an FCMJ hearing 213, and in the history of our Academy, over 90% of those who had a 213 hearing were discharged from the Academy. Do not make me regret this, Cadet. Prove me right about you.

Commodore Lods Lynaten


Starfleet Academy

SD: 2426.04.25

Fr. T'Peth V'shear, Commander, Starfleet Academy

To: Lods Lynaten, Commandant, Starfleet Academy

Re: Nu'Val, Kesh, Class of SD 2427 Senior completion Evaluation Report (final)

Cadet Nu'Val has turned into a fine specimen of a Starfleet Officer. He is graduating today in the middle of his class academically with a final GPA of 3.2. His weak areas were math and engineering, however, he will still earn his minors. His operations and piloting aptitudes, however, are off the charts and one of the smartest and intuitive pilots I have seen in my 12 years of teaching at the Academy.

Mr. Nu'Val did receive significant demerits due to poor grades without significant improvement, as well as filing a false flight plan and performing an illegal flight with two other cadets and getting into an argument with a flight instructor resulting in a FCMJ 213 Hearing. Mr. Nu'Val received 2 weeks in the brig, was demoted from Cadet Fleet Commander and was grounded for 4 weeks with extra duty assigned for raising his voice to a superior Officer as well as other disciplinary requirements. This of course affected Mr. Nu'Val's performance for a while and he was pretty subdued and became somewhat of a recluse. Other Cadets reported that he became a laughing stock and was the subject of ridicule and harassment by many other Cadets. Mr. NuVal was observed having abrasions on his face and a black eye but stated that his injuries were sustained from tripping over stairs. This resulted in Cadre staff to make an official threat of being removed from the Academy if anyone was caught bullying or harassing other Cadets, which seemed to smooth things over.

Mr. NuVal has exceptional piloting skills, is typed in several Starship classes already, and has already completed, unofficially and for training purposes only, the Bridge Command curriculum for Starships. He will make a fine operations officer and pilot for Starfleet at any location, however, he definitely shows an interest for deep Space Starship assignment.

Mr. Nuval has proven he is Starfleet Officer material, however he has also shown the ability to lose control of his temper, or act impulsively. He is mature enough to know that both of those issues are not appropriate traits for a Starfleet Officer and other than his flight issue noted above, has performed adequately these past 4 years in the Academy.

It is my recommendation that Cadet Nu'Val be promoted to the rank of Ensign, and assigned as a pilot or Flight Operations Officer. He also graduates with the knowledge to be an Engineering Officer. I recommend he be given orders to report for active duty at CINCSF's pleasure. He will make a fine addition to any ship's complement.

T'Peth V'shear, Commander

Guidance Counselor

Starfleet Academy

End of Transmission ---

SD: 2427.05.24

Fr: Lods Lynaten, Commandant, Starfleet Academy

To: Starfleet Academy file, last entry, Nu'Val, Kesh, class of SD 2427

Graduated Cadet Nu'Val, Kesh. Promoted to the rank of Ensign. Awards given for achievements for Flight theory, Battle scenarios, and Scientific research. Although not graduating with honors, Nu'Val has achieved higher academic achievements than any other classmates in Flight operations, Fleet operations and tactics. Considering the additional personal stresses that Ensign Nu'Val had to endure during his training he performed better than expected. He has proven that even with an abnormal stress load he can handle the duties of a Starfleet Officer.

Close and protect file to be archived in the Starfleet main records center.

Commodore Lods Lynaten


Starfleet Academy

End of Transmission

III. Biographical Notes

A. Chronology:

2403.11.20: Born, Starb1ase 133

2422.11.05: Parents killed, Starbase 133

2423.05.15: Graduate, Vulcan Society University

2423.05.30: Sister kidnapped

2423.08.15: Cadet, Starfleet Academy

2424.05.30: Brother died of overdose

2427.05.24: Graduate, Starfleet Academy

2427.05.24: Commissioned as Ensign O-1, Starfleet Academy

2427.07.15: Graduate, Holodeck 17

2427.07.22: Assigned, Shuttle Pilot, USS FARRAGUT NCC-31101-A

2427.08.13: Starfleet Achievement Medal

2427.12.15: Assigned, Operations, USS FARRAGUT NCC-31101-A

2428.05.24: Promoted, Lieutenant (JG), O-2

2428.11.01 Assigned, OPS Officer, USS OBERON NCC-80008

2430.05.30 Promoted, Lieutenant, O-3

2432.04.20 Assigned, Helmsman/Pilot, USS ENDEAVOUR NCC-5000-A

B. Background Summary:

Nu'Val comes from a not very happy and recent past.

His parents were killed on Starbase 133 when he was 19 and attending the Vulcan Society University. Shortly after that his 3-year-old sister, who was then living with their Aunt, was kidnapped by Orion pirates. He went to the Academy not long after that, and a year later his older brother died of an apparent drug overdose. Massive family grief in a short period of time and all while finishing college on Vulcan and then while attending Starfleet Academy.

He doesn't talk about it, but the grief was so intense that he tried twice to complete the Kolinar and purge his emotions, but he failed. Rage is always there under the surface. He can be short with people. He doesn't mean to be, and he isn't angry at THEM, it just seems like "something is always bothering him".

Nu'val is young. In Vulcan opinions, he is barely old enough to be considered an mature adult. Barely out of adolescence, sort of like a Human 21-year old thinking they know it all. He may have logic, but he hasn't earned the age to be considered "wise". With the emotions he attempts to keep buried at all times, one of his biggest problems is being impulsive. His mouth gets him in trouble, if not with superiors certainly with his peers.

Nu'Val is a natural pilot with extraordinary skills. He has an ability to get into opponent's head if he's in flight combat. Like most Vulcans, he has a great tactical mind and excels at Chess, one of his few things he is willing to do with other people. He can be a loner. This doesn't help when Pon'Far comes around since he isn't very good at making friends.

Nu'Val's original billet was as a shuttle pilot on the FARRAGUT, a heavy cruiser. As a lower-grade officer his duties were mundane and there is not much to report on that. His performance was adequate, he automatically promoted as normal to Lieutenant (JG), and proved to his superiors he had a sharp mind and knew his ships' systems, they promoted him to Operations, which basically meant he ran transporters and systems diagnosis.

Nu'Val did well on his duties and again, made promotion to Lieutenant in the middle of peers equally promoted compared to their time in service almost as an automatic promotion. He was soon after recommended as a friend by the Captain to fill a spot on the OBERON as OPS Officer. Although going from a heavy cruiser to a Frigate seemed like a downward move, Nu'Val was told he'd be a Bridge Officer and therefore it was indeed a promotion.

But he doesn't feel that way.

Nu'Val speaks like any Vulcan. Logically. However, he did not complete the Kolinar. He doesn't tell anyone, but he feels shame for that. He won't talk about it and will probably get mad if anyone brings it up. Making it obvious, which further angers him. His parents were murdered and they never solved the murder, his sister kidnapped, and his brother died of a drug overdose on her anniversary of being kidnapped. All while he was in school. All of this he keeps inside. And remembers. Daily. Although he would find it illogical... he is depressed. His one joy in life is flying. He has no female companionship or anyone who is considered a close friend. He likes to play chess and Kal'toh not because it's challenging, but it's challenging enough to keep his mind off the things that make him angry.

IV. Official Star Fleet Record

A. Promotion History:

2427.05.24: Promoted from Ensign to Lieutenant (JG).

Captain Brunsson, CO FARRAGUT's log entry:

Promoting Ensign Nu'Val to Lieutenant (JG) effective immediately. Lieutenant (JG) Nu'Val has performed his duties adequately as a Shuttle Pilot aboard the FARRAGUT. He was instrumental in the rescuing of Andorians on a Class K planet which took exceptional piloting skills at risk of his own life to accomplish the mission, earning a Starfleet Achievement medal. His time in grade and his duties performed earn him his promotion.

Capt. Brett Brunsson



2428.05.24:Promoted from Lieutenant (JG) to Lieutenant

Promoting Lieutenant (JG) Nu'Val to Lieutenant effective immediately. Lieutenant Nu'Val has performed his duties as an Operations Officer satisfactory. He is now bridge-qualified and has shown an aptitude to Starship Fleet operations. His time-in-grade is sufficient for promotion and I look forward for him getting continued Operations experience and will begin getting him time and training on the Bridge.

Capt. Brett Brunsson



B. Medals and Commendations


Re: Starfleet Achievement Medal

Fr: Brett Brunsson, Captain, USS FARRAGUT, NCC 31101-A

To: Starfleet Personal Record, Nu'Val, Kesh, LT(JG), #515VBA-29004

On Stardate 2427.08.08 the FARRAGUT received a distress call from Argelius IV. We were the closest ship and diverted from our current mission to assist if possible. Lieutenant (JG) Nu'Val was the ready 5 Shuttle pilot and was assigned to the away party to assist what turned out to be an Andorian escape pod. Argelius IV is a Class K planet, and the escape pod was located in the middle of a large low pressure and electrical storm which prohibited use of teleporters. Lieutenant Nu'Val demonstrated extraordinary piloting skills getting the shuttle to the Andorians, most of whom were severely injured from their crash. Due to the actions of Lieutenant Nu'Val and the medical staff all lives were saved.

These actions reflect well upon Starfleet and yourself and you are hereby awarded the Starfleet Achievement Medal.

Capt. Brett Brunsson



VI. Recent Fitness Reports


Excellent, which is average for a young Vulcan Male. No known ailments or scars. He broke his hand at the Academy which sometimes bothers him in cold weather.

VII. Psychological Profile

Nu'Val is a complicated hard shell. He doesn't let anybody in. He is known for having a temper, not common but not that unusual these days. He has a typical "Type A" or "RED" personality, which makes him competitive, and agressive, especially if it is a passion of his, such as playing Chess or flying. He has been counseled several times about his parents and then his brother's deaths and his sister's kidnapping. His parents were murdered while he was in college on Vulcan, his sister kidnapped before he graduated, and his brother overdosed exactly a year after that. They never solved the murders or the kidnapping. His grades slipped and the Vulcan Society put him in therapy but he would never open up. It is apparent to Vulcan that these tragedies have kept him from completing the Kolinar, and he lives with this hurt on a daily basis. He has had no major love interests to anyone's knowledge.

VIII. Current Recreational Interests

Nu'Val keeps to himself. He works out, is a runner, but does like to play chess, either Terran or three-dimensional or Kal-toh. He spends a lot of time on holodecks. Not much else is known about him.

IX. Miscelleneous Classified Information


X. Medical Information