2024 Tactical Dept USS RANGER

TACTICAL DEPARTMENT for the old USS RANGER (* means the character is not on the new USS RANGER)

  LTjg T'Ursl'a * Chief Tactical/Security Officer F Caitian PC
  ENS Jackson Mason 2nd Sec/Tac Officer M Human P-NPC
  CW02 Jeri Garcia * Sec/Tac Chief Warrant Officer F Human (35 yrs old in 2435) P-NPC
  CW02 Kojak Chief Warrant Officer M Vulcan (35 yrs old in 2435) P-NPC
  CW02 Rebek Chief Warrant Officer M Vulcan (33 yrs old in 2435) P-NPC
  Sona Talin * Warrant Officer 2nd Class F Bajoran P-NPC
  Vandame Petty Officer E-4 F Bolian P-NPC
  Nokerk * Petty Officer E-4 F Vulcan P-NPC
NCO (ENLISTED) Egon Graceson * Tactical E-3 M Being P-NPC
NCO (ENLISTED) Sovag * Tactical E-3 M Vulcan NPC
NCO (ENLISTED) Topoc * Tactical E-3 M Vulcan NPC
NCO (ENLISTED) Deshawn Hardaway Tactical E-3 M Human (25 yrs old in 2435) P-NPC
NCO (ENLISTED) Verdone * Tactical E-3 F Bolian P-NPC