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Official Name in Standard:       Ylstra (plural and possessive
                                 are also Ylstra)
Planetary Name: Ylstra
Title of the Head of State:  Clan Chief
Title of the Head of Government:  N/A


Quadrant/Sector/System:  Kathat III
Suns/Planets/Planetoids/Moons:  None
Population:  115 000
Capital City:  N/A

Other possible items:
Race(s) of Native Sentients: 100% Ylstra
Land/Water Ratio(s) of Planets:  49/51
Largest Cities:  K'frek (pop. 8 000)


Ylstra's economy is purely barter based.  They are completely
self reliant, and do not trade with any outside groups, as per
their own request.  Their planet is covered with large deposits
of easily minable latinum, though the Ylstra use it for purely
decorative purposes.  The technological level is pre industrial,
though a hunter/gatherer lifestyle is still prevalent in many


Member of Federation? Protectorate

        The Ylstra are a race similar in organization to highland
clans. The people fall into two categories, those who are of the
clan house, and those which follow the house. Those within the
house would be roughly equivalent to nobility, or royalty, though
the boundaries are a little fuzzier than that. The below applies
only to those within the clan house.

        Everything in Ylstra clans is based upon Birth order.
The first born males are known as H'kro (roughly translated to
Clan son). These sons have all rights and privileges in the clan
and are the only males allowed to choose their mates.  All other
marriages are arranged by the families within the clan.  Marriage
between clans is rare, though not forbidden.
        At the age of manhood (roughly 200 to 220 years) these
first born sons enter into combat with their fathers.  Should
they be successful, they are then infused with the memories and
certain personality aspects of their Father, Grandfather and
Mother.  These personality aspects are separate entities from the
H'kro and are able to communicate with him and occasionally take
control of the body in which they are housed.  When one
personality dominates, the H'kro's eye colour changes to reflect
this.  This infusion in no way harms the H'kro, or the people
with whose personalities he is endowed.

        All first born females are trained from birth to become
Clan Leaders.  On Ylstra only first born females of the Houses
are born with the ability to speak.  They are far more
intelligent than their male counterparts, and are generally the
only ones to have contact with outsiders.  All other Ylstra
females are able to communicate telepathically, and generally
only with other Ylstra.  Otherwise they are mute.


        Ylstra are long lived, generally to about 1000 years or
more, though most withdraw to the upper caves of Ylstra after
their 700th year.  They reach maturity at roughly 160 years of
age.  In essence their age is equivalent to Terran aging except
divided by ten. (i.e. a 160 year old Ylstra = 16 year old Human)

        They are a very large people, partly due to the harsh
climate and conditions on their planet.  Average height for an
Ylstra male is 7'10", with their weight being somewhere around
600 lbs.  Males are stocky to the extreme, with very broad
shoulders, thick chested, with tree trunk legs. Females are much
less stocky, closer to a human shape, though they average more
than seven feet tall as well.

        On Ylstra there are no animals of sufficient size to
assist in labour, be it farming or mining, therefore the Ylstra
take on this burden themselves. As a result, they are extremely
strong as well.  Thus they rarely use weapons in the occasional
clan wars which crop up from time to time. Ylstra in general
pride themselves on their toughness, but the males especially.
Therefore, the battles fought consist of two Ylstra standing toe
to toe, pounding on each other with their bare hands until one

        Ylstra males decorate themselves with extensive tattoos,
as a sign of power and standing.  The more tattoos one has, the
tougher and more powerful they are.  This stems from the fact
that the tattoos are actually molten latinum, which is applied to
the skin in thin streams and allowed to harden into the
individuals torso.  The more events of importance in an Ylstra's
life, the more tattoos he will have.  Important events range from
battles won, which merit small tattoos, to large depictions of
major events, such as the birth of their children, their
marriage, and so on.

        Family is of utmost importance to the Ylstra, and they
tend to have large extended ones.  It is rare for an Ylstra
couple to have more than three children, though infant mortality
is high.

        There are very few Ylstra who have ventured off the
planet.  Several left in the mid 24th century, after the Ferengi
tried to strip mine the planet from orbit.  The Federation and
Starfleet intervened, though not before nearly one entire clan of
12 000 was decimated.  Those who did so were orphans, or in one
case a H'kro whose clan took the brunt of the Ferengi actions.


Creator(s)/Adaptor(s)                 Email Address
Sean Speake                           speaker@nbnet.nb.ca

Created for/First Use (if known): July 1994
        with the appearance of G'dek syr Ger'k, currently Captain

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