Letter from the COMJAG

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UFP Dept. of Colonial Affairs | UFP Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.

A Message from the COMJAG


From: Commander, Star Fleet Judge Advocate General’s Corps

To: All Alt.Star Fleet.RPG players

A very warm welcome to the newly transformed and expanded SFJAG Library, your ultimate portal into the intricate world of legal affairs within Star Fleet. Our reimagined Library is a sanctuary for writers navigating the complexities of legal dilemmas, offering an array of meticulously curated resources. These invaluable assets have been adapted into ASR or graciously linked from various sources into an convenient treasure trove of knowledge. Whether you're charting the course of your character's legal journey (troubles?) or seeking inspiration for intricate plot twists, allow this library to illuminate your path and empower your storytelling endeavors. I hope this helps guide you and your characters actions.

While Star Fleet is inherently a service of science and exploration, members are bound by military regulations and laws set forth in both the Star Fleet Uniform Code of Military Justice (SFUCMJ) and the Charter of the United Federation of Planets. Breaking any rule or regulation may have consequences, but history has shown us great leaders often have to bend the rules to safeguard the lives of others.

"The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving."
- Oliver Wendell Holmes


The regulations and procedures in this FAQ pertain to the treatment and status of particular characters based on their RP activities, and not to the administrative handling of player conduct or status, which is the province of the Fleet Commanders. Players must understand and accept that if they write for characters violating regulations or committing crimes, they may lose those characters from play. If it's good RP, and you're willing to start a new character if this one ends up on Rura Penthe, go ahead and write it.

Any player with questions concerning regulations or legal matters should address them through the chain of command; officers of command rank and above may direct such questions directly to the JAG at any time. All advice and actions of the JAG are subject to the supervision, orders, and approval of approval of CINCSF and of no other person or body.

Sources & Instruments of Legal Authority in the UFP and Star Fleet

The Constitution of the United Federation of Planets guarantees a variety of individual rights, which are enjoyed by all Federation citizens and other civilians present in areas under Federation jurisdiction, including Star Fleet vessels, stations, and facilities. Among these rights are free expression, movement, and association, due process and equal treatment, representation by criminal counsel, and protection from self-incrimination and unwarranted search and seizure.

The members of Star Fleet are subject to the strictures of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and are not exempted from them by virtue of any other status they may enjoy. All officers and enlisted personnel alike are bound to follow the lawful orders of their designated superiors and all the various regulations of Star Fleet, and to comport themselves at all times in a manner befitting one who wears the uniform. Violations are subject to investigation, adjudication, and punishment according to the Uniform Code and Star Fleet regulations, and not the civilian laws of the Federation.

The Seldonis IV Convention specifies the legal requirements and limitations regarding treatment of alien military personnel and prisoners. Signatories to the Convention, including the United Federation of Planets, are bound to maintain their health, permit reasonable communication with their families, provide access to neutral observers, and refrain from any form of physical or mental deprivation or abuse.

Anyone may request investigation, or the initiation of legal proceedings, concerning any alleged violation of law or regulation. Such requests are to be made through the chain of command, or directly to the Judge Advocate General in the case of those of command rank or above.

The Inspector General of Starfleet investigates suspected gross violations, mismanagement, fraud, conflicts of interest and the like, all under the orders of CINCSF, and under the administrative aegis of the Judge Advocate General. This may or may not involve RP, and all characters and players in Starfleet are required to cooperate with such duly constituted investigations.

The Judge Advocate, with the assistance of SFSECIS (Star Fleet Security and Investigative Services) investigates suspected wrongdoing under the orders of CINCSF, and under the administrative aegis of the Judge Advocate General. This may or may not involve RP, and all characters and players in Star Fleet are required to cooperate with such duly constituted investigations.

If cause is found, and again subject to the approval of CINCSF, prosecution, adjudication, and punishment are conducted under the authority of the Judge Advocate General. There is at this time no death penalty in Star Fleet, but demotion, honorable or dishonorable discharge from Star Fleet, and imprisonment, for terms up to life, are all possible.

-Commodore Jordon Theodore Kabreigny, Esq.
Acting Commander, Star Fleet Judge Advocate General's Corps (COMJAG)
played by Michael Dailey

Document History

  • Original Author: Mark Elwell, circa 80201
  • Previous Modification: 80701 (Renee Bennett)
  • Modified on Stardate 151115 (Scott Lusby)
  • Repurposed/migrated from SFJAG FAQ 350905 (Michael Dailey)