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SFSECIS is, essentially, the Star Fleet law enforcement unit that investigates felony-level offenses. Typically, Agents will investigate allegations against members of Star Fleet, SF Marines, and civilians assigned to either service or those who were victims of such crimes within the investigative scope of the SFSECIS.


NOTE: This list is not exhaustive. SFSECIS Divisional Assistant Deputy Directors will review the merits of every case and may determine to proceed or decline to investigate at their discretion.

MANDATORY REFERRAL TO SFSECIS: Certain incidents must be referred to SFSECIS, whether occurring on- or off-base, and regardless of civilian investigation involvement. These incidents include:

[1] (AGGRAVATED) ASSAULT AND/OR BATTERY: Violence in any form, either perceived and/or actualized, against or initiated by any Star Fleet service component member. Hate crimes and/or those involving a weapon(s) are viewed by SFSECIS and SFJAG as exceptionally heinous under the SFUCMJ.

[2] ATTEMPTED/COMPLETED ASSASSINATION: SFSECIS has primary jurisdiction to conduct criminal investigative operations on any suspected, actualized or completed assassination of any Star Fleet service component member or United Federation of Planets representative, either appointed or elected. See PROTECTIVE SERVICE OPERATIONS (PSO) below for greater detail;

[3] AWOL/DEFECTION/DESERTION: The actual, suspected, or attempted defection of Star Fleet service component personnel. SFSECIS will work closely with unit commanders to safely retrieve members deemed Absent Without Leave (AWOL) and/or potentially defecting to another political entity (allied, neutral or otherwise) or those deemed to have deserted their assigned post;

[4] CORRUPTION: Field Agents may, at the direction of the Star Fleet Inspector General (SFIG), investigate allegations of corruption and/or other related crimes of integrity (i.e., blackmail, bribery, conflicts of interest, extortion, etc.) under the SFUCMJ across all Star Fleet service components. These crimes could undermine the chain of command when officers, warrants or NCOs abuse their power for personal or other gain. By proactively investigating and eliminating corruption, SFSECIS safeguards the very foundation of Star Fleet – its unwavering commitment to honor and duty;

[5] COUNTERINTELLIGENCE: Suspicious activities or anomalies, contacts, activities, indicators, and behaviors that might indicate potential FIE involvement or threats against Star Fleet or the UFP, its personnel, information, materiel, facilities, and activities; or against Federation security. See COUNTERINTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS (CIO) below for greater detail;

[6] DEATH(S) (Non-Combat Related): Any non-combat death on or off of Star Fleet installations, facilities, vessels, bases, outposts or starbases, when the cause of death cannot be medically attributable to disease or natural causes, or until criminal causality can be reasonably excluded. For non-combat deaths that occur off-base or outside of the primary investigative jurisdiction of the service, SFSECIS will be the Star Fleet lead service for coordination and/or investigative support to the investigative lead service. If a non-Star Fleet service with primary jurisdiction declines to investigate, SFSECIS will assume investigative jurisdiction;

[7] ESPIONAGE: Information which indicates that classified information is being, or may have been, disclosed in an unauthorized manner to a Foreign Intelligence Entity (FIE) or an agent of an FIE;

[8] FIRES & EXPLOSIONS: Fires or explosions of unknown origin affecting the property of, or under control of any Star Fleet service component. These may be the result of an accident, negligence, malicious arson or natural causes.

[9] GRAND THEFT/LOSS: The theft or loss of Star Fleet weapons, ordnance, controlled technologies or substances. SFSECIS must safeguard the lives of Federation citizens and recover any stolen/missing property that could be used for commercial gain or illicit purposes;

[10] KIDNAPPING: If a Star Fleet service component member or UFP Representative is abducted, SFSECIS Field Agents will collaborate and coordinate efforts with all relevant law enforcement agencies to affect the safe retrieval of the abductee;

[11] MEDICAL-BIOLOGICAL: As law enforcement officials and as agents of a Star Fleet Health Oversight service, SFSECIS Field Agents are authorized to make investigative demands for medical records to unit Chief Medical Officers in accordance with the requirements of applicable Star Fleet regulations. Agents will investigate any use of bioweapons or other attacks of a physiological nature;

[12] SEX CRIMES: Any allegation of sexual misconduct across any multi-species genders will be investigated by one of the dedicated Special Victims Major Case Response Teams (SVMCRT);

[13] TERRORISM: Protecting Star Fleet units from terrorist attacks and sabotage is one of SFSECIS' four core mission priorities and as such has dedicated an entire Directorate for that area of operations. The Service works closely across all Star Fleet service components and related UFP Agencies to neutralize terrorist cells and operatives here in the Federation, to help dismantle extremist networks across the Federation, and to cut off financing and other forms of support provided to terrorist organizations. See COUNTER TERRORISM OPERATIONS (CT) below for greater detail;



The protective mission involves identifying threats, mitigating vulnerabilities, and creating secure environments for all assigned protectees. Protective Service Operations are one of the four (4) core mission areas of the SFSECIS and thus have an entire dedicated Directorate charged with the successful execution of this critical task.


The Star Fleet Security and Investigative Service is the only entity within the combined service components authorized to conduct protection of Star Fleet/SFMC/UFP High Risk Billets (HRB). The mission of the SFSECIS Protective Operations Field Office (POFO) is to prevent terrorist and/or criminal attacks on principals under SFSECIS protection coverage and execute the necessary and appropriate response to a threat and/or attack on a principal. POFO will also initiate investigations on individuals and groups who meet a specific threshold when a threat is detected or needs to be validated.

Protective Service Operations (PSO), also referred to as Force Protection, is a concept of protecting military personnel, family members, civilians, facilities, equipment and operations from threats or hazards in order to preserve operational effectiveness and contribute to mission success. Force protection itself is characterized by changing protective tactics to avoid becoming predictable.

Protective Service Operations are an integral part of the SFSECIS mission and provide a vital service to both Star Fleet services and the United Federation of Planets. The term "protective operations" is generally defined to be all security and law enforcement measures taken to identify threats or vulnerabilities to specific individuals and to provide security for those individuals. This ranges from personal security training to the assignment of a Protective Service Detail (PSD).


SFSECIS provides and manages full-time protection details on key combined service component individuals, including but not limited to:

• UFP Cabinet Secretaries, most often the Secretary of Star Fleet
• Commander-in-Chief, Star Fleet
• Chief of Star Fleet Operations
• Commandant of the Marine Corps
• Flag Officers identified as HRB
• Federation Ambassadors and Ambassadors-at-Large
• Federation Commissioners and Representatives (with approval of the Federation President)
• Any individual deemed at risk via an in-depth threat analysis or with evidence of a direct threat


To supplement POFO's operational mission, it maintains an internal Protective Intelligence Unit (PIU) to identify potential threats that could affect a protectee, understand a protectee's level of vulnerability to any given threat, and use available intelligence to mitigate threats and/or risk to a protectee. The Protective Intelligence Unit works extensively with the Star Fleet Security Forces, SFMC Military Police, SFMC Criminal Investigative Division and the Federation Marshals Service.

Our Protective Intelligence experts support protective operations by analyzing information, investigating threats, assessing risk, and disseminating protective intelligence information. Additionally, these professionals conduct research and gather, analyze, and disseminate information pertaining to threat assessment and preventing targeted violence.

Jurisdictional conditions are unrestricted for the PSO. Any individual, military, diplomatic, civilian, and being of foreign or domestic origin, regardless of Federation citizenship status, may be eligible for PSO. Requests from any service or entity will be reviewed by DIRSFSECIS on a case-by-case basis.

SFSECIS will conduct personal security vulnerability assessments for designated HRBs to determine the level of risk and vulnerability to terrorist or criminal activities, and to determine the appropriate level of protection.

SFSECIS conducts Personal Security Vulnerability Assessments for designated Star Fleet/SFMC High-Risk Billets (HRBs) to determine the level of risk and vulnerability from terrorist or criminal activities and to determine the appropriate level of protection.


As a Protection Detail is voluntary, SFSECIS provides the potential protectees with a thorough analysis of the identified threat(s) so they may choose to accept or decline the assignment of the detail.

Protective Service Details consist of a minimum of four teams of two (2), each on a rotating six (6) hour duty shift. Depending on multiple risk factors identified in the threat analysis, the detail may be as large as 24 agents. Protective operations may be initiated due to any of the following:

• 1 When recommended by a Personal Security Vulnerability Assessment. A PSVA is an assessment to determine the vulnerability of a particular individual to attack. It identifies specific areas of improvement to withstand, mitigate, or deter acts of violence or terrorism against the individual. PSVAs are initiated within 90 days of an official's assignment to a permanent High-Risk Billet [HRB] and will be reviewed annually and updated by threat, vulnerabilities, or terrorism threat level changes.
• 2 Due to an increase in the general threat within an area or region.
• 3 In response to a specific threat to an individual.
• 4 Following a request for support from a Star Fleet unit, a UFP service or Federation Member/Protectorate.
• 5 In response to special circumstances or events (when approved by DIRSFSECIS).




SD 360331 - Created by Michael Dailey