Kieron Carpenter

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Name: Kieron Carpenter

Age: 22

Rank: Civilian

Human Male

Birthplace: USS KRONSHTADT, while docked at Deep Space Four

Date of Birth: 2413.05.22

Height: 6’1’’

Weight: 160 lbs.

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Blonde

2” Scar on the forehead above left eyebrow

Nickname: “Carpenter”

Marital Status: Single Children: None

Parents Father: Jack Carpenter (MIA) Mother: Jasmine Forrester

Siblings: Sierra Forrester-Carpenter – his fraternal twin, a graduate student at The University of Winnipeg, works as a waitress in summer at Joseph’s on Market in downtown Winnipeg. Her mother had named her Karen Sierra at birth, but within weeks, they only called her Sierra, and for as long as she can remember, she’s never been called Karen.

Likes: He’d like to find his father.

Dislikes: Not being able to find his father.

Disciplinary Actions: None

Awards & Commendations: None

Education: Kieron grew up and attended classes on various Starfleet bases and ships. Passed all boards and completed all requirements for a high school equivalent degree at the age of 15. Applied and was admitted to UC-Berkeley as a freshman at the age of 16, and lived with a sponsor family in nearby Albany. Applied to Starfleet Academy at the age of 18 and was admitted in the fall of his 18th year. He completed the six-week beast before entering Academy and two years of Academy. In the middle of his second year of study at Starfleet Academy, he began to become obsessed with the thoughts that his father, long missing and long presumed deceased, might still be alive somewhere, that no one was looking for him, and that he wanted to. The thoughts consumed him to the extent that he came close to failing his second year, and as a consequence of that, he decided to leave Starfleet Academy after that second year. He was able to transfer most of his credits back to UC-Berkeley, which left him still two semesters short of a Bachelor of Science degree.

B. Star Fleet Academy Record – Left after the second year.

Biographical Notes – Kieron & his fraternal twin Sierra were born on the Starfleet small escort carrier USS KRONSHTADT. His mother was the ship counselor and his father was the Tactical Officer. They had met and fallen in love and were married on the USS Thunderchild. Upon marriage, his mother hyphenated her last name, from Forrester to Forrester-Carpenter. They transferred together to the USS Kronshtadt after their former ship the USS Thunderchild was retired. Kieron and his sister were born on the Kronshtadt, a few days early, while it was docked at Deep Space Four. When their mother went into labor, his father Jack was relaxing in a strip club with pals on the station. But the ship’s nurse paged him that Jasmine was in sickbay and in labor and he arrived in time for Kieron to be delivered. Kieron’s sister was delivered second.

During the first few months of his life, his father was on a special assignment that kept him away from their home on Kronshtadt for weeks at a time. This caused friction between his father and mother. In an effort to salvage their relationship, they discussed transferring off the Kronshtadt to assignments on Deep Space 4. Jasmine was able to get a placement in the counseling department on the Station right away, her husband was not as lucky. But Jack Carpenter was assured a position would become available before long, so he transferred with her and Kieron and Sierra to Deep Space 4.

A few weeks after they had transferred to Deep Space 4, no positions had opened up for him, and bored of waiting, Jack Carpenter took a position as a load handler, crewing on a civilian freighter NIGHT MOVES that made regular runs from Deep Space 4 to nearby colonies, what was intended as a temporary job until something opened up for him at the station. It wasn’t ideal, but it was working. Until it didn’t. On his last trip on the NIGHT MOVES, after they stopped at Kansashun Colony to deliver a load, they were idled there for two weeks waiting for a return load to deliver. Deadheading back to DS4 was not an option; there was no money in that. While NIGHT MOVES was stuck at Kansashun Colony for weeks, Jack would check in every few days with Kieron’s mother, and she could hear the frustration in his voice. Finally, he told her they expected to leave the colony the next day, and be back to DS4 within the week. He hinted to her that he was about finished with this job, and she got the impression that when he came back, he would not be leaving again.

But a third of the way back to Deep Space 4, the NIGHT MOVES freighter suffered a catastrophic explosion in space. All lives on board were lost. There was supposed to be a crew of 29 on the freighter. Partial remains were recovered from space, and most of the remains were identified, but five were not. None of the remains could be identified as being Jack Carpenter, and he was declared missing, presumed dead.

Kieron was raised by his mother. But his relationship with his mother and sister is strained. They moved on from thoughts about his father long ago and do not share his quest to try and find his father or find out what happened to his father. When Kieron was 13, he informed his mother that going forward, he only wanted to go by Kieron Carpenter to honor his father’s name. By then his mother had already remarried and dropped the Carpenter from her name. His sister still goes by Forrester-Carpenter.

Kieron has been spending the last year working odd jobs while trying to find a way to try to look up anyone who knew his father or had served with his father or might have encountered his father in the months leading up to the destruction of the freighter NIGHT MOVES. The quest he has been on the last year has taken him to a few interesting places and more than one dead end.

Kieron Carpenter bio by Mike S.