Orestes Prime

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Orestes Prime is the second planet in the Orestes system. The planet was originally void of surface water until Varga began exhaling huge iceteroids allowing a normal surface ecosystem.
Orestes Prime circles the yellow star in the binary system once every thirteen months of 29 days making the OZ year 377 days long.
Orestes was largely desert and non arable before the Iceteroids of Varga showered enough fresh water to create lake Orestes and lakes of the outland basins. Once the evaporation cycle was created with the amount of water vapor from the iceteroids, the regeneration of surface water became a natural phenomenon and more people began to live above ground.
Lake Orestes is about the size and volume of Lake Michigan, and a spit of land narrows the civilian shore near Orestes City to the Orestes Station/Federation shore on the other side. a small bridge connects the city to the base.
Orestes Station was placed on the planet to protect the large pure dilithium crystal deposits in what were the wastelands of the Rainbow Mountains.
Those deposits made communication traffic impossible over wide areas of the planet.
Forge, the moon of Orestes is mineral rich and was commercially mined before the planetary station was created.