LCDR Benjamin Mitchell- Chief of Security, USS Republic


I. Personal Data

Full Name:      Benjamin Nelson Mitchell
Surname:        Mitchell
Given Name:     Benjamin
Nickname:       Ben or "Big Ben."
Current Rank:   Lieutenant Commander (O-4;
Current Billet: Chief of Security, U.S.S. REPUBLIC NCC 1371
Species:        Homo sapiens sapiens (Terran Human)
Gender/Sex:     Male/XY
Age:            31 Terran Years
DOB:            19 May 2229
POB:            Phoenix, Arizona, Earth
Parents:        William Mitchell (DOB: 2191)- Captain, USS APOLLO
                Amanda Hawkins (DOB: 2188)- Nurse
Siblings:       Michael “Mikey" (DOB: 2217)- SCI, SB 11
                Jessica (DOB: 2229)- Federation Diplomatic Corps, Junior 
                Ambassador to Robert Fox
Spouse:         N/A

A. Physical Description
HT: 5'7"
WT: 165 lbs (75kg)
EY: Hazel
HR: Brown
SK: Light Tan;
Blood Type: O-
Vision: O: +.05, S: +.025 (effectively 20/20)
Religion: Mormon(non Practicing)
Citizenship: Earth; United Federation of Planets
Languages: Terran Standard (native speaker)

II. Educational Background

A. Academic Institutions Attended
-- Star Fleet Academy {Graduated *cum laude*}
   (Bachelor of Science, Managment)

B. Service Schools Attended
-- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School
-- Star Fleet Command School

C. Qualifications (MOS/MOCs)
-- MOC: Tactical Officer
-- MOC: Navigation/Astrogation Officer
-- MOC: Command Officer

D. Star Fleet Academy Record
Honors:             Cum Laude
Academic Major:     Management
Professional Major: Security
Class Rank:         32/340
Reprimands:         2
  - Involved in near fatal accident while out partying
  - Class Prank on Academy Commandant
Commendations:      3
Athletics:          Baseball

III. Biographical Notes

A. Chronology (tabular form)
0:     Born on Earth

0-18:  Lived with mother and grandparents on Earth; attended Arizona 
       Public Schools and Graduated from Phoenix Christian High School

18-21: Attended Starfleet Academy.

21:    Cadet Cruise aboard USS DALLAS; passed with High Honors. 
       Commissioned into Starfleet as Ensign (0-1).

21-27  Assistant Security Officer, USS ICARUS

27-28: Entered Command Officer's School; graduated with distinction.

28-:   Active duty in Starfleet.

B. Background Summary
Benjamin Nelson Mitchell  is a man of honor and respect. Having been 
raised with the ethics and ideas of law & order, he does tend to open 
his mouth at times and give a glib or sarcastic response which has been 
known to unintentionally land him in trouble.

His childhood was average and he spent most of his time at the Starfleet
Cultural Center in Downtown Phoenix.  The first real traumatic moment of 
his life did not occur until he was already serving in the fleet. His 
father was Captain of the USS ICARUS and this was where he remembered a 
distrust of Romulans.

Despite his distaste of Romulans there was an incident.  While Sam was 
NAV on board the USS ICARUS when a Romulan scout ship breached the 
border and crashed on the planet of Cochise III. The Captain & FO 
wanted to blow the ship from orbit. With the help of the CMO, Benjamin 
was able to convince the Captain (his father) and FO that despite the 
incident it would improve relations with the Romulans should they 
assist any survivors who crashed on the Federation Planet.

He was successful in saving what turned out to be the Romulan Ambassador 
the Federation.  The incident caused a rift between father & son and 
Benjamin soon transferred off the ICARUS.

IV. Official Star Fleet Record(Help me here)

A. Promotion History:
2247 Entered 1st Year, Starfleet Academy
2248 Entered 2nd Year, Starfleet Academy
2249 Entered 3rd Year, Starfleet Academy
2250: Entered 4th Year, Starfleet Academy
2251: Graduated Starfleet Academy

B. Service History
2249 Mar: Assigned to USS DALLAS NCC-0485 for Cadet Cruise
2249 May: Completed Cadet Cruise, Returned to Earth
2251 May: Assigned as Security, USS ICARUS NCC 0555
2253 Jul: Promoted to Lieutenant (0-2).  
          Reassigned as SEC, USS HORIZON NCC 0545
2255 Aug: Transferred to USS ARCHER Promoted to Lieutenant (0-3) SEC.  
2256 Feb: Transferred to STARBASE 13 as Diplomatic Liaison to Federation
          Ambassador Eric McKnight.
2256 Jul: Transferred to USS SIOUX as Assistant SEC under Captain 
          Elizabeth Romero.
2261 Aug: Assigned Command School.
2261 Sep: Graduated from Command School; promoted to 
          Lieutenant Commander (O-4).  Reassigned as 
          SEC, U.S.S. Republic  NCC-1371.

C. Medals and Commendations
Starfleet Commendation Award x4
T’Pol Medal of Diplomacy
Silver Star
Combat Action Award x2
Medal of Merit- Diplomacy

V. Skills Profile
Ben Mitchell skills seem to lie in the area of Security & Command. Mitchell 
was raised with ideas of law & order and it was only naturally he entered 
into the field of Security.

VI. Recent Fitness Reports
Ben Mitchell is physically fit in terms with his regimen for his favorite 
pastime which is the archaic form of Baseball.

Doctor Diane Cruz

VII. Psychological Profile
Benjamin Mitchell  may be a sarcastic and cynical individual but that is 
just a tip of the iceberg this man is capable of.  He is extremely gifted 
and understands the nature of security and command and is a very competent 

There was an incident however earlier in his career where he prevented the 
Captain & FO of a ship he served on from killing crashed survivors of a 
Romulan Delegation on the way to earth. Despite his initial dislike of 
them he overcame that to lead a rescue mission.

-- LCDR Amanda Haynes
Staff Psychologist, USS Sioux

VIII. Current Recreational Interests
Sam is a avid baseball player. He learned the game on earth and has since 
among his most prized possession a baseball bat once owned by the 
legendary Joe DiMaggio.
