Shr'Nesh Karadis

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LTjg Shr'Nesh Karadis Chief of Security (played by Drew Ketchen
I. Personal Data
A. Basic Data
Full Name: Karadis Surname: Shr'Nesh Given Name: Karadis Nickname: Rawcape (prefers to be called Karadis) Current Rank: Lieutenant (jg) (O-2) Current Billet: Chief of Security, USS REPUBLIC, NCC-1371 Species: Human Gender/Sex: Female Age: 24 DOB: 2235.105 POB: Comolav, Sector 3, Mars Parents: Hilpa & Jumet Karadis Siblings: Korisma, Pula, Gulmin Karadis Spouse: None Children: None B. Physical Description
HT: 5' 8" WT: 144lbs EY: Brown HR: Dark Brown SK: Caucasian Blood Type: A+ C. Additional Biographics
Religion: Seek Citizenship: Mars colony Languages: English, small amounts of Romulan & Kilingon
II. Educational Background
A. Academic Institutions Attended
-- Star Fleet Academy Security & Tactical Studies B. Service Schools Attended
-- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School C. Qualifications (MOS/MOCs)
MOS: Secrutiy & Tactical studies, modern space warfare. D. Star Fleet Academy Record
Honors: Summa Cum Laude Academic Major: Security & Tactical stidies Professional Major: Medical triage Class Rank: Top 10% Reprimands: None Commendations: 1 Athletics: Track Activities: Rock climbing, abseiling, hill walking, marathons, endurance activities, reading, music On a Security training excercise, Cadet Shr'Nesh Karadis led several fellow students out of difficulty on rock climbing expedition on Mars. A rock face crumbled as three trainees began their descent along a cliff. This created a gap in the rock that made it impossible for the group to make any kind of permanent fixture from one part of the cliff to the other. Neither she nor the stranded group of cadets had any communicators with them (the main party had them all and they were out of earshot on the lower pass). Because of the deteriorating weather, Shr'Nesh climbed back up the rock face alone, and made a rope 'bridge' to throw over to the stragglers. High winds and rain made it very difficult for her to get the rope bridge to the stranded cadets, so she decided that climbing higher on her side of the rock face, scaling across and lowering the rope down an overhang to her fellow cadets was the best way to get the rope to them. What she new would make this harder was the lack of proper equipment. Tearing strips from her uniform to protect her hands agains the jagged rocks, she began the perilous climb upwards and over to the overhang. Many times she slipped, or the winds caught her unawares, but she managed to keep going till she reached a point of safety. Checking that her fellow students were alright, and that no-one needed any medical assistance, she lowered the rope and then began the slow journey back to her side of the rock faceagain. After some time, and again, a few slips, she made it back to her starting point and secued her end of the rope 'bridge' to the rocks beside her. Slowly, one at a time, and with her encouragement, Shr'Nesh coaxed her fellow cadets across the bridge and to safety on her side of the rock face. After a short rest to recuperate from their ordeal, Shr'Nesh led and the other cadets resumed their descent back down to the lower pass where they met up with the main body of the expadition.
III. Biographical Notes
A. Chronology (tabular form)
0-18: Lived with parents on Earth; attended Terran public schools. 18: Entered Starfleet Academy. 18-22: Attended Starfleet Academy. 22-24: Cadet Cruise aboard USS GALILEO. Commissioned into Starfleet as an Ensign (O-1). 24- : Promoted to Lieutenant (jg) (O-2). B. Background Summary
Comolav, in Sector 3 on Mars, was very much a working class area of the colony. Cobalt, and other minerals were mined there, and it was a work hard, play hard kind of a place to live. Shr'Nesh's childhood was a loving one where her parents spent as much time as they could with their children when not working. As could be imagined, holidays were hard to come by, but when taken they were made all the better with everyone 'mucking' in. As she grew up in the area, Shr'Nesh was one whom other children naturally gravitated to, and her opinion was sought after on a many great things to do with children of her age. Even at that young age, she was able to placate many people, solve problems, or if not solve them at least take a major role in helping to solve them. As she grew up, her parents were proud of their daughter, and when she began school, the teachers and later, tutors, could see that she was a natural student who took a keen interst in her studies, especialy studies on how things worked were put together and maintained. Some thought that a career in engineering lay ahead of Shr'Nesh because of this, but as she grew up, her studies also began to incorporate history, Earth history more than anything, and especialy warfare. When quizzed on the subject, she was more than capable of holding her own in arguments or scenario training. She was also one who, when the odd fight broke out between classmates, was able to find a solution to calm the problem (at times she even took on 'the problem', and put them in their place, telling them not to pick on those they considered inferior to themselves). When this sort of thing happened, teachers and tutors tended to 'turn a blind eye' because it meant a) the problem was dealt with between the students and b) there was never any come back because Shr'Nesh made sure nothing happened afterwards. Her natural leadership helped her to attain class president in her more formal schooling years, and went on to help many students through problems they might otherwise have solved. She continued to read about the great generals of Earth's past, then moved onto the Romulans, Klingons and other known waring species. Her study marks were of sufficient standard that she had no difficulty in apply for, and being accepted to, Starfleer Academy.
IV. Official Star Fleet Record
A. Promotion History:
2257.213: Entered 1st Year, Starfleet Academy 2258.214: Entered 2nd Year, Starfleet Academy 2259.213: Entered 3rd Year, Starfleet Academy 2260.213: Entered 4th Year, Starfleet Academy
2259.115: Promoted to Ensign (O-1) 2260.225: Promoted to Lieutenant (jg) (O-2) B. Service History
2255.213: Entered 1st Year, Starfleet Academy 2256.214: Entered 2nd Year, Starfleet Academy 2257.213: Entered 3rd Year, Starfleet Academy 2258.213: Entered 4th Year, Starfleet Academy
2259.115: Graduated from Starfleet Academy; assigned to cadet cruise aboard USS GALILEO, NCC-0594. 2259.200: Finished Cadet Cruiser, commissioned as Ensign (O-1); Assigned Secruity Officer, USS HORATIO, NCC-1886. 2261.213: Assigned as Chief of Security, USS REPUBLIC, NCC-1371 C. Medals and Commendations
V. Skills Profile
Expert Marksman - Phaser I, II, IV
VI. Recent Fitness Reports
Shr'Nesh Karadis is in superb physical fitness. Her physic is strong, but not overly muscular, she tries to maintain some female attractive attributes. Long hours of endurance training means she has a lot of stored power that she can call upon for longer periods of time than most of her fellow security/tactical personel. No defects to be found, and all childhood illnesses have been logged, no information outstanding. -- Dr. Mekat Staff Attending, Starfleet Academy
VII. Psychological Profile
I've found Karadis to be a rather exciting subject to be with. She has a personality that draws you in and keeps your attention. Though at times she can be guarded, it mostly happens when there's some deep sense of loss which does not happen very often. The vast majority of the time she is outwardly pleasant and eager to help others when she can. I'd say that she harnesses very well the ability to command, but in such a way that people wish to do it 'for' her because she makes them feel a part of the team, rather than because she is the officer in charge. At times she may have to switch these roles, but by and large she maintains a very steady relationship with all the people she encounters. -- LCDR Jonas Berrieman Staff Psychologist, Starbase 6
VIII. Current Recreational Interests
Away from the world of Security and Tactical, Shr'Nesh is a student of many musical instruments. She likes to try her hand at the more diffucult ones as this stimulates her interests. From her time at studying, she is also a keen reader and when an assignment is given, she tries hard to study the culture of where they are going, so that if called upon, she can be of service to her fellow crew. Athletics is a big part of her fitness, and she tries to hold crew competitions every few months. This has the advantage of not only helping people remain at a high state of fitness, but it also helps to create a keen 'edge' to people want to be able to have fun with their fellow crew members. At times though she can feel lonely, and would like to meet someone to share personal time with her and the things that interest her, though she's nor averse to trying out different things that other people like, if they are of interest to her and her ideals.