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Official UFPDOCA Colony Entry: Home

  • Planet Name: Hur-doma (Home)
  • Creator: Talkar Mara (aka Karen Fainges)


  • System/Location: System Location Unknown / Alpha Quadrant
  • Distance to Nearest Starbase: Unknown
  • Planet Classification: Class M
  • Satellites/Space Stations: Two moons.
  • Land/Water Ratio: 40/60 (originally 42/58)
  • Climate Controlled: No
  • Native Sentient Life: Yes
  • Land Masses: Two continents – One inhabited, the other barren plus there is a large archipelago.


  • Planet Age (approximate): Unknown but at least 100,000,000+ years
  • Population (approximate): 34 million
  • Species Present: Humanoid - Pure Shaytonian
  • Planetary Status: Secret (debating trading contracts with the Federation, possible application to join membership of the UFP at a future date)
  • Government: The Grand Council – voted in by the people. Individual townships elect their representatives and these representatives go to the city every four standard months to debate or listen to the concerns of the people. The council normally sits for a two moon cycle, which equates to approximately six standard weeks.
  • Major Cities/Settlements: Townships dot the landscape varying in numbers ranging from one hundred to one thousand people. There is only one major city that has a population of over two hundred thousand people. The people simply call this city Cy-doma (or Home City).


At some point in the planets past there were three major continents on which the ancient people of the planet all lived. Tall, strong and proud were the ancient peoples, so proud were they, that when the enemy came, they were too caught up in themselves to realise the threat. The ‘Protectors’ would stop anything the universe could possibly thrown at them. Then the ‘enemy’ struck with such force that in the final battle, they caused the ‘Great Cataclysm’ which destroyed the ancients, but also crippled the enemy so that they in turn were struck down by the remaining ‘Protectors’. Of the continents, one was laid barren, while the second simply disappeared beneath the seas and form the ‘Great Archipelago’. All that remained was the third continent and it was here that the survivors tried to survive.


A simple barter based society, though this is more of a traditional custom than a real monetary system. No one starves or goes without shelter. As long as an individual pulls their weight in society, their needs are taken care of. Amassing wealth is unheard of.

Tech Level

At a glance the world appears primitive by Federation standards, but this could not be further from the truth. Every house has access basic replicators and modern medical technology. Agricultural, mining, water purification techniques are equal to if not better than what the Federation has. There are also rumours of technology beyond what the Federation, Romulans or Klingons currently have, but Starfleet Intelligence has never been able to confirm or deny this information.


The family unit is very important to these people. Children are something that is cherished by everyone in the community. Visitors to the world would think the people ‘lacking’ in technology, but this is not the case. Technology has merely been integrated into society and is just not in plain site. Wood smiths and Metal smiths lovingly create the furniture their families and friends sit or sleep on. Clay smiths spend hours making the designs on their bowls, cups and plates. Everything is natural and the satisfaction and achieve a person feels from creating things with their own hands is its own reward. That is not to say replicators are not used. Their homes are built for simple and practical use. A replicator is just hidden behind a beautiful hand made cupboard door and the fireplace gives off real heat but does not burn the precious wood of the forest.


Hur-doma or Home is unknown to but a hand-full of top Starfleet personal in the Federation. In recent times, it has been revealed that Admiral Rose Holland and her brother Tommy are actually members of this species. One other individual believed to be Rose and Tommy’s father and goes by the name ‘Talkar Mara’ have visited Federation space. This individual is currently aboard the USS Yamato with Dr Lisa Mara. The Dr is suppositively this individual’s mother, thus making her the Admirals Grand-mother. There is some speculation within some (undisclosed) areas of Starfleet that this race may have access to time manipulation technology.

There is also another group of Shaytonian’s within the galaxy. They live in a pseudo-realm or pocket dimension well away from this other group. Starfleet Intelligence reports that the two sides do not see eye to eye on issues and this could lead to a war. If such a thing was to occur, the Federation would not really be effected, though this second group has recently partitioned the Federation Council for membership.


From the information provided, Security Analysis’s believe that both cultures should be watched with ‘great’ interest.