OSFI Am-Tal Factfile

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The Am Tal


The Am Tal is the internal security force of the Andorian people. However, unlike the V'Shar, the Am Tal does not stick solely to internal Andorian security; they are quick to run operations off-planet if they feel it is in the best interests of Andoria.

Unlike the Vulcans, who are a peacful, passive people, the Andorians are a violent, passionate race. As such, the by-laws that are rumored to govern the Am Tal do not contain the same restraint that Star Fleet's intelligence-gathering groups do; the Am Tal are rumored to be well-versed in running black operations of all types. However, these are nothing but unconfirmed rumors and matters of hearsay- no such actions or operations have ever been confirmed.

Full wht 200.png The Am Tal in the PRIME Timeline

In 2422, the very existence of the Am Tal is more akin to that of Section 31 than OSFI or the V'Shar- it is based largely upon conjecture, rumor and hearsay. However, given their rumored propensity for conducting operations outside of Andorian space, there is the chance that OSFI operatives may encounter Am Tal agents; if one does, extreme caution is advised in any dealings with them.

The Am Tal in the ORIGINS Timeline

In the alternate reality of ORIGINS, the Am Tal are no mere myth; they are quite active.

Much of this likely has to do with the destruction of Vulcan: the destruction of this "core member" world has left a vacuum in Federation politics and Starfleet, a vacuum which Andoria has attempted to fill. In the world of intragalactic intelligence, without the V'Shar (Vulcan Security) to check their aggressiveness, the Am Tal has been far more prolific.

It is important to note that, while not openly hostile to Starfleet Intelligence, the Am Tal follow its own priorities, and often runs "black operations," which is something neither the Federation Council nor Starfleet Intelligence sanctions. This fact puts the Am Tal and SFI in opposition with one another as often as it doesn't.

Known Operatives

The known operatives of the am Tal are listed below, followed by a brief biography for each.

Avae Zh'sharav

  • ASSIGNMENT: Field Agent (undercover)
  • CURRENT DISPOSITION: In Federation Custody

Avae Zh'sharav is a beautiful, lithe Andorian woman- and a deadly operative. Like many of her fellow Am Tal agents, she has a heightened sense of loyalty to her homeworld; it is in this sense that she is most dangerous. Given her skill, she often is assigned the more important- and difficult- operations, almost always meeting with success. However, the recent botched assassination attempt of the Romulan geneticist Dr. Sahen- resulting in her arrest by Starfleet officers, is unlikely to be sitting well with her superiors.

Zh'sharav has Starfleet connections- most notably to Gar Th'elenth, chief engineer aboard the USS Hood.

Tolan Th'artak

  • ASSIGNMENT: Senior Control Operative

Tolan Th'artak is one of the senior control operatives of the Am Tal, most recently assigned to operations in the Arcturus Sector. He was Avae Zh'sharav's control for the operation to assassinate Romulan geneticist Dr. Sahen, and was forced to quickly shut down operations when Avae was captured by Starfleet personnel.

The Am Tal in the BEYOND Timeline

There is no evidence that the Am Tal exist in 2771. Of course, they could simply have lost influence in the ever-expanding world of (now) intergalactic politics. But, then again, perhaps they have just gone underground...