Gold Fleet- RADM Alexandra Kirk, COMKRIMAXFOR

Revision as of 04:04, 16 October 2009 by Drainu8 (talk | contribs)
Name: Alexandra James Kirk
Service Number:SC-11250-9871SC
Age: 37
Race: 3/4 Betazoid, 1/4 Human
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 161 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brunette
Physical Description: Fair skinned, muscular build, athletic,
                                long hair, beautiful looks, piercing eyes, tall.
Birthplace: Betazed
Parents: Downey Kirk (Father, 1/2 Human/Betazoid - Deceased)
             Luisa Vonno (Mother, full Betazoid - Deceased)
Spouse: None
Siblings: Tynna Kirk (younger sister)
Religion: None
Education: Academy Graduate (Stardate 500110-with HONOURS))
                 Academy Major: COMMAND
                 Academy Minor(s): SECURITY
                 Other Minors: PSYCHOLOGY
                 Notable Courses:
                 -Administration/Logistics (Last in Class)
                 -Alien Psychology (Top 3%)
                 -Alien Languages (Middle 50%)
                 -Archaeology (Third in Class)
                 -Small Weapons Technology (Top 10%)
                 -First Aid/Medicine (Below Average)
                 -Leadership (First in class)
                 -Marksmanship (First in Class)
                 -Negotiation/Diplomacy (Top 2%)
                 -Planatary Survival Techniques (Average)
                 -Psychology (Middle 50%)
                 -Security Procedures (Top 5%)
                 -Applied Sciences (Lower 20%)
                 -Starship Operations (Second in class)
                 -Starship Combat Strategy/Tactics (First in Class)
                 -Starship Defense Systems (Top 10%)
                 -Unarmed Combat (Second in class)
Current Assignment: GOLD Fleet Command
Current Position: COMKRIMAXFOR
-SD 40916       Graduated Starfleet Academy with High Honours
-SD 40917.0735  Assigned to Starfleet Academy (Instructor)
-SD 50110.0700  Promoted to Lieutenant (JG)
-SD 70213.0928  Reported to Starbase Alpha
-SD 70214.0730  Assigned to Security
-SD 70230.0615  Promoted to Lieutenant
-SD 70301.0954  Took leave of absence from Starfleet
-SD 80313.0800  Resumed career as Starfleet Officer
-SD 80313.0900  Transferred to USS ANDROMEDA as Chief of Security
-SD 90303.1225  Promoted to Lt. Commander and assigned as the XO/FO USS ANDROMEDA
-SD 101021.1915 Promoted to Commander
-SD 160614.1600 Assigned to the Federation/Romulan Joint Task Force
-SD 160623.1000 Promoted to Captain
-SD 190421.0715 Promoted to Commodore; Assigned Command of the Federation/Romulan Joint Task Force
-SD 210515.0900 Promoted to Rear Admiral; Assigned as COMKRIMAXFOR, GOLD Fleet
Born to two powerful and influential business people, Ensign Alexandra Kirk
crew up in the lap of luxury, fully aware of her illustrious ancestor,
Captain James Tiberius Kirk.  No matter what her parents did, Alex was not
interested in a career in business-she wanted, more than anything in this
world, to command a starship and be as famous as her ancestor.  Applying to
Starfleet Academy, she was not accepted the first time.  Making her work
even harder, she was finally accepted, and entered Starfleet Academy.  With
only some of the empathic powers of her race, and even those she had to
concentrate on to use, she thought she would be perfect for the command
track.  Nearly flunking out in the first semester, she worked even harder
over the next three years, and graduated in the top of her class.
Disappointed in her first and second tours, she finally received a posting
to a straship, the USS ANDROMEDA.

Serving on the ANDROMEDA for many years, she proceeded up the chain of command.
First as the Operations Officer/2nd Officer then as the First Officer. When Captain
Skree g'Az'Eetch was promoted to Commodore and transferred to command the
Joint Romulan/Federation Taskforce in the Neutral Zone Alexandra received her
wish. She was promoted to Captain and given command of a starship. After a few
short years, Skree was again promoted and transferred to Silver Fleet Command
leaving Alexandra in charge of the JTF.

When a Renegade Dominion attack (allied with Remeans) nearly destroyed the peace 
between the two splinters of the Romulan Empire and the Remeans, as well as the
Federation and the Dominion, it was the USS VALHALLA, that came to the rescue.
Commodore Kirk assisted with the JTF, cementing the alliance between the Romulans
and the Federation. It was through the sacrifice of an Andorian Officer on the 
VALHALLA that impressed the Remeans so much they named their new Battlecruiser in
her honour and brought everyone back to the Peace Process.

Impressed with how she handled the situation, Starfleet Command and the CinC promoted
Kirk to Rear Admiral and transferred her to Gold Fleet as the new COMKRIMAXFOR.

Psych Profile:
  Ensign Kirk is the proverbial charasmatic magnet and fireball.  She has the ability to
get people to follow her to hell and back.  She must, however learn to
temper her decisions with logic, instead of rushing in where angels fear to
tread.  It would be logical to assign her to Starfleet Academy for a period
as an Instructor with Lt(JG) Sanok, our Astrophysics/Martial Arts Instructor
as her superior.  POerhaps he can tone down her intuition enough to make her
a fine Starfleet offiicer, instead of a brash, rash decision making officer.
Admiral Sarpek
Commandant of Starfleet Academy
San Fransisco, Earth
Excellent tour as an instructor.  Transferred to Starbase Alpha as a
security officer.
Admiral Colleen Desjardins
CinC Starfleet Operations
Starfleet Headquarters
San Fransisco, Earth

I have been fortunate to know Alexandra Kirk for a long time. She is an incredible person.
Strong and decisive. Able to make the tough decisions when required and fearless in
battle. If I did not know better I would say she had a Klingon in her ancestry. She
is a loyal Starfleet Officer, willing to sacrifice herself whenever needed. It is
this willingness to lead from the front of the battle that has endeared her to all
those assigned under her command - from Starfleet, Romulan, Remean Gorn and even a 
Jem'Hadar soldier. Her only flaw is a willingness to take big risks...risks that can 
get her and her men into deep trouble, trouble not even she can get out of. I only
hope we never see that day when that happens.

Lt. Commander Rachel Moore