Gold Fleet- Elieth, Executive Officer USS CIRCE

CDR Elieth, Executive Officer USS CIRCE NCC-27000

CDR. Elieth
XO USS ______
FIRST NAME:           Elieth
CURRENT RANK:         CDR. (O-5)
GENDER/SEX:           Female
AGE:                  62 STY
DOB:                  2358-04-06
POB:                  USS Hyperion

PARENTS:              Capt. Zolar (CO of USS Hyperion, now retired)
                      Lt. T'Meni (Exobiologist/Anthropologist USS Hyperion)
SIBLINGS:             V'Lar (Infectivologist, actually working on Vulcan)
                      Ens. Lojal (Quantum physics specialist on USS Lommat - DECEASED)
SPOUSE:               None
CHILDREN:             None

HEIGHT:               176 cm
WEIGHT:               52 kg
HAIR:                 Black
EYES:                 Dark Brown
SKIN TONE:            Light Brown
BLODD TYPE:           T-
VISION:               20/20
RELIGION:             None
CITIZENSHIP:          United Federation of Planets - Earth
LANGUAGES:            Vulcan, Klingon, Romulan, Terran, English


A. Academic Institutions Attended:
   -- Star Fleet Academy
B. Service Schools Attended:
   -- Star Fleet Command Course
   -- Star Fleet Advanced Propulsion School

C. Qualifications: 
   -- D-Warp Theory and Advanced Propulsion Specialist
   -- Structural/Integrity Specialist
   -- Command brevet

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Professional Major: D-Warp Theory
Professional Minor: Structures and stress propagation 
Class Rank:         Top 5%
Reprimands:         None
Commendations:      Special commendation for Academic Merit in the field of 
                    D-Warp technology and advanced propulsion systems.
Athletics:          Long distance running
Activities:         -


A. Chronology (tabular form):
0-10:   Lived on USS Hyperion with her parents.
10-15:  Sent back to Vulcan for junior studies.
15-25:  Vulcan Academy of Advanced Engineering.
25-28:  Starfleet Academy.
28-30:  Specialization course in D-Warp theory.
30-31:  Assigned on Jupiter Station as a research specialist with the rank 
        of ENS.
33:     Assigned to USS HORATIO as Propulsion Spec.
35:     Promoted to LT.jg. and commissioned as ass. CEO of USS HORATIO.
36-39:  Transferred to USS FREYA, as CEO.·
40-45:  First experience as ass. OPS officer on DEEP SPACE 12.
45-50:  OPS officer on DEEP SPACE 12, promoted to LCDR.
51-54:  OPS officer on USS SPRINGWOOD.
54-61:  Switched to Command Division, assigned as XO on USS SPRINGWOOD.
62-Now: Promoted to CDR. Assigned as Executive Officer, USS CIRCE.

B. Background Summary:
Being born on a starship meant for Elieth a very quick and deep understanding
of what meant to be a Starfleet officer. 
That is probably the reason why it took so long for her to come up with the
final of committing her life to active duty, instead of pursuing a pure 
theoretical career in the field of Advanced Propulsion.

Still at this time, the 5 years spent on her lab on Jupiter Station are 
considered by Elieth to be the most amazing experience of her life.

Strangely as it might seem for a Vulcan from such a strict upbringing, she is 
happy·in leaving away from Vulcan and the Vulcan society, even if she keeps a 
special place (the granfather's house) in her heart where she always comes back 
to relax and meditate whenever she feels the need for a closer contact with her 

C. Personality Summary:


A. Promotion History:
2488: Promoted to ENS.
2393: Promoted to LT.jg.
2400: Promoted to LT.
2403: Promoted to LTCDR.
2420: Promoted to CDR.

B. Service History:
2383: Entered Starfleet Academy
2386: Graduated from Starfleet Academy as Cadet Lt.
2388: Graduated from Starfleet post-doc D-WARP Theory course.
2388: Assigned to Jupiter Station research lab as ENS.
2391: Assigned to USS HORATIO.
2394: Assigned to USS FREYA.
2297: Assigned to DEEP SPACE 12.
2409: Assigned to USS SPRINGWOOD.
2421: Assigned to USS CIRCE.

C.  Medals and Commendations
Nothing at this time.

V. Skills Profile
Excellent theoretical skills.
Very good leadership skills.
Very organized.
Good experience and capacity in leading a reasearch/work team.

VI. Recent Fitness Reports
Ens. Elieth posseses all the peculiar characteristic of an healthy Vulcan,
and she is to be considered fit for any kind of field duty.

VIII. Current Recreational Interests
Taking long trekking trips.
Playing Kal-toh.

IX. Miscellaneous Information
Nothing at this time.