LT Maya Zhunio - Unassigned


  • Played by Brian Mansur
  • Created: SD 130728
  • Last Updated: SD 210622
I. Personal Data	

Name:		Zhunio, Maya Gemma
Rank:	 	LT (O-3)
Billet:	 	Unassigned
Species:     	Homo sapiens sapiens

Gender:	 	Female
Age:		33 Terran Standard Years
Birthday:     	23 June, 2380 
Birthplace: 	Cuenca, Earth/Sol III

Height:		163 cm/5'4'' 
Weight:		46 kg/102 lbs 
Skin:		Light Brown
Hair:		Black 
Eyes:		Dark Brown
Maya usually exhibits a sweet, nurturing expression.  Her ample lips are 
set above a square jaw that tappers sharply into a rounded chin.  She 
almost always wears rose-red lipstick and fruity perfume scents.  Maya 
possess an exceedingly slender and delicate figure.  Her off-duty dress
is designed to accentuate the subtle curves of her frame.  She prefers 
her wavy black hair at shoulder length with bangs reaching the eyebrows.


Promotion History:
120122 Commissioned as ENS (O-1)
130601 Promoted to LT(jg) (O-2)
190622 Promoted to LT (O-3)

Service History:
120601 Entered Starfleet Academy  
130601 Completed Staff Officer's Training School
130601 Completed Field Xenomedicine Training School
130728 Assigned CNS, USS KIROV (Orders Countermanded before taking billet)
140201 Assigned aCNS, USS KIROV
150103 Assigned Counselor in Starfleet Disaster Recovery Program
150914 Assigned as Support Personel to the TESLA II  
160519 Assigned as aCNS, USS KIROV
170119 Assigned as aCNS, SB GAMMA

Medals and Commedations:


PhD Family Crisis Counseling


     Maya Zhunio's height and weight are barely below standards for female 
officers.  Due to the present dearth of counselors in Star Fleet, Medical 
has waved the physical requirements.  Her body tone and strength are up to 
standards.  Eye sight and reflexes are good.  No history of significant 
physical illness.

     Continued counseling is needed to combat acrophobia diagnosed in 
adolescence.  However, given the nature of her previous crisis counseling 
experience, Academy stress testing, and fitness interviews, Star Fleet 
Medical approves this officer for active duty.


     Friends of Maya describe a demure, forgiving, loyal, quiet, 
sensitive, and sentimental young woman.  Her unimposing persona has 
lulled even the most affected patients into yielding trustfulness.  
Acquaintences know well that her gentle exterior conceals a star-fire 
passion for healing hearts.  She carries on this work with unblemished 

     Maya considers herself a teenager at heart in that she loves to 
learnsomething new each day.  Her philosophy of life is to stay happy so 
that she can help others to be happy.  She owns a remarkable ability to 
make snap decisions in a crisis.  This trait has astonished friends since 
she is notorious for her indecisive nature.  

     Miss Zhunio remains apathetic toward male advances at this time.  
Despite an eight year drought of communication with her ex-fiancee, she 
knows her heart has always longed for him.  Shortly before completing her 
own Star Fleet training, she reestablished ties with a most receptive 
Hastings.  She remains optimistic that they will make the most of their 
second chance together.

Beliefs:     	Christian (non-denominational)

Interests: 	Relationships
		Salsa (ancient Latin dance style)

Likes:	 	God
		Marcus Hastings
		Christian Studies
		Ecuadorian Mountains

Quriks:      	Hates Waiting (but does it better than some)
		Screams at the sight of rodents
		Uncomfortable around Ferengi (they look like large rats)
		Hates having to make decisions
		Becomes very quiet when angry

Weaknesses:	Anything requiring great patience
		Anything chocholate
		Marcus Hastings
		Fear of heights
		Fear of rodents
Family:		Parents:  Juan and Graciella Zhunio (Maiden name Saviajo)
		Siblings: Maria Eugenia Alanzi
		          Pilar Zhunio
		Spouse:   None
		Children: None

     Maya Zhunio hails from the charming spanish-colonial settlement of 
Cuenca.  Embraced by the evergreen Andes Mountains, Maya called this city home 
for 27 years.  She once remarked, "The only thing cold about Cuenca is its 
weather."  In that cold city she flourished: warmed by the bosom of familial 
comfort and intimate Latin society.  

     Despite this ideal setting, Zhunio suffered a tortuous loss of innocence 
there.  At age 23, she became the obssession of a most abusive man.  To this 
day, her two year ordeal with him remains so raw that she refuses to speak his 
name.  She reveals only that she knew hate for the first time because of him.  

     Maya's natural resilience kept her from failing academically.  Emotionally, 
however, she bore formidible wounds.  While she kept close friends and attended 
school, she shied from society.  

     Her long winter finally ended at age 25.  While she was completing her 
master's in counseling, the sensitive manner of a visiting missionary, one 
Marcus Hastings, captured her heart.  A sweet and innocent romance ignited 
between them almost immediately.  Marcus felt so passionately about Maya that 
he proposed marriage mere months later.  Although Maya accepted 
enthusiastically, Marcus quickly realized his emotional inability to handle both 
medical school and a serious relationship.  The young man broke off the 
engagement a short time later.

     Not one day has passed that Maya does not think of her beloved prince.  His
loving support helped heal her.  So, despite her newly broken heart, she felt 
inspired to be a strength for others as Marcus had been for her.  She threw 
herself into her work and completed her PhD in family crisis counseling at age 
27.  Shortly thereafter, she joined a UFP disaster counseling task force.  She 
has since provided crisis therapy on over half a dozen worlds.  

     Maya came to Star Fleet's attention after her heroic actions during a 
pirate attack on Garoth IV.  At first, she accepted requests to present a week of 
after-action lectures to the Academy.  By the end of the week, the deputy head 
of Star Fleet Counseling had offered her a seat in the next year's professional
recruits class.

     Zhunio recollects how she would have turned down the offer had she not 
noticed a certain young doctor walking on campus earlier that day.  It did not
take her long to confirm that one unattached Marcus Hastings was finishing his 
own training that month.  Maya then schemed to join Star Fleet and seek a 
posting near her long lost fiancee.  

UPDATE 150103

     Maya's journey to marital happiness came to completion in a wedding to 
Marcus Jeffrey Hastings on Earth in her hometown of Cuenca, Ecuador.  The 
couple looks forward to working together as part of a Starfleet task force for
frontier disaster recovery.  

UPDATED 210622

     Maya lives with her husband Marcus Hastings and their son Scott at 
