Wolf Northan

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Wolf Northan


Name:           Northan, Wolf Sebastian
Rank:           Lieutenant (0-3) 
Billet:         Unassigned
Gender:         Male 
Age:            30
Species:        Human

Birthplace:     Des Moines, New Iowa
Birthday:       August 7
Citizenship:    United Federation of Planets
Religion:       Christian (non-denominational)

Height:         186 cm/6'1'' 
Weight:         94 kg/208 lbs 
Skin:           White
Hair:           Medium Brown 
Eyes:           Gray

Appearance:     Close shaven hair, usually wears a perpetually bemused smile, 
                and bears a small scar under his left ear.  

Spouse:         Never Married
Children:       None

Father:         Anweer Drayven (Foster) - Deceased
Mother:         Jela Drayven (Foster) (Maiden Name: Caligan) - Age 51
Siblings:       Heather Drayven (Foster) - Age 25
Note:           Records of Wolf's biological are not available.  


A. Service History
24080802: Accepted to Starfleet Academy
24130704: Commissioned as ENS (O-1) 
24100705: Assigned to advanced training at ALB
24100821: Assigned FCO, USS TOKYO
24110115: Promoted to LTjg (O-2)
24140301: Assigned to SB EPSILON advanced engineering training
24140913: Assigned ENG, USS TOKYO
24150224: Assigned to SB EPSILON advanced operations training
24150224: Promoted to LT (O-3)
24150410: Granted leave to accompany evacuation convoy to Quennor Colony
24150815: Assigned OPS/2O, USS LYSANDER
24150915: Ended tour as OPS, USS LYSANDER

B. Medals and Commedations

Endo/Exo Atmospheric Flight Control 
General Sciences 
General Starship Engineering 
Space War Tactics 
Wilderness Survival


Excellent upper and lower body strength.  Immunizations up to date as of 
SD 150101.  No other significant medical history.  

A. Academy Notes
Major(s):      Starship Engineering and Scientific Phenomena
Minor(s):      Flight Control and Space War Tactics
Grade Average:     A-
Graduation Rank:   34/211
Graduating Thesis: Overcoming Subspace Sheer In D-Warp

B. Personal History
      Wolf Northan survived a difficult childhood, growing up in a secluded 
frontier colony in the home of estranged parents and few privileges.  After his 
father died, several lugubrious men floated in and out of his home.  Those who
did not simply ignore him generally beat him him.  

      Wolf escaped from home at 12 years of age by stowing away on a Merchant 
ship.  He evaded discovery and snuck aboard the ERISON outpost station deep 
inside the frontier.  He survived in seclusions on what emergency ration bars 
he could steal and the vermin he could hunt.  Using a durasteel beam he raided
a nest of Cardassian vols and made it his sleeping den.  Day by day, he 
explored the station's innards until he became an expert on every hiding hole 
and source of sustinence to be found.  

      He was surprised one day to wake up to a petit girl staring him in the 
face.  The boisterous child was named Heather, she told him stoutly, and she was
7 years old.  Her parents were visiting the station in their cargo hauler.  

      Wolf tried to get this girlish curiosity to leave him alone over the next 
few days, but no matter where in the station he hid, she would find him.  She 
proved an excellent friend, bringing him tidbits from her dinner, and even an 
arch welder gun for added protection.  In trade, she insisted forced him to 
improve his manners.

      Wolf was just becoming accustomed to Heather's endearing nature when a 
band of Naith raiders attacked the station, captured her parents, and made the 
post their base of operation.  For days the young pair skulked the Jeffries 
Tubes, exploiting opportunities to rescue various crewmen, sabotage the 
station, and send out a call for help.  It took ten days, but a starship 
finally arrived and saved everyone.  

      The impression that the Starfleet rescuers made on Wolf changed the 
course of his life.  From then on, he wanted to be one of them.  Heather's 
parents accepted the responsibility of fostering Wolf and, though the process 
was long and often painful, turned him into a respectable young man.  When he 
came of age, he applied to and was accepted to Starfleet Academy.  

C. Personality
      Wolf is a decidedly rough and tough persona.  His straightforward and 
determinined manner is intimidating to some, but generally appreciated by his 
commanding officers.  By it he has earned a reputation for getting the job 
done.  He refuses to suffer excuses, inaction, and slacking.  At the same time,
he respects the private lives of his subordinates.  He believes that there are 
only three reasons for having to work beyond the regular shift schedule in his
department.  Either he has poorly planned for the day, the crewman has been a 
poor worker, or they are in the middle of an emergency.  

      Anger management remains a constant struggle for Wolf.  His Christian 
upbringing by his foster parents has tempered him.  Nevertheless, he can be 
quite harsh in his criticisms, especially when things are going wrong.  This 
has led to demoralizatoin of his subordinates on a few occasions.  In spite of 
these failings, he is a surprisingly patient man when it comes to long term
task completion.  

D. Personal Notes
Ambitions:   Starship command.
Hobbies:     Wrestling.  Cave exploration.
Quirks:      Eats Vols.  
Likes:       Dark, cramped places.
Annoyances:  Slackers.  Having to work past his shift.  
Habits:      Bites his fingernails.
Admires:     Innocence, fortitude, Vols.  
