Lily Emery


Ensign Lily Emery in 2412

Surname: Emery
Given Name(s): Lily Janine
Rank: Ensign
Previous Billet: Tactical Officer,U.S.S. Danvers
Status: KIA (2414)
Species: Human
Gender/Sex: Female
Age: 27 (Standard Terran Years)
Born: 23 January 2389
Place of Birth: Seattle,Washington,Earth
Died: 15 October 2414
Place of Death: Killed in action, U.S.S. Danvers

Ensign Lily Emery , with temporary field promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade at the time of her death in late 2414

Height: 1.25 m
Weight: 45.20 kg
Eyes: Blrown
Hair.: Brown
Complexion: White
Spouse: None
Parent(s):Derek & Eloise Emery
LT Sarah Emery Asher
Henry James Emery
Religion: Roman Catholic

Related Enlisted/Command Officers

Lieutenant Sarah Emery Asher, tactical executive officer, U.S.S. Valhalla (NCC-18000) (sister)

Billet/Posting History

U.S.S. Danvers, tactical officer