Category:USS CIRCE

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Welcome to the central database for the Circe-Class Command Battlecruiser USS Circe. We hope you find the information for which you are looking.

The Circe is the command ship for TACtical SquadRON 103 of the Krima Expeditionary Force, in ASR's Gold Fleet. Her escorts are the light cruisers USS Io and Ganymede, the destroyer escorts USS Allegiance and Steadfast, and the surveyor USS Shenzhou. These new escorts, like Circe, represent the very cutting edge of Star Fleet technology, presenting a formidable force in its own right.

The Circe was commissioned on Stardate 101101 (01 November 1998/2410) in Green Fleet under the command of CAPT James Lawrence. Currently, the ship is commanded by CAPT Adrian Pierce Makkedor, who recently assumed command from CDOR Cayle Veld, who had been in command since SD 150817 (17 August 2003/2415).

If you are interested in more information about the Circe, please contact Scott Lusby, who plays CAPT Makkedor, or Alan Rogers, who plays the Executive Officer, LCDR Tigria Mistaya. Inquiries regarding role playing opportunities in Gold Fleet may also be directed to Scott who also plays the Commander-in-Chief of Gold Fleet, Admiral Conrad Veld.