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UFP Dept. of Colonial Affairs | UFP Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.

GREEN Fleet Insignia

Version 1.0 (Updated SD 190117)


SHIP ROSTER (in order of Chain of Command)

CO	CDR	Peyton Marsh		Rains, Noah
XO	LCDR	Callan Nevari		Shea, Mike
ENG/2O	LCDR	John Walker		Jenkins, Jeffrey
OPS	LT	Alexander Timofeew	Mueller, Marco
TAC/SEC	LTJG	Ivan Yugensevich	Foley, Lee
SCI	LTJG	Peter Burke		Bell, Andrew
MED	CDR     Sian-Mairead Flynn, MD  Nagumo, Takako
OSFI    LT      Maia Biaje              Chao, Elaine


CDR Peyton Marsh, Commanding Officer

  • Played by Noah Rains

Age: 54 
Date of birth: February 28, 2364 
Place of Birth: Riverside, California, Earth 
Species: Human 
Gender: Male 
Height: 180cm (72 inches) 
Weight: 82kg (180 lb.) 
Hair: Brown (short) 
Skin: Caucasian 
Eyes: Blue 
Distinguishing Marks: Two scars from injuries suffered in combat, one on upper right chest and one where lower right leg was smashed in a fighter hard landing. "452" with wing tattoo on upper left arm. 

    The son of Starfleet officers devoted to their careers, Peyton's mother took a maternity leave just before his birth.   Peyton was born in Riverside, California on Earth.   His mother wanted him to be born on Earth, as she was.   But he didn't see much of his parents, both Starfleet officers.   He was raised by his maternal grandparents, Tomas and Livia Poston, who moved to from Riverside to the Topanga canyon area of Los Angeles,  California when he was five years old.  

    Home schooled, his grandparents did not share their children's beliefs in the values espoused by the Federation and Starfleet.   Highly critical of the "Empire", as they derisively referred to the Federation, they saw the federation's influence as colonialism at its worst, and ridiculed the United Federation of Planets (UFP) policies at every chance.   In their eyes, it was impossible for the federation's government to make a good decision.   Willing to recite all the examples of times Starfleet and Ffederation representatives were willing to ignore or violate the Prime Directive when it suited the UFP's needs.   Situational Ethics, they called it.   They despised the government, and the Service that their daughter had chosen, that had taken her away from them.  

    Peyton grew up indoctrinated to his grandparents beliefs, but even by the time he was ten, he wanted to know more, and sensed that there was another side to the story.   Playing with other children of the neighborhood, and from the occasional two week visit every other year from his mother or father, he had come to believe there was another side to the story his grandparents were feeding him.   When news of his parents death reached him at the age of 14, his grandparents grew bitter, blaming the Federation for the meaningless deaths of their daughter.  

    Peyton could not accept his parent's deaths were meaningless.   Apparently, neither could his grandparents.   One month after receiving news of his parent's death, his grandmother, Livia, then 56, was arrested trying to plant a bomb in a local Starfleet Recruitment office in Van Nuys, and sentenced two months later to ten years in prison.   Her husband Tomas, despondent over the death of his daughter and the loss of his wife to her passions that led her to prison, could no longer take care of his grandson, and quit schooling the boy the day Livia's sentence was handed down.   At the age of fourteen, Peyton was on his own.  

    Peyton, dazed and confused by these events, left his grandparent's home one month later, determined to find out the truth. 

    His first stop was the same recruitment center his grandmother had tried to blow up. From there, he was directed to a shelter for homeless children of Starfleet officers, officers who had either been killed, were missing, or for one reason of another, were unable to care for their children, and had no competent relatives to do so. 

    Peyton lived in the Starfleet shelter, located near San Diego, from the age of fourteen to the age of eighteen, and finished his secondary education.   He had applied at the age of seventeen to Starfleet Academy, and was admitted in the fall of 2382.   On an accelerated course, with a major in flight operations, he graduated regular Academy in 2405 and was immediately enrolled in Flight School at the Yeager Sedona Academy, one of Starfleet's top gun schools, in fall of 2386. 
Father: Peyton C. March, 2335-2398, Deceased, First Officer, USS ESCALABRA. Lost in Borg action, 2378 

Mother: Cher Poston, Deceased, 2342-2398, CMO, USS ESCALABRA. Lost in Borg action. 2378 

Siblings: None he's aware of.

Resident Student - Starfleet Managed Homeless Shelter for Children - San Diego 2378-2382 

Starfleet Academy 2382-2385  
Graduated Starfleet Academy 2385  
Graduated in top 10% of graduating class 
Applied to Yeager-Sedona Top Gun Flight School in Sedona, Arizona, Earth. 

Accepted to Yeager-Sedona Flight School 2385, graduated 2386, first in class. 

Billeted on USS Norfolk late 2386 as a member of the 452nd Space Mobility Wing  

He flew his first fighter missions in early 2387 and in early 2388 was decorated with a Flying Cross for his service in the successful defense of the RESTESER colony, when the colony was under attack by traitorous Admiral Jack Hemingway and the sympathetic crew of the USS Valencia.  

Then Ensign March was credited in that action, in forty-five sorties with sixty-six targeted hits, and with his wingman was responsible for launching the final torpedos that disabled the Valencia and resulted in the capture of Hemingway. At high risk to his own safety, Peyton C. March Jr.'s actions were credited along with several other pilot's actions, as being directly responsible for the safe release of the colonists being held captive by Hemingway's crew. 

Subsequent missions undertaken by the Norfolk involved patrolling Alpha quadrant regions notorious for piracy and mercenary attacks on poorly defended colonies, and Ensign March was promoted to Ltjg in 2391. Promotion to full Lt. was made in 2399, when March was named Flight Group Squadron Leader for the Norfolk's fighter group. The NORFOLK being 42 years old at the end of 2402, was recalled for a major refit and new crew in early 2403, and Lt. March was transferred to the USS THUNDERCHILD in February of 2403, as Flight Group Squadron Leader. He held that position until late 2408, when he was promoted to Senior Flight Control Officer aboard the THUNDERCHILD in charge of the Thunderchild's flight group; shuttles, runabouts, and scout ships. 

March rose from Squadron leader to Flight Control Chief of the Thunderchild and Lt. Commander. During the period when the Thunderchild was undergoing her major refit in the spring of 2412, Lt. Commander March was named the next XO of the USS TEMPEST. 

Lt. Commander March was offered his own command in the summer of 2418 of the escort carrier USS KRONSHTADT. With the command came a promotion to Commander. 
2382: Entered Starfleet Academy 
2385: Graduated Starfleet Academy 
2385: Entered Top Gun Flight School at Yeager-Sedona 
2386: Graduated Top Gun 1st in class 
2386: with 452nd Space Mobility Wing, USS Norfolk 
2388: First decorations for service
2391: Promoted to Ltjg. 
2399: Promoted to Lt. 
2399: Assigned Flight Group Squadron Leader, Norfolk 
2403 (early): Assigned as Flight Group Squadron Leader, USS Thunderchild 
2408 (late) : Promoted to Senior Flight Control Officer. USS Thunderchild in command of the Flight Group 
2412: Promoted to Lt. Commander amd assigned to USS TEMPEST as XO
2418: Promoted to Commander amd assigned to USS KRONSHTADT as CO.  
2388 - Flying Cross 
Peyton C. March, Jr. fit's the standard profile for a flight school candidate and is recommended as fit for Flight School. 
             --Dr. Remi Maven, Cadet Evaluator, Starfleet Academy, San Jose, Earth 

Peyton C. March, Jr. is methodical, detail-oriented, friendly and outgoing, and has a low tolerance for "stupid questions".  
             --CNS Tawny Parsons,USS Norfolk  

Latest evaluations are consistent with all prior evaluations, and rate Peyton C. March, Jr. as level headed, and even tempered. His home schooling and time spent as a resident student in a Starfleet Shelter appear to have prepared him well.  
             --CNS Tobin Jolinar, USS Thunderchild, June 2411  

As was similarly noted previously  by my esteemed colleague Parsons, Peyton C. March, Jr. appears to be detail-oriented, friendly and outgoing.  His tolerance for "stupid questions" rated in the middle of the range of the Voight-Komp Standardized Test, which was the Revised 2417 version.
             --CNS Lolana Carpel-Tuneil, DS4, June 2418

Disabilities: None 
Current Medical Status: Fit for duty 

Professional Assessment: Report of Starfleet Command Evaluation Board 

Peyton C. March has carried himself as a professional at all times during his career. Faced with difficult choices during the action against renegade Starfleet officers during the incidents surrounding the Tester colony, Peyton C. March, Jr. did not hesitate to do what was required of him to secure the safety of the civilian population of the colony, and vigorously defended the colonists against outlaw officers, despite heavy odds, and ambivalence from other members of his unit. 

Peyton C. March is considered by this office to be an officer with unlimited potential. It is our opinion that he will be an asset to any crew that will have him.  

--Starfleet Board of Evaluation,  November 15, 2410 

LCDR Callan Nevari, Executive Officer

  • Played by Mike Shea
NAME: Callan Nevari

RACE: Human
AGE: 45 (born July 4 2372)
WEIGHT: 175lbs
HAIR: Brown
EYES: Brown
LANGUAGES: Terran English

FAMILY PLACE OF BIRTH: Dallas, Texas, Earth
MOTHER: Carmen Lamas-Nevari (76), civilian
FATHER: Caliper Nevari (74), civilian
WIFE: None


900704 Commissioned as Ensign, Assigned to Utopia Planetia
940801 Promoted to Lieutenant (jg), assigned to Security, USS ARROW
970221 Promoted to Lieutenant, assigned as Chief of Security, USS THUNDERCHILD
100727 Promoted to Lt. Commander, transferred to USS DESTINY, CIC
130114 Becomes XO of USS DESTINY160201 USS DESTINY decommissioned - Nevari transfers to USS VALDOSTA as XO
170201 Granted 6 month leave of absence from Star Fleet Cal spends his time off playing in Poker tournaments
170801 Nevari is recalled to active duty

Born to Mexican-American parents Callan grew up in Dallas. His parents taught him tolerance and exposed him to music (mother's influence) and texas hold'em poker (dad's influence). His high school buddies exposed him to their interests in Space and Adventure, and he became more interested in Starfleet and seeing the galaxy than in music or cards. 

When he was 18, Callan applied for admission into Starfleet Academy. His parents were supportive if not enthusiastic over his choice.When he graduated Academy at the age of 22, Callan was assigned to the UtopiaPlanitia Shipyards. He worked in the shipyards there in various departmentson new builds, refits and ship repairs for 4 years before grabbing an assignment to USS ARROW, where he served for 2.5 years before getting promoted and assigned as Chief of Security for the new USS THUNDERCHILD in 2397, where he served for 11 years, before promotion and transfer to USS DESTINY, becoming XO in 2413. 

When USS DESTINY is decommissioned in early 2416, Nevari transfers to USS VALDOSTA. After serving one year on VALDOSTA, Nevari takes a 6 month leave of absence, and spends most of his time off playing in poker tournaments. In August 2417, Nevari is recalled to active duty, and ordered to report to SB McKinley, for a new assignment, as XO of the USS KRONSHTADT.

HOBBIES AND INTERESTS:Poker, holo-programs

LCDR John Walker, Chief Engineering Officer/Second Oofficer

  • Played by Jeffrey Jenkins
Name:	Walker, John Alexander
Service Number:  SF-7520-21211954-SI
Rank:	Lieutenant Commander
Post:	Chief Engineering Officer, USS KRONSHTADT
Race:	Human
Born:   Galloway, Scottland, Terra, Sol System
DOB:    23 November 2375
Age:    41
Height: 1.91 m
Weight: 93 kg
Hair:   Red-Brown
Eyes:   Green
Father: CAPT Robert Haig Walker
Mother: Deborah Macallan, deceased.

The only son of Robert Walker and Deborah Macallan-Walker, John grew up inthe highlands of Scottland.  His father was often away from home, hismother choosing to stay on Earth with her kin and her child rather than tomove around the fleet with Robert.

When Robert's mother died, he was devastated by the loss.  His aunts anduncles took care of him, but life for Robert was never quite the same. Twoyears after her death, when he turned seventeen, John left home and joinedthe United Federation of Planets merchant marine where he trained as an engineman. 

After three years in the merchant marine, John's father convinced him to apply to Star Fleet Academy.  With his practical experience in the merchant marine, John found his course of instruction intollerably theoretical attimes.  He understood, as few of his classmates, that real life was seldom fully captured in any equation.  Despite his impatience with theory, John excelled in his cousework.  He demonstrated an uncanny ability as a problem solver and far outstripped his fellows in unorthodox applications of theory to practice. 

This ability caught the attention of his instructors and, in time, won John Walker a position as a junior engineering officer on an INVINCIBLE-class battlecruiser.  Such an assignment straight out of theacademy was rare.  Few junior officers could hope to serve on a large ship with advanced propulsions systems, including a retrofit dimensional warp drive.

John rose throught the ranks quickly, eventually being assigned as a chief engineer aboard the CAESAR-class heavy cruiser RAMSES, NCC-1198.  Afteronly a year in that assignment, Star Fleet Engineering recruited the young officer to help with construction problems associated with the new class of battlecruiser.

Because of the proximity of Epsilon Indi to the Sol system, Walker wasalso ordered to teach engineering classes at Star Fleet Academy to broaden his experience.

After production was firmly underway, however John wanted to get back into space.  With design and production experience on the AGAMEMNON class, as achief engineer of a warship, and, as a junior officer, with other battlecruisers, assignment as chief engineer of one of the newest AGAMEMNON class ship to be sent to the distant reaches of Federation spaceseemed a natural progression.  Thus, John Walker was assigned as chiefengineer of the PROMETHEUS. 

John Walker has fought a two-decade battle with alcoholism.  He managed to function on the job despite the problem, but it was finally uncovered in 2411 after he was injured in the line of duty.  He has since undergone treatment and counseling for the problem.

Service Record:
751123 - Born, Galloway, Scottland, Terra
900203 - mother, Deborah Macallen-Walker, dies
920414 - Joined Federation Merchant Marine
950820 - Entered Star Fleet Academy
990510 - Commissioned Ensign, Star Fleet Navy
990514 - Posted to USS RENOWN, NCC-21914, engineering officer
011101 - Promoted to Lieutenant, junior grade, Star Fleet Navy
020130 - Posted to USS CENTURION, NCC-21931, engineering officer
030401 - Promoted to Lieutenant, Star Fleet Navy
040612 - Posted to USS RAMSES, NCC-1198, chief engineer
050714 - Posted to Star Fleet Engineering, AGAMEMNON Project, Epsilon Indi
050901 - While posted to Epsilon Indi, taught 1 warp engineering and 1 tactical applications of engineering principles course at Star    Fleet Academy during the 2405-2406 academic year
081214 - Posted to USS PROMETHEUS, NCC-25005, chief engineer
090101 - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander, Star Fleet Navy
090812 - Awarded Star Fleet Medal
110719 - Awarded Pike Medal for Heroic Injury for unjuries recieved during the Haiping Mission
110801 - Treated on Starbase KAPPA following injuries sustained during the Haiping Mission.  His alcoholism is discovered and also treated at this time.
120214 - Kidnapped by the pirate Royan while vacationing on Arethea, subjected to mind control aboard RAVEN (former USS THUNDERBOLT)
121003 - Walker returns to USS PROMETHEUS after medical treatment, but declines to return to the crew.  Walker takes a leave of absence from the fleet and returns to Earth.
140115 - Walker returns to Star Fleet and serves on Starbase ZETA, Bynaus System, as a Star Fleet Engineering design officer
160430 - Posted to USS KRONSHTADT, NCC-74000, chief engineer

LT Alexander Timofeew, Operations Manager

  • Played by Marco Mueller
Name: Alexander Rasputin Timofeew  
Rank: LT Serial: 4238-7631-865823 
Billet: Operations Manager, USS KRONSHTADT  
Species: Human (New Riga III)
Sex: Male XY
Age: 38    Height: 1.91m (6 feet, 3 inches)    
Weight: 84kg (185 lbs)    
Hair: dark brown 
Eyes: grey
Complexion: fair
Parents: Sergeij Andrej Timofeew (father) and  Anja Timofeewa (mother), both farmers, residing on Riga III) 
Siblings: Alexa Sarguyeva (sister), agricultural economist (residing on Riga III)
Religion: Christian-orthodox 
DOB: 8/9/2376
POB: Nuovo Lathvia, New Riga III
Citizenship: New Riga III, United Federation of Planets
Date of Enlistment: 8/9/2395

Educational Background:
Elementary School and High School Nuovo Lathvia

Starfleet Academy Record:
Graduated top 20 % of his class, 
Graduation thesis: Crystal-clear Defense: The use of crystalline structures in Starship Armor
Commendations: one, for essential actions in the rescue of a civilian freighter crew in the badlands
Reprimands: one, for getting into a fist-fight with an older student, no further action was taken as it was obvious that the other party had provoked the fight over Alexander's upbringing on a remote colony world.  

Aboard the WALLENSTEIN and on DS 4 he was disciplined once each, on the WALLENSTEIN  for handling a red-hot piece of metal in his quarters without proper safeguards and on DS 4 for lighting a cigar in a holodeck golf course. Both incidents led tot he accidental activation of the fire suppression systems (and to Alexander's´ remark "These ships are so damn safe these days.").

Academic Major: Astronautics
Professional Major: Damage Control Procedures 

Service History:
2395 - 2399        Star Fleet Academy San Francisco, Earth
2399 - 2400        Marine Basic Training, Mars
2400 - 2402        Marine Combat Engineer USS SALADIN
2402 - 2408        DAMCON officer USS WALLENSTEIN, promoted to LTjg.
2408 - 2415        2OPS and DAMCON officer Deep Space 4
2415 - present    assigned to KRONSTAHDT Project as ArmorerPersonal 

Alexander grew up on an agricultural colony world in the border regions of the Federation, populated mostly by colonists from the eastern-European and Baltic regions of Earth (Terra). Since his early youth he displayed an incredible interest in technology and mechanics, one that went beyond the farming vehicles, fisher boats and turbines of everyday-life to include computers and complex electronics. His parents enrolled him at the Polytechnical University of Nuovo Lathvia, hoping that their son would one day become an agricultural engineer. Engineering was indeed the profession Alexander had chosen to pursuit but on a more radical level. He left the Polytechnical after one year with excellent grades to join the Star Fleet Academy.   During his freshman year he was often ridiculed as a "farmer" by his classmates from more technologically advanced worlds. His attempts to blend in with the more sophisticated students and be accepted were only half-successful at best but he fell in love with golfing during this time and still considers it one of the most noble sports (seeing him stroll through the corridors of a starship today, dressed in polo shirt, knickerbockers and golf shoes is surely a sight to behold).  Most other students of the Engineering branch became enamored with the workings of the Warp Drive or Starship Design. Alexander however, was more interested in the internal workings of a spacecraft, literally working his way through every computer console, connector and schematic of every major starship design. His curiosity and the readiness with which he accepted every menial task no matter how dirty his hands would get brought Alexander to the attention of a Marine Engineer who was teaching weapons repair and maintenance at the Academy.    The acquaintance with the grizzled veteran sparked Alexander's interest in Marine life and immediately after graduating from the Academy he applied for Marine Basic Training. While he hated every minute of the strict discipline enforced in the Marine Corps Alexander had to admit that it worked. Even more importantly, after completing Basic Training the "Fleety" could immerse himself into the field of combat engineering. Soon, makeshift energy weapons, portable deflector shield generators and improvisation under battlefield conditions became second nature to him. However, he knew that eventually his temperament would not work with what his superiors considered disciplined behavior, so he eventually returned to the Fleet. Starship Armor and defense systems in all shapes and sizes had been the central theme of his graduation thesis at the Academy, so he was assigned as a junior DAMCON officer aboard the USS WALLENSTEIN that patrolled the Cardassian border and the Badlands.

Skills Profile:
Alexander Rasputin Timofeew is an engineer trained in a wide variety of fields, most notably Deflector Shield Technology, General Astronautics and Starship Armor. In the Marine Corps he learned to repair or modify virtually any hand-held weapon known to the Federation and to improvise weapons under field conditions. To complement his skills, he is extensively cross-trained in Damage Control Procedures and in deep-space Rescue and Evacuation missions.  Due to his upbringing in a rural environment Alexander is able to survive in Nordic climates under primitive conditions. 

Recent Fitness Report:
"Fit for duty, although the regular inhalation of nicotine is not approved by me, despite subject's claims that he does not actually inhale."
LTCR Bailey, MO Deep Space Four 

Psychological Profile:"
Officer Timofeew has a staple, take charge personality, sometimes lacking subtlety but not brute or insulting. He's obviously proud of his hard work and his blue-collar, low-tech background, calling himself a farmer with pride. He has apparently overcome all difficulties from the Academy days relating to his heritage. It is interesting to note that a man whose profession is high-tech finds relaxation in a technology thousands of years old."
LTCR  Galbraith, Counselor Deep Space Four 

Current Recreational Interests:
Alexander is a self-educated blacksmith, specializing in the creation of pieces of antique armor. His masterpiece so far was a full suit of gothic battle armor sold to a Klingon officer for an undisclosed amount of Latinum. Since the use of open fire is out of the question in the enclosed environment of a starship or space station (despite Alexander's attempts to prove the opposite) he uses a portable high-tech forge that operates on focused microwave beams. Aside from that he resorts to hammer and anvil as blacksmiths have done for millennia.Other interests include golfing, the creation of holodeck scenarios (mostly golf courses or historical settings) and Klingon cooking. 

Personal possessions:

* a portable micro-wave forge, various hammers, an anvil and everything else to run a smithery
* a terran cat of Siamese breed named Mrs. Peel after an obscure fictional character from 20th century earth
* a bag full of golfing equipment
* a collection of golfing paraphernalia from the last four hundred years
* an iso-linear chip with Klingon recipes (part of his payment for the battle armor)
* a huge selection of cigars and various brands of vodka and liquor from his home world

CDR Sian-Mairead Flynn, Chief Medical Officer

  • Played by Takako Nagumo
Name               Sian-Mairead Flynn
Full Name          Sian-Mairead Akina Claudia Flynn
Rank               Commander (O-5)
Current Assignment USS KRONSHTADT, DS4 Division, Green Fleet
Current Position   Chief Medical Officer (CMO)
Service Number     F 40951-603-AJVN
Race               Terran of Irish/Japanese/German descent
Sex                Female
Skin               Pale white with some freckles
Hair               Red, straight, cut just below shoulders, with bangs                   in front
Eyes               Green
Height             1.75m
Weight             65 kg
Age                41 (Terran Years)
Date of Birth      17 June 2377
Place of Birth     San Francisco, Earth
Citizenship        Terra, United Federation of Planets
Known Relations    Father: M. Seamus Flynn, Music Professor                   
                   Mother: CAPT Anneliese Cross, MD (SFN, Ret.),    ex-DIRSFMED, MEDCOM                   
                   Siblings: None known
Marital Status     Single

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Earth    
* Degree Awarded: BS Biology (Pre-Med)/BFA Drama    
* Honors/Activities: Dean's List; Member, Undergraduate Biology      Society; Laboratory Assistant, later Intern, CMU Xenobiological      Genetics Laboratory; Founding Member, Shakespeare Project.

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Earth    
* Degree Awarded: MD; Specialization: Xenopathology    
* Board Certification: Xenopathology    
* Professional Activities: Medical school internships at Johns      Hopkins Hospital and the University of Maryland - Baltimore      Medical Center; professional residency at the University of the      United Federation of Planets, Luna Campus.

930514     Graduated Carnegie Mellon University
030515     Graduated Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
030601     Begun residency at University of the United Federation of Planets Luna Campus Medical Center
080101     Appointed Chief Resident in Xenopathology
080328     Passed Board Certification in Xenopathology
080728     Entered Starfleet Advanced Officer Training School, Armstrong Lunar Base (ALB)
080903     Graduated Star Fleet Advanced Officer Training School and commissioned at the rank of Lieutenant (O-3) Posted to USS ALEXANDER NEVSKY as Assistant Chief Medical Officer
090208     Billeted to Chief Medical Officer on transfer of CMO Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4)
090501     Awarded Leonard McCoy Medal of Merit for work on filovirus research
090601     Transferred to SB DELTA as senior staff physician
090901     Granted SF Reserve status
091001     Began work as staff virologist, Chicago General Hospital, Chicago, Terra
101020     Recalled to active duty
101024     Assigned to USS TAMERLANE as Chief Medical Officer
110801     Assigned to Star Fleet Medical College as clinical instructor in xenopathology
120115     Assigned to USS RESOLUTION as Chief Medical Officer
121231     Assigned to Deep Space 4 as Senior Medical Officer in Xenopathology
170617     Billeted to Deep Space 4 as Assistant Chief Medical Officer Breveted to Commander (O-5)
180616     Billeted to USS KRONSHTADT as Chief Medical Officer Brevet to Commander (O-5) confirmed

Psychological Evaluation

SD 90115.1200
The above named individual, LT Sian-Mairead Flynn, is a healthy Terranfemale serving in Starfleet. Examination of this subject's fileindicates that there are no known conflicts with superiors, and thather subordinates speak of her favorably.The subject performed well on the Federation Personality Inventory Test, with L (lie scale) = 0.3, well within standard boundaries.Subject scored a CdP = 3.6 (codependency scale), which bears furtherreview. Psychometer readings of the subject shown no neuroses,psychoses, obsessions or compulsion. Communication is "aligned topurpose," with no shifting into inappropriate roles.I have had the opportunity to observe the behavior of this individualat length, and have found her to be remarkably level-headed. Withoutreservation, I qualify her for service in Starfleet. A copy of mylicence follows.

LTjg Peter von Voss MD

Memoranda File 60430.1200

As a medical student, Sian-Mairead Flynn showed great potential to bea capable, and caring, physician. Her childhood, spent mostly onStarfleet ships, has greatly influenced her in her interest in thediagnosis, pathology, and treatment of diseases in non-human lifeforms. One hopes that her interests in the arts -- almost as strong asher passion for medicine -- will not distract her from her truecalling as a physician.

James N. Yamazaki, MD
Professor, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

SD 60501.1200
Because of her wide ranging interests, Sian-Mairead Flynn was oftenseen to be "spreading herself thin," to the point of total exhaustion.However, she has always shown herself to be a responsible, committedindividual, often showing an almost intuitive ability to discoveretiologic possibilities in developing treatment for xenopathologicaldiseases. A positive aspect of her parallel interest in the dramaticarts is that she has a natural empathy for patients under her care, atrait that cannot be taught. I believe that she will become a veryable and compassionate physician.

John T. Carter, MD
Attending Physician, Johns Hopkins Hospital
Supervisor, Johns Hopkins Hospital Internship Program

SD 60501.1200
Sian-Mairead Flynn has shown herself to be an above-average medicalintern, with a worrisome tendency to overcommit herself emotionally inthe patients whom she sees. In fact, overcommitment seems to beSian-Mairead's modus operandi, which causes her to rely on instinct,not on established diagnostic and laboratory measures (admittedlytime-consuming), to come to conclusions of her various cases. She hasso far never been wrong, or too far off the mark; however, life anddeath are not things to be left to Lady Luck. She has shown that sheis willing to take criticism of her work, which leaves me to hope thatshe will eventually focus on one profession: medicine. Focus willcertainly let her develop her potential as a capable, effective physician.

Carolyn Y. Vucelich
Attending Physician, University of Maryland-Baltimore Medical Center
Supervisor, University of Maryland-Baltimore Medical Center Internship Program

SD 80630.1200
Dr. Sian-Mairead Flynn's residency has been marked by her willingnessto use unorthodox methods and approaches to solve etiologic inquiriesinto xenobiological disease. Her unique insights into possibilitiesnot often considered by her colleagues have helped her fellowresidents develop creative therapeutic measures to treat disease. Shehas also shown herself to be willing to take constructive criticism ofher work, and her collegiality has left a very positive mark on thisinstitution. We sincerely hope that she will have the opportunity tocontribute to the continuing work of Starfleet's Medical Division in asimilar fashion.

Laura A. Innes, MD
Chief Resident, Xenopathology, University of the UFP Hospitals

SD 80630.1200
Throughout her residency, Dr. Sian-Mairead Flynn has shown us that shehas the beginnings of a truly gifted physician. Her intuitiveunderstanding of viral disease and the traditional and non-traditionaltreatments for them will prove useful given opportunities to use it inthe different parts of the Federation and beyond. I sincerely wish herthe best in all of her future efforts, including her desire to join Starfleet's Medical Corps.

William H. Macy, MD
Attending Physician, Xenopathology, University of the UFP Hospitals

SD 80630.1200
Dr. Sian-Mairead Flynn has passed the Association of XenopathologicalPhysicians' Board Certification Examination with a grade of High Pass.The staff and I at UUFP-Luna will certainly miss witnessing Dr.Flynn's contributions to the field of xenopathological etiology;however, her interest and ability in this area will certainlycontribute to her future as a potential Starfleet medical officer.

Cassiopeia A. Mulryan, MD Head, Department of Xenopathology,University of the UFP Hospitals

SD 90415.1200
Routine Fitness Report, LCDR Sian-Mairead Flynn, M.D.

Dr. Flynn joined the USS Alexander Nevsky upon completion of herAdvanced Officer Training course and accelerated commissioning program. Her civilian supervisory experience made her the strongestchoice among the field of attending physicians to serve as deputychief medical officer, and later (with the departure of CDR Redkin) asCMO. Dr. Flynn discharged these duties in an exemplary manner, whilealso assuming responsibility for the Borg Expeditionary Force'sfilovirus research unit. The team, under her direction, which includedher involvement at the level of basic research in key neurotoxins andintelligent gels, was able to develop an effective antidote for theAssimiliation Virus and an innovative delivery vector for anti-Borgde-assimiliation weapons.Dr. Flynn's management of departmental personnel and resourcesreflects judgement and experience; and, she was well-regarded bysuperiors, subordinates and peers alike for her professionalism,compassion, and commitment to service. While Dr. Flynn harbors, andfosters in her colleagues, a fairly idealistic view of Star Fleet, onemight claim such an attitude in the Medical Corps is preferrable tomost alternatives. Recommend she be offered additional supervisoryroles in the Medical Corps, shipboard or otherwise, with an eye towardpotential administrative responsibility with Star Fleet Medical downthe line.

CDR Cinar Barlas, UFPSF, SWO

Personal Narrative
On first meeting her, Sian-Mairead Flynn, or Sian, may seem a bit toobright, a bit too cheerful, and occasionally, a bit too silly. She isfriendly, funny, and passionate. If you underestimate her skills andcommitment to medicine, however, you will be gravely mistaken. She hasso far managed to develop the two sides of her person -- the doctorand the actor.

Her father, a music professor, and her mother, a Starfleet medicalofficer, are still happily married, despite the long separationsforced on them by her postings on starships. Sian spent most of herchildhood and teenage years with her mother; when her mother was onleave, or when her posting was very short, she lived on earth with her father.

On starships, Sian mainly spent time at school and with friends, whileabsorbing her mother's care and compassion toward her patients. Shetook dance lessons, and, later, acting lessons, while on ship. But shefelt her true calling at the tender age of ten, when she set aclassmate's broken leg, which he had injured while climbing rocks onthe holodeck.

Her parents decided that she should probably finish her education onEarth, and so when she approached high school age, she was sent tolive with her father in a small suburb of New York City to go to highschool there. Being a Starfleet brat helped her be flexible andadaptive. She was not a top student, but she made good grades,especially in biology and chemistry; she also took theatre classes andwas in two plays.

She entered Carnegie Mellon University at sixteen, having skipped afew grades in elementary school. She took advantage of her earlyadmission and decided to earn a double degree (as opposed to workingon a double major). Again, she was not the top student in her class,but she did make the Dean's List, and was active in the BiologyDepartment's Undergraduate Society. During her last two years she wasa lab assistant at the Xenobiological Genetics Laboratory, the secondyear as a paid intern. She also co-founded (with three other people)CMU's Shakespeare Project. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science inBiology and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama.

Upon graduation, she was admitted to Johns Hopkins School of Medicineto pursue her medical degree. A medical student's life is hard in anyera; Sian made it even more difficult for herself by trying to keep upher theatre activities as well. She limited herself to onecampus-based production a year in which to participate, but takinggraduate medical courses during the day and rehearsing and performingduring the evenings were very taxing on her, physically,psychologically, and emotionally.

When she entered her third year and began her clinical work, she cutdown her theatrical allotment to one small production, which workedout much better. Of course, this meant that she did not have as muchof a social life as the other medical students, but she was having thetime of her life, being able to pursue both of the things about whichshe cared a great deal.

During her final year in medical school, she did two consecutiveinternships in xenopathology and xenobiological genetics at JohnsHopkins Hospital and the University of Maryland-Baltimore MedicalCenter, respectively. Although her internship supervisor at JohnsHopkins respected her often unorthodox approaches to solving clinicalcases, her supervisor at the University of Maryland did not. Thiscaused a temporary rift between medical student Flynn and Dr.Vucelich, until Sian decided that she had to learn how to do it theestablished way first, then go and develop her own methods. Althoughthey still do not get along personally, their professionalrelationship was, and still is, based on mutual respect.

After her graduation from medical school, where her finalspecialization was xenopathology, she was awarded a residency at theMedical Center on the Luna campus of the University of the UnitedFederation of Planets (UUFP). Her main work there consisted ofresearch into viral diseases, their etiology, and possible treatmentsand therapies. She developed some interesting methodologies, which shepublished in a medical journal with the Chief Resident and one of theattending physicians as co-authors.

She finally decided that she was going to bite the bullet and apply toStarfleet Academy in preparation for what she had been aiming forsince she fixed up that boy's leg so many years ago -- serving as amedical officer on a starship. When she was admitted to the Academy,she finally abandoned her theatre work (although she promised herselfshe would take it up again later), and worked through the Academy'scoursework while continuing her residency on Luna. Upon passing herfinal examinations, she immediately applied for the Advanced OfficerTraining School at Armstrong Lunar Base, and was admitted.

Upon finishing Advanced Officer Training School, she was immediatelyposted to the USS ALEXANDER NEVSKY as its Assistant Chief MedicalOfficer at the rank of Ensign. To properly reflect her medicalexperience in the civilian arena, she was promoted to the rank ofLieutenant.

While enroute on a joint mission to investigate possible Borg activityin the Vatya system, the NEVSKY and the USS QUASAR encountered aflotilla of ships with severely injured crew and passengers. Becauseof their dire need for medical and other assistance, the NEVSKY's CMO,CDR Carol Redkin, was assigned to accompany the flotilla as it limpedits way back to Federation space. To fill the now empty CMO billet,Dr. Flynn was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and assigned the position.During the extended joint mission between the NEVSKY and the QUASAR,Sian worked on devising antidotes for the filovirus and methods ofadministering them to the Borg. Her ethical ambivalence aboutbioweapons was still intact, and, although her work resulted in theLeonard McCoy Medal of Merit, her guest lectures were always filledwith ethical admonitions against using medical expertise for genocideusing weapons of mass destruction.

Once the NEVSKY had returned to Federation space, Sian spent threemonths working alongside her mother and her colleague from the QUASAR,Maia Kelleigh-Crowell, in the infirmary on SB DELTA. However, afterthe long ordeal that was the mission against the Borg, she felt thatshe needed a break from military life. She was granted Reserve status,and applied for a position at Chicago General Hopsital as avirologist, and she secured it.

In late 2410, Star Fleet recalled her from reserve status and wasassigned to the TAMERLANE, commanded by CAPT Michael Kelleigh, herformer CO of the NEVSKY. She realized once aboard that she stillharbored some unrequited feelings for the captain. Over the year shewas there, however, she found herself feeling less and less forKelleigh, which was somewhat of a relief to her as someone who had toserve with him as her commanding officer.

After the mission to Kaar, Star Fleet Medical College requested herpresence as an assistant adjunct professor in clinical studies, towhich BUPERS obliged. She taught there for one term before she wascalled to active duty again, this time on the RESOLUTION in Gold Fleet.After a short tour (just under a year), Sian was assigned to Deep Space 4 as the Senior Medical Officer for Xenopathology.  As a station (in)famous for turning up strange aliens, many of whom often turned up seriously ill for a myriad of reasons, she was kept very busy.After four-and-a-half years of treating everyone from Andorians to Zumerians, she was promoted to Assistant Chief Medical Officer with a brevet to Commander.  She stoon started feeling the need to get back into space, and applied for shipboard duty.  Some months later, she received orders to report to Admiral Sharas Talnor, the Chief of Starfleet Operations, for a new assignment -- on a ship, she hoped.

LT Maia Biaje, Intelligence Officer

  • Played by Elaine Chao
I. Personal Data
Surname:  Biaje
Given Name(s):  Maia Beatriz
Current Rank:  Lieutenant (O-3)
Current Billet:  USS KRONSHTADT
Species:  Human
Gender/Sex:  Female
Age:  30 Standard Terran Years
Date of Birth:  April 23, 2384
Place of Birth:  Recife, Brazil, Terra
Parents:  Joao Biaje and Maria Biaje de Sanchez		
Siblings:  Jorge Biaje, program manager for TeSA Systems (Terra), 	   and Otavio Biaje, entertainer (Starbase 17)		Spouse:  Colin Francisco, b. 2380 d. 2411
Children:  NoneReligion:  Protestant Christianity, currently not practicing
HT:  1.68 m; 
WT:  65 kg; 
Eyes:  Brown; 
Hr.:  Brown; 
Comp:  Light brown
A.  Academic Institutional Background:    
-- University of Terra, Sao Paolo    
-- University of California, Berkeley, Boalt School of Law (Terra)

B.  Service Schools Attended:    
-- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officer School

C.  Qualifications (MOC's)    
-- Engineering Officer    
-- Judge Advocate's Group via law degree (Esq.)    
-- Licensed in Federation Law for all Starbase and Military Courts, Terra, and any Human Colony Planet

D.  Starfleet Academy Record
Academy Record:
Class Rank: Top 15%; 
Honors *cum laude*
Academic Major:  Systems Engineering, Concentration on Non-Federation Technology; 
Minor in Planetary Economics. 
Honors Senior Thesis, "Similarities in Communications Technology and Usage Frequency of Major Non-Federation Races: An Overview of Romulan, Klingon, Dominion, and Borg Communications Design."

Professional Major:  Command
Qualifications:  Engineering
Commendations:  0
eprimands:  0
III.  Biographical Notes
A.  Chronology (tabular form):
0-18:   Lived in Rio de Janeiro with family.
18-22:  Attended the University of Terra in Sao Paolo.
22-25:  Attended the Boalt School of Law at the University of        California, Berkeley (Terra)
25:     Attended Space Warfare Officer School

B.  Background Summary:
Maia grew up in Rio de Janeiro with parents Joao and Maria Biaje andolder siblings Jorge and Otavio.  After graduating from a localmagnet school, she attended the University of Terra in Sao Paolo.  Aftergraduating with a degree in foreign systems engineering, her career tookan abrupt turn as she decided to go into law.

She met Colin Francisco at Boalt, and married him after finishingspace warfare officer school.  They had both discovered a desire to shipout on Starfleet, and so they decided to enlist together.  Theircumulative experiences served them well when they were assigned to workin the Judge Advocate's group.  They served on similar assignments and wereoften assigned on the same investigative team.  While investigating asensitive corrupt department in Starfleet, Colin was attacked and diedbefore medical backup could arrive.

Maia, now out of mourning, is back at the job.  This is her firstassignment after her official mourning period, and she is still a bitraw.

Her parents joined the diplomatic corps once she started attending theAcademy, and now travel extensively on behalf of the Federation.  Hertwo brothers are on Starbase 17 and Terra.
--------------------------------------------------------------------IV.  Official Star Fleet Record
A.  Promotion History:
090601  Commissioned as Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2)
130830	Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3)

B.  Service History:
080901  Entered Starfleet Academy
090601  Commissioned as Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).
090601	Assigned to JAG as Special Agent
130830	Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3)
130830	Assigned to USS CHESAPEAKE as OSFI liaison
14XXXX  Assigned to USS CHESAPEAKE as 2nd Officer
160609  Assigned to USS BURKE as 2nd Officer

C.  Medals and Commendations:

--------------------------------------------------------------------V.  Skills Profile
"Miss Biaje is an excellent systems engineer.  Her raw talent, however,seems to be more the management of human resources than of a standardengineer.  Though she is more than competent in her technical field, sheshows promise in the field of management."		-- Professor Karen Gutierrez, Department of Engineering,		   Systems Engineering, UoT Sao Paolo

"Maia Biaje has presented graduate-level material for her honors thesisin communications design.  She has flawlessly integrated her training inplanetary and systems economics with her interest in large systemsengineering.  She was incredibly thorough in her research, and presenteda number of interesting ideas that have caught the eyes of those inintelligence corporations system-wide.  We look forward to seeing whatMiss Biaje has to offer the Federation in her lifetime."		
        -- Professor Kael Horton, Department of Engineering,		   Communications, UoT Sao Paolo.  (Honors Thesis		   Advisor)

"Maia Biaje has been a welcome addition to our family at the BoaltSchool of Law.  In addition to her incredibly wealthy technologicalbackground, she has brought in insights about foreign cultures to herstudies in investigative law.  With her skills and understanding, shewill be an excellent member of the court."		-- Professor Gian Laguni, Esq., Boalt School of Law,		   Interplanetary Law, University of California,		   Berkeley

"Miss Biaje, after passing the bar exam, will be one of the most highlyeducated people in the area of foreign technology and rights, includedin her studies of investigative law.  We understand that Miss Biaje andher fiance will be seeking positions at JAG; she is certainly qualifiedfor a position at that organization and will serve her faithfully."		
        -- Professor Olya Royaminov, Esq., Boalt School of Law,		   Investigative Law, University of California,		      Berkeley

"Maia Biaje excelled in her internship at the OSFI.  Her base knowledgeregarding our 'threat races' was put to the test during her time onStarbase 25.  We would certainly welcome her back to the department, asshe has quickly turned out to be one of our more valued junior interns."		
         -- Commander Jerrald Jaxom, Chief of Mission, Starbase		   25, Office of Starfleet Intelligence

"Lieutenant Biaje served on a six-month JAG mission aboard the HOOD.  Atall times did she comport herself as a stellar Starfleet officer,showing herself to be bright, moral, and thorough.  She is truly worthyof being a member of the JAG, and with her team, rooted out the cause ofa major conflict on a border planet."		
         -- Captain Trask Greenlander, USS HOOD

"After serving in JAG for a number of years, Lieutenant Biaje waspromoted and assigned to the USS CHESAPEAKE as a member of her crew.She has been nothing but conscientious about her duties to the CHES, andhas shown herself to be a true leader onboard."		-- Captain Elisabeth Romee, USS CHESAPEAKE

"It is with sadness that we release Lieutenant Biaje from her service onthe CHESAPEAKE to serve on the USS BURKE.  She will serve her futureship well, and her performance has been nothing less than spectacular."		
        -- Captain Elisabeth Romee, USS CHESAPEAKE

--------------------------------------------------------------------VI.  Recent Fitness Report
Physical Fitness Report, Maia Maria Biaje

Heart rate at 90% female officer optimal.  Pass.
Eyesight at 92% FOO.  Pass.
Hearing at 99% FOO.  Pass.
No muscle atrophy.  Pass.
Flexibility at 90% FOO.  Pass.
Strength at 93% FOO.  Pass.
Dexterity at 100% FOO.  Pass.
Reaction time at 95% FOO.  Pass.
No existing medical problems.  Pass.
No history of medical problems.  Pass.
BF% - 18%.  Pass.

--------------------------------------------------------------------VII.  Psychological Profile
"Maia is a bright, inquisitive young woman who brings a breath of lifeinto every party and every session with the counselor.  One can see thatshe has led a charmed life, and her joy stems from her comfortablebackground.  This stability has become a rock upon which she has basedher life, and as long as the stability is there, she is perfectly athome in any situation."		
      -- Lt. Harold LaHanne, Counselor, Starfleet HQ		      (Psychological profile requested before internship at		   the OSFI.)

"Maia has truly become integrated with her husband-to-be, ColinFrancisco.  Their marriage will be a happy one, and most likely long aswell, as they have little held from each other.  This is also the basisof their working relationship, and I recommend that their postings be onrelated assignments, if not the same assignment.  They will work verywell together, responding as a husband-wife team."	-- LTjg Ranita Salvacion Gonzales, Counselor, SFHQ		   (Psychological profile requested before entrance to		   SFJAG assignment.)

"Miss Biaje - soon to be Francisco de Biaje, she shares - is an able,friendly, and thorough manager of both resources and projects alike.During Starfleet Warfare Officer School, she has shown herself to becalm under pressure and tends not to blank on pertinent information.  Myrecommendation is that she would be an excellent candidate forofficership in Starfleet."		
       -- Lt. Penelope Kye, Counselor, Starfleet Academy		   (Psychological profile requested upon completion of		   Starfleet Warfare Officer School.)

"Maia Biaje's world has, in her eyes, suddenly collapsed.  With thedeath of her husband, Colin Francisco, her rock-solid foundation hasbeen removed.  Thankfully, she still has her family, but they are spreadthinly across the quadrant.  While she is on leave of absence, she isstaying in her home town of Rio de Janeiro.  During her periodiccheck-ins in San Francisco, I can see that the wound was deep; she willneed comprehensive counseling to be able to function without herhusband."		
       -- Lt. Harold LaHanne, Counselor, Starfleet HQ		      (Psychological profile requested during leave of		   absence.)

"Maia's recovery has been slow, and though the wound still exists, shehas recovered enough to be functional in the capacity she was before.She still may exhibit tendencies to be bitter, especially at extremejoy, but she desires to continue her work at JAG.  With herthoroughness, one must watch her tendencies to become a workaholic.  Shealso is finding it difficult to make close friends at the moment,because she is afraid that it will only cause future wounds.  I wouldrecommend that she be returned to active duty in four weeks andpartnered with a senior member of JAG."		
     -- Lt. Harold LaHanne, Counselor, Starfleet HQ		      (Psychological profile attached to petition to return		   to active duty.)

--------------------------------------------------------------------VIII.  Current Recreational Interests
Maia has shown little interest in anything recently, but in past times,her hobbies included swimming, volleyball, poetry, and greatliterature.

--------------------------------------------------------------------IX.  Miscellaneous Information
Physical description:
Maia is about average height, average dispersion of weight, and tends towards the curvaceous in anything she does, from her hair (slightlywavy) to her lips (full).  A mulata from Brazil, she is consideredhighly desirable in many quadrants of the country.  Her ancestry isindeterminate - mostly a mix of Native American, African, Caucasian, anda little Asian.  Her eyes are large and widely set apart, her nose andchin strong, her jaw set.

She is graceful but tends towards forgetfulness since the death of herhusband; she is now constantly banging into things and so sport a niceset of bruises on her legs.  Her hair, thick and past her shoulders, hadbeen nicely taken care of until her tragedy; now it's a little on thewiry side, neat but not luxurious.

Personality description:
Maia's good days are characteristic of what life was like before herhusband died - everything she does is with a passion.  She argues with apassion, loves passionately, laughs and cries, and generally livesexuberantly, taking everyone along with her.

Her bad days, more recently, are a contradiction of sorts - she becomesvery subtle in everything she does, becoming serious, somber, withlittle flits of pain running across her eyes.  She falls intodepressions easily, and has often returned to her cabin just to fallasleep crying.  She tends to be more negative during this time, but mostof it is spent alone.  She will feel afraid and abandoned during thisphase.

LT Ivan Yusengevich, Chief Tactical and Security Officer

  • Played by Lee Foley


STARFLEET SERVICE NUMBER:435-6721-891 NAME: Ivan Yugensevich RANK: Lieutenant Junior Grade (O-2) BILLET: Tactical and Combat Information Officer, USS Kronshtadt SPECIES: Human (Homo Sapiens Sapiens) GENDER: Male AGE: 26 Standard years BLOOD TYPE: O Negative

PHYSICAL STATISTICS Height: 1.96m (6'5") Weight: 111kg (245lbs) Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Blonde Complexion: Caucasian Identifying Marks: 3 small scars radiate out from his right eye

PERSONNEL STATISTICS DATE OF BIRTH: 30 April 2393 PLACE OF BIRTH: Minsk, Russia CITIZENSHIP(s): Russian Federation, Sol III PARENTS: Father: CDR Uri Yusgenevich Mother: Krya Yusgenevich SIBLINGS: Gregori Yusgenevich SPOUSE: None CHILDREN: None



AWARDS & COMMENDATIONS SD 2410 0401: Admitted to Starfleet Academy SD 2414 0531.0730: Graduated Starfleet Academy SD 2414 0531.0800 Commissioned as Ensign, Starfleet Navy SD 2414 0807.0630 Assigned to ALB for Final Billeting Assignment Simulation SD 24140917.0820 Graduated ALB SD 24148007.0800 Assigned TAC USS Constellation NCC 1017 G (TACRON 33, Green Fleet) SD 2415 0810.1945 Reported for duty, USS Constellation SD 2415 0911.0930 Assigned to create ITCC dept SD 2415 1013.0815 Served with distinction in the Battle of Pisces R4 against the Romulan 4th Fleet. SD 2415 1015.0800 Promoted to LTjg (O-2) by CAPT Moozh Natanazi, CO USS Constellation NCC 1017 Latinum Star Awarded SD 2415 1012.0800 for tactical coordination with distinction against the Romulan 4th fleet at the Battle of Pisces R4 Combat Action Ribbon Awarded SD 2415 1012.0800 for serving with distinction against the Romulan 4th fleet at the Battle of Pisces R4 Romulan Sector Service Medal Awarded SD 2415 1015.0800 for service along the Romulan border aboard CO USS Constellation, TACRON 33, Green Fleet Green Fleet Service Medal Awarded SD 2415 1015.0800 for service aboard CO USS Constellation, TACRON 33, Green Fleet Alpha Quadrant Service Medal Awarded SD 2415 1015.0800 for service in the Alpha Quadrant aboard CO USS Constellation, TACRON 33, Green Fleet 'Date Awarded' denotes date award entered by awarding officer into the StarFleet Service Record

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND COMPLETED STUDIES COMMENTS AND EVALUATIONS Primary: Russian Federation Primary School system - Federation Accreditation Equivalency Standard met Secondary: Minsk academy for the gifted Major I: Military History Concentration: search and rescue operations

" Ivan understands the reasons we study history ---- that only through understanding what we have done in the past can we avoid making mistakes in the future. His grasp of military history and strategy is among the finest I have ever see." --Professor Aaron Yurenevich, Minsk Academy for the Gifted

STARFLEET ACADEMY Academic Record Comments & Evaluations

Graduated May 31 2414 (lower 50%) Completed Studies: Academic Major: Psychology Academic Minor: History

"Ivan has studied Psychology and tries to use this when facing an opponent. He is an extremely competent driver having a natural talent with most vehicles up to and including shuttlecraft. He has a natural talent for tinkering i.e. low level repairs to the same group of vehicles. He has never tried (and has no desire to) drive/pilot anything larger. He has also studied boxing, kickboxing and Jeet Kune Do. Whilst an extremely competent hand to hand expert, observers have noted that Ivan relies too much on his size and power and not enough on technique. Ivan has also taken courses in first aid, demolitions and structural engineering, primarily to aid in any search and rescue operations." -- CAPT Erin Norrington, Security Officer Evaluator, SFA

"Ivan Yugensevich is one of the most powerful unaugmented humans I have ever come across. His fitness levels are very high, and he obviously takes pride in his physical prowess. His stamina is excellent as is his co-ordination. He had trials for the academy boxing team. I have no doubt that he would have been selected, if not for the unfortunate incident with Lt Maris. " --LTCDR Larry Kempenaars, Physical Education Instructor, SFA

Academic Commendations: Honors in History Honors in Space Warfare Theory Academic Reprimands: none Activities: SFA Unarmed Combat Team SFA Martial Arts Training Cadre Search and Rescue Training Hand-to-hand Combat Instructor


Personal Commendations Trained Cadet Shayiana Ayindrias in hand-to-hand combat, tactics, marksmanship and starship weaponry, enabling her to pass not only the Basic qualifications, but the intermediate.

Personal Reprimands Cadet did not cease combat when ordered by instructor Lt Maris. Given three demerits for conduct unbecoming a cadet. (Note: The incident occurred during a hand-to-hand training bout. Investigation revealed that Cadet Yugensevich's fear that Cadet Reynolds would not cease attacking if he did was substantiated.). Exceeding the limit of a hand-to-hand combat simulation. Given three demerits for conduct unbecoming a cadet and ordered to report to Counselor. (Note: This offense was reduced from 'Striking a Superior Officer' - there is no proof of Lt Maris' claim that Cadet Yugensevich broke his nose on purpose.)


Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School

Qualifications Earned Qual: Tactical Officer Qual: Security Officer Qual: Away Team Qual: Junior/Senior Bridge Officer of the Watch Qual: Search and Rescue Qual: Military Operations Qual: Combat Information Center Officer

Professional Major: Space Combat Tactics Qual: Tactical Analysis Qual: Starship weaponry Qual: Strategic Theory Qual: Ethics and Philosophy Qual: Advanced Marksmanship Equivalent to Marine Advanced Qual: Advanced Hand-to-hand combat Equivalent to Marine Advanced Qual: Instructor: Phaser marksmanship Qual: Combat Coordination Fleet Task Force Tactical Squadron Fighter and Small Ship

Professional Minor: Search and Rescue Qual: Combat Medic Qual: Level seven pilot

" Despite what he may tell you, there is no one of this Academy class or the past dozen classes that are Ivan's equal in his chosen field. A passionate officer who sometimes lets his passion run away with him, Ivan is skilled and surprisingly analytical. The day he masters his formidable temper, he will be well on his way to being command material." --CDR Isaac Dubois, Counselor, Tactics and Security School

Other Evaluations Pending Evaluating Officer CAPT Moozh Natanazi suspended from duty per orders concerning Board of Inquiry SFJAG #273042

SKILLS PROFILE: Though tactical and security is Ivan's calling, he is much happier in the role of search and rescue crossed with a combat medic. He is particularly intimidating and has recently got better at using that rather than resorting to insults.

PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE Religion: Agnostic Personality: volatile and self-doubting, despite impressive personal skill. Despite his doubt and temper, Ivan is an excellent officer because he places his duty far above personal concerns

Psychological Fitness Report "Ivan has had issues with personal value. I can only assume this comes from his fathers absence in his early years. Perhaps as a child his rages and misbehaviour were an attempt to gain his father's attention. I believe that Cadet Yugensevich would not have made it through SFA if Lt Maris had not recommended formal counselling. Whilst still a little hot-headed, this is now much more likely to display itself in his recklessness. He appears to derive a high level of satisfaction from the search and rescue element of his job. It is in this area where he is at his most reckless - often placing an individuals safety above his own. Ivan has learnt over time to curb his frustration and channel it into positive action rather than the outbursts that have marred his early time in Star Fleet. Ivan's leadership skills are sufficient for the rank of Ensign. However, when in a search and rescue situation his leadership skills are greatly improved. If Ivan can maintain that level of performance and curb his reckless nature he may graduate to a more elevated command position in due course. Ivan has also recently entered into correspondence with his father, and although formal, it appears the relationship is improving." --Lt. Ros Norman, Office of Student Counseling Services,


Medical Data Allergies: none Disabilities: none Has replacement bio organic eye (model 456-87DE) - Right eye only.

Recent Evaluation "Exasperatingly healthy, despite the number of broken bones, bruises, contusions, black eyes, and other minor maladies he seems to gather or inflict on himself!" -- Dr Lt Abigail Rygon SFA Medical Center Medical History

At the age of 14, Ivan rescued two trapped children from a burning building, but soon went unconscious from smoke inhalation, and was trapped by a collapsed wall. He underwent nine months of intense rehabilitation and several major operations to rebuild his body.


Biographical Notes: Ivan grew up deeply unhappy at his father's absence from the home. His father is Lt Commander Yugensevich, Personal aide to Admiral M'Botto. Sadly this duty took his father on several diplomatic missions far from Earth. With his mother's phobia of spaceflight and her over-protective nature he remained on Earth. He was a bright, if somewhat unruly child. He often found himself in minor trouble for something or other, but his academic record was excellent. This stood him in good stead, when, at the age of 14 he rushed into a burning building to save a young brother and sister. He helped them to safety, but succumbed to the fumes and was lucky (?) enough to be protected from the flames by a collapsed wall. He spent 9 months in hospital following several major operations. His time in the academy was plagued by problems. Psychological reports suggest personal problems to blame. He was moved (often at his own request) to several different residences and was often suspected to be the cause of various levels of disturbance. Following the completion of a suite of counseling courses and a more dedicated interest in his hobbies Ivan appeared to calm down. In fact if not for his excellent final year (top 5% of his class) he would not have graduated at all. Sadly, due to his lackluster efforts in previous years he graduated in the bottom half of his class.

Chronology: 00-13 ( 2392 - 2405 ) Lived with his mother and brother in Minsk, Russia on Earth. Attended Russian Federation primary school system and developed an interest in painting and martial arts. Studied several different styles, but never advanced in any school due to problems with his temper.

13-17 ( 2405 - 2409 ) Attended the Minsk Academy for the gifted. Had trouble getting along with the other students, although had no history of violence. Continued studies of martial arts. At age 14 (2606), Ivan rescued two small children from a burning building and was severely injured. After his nine month rehabilitation period, although Ivan's grades remained high, he began getting into fights at school. Although many teacher blamed it on the accident, Ivan's mother suspected it was because Ivan's father had never come home during Ivan's rehabilitation -- nor ever recognized his son's heroism.

17-21 ( 2409 - 2413 ) Attended Starfleet Academy. His academy tenure was marked by low academic performance, hostility between him and other students. In his second year, he was referred for Counseling. Part of his therapy was to assist in the combat training of Cadet Shayiana Ayindrias; she was being forced to repeat several of her first-year combat classes because of her abysmal performance in them. Although awkward with each other at first, Ivan and Shay developed a very strong friendship and maintained contact even after Ivan's graduation. Ivan's training helped Shay graduate, although she did have to repeat some of her combat classes more than once, delaying her graduation by a year.

22-24 ( 2413 - 2415 ) Joined the USS Constellation as Chief TAC under Capt Erickson. However, soon after joining the XO, Moozh Natanazi gained promotion to Captain, and a new XO joined the ship. Ivan commenced work on closer operating links between TAC and CIC and has renamed the Dept ITCC (Information and Tactical Combat Centre). He participated in his first space battle over Andri Epsilon IV where the Constellation defeated a smaller Romulan vessel. That vessel was actually destroyed by the Romulan Battle Cruiser DHAEL. This drew the Constellation into an internal Romulan conflict which resulted in a sanctioned mission to Pisces (CAPT Natanazi's home planet). Due to most of the bridge crew being assigned to away teams, Ivan was selected as acting XO until the return of more senior crew members. The battle resulted in a badly damaged CONSTELAATION, though against considerable odds.

Following the pitched battle with Romulan forces where the USS CONSTELLATION was severely damaged, Ivan was registered as KIA. Though revived, he lost his right eye, slight scarring above and below the eye can be discerned if examined closely. Sadly the same battle was responsible for a grevious injury to Dr Rygon, who was subsequently transferred off the CONSTELLATION

24- Following an engineering malfunction on board the CONSTELLATION, joined the USS KRONSHTADT as TAC Chief.


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Flight Control Officer

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