USS COVENTRY Crew Biofiles

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Green Fleet Insignia

USS COVENTRY Crew Biofiles
Version 5.5 (Updated SD 190115)


SHIP ROSTER (in order of Chain of Command)

CO	CAPT	Peter J. Erickson	Bell, Edward
XO	CDR     Stephen E. Paris        Sowards, Tim
OPS	LT      Percival Stone          Franchetti, Terry
TAC/SEC	LT	Morgan Thorpe		Evans, Craig
ENG	ENS	Mikall Dahl		Martin, Alan
SCI	ENS     Gemma                   VACANT	
MED	LT	Vanessa Hanford, MD	Rose, Lena
COU	LTJG	Lili Kolani		Evans, Elizabeth
^- denotes Protected NPC


CAPT Peter Erickson, Commanding Officer

  • Played by Edward Bell
Name: Peter Jonathan Erickson
Born: September 7th, 2364, Hexinberg England, Earth
Race:  Human, Terran
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 220 lbs
Eyes: Blue/grey
Hair: Brown
Blood type:  O pos
SFID: 234-34-5634-beta-beta-tango
Current Rank: Captain (O-6)
Specialty Branch:  Starship Command, Advanced Tactical Operations and 
     Space Warfare, Advanced Small Craft/Fighter Rating, Advanced 
     Diplomatic Specialties

Background History					

	Peter Jonathan Erickson was born on stardate 640907.2345 to Frank 
and Linda Erickson in Hexinberg.  Second offspring of three: Older brother 
Jeremy (deceased) and a younger sister Madeline.  His father, Frank Erickson, 
was a professor of applied astrophysics at the University of London and his 
mother operated a small floral shop in Hexinberg.  Described by his 
instructors as the Thinker of the Erickson family he graduated in the top 
five percent of his high school class.  Teachers also indicated that he has 
a love for oration, a trait that he discovered accidentally during an 
interpersonal communications course that he had to take in order to pass in 
his sophomore year.  He went on to hone this skill in the school’s debate 
and forensics clubs.  His instructors also stated that he was known to try 
and talk his way out of difficult situations but would not be against using 
force if mandated.  His parents also indicated that he and his brother were 
also very protective of their younger sister, Madeline.

	In college, Peter claimed a double major in Cultural sociology and 
Interstellar politics, with a minor in quantum field physics. There, he saw 
a possible future in the Federation’s Diplomatic Corps, but saw Starfleet as 
a better way to satisfy his more adventurous side.  Upon completion of his 
academic studies at U of L, he applied for Academy admission on 
SD 890523.1234 and was accepted on SD 890826.0832.

Starfleet OPTEMPPERS file: 234-34-5634-Beta-Beta-Tango		

Starfleet Academy Military Jacket Summary

		-Entered the Academy on SD 890826.0832
		-Promoted to Class Leader:  SD 901011
		-Offered Flight status position with Nova Sqdrn: SD 910215
		-Demoted from Class Leader status after an altercation 
                     occurred with an 
		 Upper classman: SD 911001.1634
		-Received third degree, Masters in Applied Astrophysics: 
                     SD 920523.1600
		-Graduated Academy and commissioned ENS O-1:  SD 930512.1345

Career Summary

	-Enter Advanced Fight School: SD 930614.0856
		-Graduated AFS:  SD 931020.1234
		-Flight certification for all shuttle classes and fighter 
                     classes up to Type III

	-Billeted to USS MANCHESTER, NCC-51123, as FCO: SD 931112.1245
		-Promoted to LT (jg) O-2:  SD 940231.1343
		-Awarded Starfleet Achievement Medal, first award

	-Billeted to USS MANCHESTER, NCC-51123, as CEO: SD 941121.0800
		-Promoted to LT O-3: SD 950323.0745
		-Administered BrOTs: Failed testing SD 960313.1248

	-Billeted to USS WISCONSON, NCC-3452-D, as CEO: SD 971212.0643
		-Administered BrOTs: Passed testing with satisfactory 
                     rating: SD 980329.1256
		-Promoted to LCDR O-4: SD 980412.0780
	-Billeted to USS WISCONSON, NCC-3453-D, as OPS/2O: SD 980512.2345
		-Awarded Starfleet Achievement Medal, second award

	-Attended Primary Command School and Tactics, Space Warfare: 
             SD 981213.2343
		-Graduated PCSaT in top 7%: SD 990512.1244

	-Billeted to USS THOMKINS, NCC-32324, as OPS/2O: SD 990612.0654
		-Promoted to CDR O-5:  SD 040213.1212

	-Divorced from wife: SD 040223.2343

	-Billeted to USS TYCO, NCC-21211-B, as XO: SD 040303.0734
		-Awarded Starfleet Achievement Medal, third award

	-Billeted to USS FLETCHER, NCC-32456-A, as XO: SD 081202.0523

	-Attended Advance Command School and Tactics, Space Warfare: 
             SD 090412.1245
		-Graduated ACSaT in top 3%:  SD 090813.2334

	-Billeted to USS FLETCHER, NCC-32456-A, as aCO: 090815.2112
		-Promoted to CPT O-6:  SD 091215.1243
	-Billeted to USS FLETCHER, NCC-32456-A, as CO: 091215.1300
		-Awarded Starfleet Accommodation Medal, first award: 

	-Billeted to SB ALPHA, instructer ACSaT: 130701.0800

	-Billeted to USS CONSTELLATION, NCC-1071-G, as CO: 130902.0823

	-Reassigned to GRNFLTTAC: 140825.0800

	-Temporary reassignment to the USS COVENTRY, NX-84120 as aCO:  

	-Assigned to the USS COVENTRY, NCC-84120, as CO:

Personal Background Summary				

	To date, Captain Erickson has had three commands, the USS FLETCHER, 
the USS CONSTELLATION, and the USS COVENTRY.  Many of the ships logs, as 
well as missions on the CONSTELLATION have been ordered sealed due to 
sensitive material and his first and only mission on the COVENTRY has been 
ordered sealed by the Security Counsel and OSFI.  The official record and 
final report is currently on file at SB DELTA as an “Eyes-Only” file for the 
current CINCGRN.  While it is not fully known what had occurred, it is known 
that it had something to do with the DPR (Department of Paranormal Resources) 
and a HOOD-class light cruiser, the USS BARENT SEA.  All other information 
has been sealed.  This need for the organization that he has worked and 
sacrificed for to keep secrets, especially ones where individuals within his 
command should be recognized for, has made this command officer rethink some 
of his approaches to certain situations.  Three of his recent missions, two 
on the CONSTELLATION and one on the COVENTRY have been viewed by Fleet 
Command as having outcomes that could have been different if the commanding 
officer had used different judgment.  However, Starfleet Command feels that 
though different judgment might have been warranted, the circumstances that 
placed Erickson onto these difficult missions were not of his doing.  As one 
member of the Security Counsel was overheard saying “The bad ones always seem 
to find this Captain Erickson.”  A former CINCGRN stated that Erickson was a 
“weirdness magnet” but for the most part applauded his actions.  Still, it 
was his rather unorthodox approaches to certain situations that ultimately 
lead to his re-assignment to GRNFLTTAC at SB DELTA during a rather touchy 
mission to Pisces-R-IV.

	The captain has had experience in several different billets.  He has 
been an instructor, commanded several vessels of varying sizes, and had had 
his share of interesting experiences.  But it has come at great cost.  After 
being promoted to full commander, his wife, Amelda Erickson, filed for 
divorce, stating that his career in Starfleet was too much for her to handle.  
She currently has custody of the youngest son, Alex, in Hamilton, England.  
The older of the two sons, Arthur, is finishing is doctorate at Cambridge 
University and has applied to enter Starfleet Academy, much to mother’s 
extreme dismay.

End File

CDR Stephen E. Paris, Executive Officer

  • Played by Tim Sowards
Name: Steven Eugene Paris
Age 38
Rank: Commander (0-5)
Assignment: U.S.S Coventry
Billet: Executive Officer
Years in Starfleet: 17

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green

Build: Athletic
Weight 190lbs
Height 6’2”

DOB: May 9th 2378
POB: Safford, Arizona, Earth, Terran Sector

Family: Eric Adams Paris (Father, Starfleet Botanical Scientist)
            : Belinda Marie Paris (Mother, Starfleet Engineer)
            : Hollis Henry Paris (Brother, Starfleet Engineer
             : Melissa Ann Paris (Sister, Starfleet Medical Doctor)
             : Natalie Monique Paris (Wife, Starfleet Engineer, Deceased)

Awards: 12+
Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry
Starfleet Commendation for Excellence 
Orion Medal of Valor
Andorian Symbol of Excellence
Captain’s Commendation

Hobbies: Saxophone, Mountain Climbing, Reading, Poker

Likes: Cajun & Chinese Food, Vulcan Music, Jazz
Dislike: Romulan Ale, Klingon Music & Food

Martial Status: Widowed 
Children: None

Personality: Warm, Friendly, easy going.

High School Graduation Thesis: Captain Archer: A Destiny Fulfilled
Starfleet Academy Graduation Thesis: Lone Star: The Burden of Command

Service Record:
Age 18-22: Starfleet Academy & ALB Training
22-25:   U.S.S Soranus
25-28:   U.S.S Los Angeles
28-31:   U.S.S Venture
31-33:   Deep Space Six
33-38:   U.S.S Cheyenne
38-Pres: U.S.S Coventry

About Steven Paris

Steven is the last of four children born to Erick and Belinda who were 
distant cousins of the Paris clan and are proud to boast that family 
lineage.  His parents mainly stayed inside the sol system since they 
figured it would be a better place to raise their children instead of 
forcing them to go to different areas and have to adjust to different 

His mother was a Starfleet engineer who divided her time between her 
family and the various shipyards in orbit of Mars and Earth.  His father 
was a botanical scientist who had cultivated many and aided in the 
family’s motivation of learning more.

When Steven was in Tenth Grade, he was given with his classmates a tour 
of the NX 01 as part of a educational field trip and after finding out 
how the Federation was born he decided his future lay in Starfleet and 
picked up his grades much to his parents surprise and centered on a 
future career with Starfleet.

At age 18 with his parents blessing following his High School graduation 
he applied and was accepted to Starfleet Academy where he decided to 
have a dual major of Command & Diplomacy.

After a distinct four years he graduated first in his class, an 
accomplishment he believes was credited to his 10th grade field trip to 
the Starfleet Historical Museum orbiting Venus.

He opted to continue his advanced command training at Armstrong Lunar 
Base facility, a few good hours from Jupiter Research Station, where his 
mother was currently helping to refit.

After his graduation from ALB he was picked sight unseen to serve aboard 
the Hippocrates-class Medical Frigate, Soranus under Peter Burke’s Command.  
He stayed there until he was 25 where the Captain of the Los Angeles, an 
Aging Agamemnon-class battle cruiser under the command of Captain George 

Morgan saw something in the young Junior Lieutenant and took him under his 
wing to tutor him the finer aspects of command including putting him in 
charge of the night shift periodically as a means to further his education.

After Three years on the LA, Captain Morgan suffered a heart-attack and 
died without imparting any last bits of advice to his protégé.  Hit the 
hardest by the death of his mentor and feeling the Los Angeles wouldn’t 
be the same he transferred off the ship, taking a posting on the aged USS 
Venture as Chief of Operations.

It was here during the Loris II Crisis in which he met his future wife, 
Natalie Smalls who at the time was a junior engineer.  Steven helped 
rescue the landing party by convincing the locals that the Federation Away 
team was only observing as a natural precursor to Federation membership.  
It was his first test of diplomacy and he passed with flying colors.  Six 
months later he was married to Natalie.

After three years there he was offered a post as Chief Flight Controller 
of DS6 and earned a Promotion to Lieutenant Commander. Natalie went with 
him as Chief of Operations.

The time there was uneventful and many believed that they would settle 
and raise a family there. Assumptions turned out to be false when Natalie 
was offered the chief engineering spot on the CHEYENNE unknowingly to both 
of them Steven had also been offered the executive officer’s spot on the 
Agamemnon-class battle cruiser, along with a Promotion to Full Commander.

Everything was fine until the CHEYENNE was slated to become an experimental 
test-bed for a new propulsion technology that would revolutionize the way 
people viewed space travel.

In the end the result was a complete failure.  The Warp Core was overloaded 
by the stress of the Soliton Field Coils and a feedback happened in the core 
resulting in the entire engineering section of the CHEYENNE to suffer a hull 
breach, five lives were lost and 17 were wounded, his wife was among the 
dead and a official inquiry into the events discovered that the specialist 
assigned to oversee the test had withheld key information from the CHEYENNE 
senior staff which was indirectly responsible for the deaths of Lieutenant 
Natalie Paris.

The CHEYENNE put in for repairs at Deep Space 1 and Admiral Vaun had contacted 
him ordering him to report to Starbase DELTA in orbit of Vulcan.

Currently he resides on the COVENTRY as executive officer.

In his off time, Commander Paris can be found in the mess hall playing his 
saxophone to his heart’s content much to the enjoyment he found out to the 
crew and it relaxed him.  When he is not on duty or in the lounge Mr. Paris 
can be found in the holodeck or in a weekly poker game he usually organizes 
with the senior staff of the ship.

He’s easy to get along with and always is professional but harbors the death 
of his wife very closely.

Operations Manager

  • This billet is currently available.

LT Morgan A. Thorpe, Chief Tactical/Security Officer

  • Played by Craig Evans
Subject: Morgan Thorpe
Rank: Lieutenant (O-3)
Branch: Engineering
Current Assignment: U.S.S. COVENTRY
Position: Chief Tactical/Security Officer

Species: Human – Terran
Sex: Male
Age: 9
Physical Age: 43
DOB: June 11, 2708
Place of Birth: Erda III

Spouse: none
•	CDR Hunter Thorpe, COU - USS FEARLESS
•	LCDR Chastity Morgan, SB Kenai
•	Raised by paternal grandmother Laverne Daniels on Earth in Cripple Creek, Colorado.
•	Victoria Thorpe, age 7, half sister, Daughter of Hunter Thorpe and Lexia Tremaine.  Morgan and Victoria have never met.
Children: none
Religion: Catholic

Height 6’2”, 1.88m
Weight: 225 lbs, 105kg
•	Skin: Caucasian
•	Eyes: Gray
•	Hair: Blond
•	Languages known:
o	Standard – native
o	Orion – proficient
o	Romulan – passable
o	Klingon – vague

150214 Commissioned as Ens (O-1) upon graduation from OCS
160630 Promoted to Lt, jg (O-2) upon testing out of: 
Posted to SFE, Utopia Planitia Shipyards
170710 Promoted to Lt (O-3) posted to CEO USS COVENTRY

140915 Entered Star Fleet Officer Candidate School
150214 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1) upon graduation from OCS
150302 Entered examinations at Space Warfare Officer School
150808 Tested out of SWOS
150906 Entered examinations at Space Warfare Security & Tactical School
151207 Tested out of SWTS
160108 Entered examinations at Star Ship Engineering School
160630 Tested out of SSENG, promoted to Lt, jg (O-2), 
            Posted to Utopia Planitia Shipyards
170710 Promoted to Lt (O-3) posted to CEO USS COVENTRY
180630 Transferred to TAC/SEc, USS COVENTRY


•	Officer Candidate School, (OCS)

•	Space Warfare Officers School
•	Space Warfare Security & Tactical School
•	Star Ship Engineering School

•	Tactical Officer
•	Security Officer
•	Engineering Officer
•	Counselor Certification


•	Antique Aircraft Restoration
•	Member Utopia Planitia Tactical Shooting Team
•	Rodeo
•	Confederate Air force – Arizona Wing
•	Air Racing
•	Hiking
•	Camping
•	Fishing
•	Kayaking
•	White water rafting
•	Supervising children’s day camps

•	(0-3) Born with the intellect and memories of both his parents, then 
immediately physically aged to 34 years of age, Morgan has been robbed of 
his childhood.

•	He spent the first 3 years of his life in Cripple Creek, Colorado with 
        his paternal grandmother.  Spent frequent visits with his father hiking, 
        camping, fishing, and white water rafting in the western United States.
•	(4-6) Ran cattle on family ranch in Bumble Bee, Arizona
•	(7-8) Accepted to Star Fleet OCS, subjected to repeated examinations 
        and testing to confirm his body of knowledge of required educational 

Morgan Thorpe was conceived of and born under supernatural circumstances involving 
a malevolent entity known as Azathoth.  Morgan’s gestation period within his 
mother’s womb and his rapid aging immediately after birth were all the effect of 
Azathoth upon the boy.  Also imparted to Morgan was the total sum knowledge of both 
his parents.  Though he lacks their practical experience and wisdom, he has both 
their respective skill sets at the time of his conception.

Despite the disturbing circumstances of his birth, Morgan is a kind man who wishes 
to connect better with his parents who are both active Star Fleet officers.

The initial three years of his life were spent with his paternal grandmother at his 
father’s home in Cripple Creek, Colorado.  His father visited often and the two men 
enjoyed many outdoor activities together. 

Morgan also liked to spend time at his father’s ranch in Bumble Bee, Arizona where 
he learned to ride horses, run cattle, and indulged his passion for restoring and 
flying antiquated aircraft.  He particularly enjoyed an old Bell ‘Huey’ that was 
kept on the ranch.

Eventually, Morgan relocated permanently to his father’s ranch where he took over 
ranching operations.   After 3 years he’d built the heard up from 300 head with 4 
hands to over 5,000 head of cattle and employed 20 employees.

At this point, Morgan had not heard from either of his parent in 3-years.  His father 
had gone missing in action and his mother had lost touch.  Morgan hired a manager to 
help his grandmother run the ranch and applied to OCS in hopes of somehow 
reconnecting with his parents.

After a lengthy admissions process the scpecial circumstances of his  educational 
background were repeatedly questioned, tested and verified, Morgan was allowed to 
enter Star Fleet OCS.  Upon graduation, he was again examined and allowed to test out 
of Space Warfare Officer School, Space Warfare Security and Tactical School, and Star 
Ship Engineering School.

His first assignment to the shipyards at Utopia Planitia to test starship weapon 
systems was uneventful.  However, Morgan’s innovative test methods designed to 
approximate combat situations turned out more reliable weapon systems and resulted 
in a promotion and a starship billet.

Morgan has inherited his parent’s skills interests and abilities.   He’s a good 
gambler and tactician, often thinking well ahead to a desired conclusion.  He 
also has a gift for engineering and likes spending time taking things apart and 
putting them back together.  He’s good with puzzles and has an analytical mind.

Morgan has shown an ability to maintain his composure while under pressure, and 
can be counted on in a crisis.

Morgan has been stead fast in his pursuit of his career goals, first as a 
successful rancher, and now as a Star Fleet Officer.  

Despite the disturbing circumstances of his birth, Morgan Thorpe is a just and 
good man.  His desire to help others and protect them from evil is almost 

He feels a great responsibility for the pain suffered by his parents, particularly 
his mother, from the degrading assaults from the malevolent entity known as 
Azathoth who effected his conception and birth.  As a result he is sensitive to 
injustices inflicted upon the disadvantaged and is compelled to act with charity 
toward others.  

In particular Morgan has a strong affinity for children.  He should do well if 
he were posted to a ship with children.

•	Gambling
•	Billiards
•	Work shop activities
•	Watching sports

•	Hiking
•	Horseback riding
•	Camping
•	Fishing
•	Rock climbing
•	Kayaking
•	Skiing
•	White water rafting
•	Flying
•	Golf
•	Baseball
•	Swimming

Morgan likes to wear a red Angel’s baseball hat when not on duty, or whenever the 
situation allows for it.

ENS Mikell Dahl, Chief Engineering Officer

  • Played by Alan Martin
  • This biofile is currently unavailable

ENS Georgiana Chomondelay-Featherstonehough, Chief Science Officer

  • Played by Aurora Snorealis
  • This biofile is currently unavailable

LT Vanessa Hanford, Chief Medical Officer

  • Played by Lena Rose
I. Personal Data
A. Personal Bio
Surname: Hanford
Given Name(s): Vanessa (Nessa) Leigh
Current Rank: Lieutenant (O-3)
Current Billet: CMO, USS COVENTRY NCC-81420

Species: Human
Gender/Sex: Female
Place of Birth: Haven, Kansas, Earth

Age: 28 Standard Terran Years
Date of Birth: September 20, 2387

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 125 lbs
Eyes: Blue; Large
Hair: Black; Long, Curly
Complexion: Olive

Religion: Spiritual

B. Family Data:
Spouse: Victor Lanford (b. 2384 - d. 2415)
Children: Victoria *Tori Lanford (b. 2414)

Father: Nicholas Martin Levenworth (b. 2351 )
Mother: Constance Rossi Levenworth (b. 2356)

Lt. Nicholas Martin Leveworth II - 35 years old (b. 2384)
Desiree Levenworth- 20 years (b. 2397)

II. Educational Background
A. Academic Institutional Background:
-- Haven Academy, Iowa
-- Star Fleet Academy
-- Star Fleet Medical

B. Service Schools Attended:
-- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officer School

C. Qualifications (MOC's)
-- Medical Officer

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Class Rank: Top 15%;
Honors *cum laude*
Academic Major: Chemistry
Professional Major: Pre-Medical
Thesis: The Intracranial Events and Pathophysiologic Perturbations
Qualifications: Medical Officer

Commendations: 2

1. Student Vanessa Levenworth accelerated in the combined MD/Ph.D.
program and was promoted from the Ph.D. portion of the program. Student
remains in good academic standing in the Phoenix School of Medicine

2. Student Vandessa Levenworth progressed in the combined MD/Ph.D.
program and voluntarily services from the Ph.D. portion of the program. 
Student remains in good academic standing in the St Maries Hospital, Shasta

Reprimands: 1

While in StarFleet Academy it was found that student Vanessa
Levenworth (a minor at the time) had secretly dated Professor 
Lawson. There was a board investigation. Both were brought before
the board and reprimanded. Ensign Levenworth was placed under 
probabtion and performed 120 hours of community services.
Professor Lawson was dismissed for unprofessional conduct.

III. Biographical Notes
A. Chronology (tabular form):
0-13: Lived with parents in Haven, Kansas
13-16: Attended High School at Haven Academy, Haven, Kansas
16-20: Attended Star Fleet Academy. Picked Medical Profession.
  Completed undergraduate work in physics, biology, mathematics, 
  English, inorganic, organic chemistry and courses in the
  humanities and the social sciences. Volunteer at local hospital
  to gain practical experience in the health professions. Earned 
  her BA Degree.
20-24: Attended Star Fleet Medical.
  Applicant submitted transcripts, scores from the Medical
  College Admission Test, and letters of recommendation. 
  StarFleet Medical also consider applicants' character,
  personality, leadership qualities, and participation in
  extracurricular activities. Student was interviewed by 
  the members of the admissions committee. Earned 
  her Masters Degree.

  First 2 years of medical school was spent in laboratories
  and classrooms, taking courses such as anatomy, biochemistry,
  physiology, pharmacology, psychology, microbiology, pathology, 
  medical ethics, and laws governing medicine. As well as learning
  to take medical histories, examine patients, and diagnose

  During her last 2 years, worked with patients under the
  supervision of experienced physicians in St Maries Hospital 
  learning acute, chronic, preventive, and rehabilitative care. 
  Through rotations in internal medicine, family practice, 
  obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, psychiatry,
  and surgery, gained experience in the diagnosis and
  treatment of illness.
24-28: Internship and Residency at St. Maries Hospital, California.
  Passed Licensing examination.

B. Background Summary:
Vanessa Levenworth, born in a small town of Haven, Kansas, grew up in
a well to do family. Her father, Nicholas Leveworth I, was a Medical
Officer for Starfleet on earth till his retirement and her mother, 
Constance Levenworth, was a nurse.

Sibilings Lt. Nicholas Leveworth II, 35 years old, married Rosalia
Martinez and is serving on the USS HUDLOW. Her sister Desiree
Levenworth age 20 years old is attending Starfleet Academy.

Vanessa, nicknamed Nessa, took lessons in piano, painting and tennis
all thru elementary and highschool. She was always an affectinate 
person, reaching out to those less fortunate than she, befriending 
anyone and everyone.

During her academic years in Star Fleet Academy she took up jogging
and found she loved it. She excelled decently in school but after 
the relationship with the professor, her new love for the medical 
took her to a greater vision and height for science and healing. A
new spiritualism developed within her as she saw the power to save or
lose a patient depended on her and other to learn all medical knowledge

While in StarFleet Medical she meet and was attracted to and
secretly dated Professor Lawson. It was found out and they were
brought before the board of investigations. Both were reprimanded, 
the professor was dismissed for unprofessional conduct and Ensign
Levenworth was placed under probabtion and performed 120 hours of 
community services.

Nessa meet Victor Lanford a doctor in St Maries Hospital. After her
experince in the academy, Vanessa refuse to date Victor and kept him
at bay for sometime. After graduating from StarFleet Medical, Vanessa 
married Victor Hanford. They had abeautiful baby girl named Victoria 
nicknamed Tori. Life seemed perfect. Then a year later Victor was 
diagnosed with an incurable disease. After the death of her husband, 
trying to be two parents for her child, Nessa completed her Internship and
Residency at St. Maries Hospital, she felt she desperately
needed a new scene to try and get over the loss of her husband.

The move to a new ship in the galaxy seemed the perfect place to grow
and become the woman she could be proud of. The world was her platter 
and all she had to do was eat from it.

IV. Official Star Fleet Record
A. Promotion History:
070601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
110601 Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).
160601 Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3).

B. Service History:
030615 Entered Star Fleet Academy.
070601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
110601 Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).
160601 Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3); assigned as CMO, USS BURKE
161031 Took personal Leave of Absence from Star Fleet
170610 Returned from Leave of Absence; assigned CMO, USS COVENTRY

C. Medals and Commendations:

V. Skills Profile
Vanessa Hanford is a quick study. She adapts to her surrounding. 
Her nickname in StarFleet Medical was 'Hot Hand Hanford' because
she was not only the best but the fastest with the dermal regenerator

She is able to communicate well with patients, carers and colleagues,
as well as heal wounds or read an X-ray. Often it is said she wears her
heart on her sleeve, but if truth be said, its worn in her eyes.

VI. Recent Fitness Report

Medical History
2387 Born in Haven Hospital, Haven, Kansas, Earth
2387-2397 Completed Childhood Vaccinations
2388 Hospitalized and operated on for swallowing foreign object.
2407 Broken tibia (sking)
2495 Papsmear (yearly)
2411 Birth Control
2414 Gave Birth to First Child
2414 Papsmear
2416 Yearly Physical
2416 Special Vaccination Required for Space Travel

Blood Type: O postive


Identifying marks:
A strawberry mark on her upper right bottucks

VII. Fitness Report
Ensign Hanford is average in the fitness program. Her lack of
interest in sports in general kept her from accelerating in competions.

- Lieutenant Herald Ferguson, Medical Officer, Star Fleet Academy

VIII. Psychological Profile
Vanessa Hanford is a strong yet gentle woman who sees life thru
positive point of view on an outward appearance. She has a sweet
disposition and calm spirit. However in saying this, she does appear
to be able to express some anger and allows herself room for 
imperfections. She is too hard on herself at time and this sometimes
cause her to doubt her own value and worth.

Vanessa has shown a lack of ability to over come the loss
of her husband. She has a tendency to bury her true inner emotions
with her pollyannaish style. Preoccupied helping others and mothering
them comes naturally from within her but can be unhealthy. This cause
and effect of not putting her own needs first can cause an adverse effect
in the future.

Watch for over working. Vacations and leave have been so few and far

Lieutenant Commander Donna Carlise, Counselor, Star Fleet Academy

IX. Current Recreational Interests
Vanessa Hanford reads, paints and draws for relaxation. She loves
playing the violin and singing for pleasure. Her favorite sport is
tennis and jogging.

X. Miscellaneous Information

----------------------End bio chip-----------------------------------------

LTJG Lili Kolani, Counselor

  • Played by Bess Evans
I. Personal Infomration:
Surname:   		Kolani	
Given Name(s): 	        Lili
Current Rank:	        Ensign
Current Billet:	        COU, USS COVENTRY
Species:		Human/Deltan
Gender/Sex:		Female
Age:			24 Standard Terran Years
Date of Birth:	        October 23, 2393
Height:		        1.82m (6’0”)
WT:			72.57kg (160 lbs.)
Eyes:			Green
Hair:			Blond
Comp:			Medium
Place of Birth:	        Delta IV
Spouse:		        None
Parents:		Mother: Pelea Kolani (Human); Father: Komanu (Deltan)
Siblings:	        Hoku Kolani, sister, age 30, Vice Consul to the Terran 
                             Ambassador to Delta IV; 
                        Kane Kolani, Brother, Age 27, professional lacrosse 
                             athlete for the Baltimore Pockets
Children:		None
Religion: 		Huna (Hawaiian mysticism)

II. Educational Background
A. High School
Punahou School, Oahu, Hawaii, Earth

B. Academic Institutional Background
Star Fleet Academy
Starfleet Medical, Counselor

C. Service Schools Attended
Star Fleet Space Warfare Officer School

D. Qualifications (MOC’s)

E. Star Fleet Academy Record
Class Rank:		Top 15%; Honors *summa cum laude*
Academic Major:		Psychology
Professional Major:	Pre-Medical/Pre-Counseling
Activities:             Lettered in lacrosse and volleyball

III. Biographical Notes
A. Chronology (tabular form)
13-16:  Sent to Earth to live with maternal grandparents on Oahu, Hawaii. 
             Attended Punahou School, graduated early.
16-20:  Attended Star Fleet Academy.
20:     Attended Space Warfare Officer School. 
20-24:  Attended Vienna Psychological Institute. Earned dual Ph.D in 
             psychology and xenopsychology

B. Background Summary
Lili's parents met and married when Pelea Kolani, a xenobiologist from 
Kilauea, Hawaii, Earth, drew an assignment to Delta IV to investigate why 
the planet has the lowest incidence of extinct species in the Federation. 
After their marriage, Pelea relocated permanently to the lush tropical 
setting of her husband's home planet.

Lili is the youngest of three children and was raised in a unique mix of 
Deltan social customs and Hawaiian culture. 

Because of her mixed heritage, and to a lesser degree than her siblings, 
Lili's endocrine glands do not produce full-strength Deltan pheromones. 
As such, she has never quite fit in with her Deltan peers, who are raised 
to regard sex as commonplace as a handshake. In fact, Lili is considered 
rather prudish, even by Terran standards.

As Lili approached adolescence, she grew even more withdrawn and her 
parents eventually sent her to Honolulu, Hawaii, Earth to live with her 
maternal grandparents and attend Punahou School, a private academy. 
However, even as her reduced pheromone level made her an outcast on Delta 
IV, it was quite high by Terran standards and tended to cause men to be 
attracted to her at a rate that made her highly uncomfortable.

Like their father, Lili and her siblings are naturally bald. However, her 
baldness caused Terrans to expect her to behave as a Deltan, so at age 15 
Lili opted to have hair surgically implanted. 

This has caused her to send even more mixed messages, as she appears 
outwardly to be fully Terran and men do not understand why they react to 
her more powerfully than they do to other Terran women.

While she is not a telepath or true empath, Lili did inherit the Deltan 
empathic ability to reduce pain with direct physical contact. She does 
possess a heightened ability to tune in to others’ emotions, but not to 
the same degree as a full Betazoid.

IV. Official Star Fleet Record
A. Promotion History
Commissioned as Ensign in 2417.

B. Medals and Commendations

V. Skills Profile
From Dr. Freidrich Schlesien, Dean of Students at Vienna Psychological 

“Originally I voted not to admit Lili Kolani to the Institute, as I felt 
that her naturally withdrawn personality did not lend itself to a people-
oriented profession such as psychology. However, Dr. Kolani has 
demonstrated a great talent for her duties as a psychologist. Not only 
does she use her natural ability to sense others’ emotions, but she also 
employs the correct scientific rigor to her work to ensure that she provides 
a complete workup, diagnosis, and effective treatment plan. While her 
‘people skills’ could always use improvement to overcome her natural 
tendency to withdraw from interpersonal contact, she demonstrates a great 
talent for compartmentalizing her emotions so as to provide effective, 
compassionate treatment. I would recommend her for any position in the 
counseling field.”

VI. Recent Fitness Report
From Dr. Aaron L. Osterwitz, Chief Practitioner, Star Fleet Medical:

"Dr. Kolani passes the basic fitness requirements for a Star Fleet officer."

"Based on her physical exam, Dr. Kolani is *not* required to sign the Oath 
of Celibacy normally required of Deltan officers, as her pheromone level falls 
below the threshold level that requires the Oath. (Normal Human Values 5.5 - 
20 mcg/dl; Threshold – 100 mcg/dl; Lili Kolani level: 45 mcg/dl)"

"Do not play lacrosse with her, though. She wields a wicked stick."

VII. Psychological Profile
From Dr. Felicia Thom, Psychology Section Head, Star Fleet Medical:

"Dr. Lili Kolani is an extremely serious student and practitioner who 
approaches her work methodically and completely."

"Dr. Kolani has demonstrated a natural inclination to withdraw from contact 
with others, which renders her shy and borderline anti-social. Recommend 
that she continues ongoing therapy as condition of assignment."

VIII. Current Recreational Interests.
Lili likes to read, play lacrosse on the holodeck, and enjoys sailing.

IX. Miscellaneous Information

-------------------End Bio file-------------------------------------------

Version History

  • 1.0- Initial Wiki version (SD 190115)