Argaya II

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Argaya II

Formed by exiles from Lyshan A-IV, the world has a long history of hostility with the Lyshan system.

System Information

The Argaya system is composed of a single star. Argaya is an orange star with six planets, orbiting a magnitude K3.2V Magnitude +4.8 Star. Argaya is an orange star, similar in brightness to Sol but at 3,850-degree Kelvin, it is much cooler. The inner Argaya system is composed of two iron-core planets. The outer system is composed of four gas giants.

There is a small mining operation on the fourth moon of Argaya III. Apart from some construction activity, which Starfleet Intelligence has not been able to confirm its use, there is little space activity in the Argaya system.

Planetary Information

Planet Name: Agaya II

Orbital Duration: 325 standard days

Rotation: 23.5 standard hours

Total Area: 586.072 million sq. km

204.793 million sq. km. land

381.279 million sq. km water

Gravity: 1.3 G

Cilmate: One large polar region, two large temperate regions, one very narrow tropical and subtropical equatorial band.


Population: 3,063,595,000 (Estimate Stardate 100921.1100)

Dominant Species: Klomak. The Klomak are an offshoot of the Vulcan species that left Vulcan prior to the rise of Surak and the pursuit of logic. Although similar species than the sentient species on the neighboring Lyshan system, the Argayan have lower tolerance to the toxic levels of particulates on Lyshan IVA.


The Purified Odva of Klomak is the planetary religion. Originally it opposed technological advance, it adapted to the new planetary environs to subordinate technological advance to the will of the Lyshan. The Purified Branch of the Odva of Klomak believes that the Odva followers on Klomak are apostates and that they should be brought back to the true light. They believe technology is to be used only to advance the most basic needs of society and that any other use should be banned. Furthermore, women, as they have forced the fall of man twice, once at the creation of the Lyshan colony with their conspiracy to have more female offsprings than male and then by betraying the doomsday weapon during the Klomak Final War, which led to their defeat and banishment to Argaya.


Administrative Divisions

15 provinces. Each province is headed by an Elder

The Council of the Odva composed of the Elders who have proven their knowledge of the Sacred Writings of the Odva and their prosperity. The Council of the Odva is led by the Senior Elder and it has full Executive, Legislative and Judicial power.


Military expenditures have increased due to reasons unknown. It is suspected that an outside power is involved in an effort to establish a foothold near Starbases 214 and 129 and challenge Starfleet interests in the area, as well as in the Hakton and Ronara sectors of the Federation-Cardassian Demilitarized Zone. There has been some construction activity near Argaya I, but Starfleet Intelligence has not been able to ascertain its nature.

The Argaya Space Navy is composed of three heavy cruiser, eight light cruisers, two destroyers, six heavy lift combat transports and eight sublight system defense crafts. Like the Klomak Space Defense Force, the Argayan Space Navy is outdated and its equipment is comparable to Starfleet circa early-to-mid 23 century. However, its line of battle is designed for an aggressive strategy in case of the outbreak of armed conflict. A recent report from the Starfleet picket on Hakton detected an Argayan light cruiser, but it was able to fool Starfleet sensors for a few moments. A scan by the USS Guardian showed that the Argayan warship’s power curve were markedly different from the ones on record.

The Argaya Army is composed of 10 million. Argaya does not maintain a permanent Marine Force. There is also a Purity Corps, whose role is to ensure the armed force’s spiritual purity. It serves, both as a chaplain corps, in the pre-warp Earth armed forces as well as the political officers corps in the armed forces of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.