USS CIRCE Deception at Karbella Mission Cast


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GOLD Fleet Insignia

Deception at Karbella Cast of Characters
Updated SD 180708.0430 GMT

Senior Staff of the USS CIRCE

Character                Role                   Player
CAPT Caylebreth Veld     Commanding Officer     Scott Lusby
CDR Yuri Kazhdenin       Executive Officer      Austin Forsyth
CDR Molly Sharpe         Operations Manager     Sean Murphy
LT Braxx Kildane         Combat Information     JP Balzen
LT Satchmo               Chief Navigator        PJ Jones
LTJG Thomas Miller       Tactical/Security      Noah Eaton
CDR Tanjien Dar          Science Officer        Andrew Fishkin
LCDR Tigria Mistaya      Protocol Officer       Alan M. Rogers
LT Butch Bagownie        Chief Engineer         Eric Boyum
LCDR Diamantina De'Leon  Chief Medical Officer  Madonna Eagle
LCDR Anton Odone         Counselor              Lena Rose
LCOL Jahoic Azrael       Marine CO              Sean Speake


Character                Role                   Player
LCDR Rolly Mountbatten   OSFI Agent             Sean Speake
LT Renato Gradias        ENG XO                 Eric Boyum
LT Sorrenta Tabriz       SCI Officer/           Austin Forsyth
                           Kazhdenin's Wife
LT Maddie Metcalf        Media Relations/       Sean Speake
                            Reluctant Tart
LT Nail McRae, MD        Doctor                 Madonna Eagle
LTJG Buck O'Riely        CIC XO                 JP Balzen
ENS Vienna Levenworth    Counselor/             Lena Rose
                           Reluctant Tart
ENS Gev Rethal           Comm. Officer          Scott Lusby
MCPO Ingrit Callahan     Bo'sun                 Scott Lusby
SCPO Holly Rowand        Comm. NCO              JP Balzen
CMMA Sandy Burleigh      Master-at-Arms         Noah Eaton
MAJ Alexandria Waugh     Marine XO              Sean Speake
LTM Roman Winterbourne   Marine Company CO      Sean Speake
1LT Maggie Vox           Tart of Terror         Sean Speake
GSGT Kate O'Hare         Tart of Terror         Sean Speake
SSGT Lisa Rundie         Tart of Terror         Sean Speake
PFC Natasha Williams     Tart of Terror         Sean Speake
Belina Odone             Daughter of Anton      Lena Rose
Holly Daye               Hologram               Madonna Eagle
Harmony                  Baen Sidhe Spirit      Eric Boyum

GOLD Fleet Command

Character                Role                   Player
CDOR Denton Vargas       COMKRIMAXFOR           Scott Lusby
ADM John R. Brooks       CINCGOLD               Jeffrey Jenkins

Members of the Tholian Holdfast

Character                Role                   Player
CDR Listrell             CO, Tholian            Scott Lusby
                           Task Force

Members of the Gorn Hegemony

Character                Role                   Player
Gorn Ship Master         CO, Gorn Task Force    Scott Lusby

Members of Section 31

Character                Role                   Player
Dr. Harvey Appleton      Section 31 Maestro     Ted Swedalla
 (aka "The Man in
 Black," "The Puppet-
 master, "Niccolo")
CDOR Collin Weasley      CO, TF PREDATOR        Noah Eaton
Matrim Cole              Pile of Targ Shite     Sean Murphy
"The Killer"             S31 Hitman             Scott Lusby

Non-Section 31 Bad Guys

Character                Role                   Player
"Smooth" Pete            Orion Syndicate        Scott Lusby/
                          baddie on DS13         Ted Swedalla
Oram Skite               Pimp on Karbella II    Sean Speake
Remy Mountbatten         Twin of Rolly/         Sean Speake
                          Section 31 vessel
Naussican Bully #1       Thief                  Eric Boyum
Nuassican Bully #2       Theif                  Eric Boyum
Roanan                   Castle Thug            Sean Murphy
Loarg                    Castle Thug            Sean Murphy
Boss Grolan              Head Castle Thug       Sean Murphy
Zoohn                    Castle Thug            Sean Murphy
Benjo Haarin             Limo Driver            Alan M. Rogers
Tomas                    Unknown Religious Guy  Sean Speake
Mal                      Unknown Religious Guy  Sean Speake

Other Characters

Character                Role                    Player
MAR Brett Ross           CO, AQNTF               Sean Murphy*
LCDR TadG'hik            CO, USS MARCONIN        Madonna Eagle
LT Buzz Twilight         Police, 24th Precinct,  Eric Boyum
                          Capital City, 
                          Karbella II/Oracle
CAPT "Gulag" Krypton     Police, 24th Precinct,  Eric Boyum
                          Capital City, 
                          Karbella II
Duane Dillie             Police, 24th Precinct,  Sean Murphy
                          Capital City, 
                          Karbella II
Larrn                    Police, 24th Precinct,  Sean Murphy
                          Capital City, 
                          Karbella II
Mr. Daniel Bryant        QualiPharm Big Wig/     Noah Eaton
                          Section 31 Vessel

*- PC of Brad Mitchell