Mercier AsterMin

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Official UFPDOCA Megacorps Entry: Mercier AsterMin

  • Company Name: Mercier AsterMin, Inc.
  • Headquarters: Cologne (Koln), Germany, Earth (Sol III)
  • Sectoral Headquarters: Vulcan, Proxima, Bajor, Cronos
  • Principle Owner/Chairman of the Board: Henri Mercier
  • President/CEO: Penelope Mercier
  • Founded (date): 26 May 2094
  • Founded by: Philip Mercier
  • Public?: (Y/n) Y
  • Major Shareholders:
    • Of Common Stock:
      • Mercier Industries (43%)
      • Sanchez Trust Company (11%)
      • Valerian Holdings (6%)
    • Of Preferred Stock:
      • Mercier Industries (68%)
      • Valerian Holdings (7%)
      • Sanchez Trust Company (9%)
      • Neuberg Trusts (5%)
      • balance held in assorted private portfolios.
  • Principal business activities: Mining & Extractive Industries, Chemicals, Metals Fabrication, Industrial Replication, Colonial Development, Construction, Energy
  • Wholly owned subsidiaries:
    • AsterMin, Inc. (core competentcy; mines and otherwise extracts ore bodies from various asteroid belts, moons, and mineral rich worlds/planetoids throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.)- (Cologne, Germany, Earth)
    • Republic Materials (manufacturers and markets industrial chemicals, metals, and alloys; some defense contracting business, though the majority of their sales are to private interests and companies)- (Hong Kong, China, Earth)
    • Mercier Trading Company of Dijon (wholly owned import/export company; also serves as Mercier AsterMin's colonial development arm)- (Dijon, France, Earth)
    • AsterMin Industries (large-scale industrial replication and construction company; does a large amount of government contracting for the Federation, member worlds, and colonies)- (Tranquility City, Luna)
    • Quadstar Energy (designs, builds, and operates energy facilities built throughout the Federation, its colonies, and protectorates; recently spun off from AsterMin Industries)- (Tranquility City, Luna)
    • Republic Labs (new conglomerate formed to combine the phamaceutical, R&D, and science divisions of Republic Materials and AsterMin Construction; phamaceutical division has extensive contracts with the Federation and Star Fleet to supply their hospitals and ships with phamaceutical supplies and medicines)- (Tranquility City, Luna)
    • Extrasolar Investigations (devoted to financing archaeological expeditions, with an emphasis on new technologies recovered from ancient/lost civilizations)- (Capital City, Farias)
  • Principal Competitors: Anchor Holdings; Chapman Mines; ShipOres, Ltd.
  • FY2409 Total Revenue (UFP Credits): 980 Billion Credits

Broker's Notes

One of the largest of the 'megacorps,' Mercier AsterMin is fairly well regarded in financial markets, largely for its long term stability and profitability, as well as a relative insensitivity to the fluctuations of the Federation economy. The Mercier family has continued to control the destiny of the organization (through direct stock ownership and proxy, as well as the usual tightly knit community of investors so commonly seen in most megacorps) since its inception. Share price tends to restrict casual investors from purchasing common stock.

Brief description/history

Mercier AsterMin, Inc. was founded in 2094 by Philip Mercier, a wealthy French industrialist who had made a fortune investing in mining operations throughout Africa and Eastern Europe, despite the economic collapse that proceeded and followed World War Three. Following the invention of warp drive made space exploration more feasible, Mercier saw the chance to increase his profits. He changed the name of his company (Mercier Industries) to AsterMin, Inc., and began staking claims to wealthy areas of both Luna and the asteroid belt in particular. Extrasolar exploitation quickly followed.

As AsterMin began to take off during the early 22nd century, AsterMin was incorporated with a number of other interests the Mercier family had begun to develop under the umbrella of Mercier AsterMin, Inc. After the death of Philip Mercier in 2132, control of the company passed to his eldest daughter, and has been controlled by the Mercier family ever since.

Contrary to many mining conglomerates in the Federation, Mercier AsterMin never put much emphasis on its shipbuilding arm. It is the former owner of Penguin Shipbuilding, which it sold to private interests in the early 23rd century. Instead, extracted resources are generally diverted to other areas of the corporation, or sold to other private interests.

Consistently, the most profitable division of Mercier AsterMin (in terms of profit/loss ratio) has been Extrasolar Expeditions. It has been largely responsible for some of the technological developments that have come out of the Mercier R&D divisions (now Republic Labs) for centuries. However, this company has also come into question from time to time for unethical or exploitative practises on lesser developed worlds. No formal charges have ever been made, however, and the company has stayed largely out of the public eye for several decades, now.

Current corporate leadership (and control of Mercier Industries) is held by Henri Mercier, eldest son of Jean Henri-Baptiste Mercier III, who retired from the position in 2409 to seek successful election to one of Earth's Federation Council seats. Before that time, Henri had been the President/CEO of Mercier AsterMin for 18 years, with his father in the position he now holds. He has since appointed his first cousin, Penelope Mercier, to the position of President/CEO.

Additional queries may be submitted to Public Affairs Office, Mercier AsterMin, Inc., Mercierstrasse 100, Cologne, Germany, Earth, Sol System.