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Tizarin Fact Sheet
Updated SD 190224


The Tizarin are a nomadic space-going race of merchants, somewhat similar to the earth people known as Gypsies, or the Romani -- however, with a much stricter and more straightforward code of conduct. If there is a home world for the Tizarin, it is unknown. They are spread throughout the galaxy, engaging in trade with most known races, excluding the Ferengi. They consider Ferengi practices to be extremely distasteful, and prefer to offer fair prices for high-quality merchandise.

The Ferengi, however, consider the Tizarin to be 'bad for business'. Open hostility has broken out between the two groups numerous times.

The Tizarin usually travel in groups of two or more Houses, which can mean upwards of thirty capital ships for just two Houses, including the massive and extremely powerful House Ships.


The Tizarin are primarily a Green Fleet threat species whose influence in galactic politics is only really starting to be felt now.


The Tizarin made contact with Earth, and later the Federation, as soon as warp-capable vessels from those areas entered into active exploration of space. Even at this time, they were nomadic and had no homeworld.

In 2366, the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D hosted the wedding between Kerin of House Nistral and Sehra of House Grazunias, establishing two of the greatest houses further. However, in 2392, the Ferengi and a group of Orion Pirates devastated House Grazunias, leaving the survivors to be integrated into House Nistral.

There are very few places where you can't find a Tizarin -- they seem to number almost as many as humans.


The Tizarin technology is significantly more advanced that Federation, mainly because it is their livelihood and safety. They have been space-farers since before the Vulcan had interstellar travel and have histories dating back to the time when Bajorans traveled the stars in primitive solar sail vessels.


Tizarin and basically human, excepting their skin and hair pigments. Each House has a specific color set that identifies them both genetically and physically. House Nistral, for example, has silver skin and black hair, whereas House Grazunias has blue skin and orange hair. There are literally over a thousand Tizarin Houses.

When inter-house children occur, one genotype always emerges dominant, although it is not predictable if that will be the mother's or the father's. Tizarin also have greater resistance to radiation and disease, although are much less adapted to planet-side dwelling. Almost all Tizarin have a 'wanderlust' and cannot remain in one place too long without growing restless.


None, outside of commerce -- specifically, driving the Ferengi out of business.


If the Tizarin were to mass for a war against any major power, they would most likely maintain early victory, but due to a lack of permanent bases and repair facilities, they would be driven back and defeated in short order.

However, if a war between the Tizarin and the Ferengi were to break out, the resultant damage to galactic economies would be substantial and devastating.



  • The Tizarin pages were compiled by Alan Rogers, originally for use by USS Constellation crew members. It has been updated by Scott Lusby.