USS KIROV Manifest


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SILVER Fleet Insignia

USS KIROV Crew Manifest
Updated SD 190613


Senior Line Officers

CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
CAPT Zane*                 Commanding Officer             M Human
CDR  Catheirne Chang*      Executive Officer              F Human
LCDR Callista Veld*        Operations Manager/2O          F Human

Combat Information Department

(Click for NPC Biofiles)

CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
LTJG Lia Hetrick^          Combat Information Manager     F      Human
ENS  Connoly Ravenford^    CICXO/Sensors DivO             F      Human
ENS  Garrod Kiering^       Plotting and Tracking DivO	  M      Human
CPO  Vastrillius Insargin^ Communications DivO		  M      Alpha Centauri


Operations Department (OPS)

(Click for NPC Biofiles)

CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
LCDR Callista Veld*        Operations Manager             F      Human
LTJG Morgan Palomar^       Operations XO                  M      Human
SHCS Ramsey Tiron^         Ship Services                  M      Human
ENS  Pazlar Radue^ 	   Computer Core                  M      Alpha Centauri
ENS  Droxine Varani^	   Sensors                        F      Martian
ENS  Jake Starling^ 	   Communications                 M      Human
CTIC Nilrem Danar^	   Crypto                         M      Efrosian

Combat Systems Department (TAC)

===Medical Department===
CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
LT   Joshua Lee, MD*       Chief Medical Officer          M     Human
LT   Francesca Premoli, MD Attending Physician (aCMO)     F     Human
PO3  Sare On'Hopa, MD	   Attending Physician            M     Bolian
LT   Douglas Klein-Smith, MD General Surgeon              M     Human
P03  Vindor Kumar, DT      Dentist                        M     Human
LTJG Miriana Brimos, RN^   Head Nurse                     F     Betazoid
ENS  T'Sar, RN             Attending Nurse                F     Vulcan
ENS  Rebecca Currie, RN    Attending Nurse                F     Human
LTJG James Godfrey         Medical Technician             M     Human

Security Department (SEC)

CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
ENS  Fayt Leingod*         Chief Security Officer         M      Human
  			   Security DivO
   			   Alpha Watch Commander
     			   Bravo Watch Commander
   			   Charlie Watch Commander
  			   Senior Criminal Investigator

Navigation/Astrogation Department (NAV)

CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
LTJG Greg Boyington    	   Navigation Officer             M      Human
			   Stellar Cartography
			   Navigational Sensors 


CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
                           Flight Operations Manager
                           Flight Control Officer
                           Shuttlecraft Operations
                           Shuttlecraft Maintenance


CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
ENS  Chris Tepes*          Chief Engineering Officer      M      Human
MCPO William Everett^	   Engineer's Mate                M      Human
ENS  Katrina Franke^	   Propulsion (P) Officer         F      Human
ENS  Johnathan Reynolds^   Diagnostics (D) Officer        M      Human
ENS  Aaron Wilkes^	   Gravitics (G) Officer          M      Human
SCPO Jason Lewis^          Electronics (E) Officer        M      Human
ENS  Tio Terrin^	   Repair & Maintenance (R) Officer F      Human
CPO  Riley Wilson^         Damage Control Liaison         F      Human


CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
LCDR Minna Chang*          Chief Science Officer          F      Human
			   Scientist, Xenobiology
			   Scientist, Astrometrics     
			   Scientist, Botanist         
			   Scientist, Chemist          
			   Scientist, Maths & Logic
			   Scientist, General Sciences 
			   Labaratory Technican        
			   Crewman Apprentice          
			   Civlian Botanist/Assistant


Medical Department

CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
                           Chief Medical Officer
LT   Francesca Premoli, MD Attending Physician (aCMO)     F     Human
PO3  Sare On'Hopa, MD	   Attending Physician            M     Bolian
LT   Douglas Klein-Smith, MD General Surgeon              M     Human
P03  Vindor Kumar, DT      Dentist                        M     Human
LTJG Miriana Brimos, RN^   Head Nurse                     F     Betazoid
ENS  T'Sar, RN             Attending Nurse                F     Vulcan
ENS  Rebecca Currie, RN    Attending Nurse                F     Human
LTJG James Godfrey         Medical Technician             M     Human

Counseling Department

(Click for NPC Biofiles)

CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
LCDR Loren Landers*    	   Ship's Counsellor              M      Betazoid
LTJG Malia Becker	   Crisis Counselor               F      Human
CR   Madeleine Yeong	   Researcher Asssistant          F      Human
---  Dr. Leonard Tallen	   Interspecies Specialist        M      Andorian
PO3  Tristan Ferngolde     Maintenance Officer            M      Klingon


CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
                           Intelligence Officer


CHARACTER                  BILLET                         GENDER SPECIES
MAJ  Nicholas Delaney*     Marine Commanding Officer      M      Human
   			   Executive Officer


* Player Character
^ Protected Non-Player Character


CHARACTER          PLAYER                  E-MAIL ADDRESS
Zane     	   Andy Catterick	   acatterick[at]cogeco[dot]ca
C Chang   	   Elaine Chao   	   chaos[at]ocf[dot]berkeley[dot]edu
Veld, Hetrick,     Scott Lusby		   co-circe[at]alt-starfleet-rpg[dot]org
  Palomar, Tiron,
  Radue, Varani,
  Starling, Danar,
Leingod            Chase Gamble            war_god_aries[at]yahoo[dot]com
Boyington          Randy Meissner          meissner[at]nd[dot]gov
M Chang            Kyungmi Kim		   byunhosa64[at]sbcglobal[dot]net
Tepes              Chris Newbury           nubecybot[at]
Landers		   Kevin Thigpen           kevin[dot]thigpen[at]gmail[dot]com
Delaney            Jason Zitzka            zitzka[at]ugsolutions[dot]com
Enbridge, Everett, COMMUNITY NPC's
  Franke, Wilkes,
  Lewis, Terrin,
  Wilson, Reynolds,
  On'Hopa, Kumar,
  Brimos, T'Sar,
  Currie, Godfrey


  • 4.1- Major corrections to manifest (SD 190613)
  • 4.0- Major reorganization to reflect new group divisions (SD 190115)
  • 3.5- Minor reorganization (SD 181128)
  • 3.4- Addition of new ENG (SD 180629)
  • 3.3- Addition of new CMO (SD 180615)
  • 3.2- Removal of ENG (SD 180602)
  • 3.1- Addition of new NAV and COU (SD 180305)
  • 3.0- Removal of CMO and COU (SD 171119)
  • 2.3- Addition of new TAC/SEC (SD 171023)
  • 2.2- Addition of OPS and ENG DivOs (SD 170717)
  • 2.1- Addition of new NAV (SD 170608)
  • 2.0- Reflects change of command; removal of TAC/CSO; change in SCI (SD 170525)
  • 1.0- Initial Compilation by OPS (SD 170117)