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Scalpon - The Fifth Mission of the USS FEARLESS

Stardates: 210325.1501 - current

Mission Dates: 1.0630 - current

Mission Synopsis:

The USS FEARLESS and her small fleet of 6 Star Fleet escorts are still in the GAMMA quadrant, slowly making their way to the aperture of the Bajoran wormhole. Currently in Dominion space, they find themselves traveling though sections controlled by both factions of the Dominion civil war - the "True Way", the hardline division that continues to seek control over all known space, and the "Great Link", a moderate group that is tentatively open to peaceful relations with 'solids'. The fleet has reached an agreement with a Great Link Founder for passage through Dominion space while requiring an escort of Dominion vessels. In addition, a Romulan scout ship, the VASHKOR, is currently being shared by both sides.

The SOYUZ has discovered damage to its warp drive which requires substantive downtime for repair. The current plan is to trade passage for Samatra and his crew (see Kilesi Station mission summary) to their home planet of Scalpon for resources and repair assistance once there. The difficulty lies in the fact that Scalpon is under True Way Dominion control with the method of subjegation being that of a hardline state religion.