Jacen Norwalk

Name: Jacen Norwalk

Biography Department: Medical

Height: 1.97 m

Weight: 95.254 kg

Eyes: Grey

Hair: Grey

Age: 45

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Complexion: White

Spouse: Divorced

Parents: Danan and Teresa Norwalk

Siblings: Tarrance Norwalk and Susan Norwalk-Asher

Religion: Atheist

Jacen norwalk.jpg


Academic Institutional Background

Jones County High School

Grenoble Institute of Technology (Undergraduate degree in Polymer Chemistry)

Earth Institute of Vulcan Academic Sciences (Ph.D. Organic Chemistry)

Starfleet Medical Research Fellowship (obtained second Ph.D. Nanotechnology and M.D. Internal Medicine with specialization in xenobiology)

Service Schools Attended

Starfleet Academy (obtained officer’s rating, Lieutenant)

Qo’nos Training Academy (participated in joint medical corps program with Klingon Empire)

Vulcan Science Institute

Starfleet Academy Records

Academy Record:

Class Rank: Top 10%; Honors *none*

Academic Major: *none, see following note*

  • Note: Entered Academy after serving several years in SFMED as a research fellow. Academy attendance warranted only to allow candidate to obtain officer rating for service aboard a starship.

Professional Major: Medical


Soldier’s Medal:

Awarded for distinguished service in developing anti-nanite technology to combat Borg related incursions on Federation and allied space

Legion of Merit:

Awarded for highly advanced wartime related research in the field of medicine *CLASSIFIED*

Distinguished Service Cross:

Awarded for taking command of crippled starship, USS GALLANTRY, and safely guiding her and her remaining crew to safety against a numerically superior foe during an ambush by Tholian extremists.

Reprimands (1):

Summary of Reprimand: Reprimand issued against Lieutenant Jacen Norwalk during operations on Planet 57-A112 on the fringe of explored Federation space during extended exploration assignment. Officer refused to permit the removal of indigenous fauna due to a perceived symbiotic relationship within the planetary ecosphere. Officer stated existing Starfleet protocols were insufficient and would cause irreparable harm to planetary environment. Planet ecosphere later collapsed during a follow up scientific expedition by another crew.

Excerpt of Commanding Officer Reprimand:

"Lieutenant Jacen Norwalk violated a direct order to secure and remove plant specimen 12B-C1, despite initial tests indicating the plant species produced a highly potent globular protein with initial side effects tending towards the accelerated regrowth of humanoid tissue. Lt. Norwalk refused on two occasions to secure and transport plant specimen, arguing for further scientific research due to potential adverse ecological effects on planet."

Background Summary

Jacen Norwalk was born and raised in the Southeast portion of what passed for the United States of America in the 21st century. His family eschewed much of the conveniences of modern day life for a more agrarian existence. Danan and Teresa owned and maintained a 1200 acre cattle and horse ranch, some of the land being devoted to raising corn and assorted vegetables using outdated farming methods. In reality, the methods employed by Jacen's father harkened back to the 21st century methodology involving the growth of crops and foodstuffs using what was deemed then 'organic' methods of growth. While outdated, the crops produced did comply with the agriculture standards of the modern day.

Danan and Teresa's staunch resistance to modern farming methods led to the isolation of their three children because their neighbors and the authorities saw their stubbornness as both a waste of resources and simple narrow minded thinking. This led to the typical bullying in school for all three Norwalk children as well as poor adult relations where it pertained to Danan and Teresa and their neighbors. As adults though, both Tarrance and Susan still reside on the family farm with their spouses and children. Jacen chose a different route entirely. His younger years on the farm led to a marked interest in nature. That interest blossomed into an aptitude for Chemistry and soon led him to outstanding grades in High School, and a subsequent degree in Polymer Chemistry. This served as a launching point for a stellar career in the sciences.

In graduate school, Jacen met and fell in love with a Neftis O'Dell. Their romance was fast, furious, and short lived. The demands of his research placed a huge strain on their relationship and eventually led to their separation and eventual divorce. From then on, Jacen immersed himself in his research, obtaining a second Ph.D. along with his M.D. in record time.

Prior to beginning his service on starships, Jacen participated in several highly classified Starfleet projects as a research fellow. He remains very vague and tight lipped about said research whenever questioned and has managed to avoid directly responding to any questions related to it over the years by his Commanding Officers; which has served as a point of contention with his COs for the various commands under which he has served.

This is part of the reason as well that with his advanced age, 45 Terran Earth years of age, he still retains the rank of Lieutenant when many other career minded 'Fleeters are either LtCmdr or Cmdr by this time.