SHIP ROSTER (in order of Chain of Command)


CHARACTER          PLAYER                  E-MAIL ADDRESS
Cameron Carver     Tim Cooke               timcooke[at]eastlink[dot]ca
Kurt Cooper	   Andy Catterick          
Talis Rhianov      Mike Noorman            
Mittal             Kevin Thigpen           kevin[dot]thigpen[at]gmail[dot]net
Renee'DeFalco      Renee DeFalco           smitty5845[at]cox[dot]net
Vixen Moore        Markku Herd             
Jhael Ilias        Michelle Collette       
Xor Jona           Andy Collette                      
Dirk Van Zandt     James Baldwin           

===Captain Cameron Carver, Commanding Officer===
*played by Tim Cooke
*updated 180804
I. Personal Data
Name: Cameron Vincent Carver
Current Rank: Captain
Service Number: SC-845362-1001028-CI
Current Billet: Commanding Officer USS VALHALLA
Species: Human
Gender: Male

Age: 39
Date of Birth: 1 November 2380
Place of Birth: Boston, North America, Earth
Marital Status: Single

Mother: Rebecca Carver, Diplomatic Attache
Father: Max Carver, Commodore (Retired) Starfleet; Federation Ambassador
Siblings: None

Physical Appearance:
Height: 6'2''
Weight: 198 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Caucasian
Distinguishing Marks: Cameron has several scars on his left side and back 
from several incidents from operation duties. Details Classified by 


II. Background
Cameron Carver was born into an extremely busy household, and travelled 
throughout the Federation with his mother as a member of the Diplomatic 
Corps. As a

senior administrator and attache, Cameron's mother was sought after by 
several Ambassadors, and even served on the staff of Ambassador Spock for 


Cameron's education was one of the finest that could be offerred by the 
Federation. Although he received a tremendous amount of training on 
diplomacy and

external relations with other planets and people, he also received training 
in the martial disciplines of several worlds, including Klingon, Andorian,

Vulcan, Bajoran, Hirogen, Breen and even Romulan. Well liked by all his 
tutors, he was a very good student in all aspects of his training. 

humourous, friendly, compassionate and disciplined, it was obvious to all 
that he would become an Ambassador.

When Cameron was 13 years old, he met a Hirogen Warrior for the first time. 
The Hirogen, old by his people's standards but one of the more storied 

spent 6 months with Cameron, teaching him his ways, and telling him stories 
of the hunts he had been on. He travelled the stars, exploring, and meeting 


This changed Cameron's view on what he wanted to do with his life, and from 
there he trained himself utilizing the staff and severlal teaching programs 

learn everything he could - so that he could join his father as a Starfleet 

When his father retired from Starfleet to become a federation Ambassador 
with Cameron's mother when Cameron was 17, Cameron saw that as a sign that 
it was

time for the Carver family to send another boy to Starfleet Academy. 
Although hisd application was not accepted the first year he applied, it was 

the second year after a certain celebrated Ambassador sponsored the young 

Leaving for the Academy with proud parents, Cameron began a journey that 
would take him to the Gamma Quadrant and many alien cultures and back again.

III. Education
A. "Home Schooled". Graduated with High Honors.

B. Starfleet Academy (Graduated Magna Cum Laude)
- Bachelor of Science Kinesiology and Computer Science
- Minor in History, Interplanetary Relations, Engineering
- Advanced Pilot Training, Class A, Level 10

E. Academy Qualifications
- Primary MOC: Tactical
- Primary MOC: Operations
- Secondary MOC: Navigation
- Secondary MOC: Counselling (Psychology/Diplomacy)
- Secondary MOC: Science

F. Academy Record
- Rank: 1 out of 269.
- High Honours (Valedictorian & Magna Cum Laude.)

IV. Service Record
020615.0700 - Graduated from Starfleet Academy.
020622.0700 - Transferred to USS INDEPENDENCE, NCC-5212, ENDEAVOR-class 
starship. Assigned as a Tactical Officer.
030829.1143 - Promoted to Lieutenant (J.G.). Assigned as an Operations 
050810.0100 - Promoted to Lieutenant. Transferred to the USS UNIVERSE, 
NCC-71121, SOLAR-class starship. Assigned as Chief Tactical Officer/Chief 

071220.0700 - Promoted to Lieutenant Commander and Second Officer.
080101.0001 - Transferred to Starfleet Intelligence, BLUE Fleet, Dominion 
121219.0700 - Promoted to Commander. Transferred to USS CHIMAERA, NCC-25011, 
AGAMEMNON-class starship. Assigned as First Officer/Executive Officer.
131010.0923 - Promoted to Captain, USS CHIMAERA.
150622.1500 - Transferred to Starfleet Intelligence.
190401.0600 - Transferred to USS VALHALLA, NCC-18000, VALHALLA-class 
starship as Commanding Officer.

V. Medals and Commendations
010105.1700 - Awarded Academy Commendation for Service.
020305.1700 - Awarded Academy Commendation for Selfless Heroism.
050830.1111 - Awarded Starfleet Distinguished Service Medal.
061210.0630 - Awarded Commendation for Original Thinking.
071220.0700 - Awarded Starfleet Medal of Honor.
121219.0700 - Awarded Federation Citation of Honor and Starfleet Extended 
Tour Ribbon.
190331.1800 - Awarded Starfleet Medal of Valor with Cluster and Starfleet 
Extended Tour Ribbon.

Note: Carver has received numerous campaign ribbons, commendations, and 
other awards in his service not noted here.

VI. Skills and Traits
A. Skills: Cameron was raised around diplomats and legal attaches, so he has 
picked up a few traits and skills in those areas. Cameron is naturally

charismatic and a great mediator. He is also skilled in strategy and 
tactics, and a natural commander.

B. Cameron is a student of the martial arts, and has learned numerous 
methods from dozens of races, as well as the practical application of these 

VII. Medical
"Lt. Commander Carver will not reveal to me how he received those grievious 
wounds to his left side and back. They appear to have been made from 

edges consistant with Jem'Hadar bladed weapons. Several of the wounds are 
very serious, and infected. It is a wonder that he survived long enough to 

for medical treatement. He is expected to make a full recovery, however."

- Lt. Commander Michelle Danvers, M.D. CMO, USS FEYNMAN.

"Captain Cameron carver's medical has come back with a few anomalies, but 
nothing that register as life threatening. It is more than likely from his 

to several foreign planetary bodies and unknown food and water. The medical 
treatments he was undergoing to continue with his charade as a Vorta have 

taxed his physiology to the near breaking point, but he should recover fully 
given a few weeks of rest and recuperation."

- Commander Michelle Danvers, M.D., USS FEYNMAN

VIII. Psychological Profile
"Captain Cameron Carver seems to have readjusted to his return to Federation 
space after being wherever he was. Although he has some psychological issues

that he will have to work out with his Counsellor, I will be able to clear 
him again for active duty. As a "Type A" personality, he has moved forward

already, and seems to be fine mentally and psychologically."

- Lieutenant Commander Mia Fitzpatrick, COUN, USS FEYNMAN

IX. Fitness Report

"Captain Cameron Carver is an outstanding physical athlete. Although he has 
several injuries he will have to recover from, his spirit and will are

indominatable. His body is in great shape, and there are no serious issues 
to consider at this time."

-Lieutenant Myal V'Shas, CSO/TAC, USS FEYNMAN

X. Personal Interests
Cameron has several interests, including athletics, baseball, history, 
current diplomatic relations with other cultures, and archaeology.


===Commander Kurt Cooper, Executive Officer===
*played by Andy Catterick
Bio forthcoming


===Lieutenant Commander Talis Rhianov, 2O; Operations Officer===
*played by Mike Noorman
*updated 180804

Name: Talis Khnialmnae Rianov

Rank: LCDR

Age: 125 Terran Standard

DOB: March 13th 2292 

POB: Ra'tleihfi, Ch'Rihan

Assignment: USS Wyvern 

Billet: OPS/CIC

Years in Starfleet: 6

Height 1.93 m Weight: 95.25 kg
Eyes: Black Hair: Black
Body Type: Athletic 

Martial Status: Single, Never Married.

Specialty Branch: Starship Command, Advanced Tactical Operations 
and Space Warfare, Surveillance, Counter-Insurgency

MRRSE Major: Command/Diplomacy
MRRSE Minor: Intelligence
Tal' Diann Major: Surveillance
Tal' Diann Minor: Counter-Insurgency 
StarFleet : Romulan Integration Program

Service Schools Attended:
Serona Basic
Military Rhetor of Rhiansu Star EMpire
Tal'Diann Service Academy
Star Fleet Romulan Integration

Personality: Calm, good-natured.
Likes: Silence, Martial Arts, Military History, North American Wild
West, Riding, Vanilla Icecream, Grape Soda, Cinnamin Redhots,
Board Games 
Dislikes: Borg, Dominion, Cardassian, Vegetables, Losing, 
complacancy, apathy

Service Record:
20-25: Senora: RHS Kakabam
25-30: Military Rhetor RSE
30-35: RHS Takaram : Erien, CONN/Helm Gonaiih'Saehne (GS)
33 : Promoted to erie Arrain
35-45: RHS Dhivael: Security Officer (SEC) Dheno'Saehne (DS) 
39 : Promoted to Arrain
45-65: RHS Deletham Tal' Ecurai: Tactical (TAC) Amnei'Saehne (AmS)
47 : Promoted to khre'Arrain
65-70: Tal' Diann Service Academy
70-75: RHS Vaurek Teelis: Legate
75-89: RHS Aerv: Legate
89-103: RHS Delon Ju: Legate
103-105: RHS Yhea Terrh: Legate
105: Promoted to erie`Riov
105-107: RHS Yhea Terrh: Executive (XO) Rhaetelh'Saehne (RS) 
107: Promoted to Riov
107-119: RHS Vaebn Latta: Command (CO) Leih (L)
119-120: Star Fleet Romulan Integration Program
120: Star Fleet Grad: Prom to LT
120-123: USS Argonaut: Tac/Sec
122: Promoted to LCDR
123-125: USS Wyvern: OPS/CIC 

Talis Khnialmnae was born to Senator Teranas and Helev Khnialmnae 
hru'Hfirh on March 13th 2292. Being the eldest son of a senator, 
Talis enjoyed a life of luxery. Every opportunity that could be 
afforded was offered to Talis, however he spent the bulk of his time 
shadowing his father, arguing politics, and wroking in his 

At age of 20 Talis dutifully enrolled in Senora training. Although 
there was a sudden shift in lifestlye, Talis adapted readily and 
approached this menial service with all the conviction and fercoity 
of his father. After Senora, Talis immediately enrolled in the 
Rhetor Militarus. Hoping to one day achieve the same status of his 
father, Talis concentrated in studies in the most challenging 

Upon graduation, much to the suprise of his father, Talis did not 
enter into the ranks of the Senatorial fleets, but sought position 
in the common Command fleets of the Romulan Star Navy. Talis 
informed his father that if he were one day to take his fathers 
seat, he would rather have earned the favor of the people he served 
than being looked upon as another Senatorial brat born into power.

After several years climbing the ranks of the Command fleets, his 
father encouraged him to enroll in the Tal'Shiar stating that the 
participation would garner the affection of other senators and 
insure his seat on the Senate one day. Instead, Talis enrolled in 
the Tal'Diann, stating that the fleets could well police themselves 
and that he would value the ranks of the Fleets more than the 
affections of the a few Senators.

After the Borg began their assaults on the Romulan Empire, Talis 
re-entered the Command Fleets as he saw a growing need for more 
senior officers. The Borg years wore heavily on shoulders of Talis 
as he watched several commrades in arms fall. Talis also noted a 
growing distance between the Senate and Command Fleets, and his 
sympathies were with the fleets. Growing weak with age, his father 
insisted Talis return to Romulus and take his place as Senator and 
family head. Talis refused, and his father disavowed him.

The Dominion Wars were the final straw for Talis. Too many had died 
at the hands of the foolish Senate. Once the RSE had entered into a 
joint defense with the Federation, Talis felt he could do more good 
for the people of RSE under the command of the Federation, and he 
entered into the SF-R Integration program.

Once in Starfleet, Talis sensed a refreshing wind blow into his 
life. He no longer felt the weight and pressure of his father or 
the Empire. Service became an enjoyment again and he went forward 
with a renewed vigor and gusto.


===Lieutenant Commander Mittal, Chief Engineering Officer===
*played by Kevin Thigpen
*updated 180804

Name: Mittal son of Keo'gh
Gender: Male
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Age: 59
Hair: Grey, well kept (for a Klingon)
Eyes: Black
Height: 6'3"
Birthplace: Caplan, Klingon Confederation Space
Current Post: Sector 001: Sabbatical
Parents: Keo'gh (father, deceased, KIA First Battle of Vulcanis - Dominion War)
Raina (mother, deceased, killed during brief Klingon Civil War)
Siblings: None

Mittal is elderly from a Klingon perspective, but he remains in
excellent physical condition (the typical life span of a Klingon
barring a sudden, violent death which is normal for the species, is
150 years).  Despite his many tours of duty with Starfleet and earlier
tours with the Imperial Klingon Defense Force, he continues to
maintain a high level of physical activity.

Age of officer: Description of Service

0-15 years of age: Born and resided on Caplan, 15 light years from
Klingon homeworld.  Only child to Keo'gh and Raina of the House of

15-17 years of age: Served as crewman engineer for Imperial Klingon
Defense Force during brief hostilities against the Federation.  His
ship was destroyed during an attack against Deep Space Nine and he was
captured by Starfleet.  Interrogated and tried for war crimes against
the Federation along with surviving senior officers of his ship.
Charges were dismissed due to his cooperation with Starfleet for
several covert ops into Klingon space exposing Changeling presence in
Klingon High Command.

17-24 years of age: After dismissal of charges gained admission to
Sacramento Interplanetary University on Earth, where he obtained a
degree in Bioneural Chemistry and a minor in Biological
Nanotechnology.  Accepted into engineering school at Carnegie Mellon
and obtained PhD in Advanced Spaceframe Design.  During this time he
participated in the re-design group for updates to the DEFIANT Class
Spaceframe.  Four years later, he obtained a second PhD in Warp
Propulsion Theory, becoming one of the first Klingons to ever
officially obtain a double PhD from a Federation accredited program.
Later married a Human female, Natasha Provokova.

24-39 years of age: Placed in accelerated program for Starfleet
training.  Admitted to the Academy and graduated top 10% of class.
Recruited into Starfleet Engineering Corps to participate in research
on enhancements to Starfleet vessels.  Granted Starfleet commission of
full Lieutenant for duration of several starship missions.  Natasha,
Mittal's wife, gave birth their first son, Mark Mittal.

39-50 years of age: Served onboard the USS TOLEDO as Chief Engineer.
Transferred to USS MCDERMOTT after destruction of the TOLEDO.  When
the MCDERMOTT was decommissioned, Mittal was transferred back to
Starfleet Engineering Corps.  Natasha and Mark were en route to visit
Mark's paternal grandmother, Raina on Varadian Five, when a brief
Klingon Civil War erupted.  The transport carrying them was attacked
and destroyed by Klingon forces.  Mittal's mother was killed on
Varadian Five with biological weapons days later.

50-58 years of age: Served as a Deputy Director of Alternative
Propulstion Technologies - a subdivision of Utopia Planetia Shipyards
and participated in several covert operations jointly conducted with

59 years of age: Took a sabbatical from Starfleet to conduct personal
research at his alma mater, Carnegie Mellon.  Founded scholarship fund
for non-Terran applicants to Starfleet Engineering programs.
Requested, against his own desires, to return to active Starfleet
duty.  Not one to shirk duty, Mittal accepted the request to return to
active duty.

Mittal is elderly from a Klingon perspective, and has a tremendous
amount of life experiences to offer.  Not that his unusually talkative
for a Klingon.  Fortunately, his quiet nature is matched only by his
generosity, something Mittal espouses is true of all 'old' Klingons.

15-17 years of age:
Mittal served on the Klingon ship the MALEVOLENT during brief
hostilities against DEEP SPACE NINE and the Federation.  His ship was
destroyed by the arrival of a Federation fleet and he and his fellow
crewmates were captured.  While he served only as a assistant to the
ship's CEO (a lowly position on most Klingon ships), he was still
tried for war crimes against the Federation and convicted.  Before he
could serve time in a Federation prison, he was asked by Starfleet
Intelligence to participate in several covert operations to expose
Dominion influences in the Klingon High Command.  Realizing how the
warlike nature of his people would lead to their eventual destruction
as a species, Mittal chose to assist.  His exemplary work during these
missions established that he was no longer a young, brutish child, but
a very intelligent, capable individual, able to perform extremely well
under harsh conditions and pressure.

17-24 years of age:
Upon returning to the Sol sector, having obtained honor among his
people for assisting in the exposure of elements in the Klingon High
Command that were not Klingon, Mittal chose to attend the Sacramento
Interplanetary University and embark on a career that ran counter to
his upbringing as a warrior.  He quickly found that engineering was
his calling.  He became the first Klingon to ever obtain a double PhD
and married the love of his life Natasha Provokova.

During this time, Mittal's father, still active in the Klingon
military was killed by Dominion forces in the First Battle of
Vulcanis.  His wing of Klingon ships assisted the beleaguered Fifth
fleet in the protection of the Vulcan homeworld from Dominion forces.

24-39 years of age:
Soon, his first and only child, Mark was born.  In addition, Mittal
was recruited heavily by Starfleet for his graduate and post-doctoral
research on spaceframe designs.  With increasing Dominion incursions,
Mittal's numerous publications and extensive presence in the field
mandated that they seek him out to do research on how to combat the
threats posed by the aggressive Dominion.  With Starfleet so focused
on winning the war against the Dominion during this time, some
elements in Starfleet Command felt it critical to build ships designed
for war.  Mittal, using his exceptional knowledge of Spaceframe design
readily agreed, assisting in the final construction of new spaceframe
designs and updates to the DEFIANT class spaceframe.  His work later
laid the foundation for incorporating hull enhancements to Starfleet
vessels throughout the fleet as well as the design for armored

39-50 years of age:
Mittal, was soon asked to serve on the USS TOLEDO as CEO.  Accepting
the position, he soon found himself traveling from planet to planet
testing and maintaining the high tech engines of the newly created
SOVEREIGN class vessel (of which Mittal had helped design).  During
one of these routine stops on a planet to conduct research, the TOLEDO
was ambushed by Dominion remants in the Alpha quadrant and destroyed,
despite putting up a protracted fight of over 5 hours against
overwhelming odds.

Fortunately, the crew of the TOLEDO were soon rescued by nearby
Federation patrol ships and Mittal was re-assigned to the USS
MCDERMOTT.  He served on this ship until she was decommissioned nine
years later.  During this time frame, Mittal also lost both his wife
and only son during a brief Klingon Civil War.  Natasha and Mark were
en route to visit Mittal's mother on Varadian Five, a planet in
Klingon space, when their transport was intercepted and destroyed by
radical elements in the Klingon Empire.  Days later, Varadian Five was
hit by biological weapons from this same radical element, which
resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, including Mittal's

50-58 years of age:
With so much death surrounding him, Mittal choses to take a position
at Utopia Planetia, away from service on a ship.  He quickly rose
through the ranks, becoming the Deputy Director of a division within
the organization.  During this time, he also participated in several
joint covert missions with Starfleet, specifically the USS ALPINE
where he and another officer, the XO from the ALPINE, Lieutenant
Commander Kurt 'Coop' Cooper, acted with distinction to ensure the
complete success of two very high level missions.

59 years of age:
Mittal decides to take a sabbatical from Starfleet to weigh whether or
not he wishes to continue his career or take that big leap into
retirement his peers have advised him to do.  Having amassed some
considerable wealth from his de-classified research projects, he
creates a recommendation and testing program for non-Terran applicants
who possess innate talents in the engineering field to apply for
admission to Starfleet Academy.

Mittal is quiet, introspective and has a fondness for Terran hard
liquor.  His many years of life experiences do not, as many would
think, lead him to reminiscence about the 'old times'.  Instead, he is
the kind of engineer who focuses on the task at hand rather than
thinking about the past.  A consummate mechanic, despite his age, he
posses consummate skill at repairing any kind of equipment.  His
extensive experiences enable him to unravel the complex nature of
devices and gain immediate insight in how to repair them.  His
engineering background is the perfect mix of theory and practical
experience topped with the salt of wisdom.



Cameron Carver Tim Cooke timcooke[at]eastlink[dot]ca Kurt Cooper Andy Catterick Talis Rhianov Mike Noorman Mittal Kevin Thigpen kevin[dot]thigpen[at]gmail[dot]net Renee'DeFalco Renee DeFalco smitty5845[at]cox[dot]net Vixen Moore Markku Herd Jhael Ilias Michelle Collette Xor Jona Andy Collette Dirk Van Zandt James Baldwin

===Lieutenant Commander Mittal, Chief Engineering Officer===
*played by Kevin Thigpen
*updated 180804

Name: Mittal son of Keo'gh
Gender: Male
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Age: 59
Hair: Grey, well kept (for a Klingon)
Eyes: Black
Height: 6'3"
Birthplace: Caplan, Klingon Confederation Space
Current Post: Sector 001: Sabbatical
Parents: Keo'gh (father, deceased, KIA First Battle of Vulcanis - Dominion War)
Raina (mother, deceased, killed during brief Klingon Civil War)
Siblings: None

Mittal is elderly from a Klingon perspective, but he remains in
excellent physical condition (the typical life span of a Klingon
barring a sudden, violent death which is normal for the species, is
150 years).  Despite his many tours of duty with Starfleet and earlier
tours with the Imperial Klingon Defense Force, he continues to
maintain a high level of physical activity.

Age of officer: Description of Service

0-15 years of age: Born and resided on Caplan, 15 light years from
Klingon homeworld.  Only child to Keo'gh and Raina of the House of

15-17 years of age: Served as crewman engineer for Imperial Klingon
Defense Force during brief hostilities against the Federation.  His
ship was destroyed during an attack against Deep Space Nine and he was
captured by Starfleet.  Interrogated and tried for war crimes against
the Federation along with surviving senior officers of his ship.
Charges were dismissed due to his cooperation with Starfleet for
several covert ops into Klingon space exposing Changeling presence in
Klingon High Command.

17-24 years of age: After dismissal of charges gained admission to
Sacramento Interplanetary University on Earth, where he obtained a
degree in Bioneural Chemistry and a minor in Biological
Nanotechnology.  Accepted into engineering school at Carnegie Mellon
and obtained PhD in Advanced Spaceframe Design.  During this time he
participated in the re-design group for updates to the DEFIANT Class
Spaceframe.  Four years later, he obtained a second PhD in Warp
Propulsion Theory, becoming one of the first Klingons to ever
officially obtain a double PhD from a Federation accredited program.
Later married a Human female, Natasha Provokova.

24-39 years of age: Placed in accelerated program for Starfleet
training.  Admitted to the Academy and graduated top 10% of class.
Recruited into Starfleet Engineering Corps to participate in research
on enhancements to Starfleet vessels.  Granted Starfleet commission of
full Lieutenant for duration of several starship missions.  Natasha,
Mittal's wife, gave birth their first son, Mark Mittal.

39-50 years of age: Served onboard the USS TOLEDO as Chief Engineer.
Transferred to USS MCDERMOTT after destruction of the TOLEDO.  When
the MCDERMOTT was decommissioned, Mittal was transferred back to
Starfleet Engineering Corps.  Natasha and Mark were en route to visit
Mark's paternal grandmother, Raina on Varadian Five, when a brief
Klingon Civil War erupted.  The transport carrying them was attacked
and destroyed by Klingon forces.  Mittal's mother was killed on
Varadian Five with biological weapons days later.

50-58 years of age: Served as a Deputy Director of Alternative
Propulstion Technologies - a subdivision of Utopia Planetia Shipyards
and participated in several covert operations jointly conducted with

59 years of age: Took a sabbatical from Starfleet to conduct personal
research at his alma mater, Carnegie Mellon.  Founded scholarship fund
for non-Terran applicants to Starfleet Engineering programs.
Requested, against his own desires, to return to active Starfleet
duty.  Not one to shirk duty, Mittal accepted the request to return to
active duty.

Mittal is elderly from a Klingon perspective, and has a tremendous
amount of life experiences to offer.  Not that his unusually talkative
for a Klingon.  Fortunately, his quiet nature is matched only by his
generosity, something Mittal espouses is true of all 'old' Klingons.

15-17 years of age:
Mittal served on the Klingon ship the MALEVOLENT during brief
hostilities against DEEP SPACE NINE and the Federation.  His ship was
destroyed by the arrival of a Federation fleet and he and his fellow
crewmates were captured.  While he served only as a assistant to the
ship's CEO (a lowly position on most Klingon ships), he was still
tried for war crimes against the Federation and convicted.  Before he
could serve time in a Federation prison, he was asked by Starfleet
Intelligence to participate in several covert operations to expose
Dominion influences in the Klingon High Command.  Realizing how the
warlike nature of his people would lead to their eventual destruction
as a species, Mittal chose to assist.  His exemplary work during these
missions established that he was no longer a young, brutish child, but
a very intelligent, capable individual, able to perform extremely well
under harsh conditions and pressure.

17-24 years of age:
Upon returning to the Sol sector, having obtained honor among his
people for assisting in the exposure of elements in the Klingon High
Command that were not Klingon, Mittal chose to attend the Sacramento
Interplanetary University and embark on a career that ran counter to
his upbringing as a warrior.  He quickly found that engineering was
his calling.  He became the first Klingon to ever obtain a double PhD
and married the love of his life Natasha Provokova.

During this time, Mittal's father, still active in the Klingon
military was killed by Dominion forces in the First Battle of
Vulcanis.  His wing of Klingon ships assisted the beleaguered Fifth
fleet in the protection of the Vulcan homeworld from Dominion forces.

24-39 years of age:
Soon, his first and only child, Mark was born.  In addition, Mittal
was recruited heavily by Starfleet for his graduate and post-doctoral
research on spaceframe designs.  With increasing Dominion incursions,
Mittal's numerous publications and extensive presence in the field
mandated that they seek him out to do research on how to combat the
threats posed by the aggressive Dominion.  With Starfleet so focused
on winning the war against the Dominion during this time, some
elements in Starfleet Command felt it critical to build ships designed
for war.  Mittal, using his exceptional knowledge of Spaceframe design
readily agreed, assisting in the final construction of new spaceframe
designs and updates to the DEFIANT class spaceframe.  His work later
laid the foundation for incorporating hull enhancements to Starfleet
vessels throughout the fleet as well as the design for armored

39-50 years of age:
Mittal, was soon asked to serve on the USS TOLEDO as CEO.  Accepting
the position, he soon found himself traveling from planet to planet
testing and maintaining the high tech engines of the newly created
SOVEREIGN class vessel (of which Mittal had helped design).  During
one of these routine stops on a planet to conduct research, the TOLEDO
was ambushed by Dominion remants in the Alpha quadrant and destroyed,
despite putting up a protracted fight of over 5 hours against
overwhelming odds.

Fortunately, the crew of the TOLEDO were soon rescued by nearby
Federation patrol ships and Mittal was re-assigned to the USS
MCDERMOTT.  He served on this ship until she was decommissioned nine
years later.  During this time frame, Mittal also lost both his wife
and only son during a brief Klingon Civil War.  Natasha and Mark were
en route to visit Mittal's mother on Varadian Five, a planet in
Klingon space, when their transport was intercepted and destroyed by
radical elements in the Klingon Empire.  Days later, Varadian Five was
hit by biological weapons from this same radical element, which
resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, including Mittal's

50-58 years of age:
With so much death surrounding him, Mittal choses to take a position
at Utopia Planetia, away from service on a ship.  He quickly rose
through the ranks, becoming the Deputy Director of a division within
the organization.  During this time, he also participated in several
joint covert missions with Starfleet, specifically the USS ALPINE
where he and another officer, the XO from the ALPINE, Lieutenant
Commander Kurt 'Coop' Cooper, acted with distinction to ensure the
complete success of two very high level missions.

59 years of age:
Mittal decides to take a sabbatical from Starfleet to weigh whether or
not he wishes to continue his career or take that big leap into
retirement his peers have advised him to do.  Having amassed some
considerable wealth from his de-classified research projects, he
creates a recommendation and testing program for non-Terran applicants
who possess innate talents in the engineering field to apply for
admission to Starfleet Academy.

Mittal is quiet, introspective and has a fondness for Terran hard
liquor.  His many years of life experiences do not, as many would
think, lead him to reminiscence about the 'old times'.  Instead, he is
the kind of engineer who focuses on the task at hand rather than
thinking about the past.  A consummate mechanic, despite his age, he
posses consummate skill at repairing any kind of equipment.  His
extensive experiences enable him to unravel the complex nature of
devices and gain immediate insight in how to repair them.  His
engineering background is the perfect mix of theory and practical
experience topped with the salt of wisdom.